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Office of Information Technology Services

Project Portfol io Management Tool

Change Request Guidelines

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Table of Contents

1 Document History................................................................................................................... 22 Purpose.................................................................................................................................... 33 Change Request Criteria......................................................................................................... 3

3.1 Projects With Total Investment Greater Than $500,000................................................ 33.2 Projects With Total Investment Less Than $500,000..................................................... 3

4 Change Request Process......................................................................................................... 44.1 Budget Changes.............................................................................................................. 44.2 Scope Changes.............................................................................................................. 124.3 Schedule Changes......................................................................................................... 13

5 Procedure for Entering a Budget Change Request into the PPM Tool................................. 14

1 Document History

Revision History

Revision #  Revision Date Description of Change Author 1.0 06/10/2008 Initial Document B. Swartz1.1 12/31/2008 Updated Project Sponsor Approval

requirements based on approvedChange Request.

B. Swartz

1.2 01/29/2009 Updated information on ChangeRequests during Gate Approval. B. Swartz

1.3 4/08/2009 Added information on updating ProjectInfo tab after Change Request isapproved.

B. Swartz

1.4 02/16/2010 Allow for EPMO Director to be FPOC forBudget Change Requests

 J . Stewart

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2 Purpose

 This document has been created to assist users of the Project Portfolio Management(PPM) tool with understanding the criteria and process for change requests as wellas the rules for entering change requests into the Project Portfolio Management

(PPM) tool.

3 Change Request Criteria

3.1 Projects With Total Investment Greater Than $500,000 The process described in Section 4 should be followed when projects over $500,000have material changes to the budget, scope and/or schedule.

3.1.1 Planning and Design PhaseDuring the Planning & Design phase, the Change Request process includes greater

than 5% changes to the budget or significant changes to scope and/or schedule of the Planning & Design phase itself. Adjustments to cost should be made within thechange request cost breakdown tab in the form of delta adjustments.

Changes to later phases identified during Planning and Design do not require aChange Request as the later phases have not been baselined. Budget and forecastcost changes to later phases can be documented on the budget and forecast costtabs. At Gate Approval, the budget changes will be reviewed and approved as partof the State Approval Process.

3.1.2 Execution and Build or Implementation Phase or O & M

During the Execution and Build phase or the Implementation phase, the ChangeRequest process includes greater than 5% changes to the phase budget orsignificant changes to scope and/or schedule. Changes to the O & M budget arealso included. Adjustments to cost should be made within the change request costbreakdown tab in the form of delta adjustments.

3.2 Projects With Total Investment Less Than $500,000For projects under $500,000, a change request is not required unless the changepushes the total cost of the investment over $500K. If the change request takes theproject over $500K, the “Project Range” attribute on the Project Info tab must beupdated to reflect the new dollar range of the project. The project will move back to

the Initiation phase and go through the normal approval process for a new project. This is required because the project range controls the workflow which the projectmust follow.

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Change Request Criteria


Is projectgreater that$500,000?

Would ChangeRequest PushProject over$500,000?


Update ProjectRange in PPM Tool to Move

Project Back toInitiation Phase

Y es

No ActionRequired


Greater Than5% Change toPhase Budget?

Enter ChangeRequest in PPM


Planning andDesign Phase?

Execution &Build or

ImplementationPhase orO&M?



SignificantScope orScheduleChange?

Attach AgencyApproval

Document to DocMgmt tab




No ActionRequired


Greater Than

5% Change toP&D Phase


Attach AgencyApproval

Document to DocMgmt tab



Scope orScheduleChange to


NoChanges toP & D Phase


Enter Later PhaseChanges on

Appropriate PPM Tool tab(Budget orSchedule)





4 Change Request Process

4.1 Budget ChangesIf the cost of the Planning and Design, Execution and Build or Implementation phaseor Operations and Maintenance will exceed the SCIO approved budget by more than5%, a PPM tool “Change Request” is required to obtain EPMO Director or OSBMapproval. Budget changes should be approved by the agency CFO/CIO and projectsponsor before being entered into the tool. If the Change Request is for increasedfunds, the agency approval document must state the source of the new funds andthe fund code. The agency approval document may be an e-mail, memorandum,

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agency change review board meeting approval or any document that shows agencyapproval of the change. While a signed document is not required, the approvalauthority must be the project sponsor, agency CIO or agency CFO. Approval from adesignee is acceptable if the delegation is documented in the project’s ChangeManagement Plan. Once approved at the agency level, the agency-approved

change request document must be attached to the Document Management tab inthe PPM tool. The file name for the agency approval document as it appears in theDocument Management tab must be included in the Change Request Descriptionfield. If the agency approval document is not attached, the change request will berejected.

If the Change Request will result in a dollar change to the current month, theChange Request should be entered into the PPM Tool early enough in the month sothat it is approved prior to the submission of the Monthly Status Report. If a changerequest is pending and it has dollars that affect the current month, do not submitstatus reports for impacted months until the EPMO Director or OSBM

approves/rejects. If you are ready to submit for gate approval and are concernedabout late status reports, request permission to submit a corrective action plan tocatch-up on status reports after the EPMO Director or OSBM makes a decision onthe pending CR.

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4.1.1 Change Request Timeframe Decisions

Projects $500,000 and above must have a change request for budget changes > 5%of the project phase. It is best to have the change request entered and approvedbefore the status report is due. If the change request has not been approved and thecost impacts the month the status report is due, the status report cannot be doneuntil the change request is processed. This could result in a “yellow” jellybean forstatus reporting.

If the change request does not impact the month the status report is due, then thestatus report can be assessed by QA. This may result in a “yellow” or “red” jellybeanin phase cost if the project is over budget for the phase and the change request hasnot been processed.

OSBM typically will not approve retroactive change requests. Approving budgets thathave already been spent does not follow the process.

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Change Request for Greater Than 5% Budget Change to a Project Over $500,000


4.1.2 Submit Change Request in PPM Tool The Project Manager enters the change request by going to the “Project Info” tab for

his/her project (in edit mode) and clicking on the “Change Request” link near the topof the window. (See Section 5: Checklist for Entering a Budget Change Requestinto the PPM Tool) 

1. Click on the “Add Change Request” tab.2. Enter Change Request Name3. Enter Change Request Description. The description should explain the

rationale for the change request in sufficient detail for the approver tomake a decision. Any impact to the benefits estimate should be included.Changes to scope and schedule related to this Change Request should bedocumented. The file name for the agency approval document as itappears in the Document Management tab must also be included.

4. For “owner”, select the appropriate name from the dropdown list.5. For “approver”, by default the approver will be the EPMO Director.6. Choose the appropriate cost center for the source of the funds.7. Click the “Add” button at the bottom of the screen to create the change


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8. A “Cost Breakdown” tab will now appear on the change request screen.Select the Cost Breakdown tab. Select Level 4 from the dropdown list.Enter the amount of the budget request in the appropriate fields for theappropriate months. These amounts should ONLY include the differencebetween the previously approved budget and the new total amount, NOT the entire amount of the project. (It is possible for these numbers to benegative.)

9. Click the “Update” button. 

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Change Request Guidelines V1.4 doc Page 9 of 15 02/24/2010 See Final Result of Cost Breakdown Tab Entries Prior to SubmissionIn order to see the impact of data entered on the change request cost breakdowntab, users who are proficient with Excel may want to copy and paste the changerequest cost breakdown tab data along with current budget cost tab data and costforecast tab data into Excel to determine what the final result would be afterapproval. If you are not comfortable with Excel, contact the PPM tool support teamfor assistance. Special Instructions for Budget Changes for the Planning and DesignPhase

For Change Requests entered for Planning and Design dollars in the Planning andDesign Phase, the requested dollar amounts (positive or negative) must be enteredinto the Cost Breakdown tab of the Change Request. Account for Budget and Actual Differences from Previous MonthsChange request budget amounts in the “Cost Breakdown” tab can only be made forthe current month forward, not for previous months. If a change request is beingmade to account for differences between the budget and actuals for previousmonths, put that amount (positive or negative) in the current month in the cost

breakdown tab (at level 4). While this may significantly throw off the revised budgetamount for the current month, the total cost revised budget will be correct for eachphase of the project, which is what is used by the EPMO QA group when assessingthe project. No additional data entry is required. When this change request isapproved (see steps 2 and 3 below), it will also temporarily throw off the totals forthe “cost forecast” in the Cost Tracking tab (specifically because the cost forecast forprevious months already matches the actuals, and now it is being offset byautomatically adding this budget adjustment, which effectively double counts this

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adjustment (positively or negatively)). However, this will be remedied as soon asactuals are entered in the Cost Tracking tab for this month, overwriting the value inthe cost forecast for this month and correcting the overstated amount for the CostForecast (be sure to enter (or re-enter) your actuals for the month AFTER thechange request is approved). The Cost Tracking tab will also reflect the original

budget, approved change requests and revised budget.

4.1.3 Change Request Notif icationWhen the user clicks ADD at the bottom of the Change Request screen, by defaultthe EPMO Director will receive an email alerting him/her that a change request wassubmitted. It is suggested that the Project Manager send a follow-up e-mail tothe EPMO Director when the change request is complete and ready for review.  The EPMO Director logs onto the tool, edits the project, reviews and vets the changerequest (including the description and cost breakdown tab). Then eitherapproves/rejects the Change Request or determines if the Change Request requiresOSBM approval. If the Change Request needs to be reviewed by OSBM, the EPMO

Director will ensure that all necessary information is present for OSBM to understandthe change. This may result in a meeting with the PM to discuss the change.Approvals should generally be completed within seven (7) calendar days of receivingthe email notification that the change request is ready for review.

Examples of Change Requests that can be approved by the EPMO Director are:1. Change Requests that are needed to correct a mistake made by the PM.2. Increases in internal resource costs.3. Other criteria may be added as more requests are reviewed by the EPMO


NOTE: If you save the Change Request before it is ready for review, send ane-mail to the EPMO Director and your PMA letting them know that it is notready for review. Send a second e-mail when the Change Request is ready for review.

4.1.4 Update Status Tab in PPM ToolIf (and only if) the change is approved, the budget amount shows up in the “Cost Tracking” tab under the “Change Request” section and is included in the “RevisedBudget” for that tab (and the actual and forecast variances will be against therevised budget amounts). The Cost Forecast is increased by the amount of the CostBreakdown in the change request for the appropriate months. The details of the

change will continue to be available under the “Change Request” link on the ProjectInfo tab. The Budget Cost tab continues to contain the original budget costs and willNOT contain the change request costs.

Before the next status report is submitted, the project manager should update theStatus tab to:

1. Adjust the “Total Approved Phase Budget Dollars”, “Total Approved PhaseHours” and “Total Phase Estimate Hours” for the appropriate phases with

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any changes that occur as a result of this change request (the “Estimate toComplete Phase Dollars” will be automatically calculated as a result of theCost Forecast fields update).

2. Include comments in the Cost “indicator comments” field explaining the

changes in budget so that the EPMO QA group understands the reasonfor the changes in that area.

Tab Attr ibutes UpdatedProject Info After change request is approved:

If the approved Change Request raises the TCO from < $3M to >$3M, you must change theproject range. The project will return to theInitiation phase. Contact your PMA or the toolsupport group to resolve this.

If your TCO was under $10M and the approvedChange Request raises the TCO to > $10M,you will be required to produce an alternativesanalysis for review and approval.

Cost Tracking After change request is approved:

Change Request columns updated

Revised Budget columns updated

Cost Forecast columns updatedStatus After change request is approved:

“Estimate to Complete Phase Dollars” isupdated

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Phase Variance Percentage Dollars is adjusted

Manually Update:

Total Approved Phase Budget Dollars

Total Approved Phase Hours

Total Phase Estimate Hours “Cost” Indicator Comment

Document Management Attach Agency Approved Change Request

4.2 Scope ChangesScope Changes must be approved at the agency level by the project sponsor beforebeing entered into the tool. Once approved by the project sponsor, the ProjectManager should update the following information in the tool and notify the ITSassigned Project Management Advisor (PMA) of the changes:

Tab Attr ibutes UpdatedProject Info Project Goals

Project Deliverables Items Out of Scope

Proposed Strategy

High Level Assumptions and ConstraintsStatus Business Functional Requirements (Scope)

“Scope” Indicator CommentSchedule MilestonesDocument Management Attach Agency Approved Change Request

  Project Info Tab:o Change the appropriate information in the Project Info tab (such as Project

Goals, Project Deliverables, Items Out of Scope, Proposed Strategy, HighLevel Assumptions and Constraints).

  Status Tab:o Update the “Business Functional Requirements (Scope)” section with the

number of changes to the business functional requirements. o Add a comment in the “Indicator Comment” for the “Scope” indicator

explaining that the project scope was modified and approved at an agencylevel so that the Enterprise Project Management Office Quality Assurance(EPMO QA) group understands the reason for the changes in that area. 

  Schedule Tab:o Add or delete any relevant milestones. 

  Document Management Tab:o An agency-approved change request document must be attached to the

Document Management tab in the PPM tool once appropriate approvals havebeen obtained. The document may be an e-mail, memorandum, agencychange review board meeting approval or any document that shows agency

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approval of the change in scope. While a signed document is not required,the approval authority must be the project sponsor, agency CIO or agencyPMO Director. Approval from a designee is acceptable if the delegation isdocumented in the project’s Change Management Plan. 

4.3 Schedule ChangesSchedule Changes must be approved at the agency level by the project sponsorbefore being entered into the tool. Once approved by the project sponsor, theProject Manager should update the following information in the tool and notify thePMA of the changes:

Tab Attr ibutes UpdatedProject Info End DateSchedule Actual percent complete

Milestones/Phases Forecast datesStatus “Milestone” Indicator Comment

Document Management Attach Agency Approved Change Request

  Project Info Tab:o Edit “End Date” if required. 

  Schedule Tab:o Update the “Actual” percent complete for the entire project or a given phase

(may actually decrease if the schedule increased). o Update the “forecast” dates for the appropriate phases and milestones. (The

“planned” dates should always contain the original approved plannedstart/end dates and the “forecast” dates should always contain the latestapproved revised planned dates). 

  Status Tab:o Add a comment in the “Indicator Comment” for the “Milestone” indicator

explaining that the project schedule was modified and approved at an agencylevel so that the EPMO QA group understands the reason for the changes inthat area. 

  Document Management Tab:o An agency-approved change request document must be attached to the

Document Management tab in the PPM tool once appropriate approvals havebeen obtained. The document may be an e-mail, memorandum, agencychange review board meeting approval or any document that shows agencyapproval of the change in schedule. While a signed document is not required,the approval authority must be the project sponsor, agency CIO or agencyPMO Director. Approval from a designee is acceptable if the delegation isdocumented in the project’s Change Management Plan. 

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5 Procedure for Entering a Budget Change Request

into the PPM Tool

Project Portfol io Management (PPM)Tool

Log on to the State of North Carolina Project Portfolio Management Tool at 

Project Info tab:

On the “Project Info” tab for the project (in edit mode), click on the “Change Request” link nearthe top of the window.

Note: An e-mail is automatically sent to the EPMO Director when you click the Add tab at thebottom of the Add Change Request screen. It is recommended that you not begin to enter theChange Request until you have the required financial data. If you save the Change Requestbefore it is ready for review, send an e-mail to the EPMO Director and your PMA letting themknow that it is not ready for review. Send a second e-mail when the Change Request is ready forreview.

Change Request tab:

  Change Request List displays.

  Click on the “Add Change Request” tab.

  Enter Change Request Description. The description should explain the rationale for thechange request in sufficient detail for the approver to make a decision. Any impact to thebenefits estimate should be included. Changes to scope and schedule related to this Change

Request should be documented. The file name for the agency approval document as itappears in the Document Management tab must also be included.

  Author is the person entering the Change Request.

  For “owner”, select the appropriate name from the dropdown list.

  For “approver”, the default will be the EPMO Director. Do not change.

  Choose the appropriate cost center for the source of the funds. Only one source of funds canbe selected. Benefits should NEVER be selected.

  Click on the “Add” button at the bottom of the screen to create the change request.

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   The Cost Breakdown tab will now display on the change request screen.  Select the Cost Breakdown tab.

   The Cost Breakdown screen displays. Select Level 4 from the dropdown list.  The first month displayed in the Change Request “Cost Breakdown” tab is the month inwhich the Change Request was entered. The last month you see in the “Cost Breakdown” isbased on the “Actual End Date” in the Schedule tab plus the number of months in the“Capitalization Period” (60). The Actual End Date on the Schedule tab is the same as thelatest Phase Planned End Date.

  Enter the amount of the budget request in the appropriate fields for the appropriate months.  The amounts shouldONLY include the difference between the previously approved budgetand the new total amount, NOT the entire amount of the project. (It is possible for thesenumbers to be negative.) If a change request is being made to account for differencesbetween the budget and actuals for previous months, put that amount (positive or negative)in the current month in the cost breakdown tab (at level 4). Enter the total amount (priormonth(s) change request amount plus amount for the current calendar month, if any) in thecurrent calendar month cell on the Cost Breakdown tab. 

  When finished, click “Update”  Send an e-mail to the EPMO Director and your PMA letting them know that the Change

Request is ready for review.

NOTE: When the Change Request isapproved:1.   The Cost Tracking tab will display the original budget, all approved change requests

and the revised budget.2.  All dollars in the Change Request Cost Breakdown tab are distributed to the same

month and level on the Cost Forecast tab. If any amounts in the Change Requestwere to adjust for months with completed status reports, the Total Forecast will beoverstated or understated. Estimate to Complete will be correct because ETC isonly looking at future months.

Status tab:

When the Change Request isapproved, prior to submitting the next status report, the projectmanager should update theStatus tab to:

1.  Adjust the “Total Approved Phase Budget Dollars”, “Total Approved Phase Hours”and “Total Phase Estimate Hours” for the appropriate phases with any changes thatoccur as a result of this change request (the “Estimate to Complete Phase Dollars”will be automatically calculated as a result of the Cost Forecast fields update).

2.  Include comments in the Cost “indicator comments” field explaining the changes inbudget so that the EPMO QA group understands the reason for the changes in thatarea.