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Stop Worrying About Tomorrow Find out how you can experience an Extreme Home Makeover Loud and Clear: Young adults open up about this generation Let’s Make a Deal



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Executive PublishersKevin Gerald Sheila Gerald

PublisherJodi Gerald-Cameron

Senior Editor Hannah Cheshier

Senior Project ManagerJen Kling

Art Director Sandy Roberts, Rusty George Creative

Marketing & CommunicationsTinia Nelson

Contributing EditorsMark StewartRaelynn Poulin

Contributing PhotographyJ. Hobson Photography

Contributing Graphic DesignVenessa KoehnMickey Elliott

Contributing WritersKevin GeraldTerry Crist

Mark StewartJackie Jones

Jodi Gerald-CameronSue Kahawaii

Felix and Juliet KhumaloAbbie Buck

DistributionKim Ludwick

ProducerChampion Life Magazine is published by Kevin

Gerald Communications (KGC). KGC is a department of Champions Centre in Tacoma | Bellevue, WA a non-profit organization.

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1819 E. 72nd St. Tacoma, WA 98404

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Printed by Capitol City Press

“Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps

you make a living; the other helps you make a life.”

- Sandra Carey

“Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach

a righteous man and he will add to his learning.”

- Proverbs 9:9


Champion Life Magazine purposes to equip people to live successful Christian lives.








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LIFEOLOGY by Kevin Gerald


OPEN MICInterview by Jodi Gerald-Cameron





WINTER 2009 1

If you and I are going to experience the life and purpose that God is calling us to live, wisdom is our invaluable resource. It’s more than just accumulated knowledge, years of experience and sound understanding–it’s the discretion and insight to apply these things. The great news is that wisdom is not some far off, mystical sensation reserved for ancient sages. God makes it available to all of us and all we need to do is ask ( James 1:5).

In Lifeolog y (page 4), I want to help you see that wisdom begins with recognizing that God’s will is not simply whatever happens in life. God has given us the incredible ability to choose, and even though He has great plans for our lives, He doesn’t force them on us. We must choose to partner with Him.

What’s the difference between a house makeover and a home makeover? People. If you’re ready to see some changes happen with the relationships in your life, don’t miss Designer Families from my friend Terry Crist (page 9). He’ll share some real, life-tested wisdom for building strong relationships at home, church and work.

If you’re like me, you’ve noticed that the young adults of this generation have a lot to say about life. In Open Mic (page 14), Jodi got together with a handful of young adults to talk about some of the issues that the Millennials are facing today, and when you read their feedback, you may be surprised to find out that age isn’t a prerequisite for wisdom.

God has great things for you in this season of your life. As you take some time to read this issue of Champion Life Magazine, I hope you’ll be inspired to seek God’s wisdom in all aspects of your life!

“He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers.”

- Proverbs 19:8

Let’s Talk

WINTER 2009 3

Matthew 9:29 tells us, “


to your faith will it

be done

to you.” You can have s


right in your heart, b

ut wrong

in your mind and no am


of good intentions or


motives will compensat

e for

self-sabotaging belief

s. Do you

think you got the shor

t end of

the stick? Do you beli

eve you

have insurmountable ad


Do you wonder whether


are a chump or a champ

? Are

you strong or weak? Yo

ur most

dominant beliefs alway

s win.

Partner with God and b


that you are who God s


you are and believe th

at He

loves you and wants Hi

s best

for your life. This is

key to

create the life God wa

nts you

and me to live!

1. Belief

3. The seed you sow

In planting season, a farmer

doesn’t just toss any seed int


the ground. The seed he plants


determined by the crop he desi


This is where the Seed Eleme


comes into play in shaping o


lives. In the same way that t


farmer recognizes that his har


is inside those small seeds, w


need to plant “seeds” based on


harvest we desire in our lives

. We

know that the farmer needs to


apple seeds if he wants a crop


apples. If you desire a financi


2. Relationships

Another factor that impacts our future is the Relationship Element. When I board an aircraft to take me to another city, there are teams of people who are involved in my journey. There are members of the security team who keep me safe. There are the pilots I trust to be competent and qualified to get me to my destination. There are the flight attendants, who make the journey comfortable and more enjoyable. This team helps me get to where I want to go. My journey is better, safer and complete because of these people. In the same way, your life’s journey will involve a team of God-assigned connections. I want to encourage you to evaluate the relationships in your life, take the initiative to surround yourself with people who will help you get to the places that God destined for you to go.

harvest in your life, then

partner with God and plant

seeds of spending responsibly

and giving generously. If you

desire love and kindness in

your life, plant seeds of love

and kindness in the lives of

others. Think about what you

want as a harvest and don’t

just toss any seed into the

ground. The harvest that you

get will be a result of the

seeds you sow.


The Seed You Sow





It’s something we all have in common. We’re curious about the future, wondering, “What’s going to happen in my life tomorrow, next week and next year?” It’s human nature to think, analyze, and study life. Sometimes the conclusion of that study is to worry about the future. Today, there are so many negative messages bombarding us through the media. People are worried about paying the mortgage, putting food on the table, whether or not they will have a job tomorrow, putting their children through college, retirement and caring for their families. These are real concerns of life, but I’m convinced simply worrying about what’s going to happen tomorrow won’t change the outcome.

Many people assume that the future is a mystery that we have little or no control over. Some view themselves as victims of fate, dependant on the next lucky break. They sing a powerless mantra of Qué Será, Será and plod through life. For believers, the powerless motto changes just slightly. They declare that

“whatever happens is the will of God and the will of God is whatever happens.”

The truth is that God has given us the ability to choose. There are things that happen in life that are not the will of God, but happen because of our choices. God has a good plan for our lives, but He is not going to force it upon us. His involvement is subject to our choices. When we choose to take on an attitude of faith and believe God’s best for us, we are empowered. That’s what this whole Lifeology thing is all about – the study of our lives and how we live by them.

When I was in my late 20s, I recognized how quickly life passes by. I began giving serious thought to my future and I meditated on the ways that it was being formed. I realized that I had a part in my future if I viewed myself as partnering with God. At that point, I knew I had a God-given role in forming my future and that it was not based on “whatever happens.”

As I begin to study my life and the lives of successful people ahead of me, I discovered a number of factors at work that create the life we live. Here are a few of those factors that I found.

LifeologyBy Kevin Gerald


Kevin Gerald is the lead pastor of Champions Centre in Tacoma and Bellevue, WA. His book and message series, Forces That Form Your Future, are available at the Champions Centre Bookstore and online at

Champion Find: “Forces That Form Your Future”

6. Words

More than a sound, words are a creative force and an element in how our lives are formed. They have the power to bring blessing, healing, encouragement and wisdom or hurt, shame and discouragement. Words are a force for good or for evil, because Scripture tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Words change the course of history. The words of Abraham Lincoln and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pointed us toward the goal of justice and equality, and Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death’’ speech connected with his countrymen and rallied them to victory in the Revolutionary War.

How would your life be different if your words were more positive, uplifting and encouraging? Words have the power to bless or curse the future. The people you influence are counting on you to speak words of life, truth and hope.

4. Habits

There is another big element in the development of our lives: the Habit Element. The power of our success or failure is in what we do repeatedly. Great people have great habits. One does not become a coffee drinker because he drank one cup of coffee, or a smoker

because he smoked one cigarette, or a generous person because of one gift given. We improve our lives when we change our habits. Don’t put all your energy into getting rid of bad habits. Instead, focus on developing good habits to replace the bad ones. For example, giving compliments breaks the habit of being critical, eating healthy foods breaks the yearning for unhealthy foods, and paying attention to time breaks the habit of being late.

Consciously or unconsciously, feelings affect our lives in a powerful way. The Feelings Element is definitely a factor in your life. Colors, music, movies, weather and words all affect how we feel. How we feel impacts our moods and attitudes, which ultimately influences our lives. Our feelings are so subjective that we gravitate toward what makes us feel good, regardless of whether or not it’s actually good for our future. Marketers know this well, as they compel us to buy their products, visit their destinations or sign up for their services, all based on the emotional impact of their advertisements.

Use your feelings to your advantage. The Bible tells us to, “be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind (having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude),” (Ephesians 4:23, Amplified Version). Without renewal, our minds would automatically be drawn to feelings of self-pity, worry, sadness and anger.

5. Feelings

This is what I love about the future: We can do something about it. We can partner with God to live the lives He has called us to. These are just a few of the factors that impact our life. We don’t have to feel powerless, pessimistic or anxious about what lies ahead. It is never too late to decide that you’re going to take ownership of the choices you make in life. Know that God’s will is not just whatever happens, but that His desire is that you make the right choices to partner with Him and live life more abundantly.


What do you get when you put together one

very run down house, several opinionated

designers, and seven stress-filled days? The

answer is ABC’s hit show Extreme Makeover:

Home Edition. For the two remaining people

who haven’t seen the show, each episode begins

with Ty, the carpenter, shouting “Good Morning

Family!” through his ubiquitous megaphone

as he and the other designers surprise an

unsuspecting family with the news that their

Designer Families, Continued on page 12

home has been selected to receive a complete

makeover. They are whisked away an exciting

vacation and when they return, it’s to a brand

new world!

Judith and I love this show. There’s only one

problem I have with it. It’s somewhat misleading

because there is a world of difference between

an extreme house makeover and an extreme

home makeover.


WINTER 2009 9

431 2





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Dating the Church (2 CDs; DVD)There are a lot of professing Christians who like to date the Church, but “church dating” holds people back from the plans God has for their lives. The truth is that God loves the Church passionately and has a great purpose for the Church. The strongest argument for why we should love and care for the Church is simple: because Christ does.

Champion Life Magazine Sign up for a free subscription. Champion Life Magazine is a publication by Kevin Gerald Communications and will equip you to live a successful Christian life!

BOLD Men’s Conference ‘08 (4 CDs; DVD)This BOLD Men’s Conference Set includes powerful teachings from Pastors Keith Craft and Kevin Gerald. Relevant issues and healthy humor will equip you to face the challenges of the world today openly, honestly and confidently.

Fear Not, God Is (2 CDs; DVD)The question is: Are you living as if God is or as if God is not? There are approximately 365

“fear not’s” in the Bible-one for every day of the year. In this series, Kevin teaches who God is and why we can walk by faith instead of fear.

Mind Monsters (Book; 3 CDs; DVD)Mind Monsters come to steal your joy and peace, disrupt your relationships and rob your contentment in life. Kevin Gerald will show you how to stop those negative invaders of the mind that will throw you off course of God’s plan for your life.

Forces That Form Your Future (Book; 3 CDs)The will of God is not “whatever happens” and

“whatever happens” is not necessarily the will of God. There are nine forces at work in your life that are forming your future. In this powerful series, Kevin Gerald shows how you can choose to use these forces to your advantage and create opportunities of a lifetime.

Podcasting Check out Kevin Gerald’s FREE Podcast now available through iTunes. Search for “Kevin Gerald” or “Champions Centre” in the iTunes Store. Video streaming and MP3 downloads are also available on

Become a Better You (3 CDs; DVD)On a scale from 1 - 10, where do you see yourself? God didn’t create you to be average. You were created to excel! In this series, Kevin Gerald will teach from Joel Osteen’s book, Become A Better You. This teaching will inspire and motivate you to look deep inside yourself to become a better spouse, parent, boss or employee, leader and friend.

12 3 4 5 6



Go online to find a wealth of resources, including free wisdom tips from Kevin Gerald and mp3s of messages.


Champion Finds contact us



Several years ago, Judith and I invested a

considerable amount of energy into designing

our dream house. Because of our passion for the

great outdoors, we decided to purchase property

just outside the city limits and build a stately, fully

modernized, log and glass home. After months

of searching for the perfect home site, we finally

found it. Nestled high in a bay, overlooking a

picturesque lake, it was the ideal setting for

rural living. Once the property was located, we

selected the blueprints and began the process

of choosing cabinets, carpet, tile and roof color.

It came together in a beautiful presentation

that anyone would be delighted to live in. There

was just one problem. We never got around to

building it.

The same is true of many people, where

renovating their relationships is concerned. They

are unfulfilled and unsatisfied, but they never get

around to making the kind of changes in life that

produce results different from the ones they’re

accustomed to receiving.

The same is true of renovating a relationship. But

the time, money, patience, and perseverance we

have to invest in designing and developing our

relationships are well worth it.

With every house renovation, there is a process.

The following three statements serve as the basis

for making the necessary changes that it takes to

build healthy relationships in your home, in

your business, or even in your church.


Terry and Judith Crist are college sweethearts who have been married twenty-five years. They

have three amazing sons and a little Yorkie named “Frodo.” Together they pastor City of Grace,

a thriving multi-site church, with campuses in Scottsdale and Mesa, Arizona.



The reason I put this issue at the top of the list

is because if you are unwilling to make personal

changes, you might as well give up the idea of

building designer relationships.

Designer families are the result of people who have

stopped pointing fingers of accusation at others

and have decided to make the personal changes

that will make them a better spouse, parent, or

even a better friend. Healthy relationships are

always the result of healthy people who are

committed to serving others.

Now, most of us are naturally focused on making

sure that our own needs are met, so it takes an

intentional effort to focus on serving someone

else and meeting their needs. Often, when I

counsel families who are struggling to build

healthy homes, a lot of what they say comes

down to this: “My needs are not being met. My

husband/wife/child is not doing what they should

be doing, and so I’m not getting what I desire and

what I deserve.”

Do you want to hear something ironic? The more

you focus on getting your needs met, the less

fulfilled you’re going to be in life. And the more

you try to get someone else, such as a friend or

spouse, to meet your needs, the less satisfied

you’re going to be. Conversely, the more you

focus on serving others and meeting their

needs, the more you will find that your

own needs are being met.

This is one of those Kingdom principles that run

counter to the principles of this world. The world

lives by the philosophy of “ look out for number

one.” But the Bible teaches us that life is most

rewarding when we “bear one another’s burdens”

(Galatians 6:2) and “do unto others as you would

have them do unto us” (Matthew 7:12).

I once heard a funny story about a man who went

to see his doctor after having a mild heart attack.

The doctor took the man’s wife aside and told

her that her only hope of preventing another,

probably fatal, heart attack was to remove all

sources of stress in her husband’s life. The doctor

then proceeded to give the wife a list of things

she needed to do to reduce her husband’s stress

and keep him alive, including: making three home-

cooked meals every day, keeping the house

immaculate and never disagreeing with anything

he might say. As they left the office, the husband

asked his wife what the doctor said to her. The

wife thought carefully for a moment and then told

him, “The doctor said you’re going to die.”

Marriage is the most difficult and complex of all

human relationships and it requires patience, skill,

tact, emotional and spiritual growth. But, you can

design and build a great marriage if you are willing

to honestly assess your environment.



Families are falling apart in our generation at an

unprecedented rate because we have either

neglected or rejected the blueprints God gave us.

Instead of reviewing His master plan for building

our lives, we’ve sought advice from every other

imaginable source. We’ve attended the church of

Oprah and tried to apply the self-help principles

of pop-spirituality. We’ve sat at the feet of Dr. Phil

and tried to change our lives on the basis of sheer

willpower. We’ve said “amen” to Dr. Laura’s plan

for relationship building, and in some cases we’ve

even let Dr. Ruth influence us. But, we are still

struggling to make our relationships work.

To make matters worse, there is a raging debate

over the way a marriage should even be defined.

We live in an age of designer relationships formed

by the wrong designer – not the Master Designer.

The net result is that we are living in a generation

that has put the “ funk” back in dysfunctional!

I believe that one of the big problems with

marriage today is that we’ve lost a proper

understanding of what God intended for it to

be! We see it as a humanly devised institution

that we can enter and exit as we choose, but it’s

not. Marriage is divine in its origin, and since it

originates in the heart of God, it will only work

at its highest and best when it is resourced

by principles found in the Word of God. For

just one example, take a look at Proverbs 24:3

(GNB) as it teaches us, “Homes are built on

the foundation of wisdom and understanding.”

The Bible is the greatest blueprint

on building healthy relationships. It

contains the schematics to hotwire your

sex life, develop your communication

skills, enrich your emotions, and bring

out the best in the people around you.



There is no such thing as a “do-it-yourself home

renovation” or a “do-it-yourself marriage.”

Not only do we need the Master Architect’s

blueprints in order to know what we’re building

and why we’re building it, we also need a design

team to help us. A designer home is the product

of husbands, wives, and children working together

in synergy under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 127:1 (MSG) tells us, “If God doesn’t build

the house, the builders only build shacks.”

We also need the wise counsel of spiritual friends

who support our relationships with Biblical values.

The wrong counsel, believed and followed, can

destroy years of hard work in designing and

developing a relationship. So, find some close

friends with healthy relationships and ask them to

mentor you in areas that you are still developing in.

Finally, every relationship needs occasional

input from others who “have been there and

done that.” Sometimes that isn’t easy when we

feel the pressure to maintain a certain image.

That’s why the right relationship advice can

save you years of trial and error. We take our

automobiles in for an oil change every 3000

miles. We meticulously maintain our homes in

order to preserve their value. We make sure that

our children have had their annual checkup with

the local dentist. Why not put the same degree

of effort into our relationships? The payoff can

be more rewarding than you might imagine.

Designer Families, Continued


I heard a pastor once say “When you don’t think God is there, turn a chair towards you and there He is. It’s that real.” Often times when I don’t feel like He’s there, I literally imagine him walking or sitting next to me encouraging me to tell Him what is on my mind. This is not only a reminder, but also my accountability for talking to God. It’s important that we see God as active in our daily lives for just that reason: accountability. As a child, you wouldn’t steal from the cookie jar if mom was in the kitchen. Realizing that God is always there is a way to protect yourself from doing things you know you shouldn’t do, to help you acknowledge the things you shouldn’t have done, and a reminder to repent before the LORD for such things.

Let’s hear about friends and mentors from some of our panel. What are some characteristics that you look for when choosing friends?

When choosing close inner-circle type of friends, I look for shared core beliefs. I also look for friends who are relaxed and know how to have fun. I want friends who are open and honest with me. This means they tell me things I need to hear even if I don’t want to hear them.

Liz and I went through an 18 month period where we started hanging out with a new crowd because they were neighbors and we felt we could introduce them to God. Instead, we fell to the dark side and faded away from our Christian friends. This led to a very bad place and we have identified that our choice of who we spend time with is one of the most important choices we make for our family. People who love God like we do and have given up their lives for Him are our number one criteria. We look for people who live their lives with integrity and purpose and who we have things in common with.

I look for someone who shows themselves friendly and takes the time to acknowledge my name and invest time with me. They smile when they greet me and smile when they say goodbye to me. They pray for me and love to be around me.

Have you ever had a mentor in your life who greatly impacted you? What advice would you give a young adult who is looking for a good mentor?

I currently have a mentor who continually impacts my life! She has been my mentor in my relationships, finances, career and family. She challenges me, grows me and provides wisdom and advice where I can’t for myself. The best advice I can give to a young adult looking for









Express yourself. The Millennials

or Mosaics, as the teens and

young adults are often called these

days, are all about expressing

their opinions. With this in mind,

we’ve asked a few young adults

to answer some questions about

themselves and about their

perception of this generation.

a mentor is to find someone you want to grow up and be just like in more than just one aspect of life. If you want to be a millionaire, find a mentor whose finances are in order but also has managed to raise a great family and have a great walk with God. Also, and most importantly, pray about it. Ask God to open your eyes and heart to a mentor who is right for you as well as for you to have an accepting heart. God’s idea of a good mentor may not immediately be your idea of a good mentor.

I still have a mentor and we have been meeting for the past year and a half. It has been such a blessing. He is not only my mentor who I receive encouragement, prayer and advice from, he is also my close friend who I enjoy being around and just open up to. In looking for a mentor, look for someone that is not around your age, not a family member, and who is older than you. It should be someone who you can trust and open up to and share anything with. The mentor should be someone that constantly is there to build you up and not tear you down and has the time to instill their care and wisdom into you.

I think with close friends and mentors, it’s important to be choosy with who we allow to influence our lives the most. These are the people who we let into our inner circle of life and impact our decisions and ultimately our destiny. What about singlehood, marriage and family in general?

I met Julie at Champions Centre in 1998. We were friends for many years, but not necessarily close. Throughout high school and college our paths crossed multiple times. We ended up randomly meeting up again in January 2008 after not seeing each other for a few years. We knew we were going to get married very quickly in our dating relationship. We both shared the exact same core values that led us to marriage. A personal relationship with Jesus Christ was something that both of us placed extreme value on, as well as family… and we constantly have an incredible amount of fun together… And, I was totally attracted to her physically.

I never thought you could “just know,” but I was wrong!

I’m in a serious relationship—I met Luis in Wisdom For Life Leadership School! I knew Luis was the person I wanted to marry by first knowing what I wanted in a husband. We began developing a friendship and that was when I noticed the qualities in him that I wanted in a husband. Once we begin cultivating a dating relationship, those qualities multiplied. Oh…and he’s REALLY good looking (wink)!






Many people acknowledge God as the creator of the world, but believe that He’s not really involved in our everyday lives and the circumstances of our world. How do you think that this perception impacts how our generation approaches life?

Our generation tends to approach events, decisions, and relationships without including God. They tend to “do what feels good” in the moment and deal with the consequences later because life flows better according to their plans and they don’t feel accountable to a higher power. I think as Christians in this generation, it is our job to remind each other that God is big enough to see it all, yet intimate enough to care.

We live in a generation that puts all their faith in science and cannot grasp the things unseen. They have a hard time seeing how God can be active in their lives when they can’t see God.




JODI (26) works in full time young adults ministry in Tacoma and is married to Ryan. JACOB (25) is a mortgage advisor in Seattle, WA and is engaged to Julie. JULIE (23) directs Need-A-Break Services and is engaged to Jacob. LATASHA (23) is in full-time children’s ministry in Tacoma, WA. LIZ (31) is a full-time mom to two great kids and is married to Mike. MIKE (32) is a Chiropractor in Tacoma, WA and is married to Liz. NICK (20) is a sophomore at Pacific Lutheran University. PATRICK (19) is a university student and a drummer on Champions Centre’s worship team.


93% of Christians thought that believers should tithe, but 23% reported that they don’t person-ally tithe.

73% of participants spend three or more hours volunteering in their community.

88% of Christians who responded agreed that God is the all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect creator who rules the world today.

79% answered that their friendships are impor-tant or very important in their everyday lives.

Less than 8% of those who are currently married were virgins on their wedding night.

More than 88% of participants who have never been married have had sex.

More than half of the married participants met their spouse through a friend, family member or at church.

I think that the most difficult thing for singles is that thought that eventually surfaces when being around the opposite sex… “She could be the one.” The most rewarding thing is taking that thought and giving it to God. It’s then me trusting in God for my future wife and letting Him know all that I want her to be like.

Our generation has a lot of opinions about relationships when it comes to issues like living together and sex before marriage. Is it a grey issue? What would you say to people to encourage people to get God’s perspective on these issues?

God’s perspective on premarital sex and cohabitating before marriage is black and white. If we are searching for His perspective, that is what we will receive from Him. However, there is room for grace, allowing us to be forgiven and providing a fresh start for those who are truly seeking His will in this area of their lives.

I am one who did not make the right choice initially and then failed to fulfill this commitment when dating my wife. Although we tried, we made choices to put ourselves in situations that made it challenging to abstain. We would definitely go back if we could and make different choices. I would remind people that, if nothing else, the statistics show us that you put your marriage at a much larger risk if you live together before marriage.

I appreciate everyone’s openness and the answers we got through the surveys that hundreds of you participated in. Let’s move on now to the meaning or purpose in life and how your current job helps you accomplish it. What’s your life’s purpose? What would you say to a young person who is unsure of his/her purpose?

My life’s purpose is to spread the Word of God. I do this through my words, but much more importantly and more often through my actions. Every action I take brings me closer to God or takes me further away from Him. I want people to be able to look at my life and see God. Our ministry is wherever we are at. We don’t have to preach from the pulpit to fulfill the Great Commission. We just have to allow God’s light to shine through us in every situation.

My life’s purpose is to “encourage others and amplify their self-worth.” For someone

who is unsure of their life’s purpose, I would encourage them to find someone to help them discover it. I would also encourage them to dig deep and find the things they are most passionate about and derive their life’s purpose from those things –and spend time with God, mentors, and seek counsel.

My life’s purpose is to educate people about truth. Someone doesn’t need to be sure of what his or her occupation will be or who they will marry, but if they know God, they should purpose to let other people know who God is.

My life purpose is to help sick people turn their life around and be well. This includes educating them about the choices they make in regards to their health, but I also have the opportunity with everyone I interact with in my office to show God in me. This is my ministry as well as my career. My advice is to find something that you love and figure out how to have a career within it.











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My life’s assignment is to love Jesus Christ, and to love people the way Christ loves me. My life’s purpose is to worship the LORD in all that I do, especially through music. God has blessed me with the gift of drumming and I want to spend my life worshipping from behind the drums; not to be seen and heard by man, but to give honor and praise to God. Young people, discover what you’re good at and what you love – the gifts that God has given you. I truly believe that if there is a passion in your heart, and if you’re sold out for God, He will use you in whatever arena you choose.

Thank you so much to our panel for sharing some pieces of themselves with all of our readers and for everyone who took the time to participate in our My Generation survey. We saw a variety of responses to the different categories of questions we asked, but there was one thing that we saw consistently in every survey and every age group who participated: passion. Let’s take that passion and use it to bring us closer to God and to live the life He’s called us to!




Felix & Juliet Khumalo

Growing up, we always knew that God had a purpose and destiny for our lives. When I was 18 years old, my father passed away, and this left a financial burden on the family. It challenged me to live by faith and to trust God to meet my financial needs on a daily basis. I had to trust God for my education and He provided without fail. Even though I had an obstacle in front of me, I refused to be a victim of circumstances.

My wife and I came to the US about 20 years ago to further our education and that is when we began to face big challenges. Our biggest challenge in the US was financial. The funds we had brought from home got exhausted after a couple of years since we were not permitted to work in the states. Yet in the midst of all of this, I was able to graduate from Azusa University School of Business, achieving one of my goals.

However, one thing we knew through all this was that obstacles cause us to grow and are instrumental in fulfilling our destiny. We always reminded each other that our lives would not always be characterized by lack. This was just a phase in our journey. We were always hopeful and believed God for a better tomorrow.

A few factors that helped us overcome our obstacles:

• Our faith in God was the main thing that was instrumental in our ability to overcome difficult times. We never doubted God’s faithfulness, never doubted His ability to bring us through and never, ever became bitter towards Him even when it looked like we were getting more than our fair share of tough times.

• Our focus, determination and passion for what we wanted to accomplish in life.

• Our belief that “tough times don’t last but tough people do” always kept things in perspective for us.

• Our refusal to give up made us see obstacles as stepping stones to our destiny. Giving up has never been an option or consideration in our lives.

• We live a life of continuous gratitude, choosing to focus on the positive in our lives.

As an expression of God’s goodness in our lives, in 2000, we started a non-profit organization. It is designed to add value and invest in the future of some young lives in need in Zimbabwe by providing financial assistance for their education. We started by sponsoring one child and today, our foundation sponsors 21 students.

When we look back, we consider it a privilege to have been in a position of trusting God in the midst of tough times. Even though we went through these difficult times, we have learned more, changed more and believed God more as a result of each obstacle we encountered. We have learned to embrace the seasons of change in our lives.


Born in Zimbabwe, Felix and Juliet moved to the US in the ‘80s to pursue their studies. Felix works for Microsoft as a business manager while Juliet works for a large financial services company as a registered associate. They are parents to two wonderful children, Denise and Caleb

As a couple that is passionate to serve God, they have been involved in different capacities in the ministry. Felix is a passionate teacher and Juliet’s

heart is in bettering the lives of disadvantaged children. With a great sense of gratitude towards God for His faithfulness in their lives, they founded a non-profit organization in 2000 in order to help disadvantaged children in Zimbabwe go to school. Currently, their non-profit organization sponsors 24 children who range in ages from primary to college. Central to what they do is the belief that they “must be the change they want to see in the world.”

Real Life Champions

Felix and Juliet are making a difference in the lives of kids on the other side of the world.

The Khumalo Family


miraculous “The invariable mark of wisdom

is to see the in the common.” - Ralph Wal do Emerson

Rolls Royce or Donkey?


In the 1970s, there was a game show called Let’s Make A Deal. The contestants would receive a prize, and then they would be given the option to either keep their prize or trade it for a mystery behind a door. The items behind the doors might be great prizes or worthless junk. Maybe one door concealed a donkey and one hid a new car. Now, imagine if they showed the contestant what was behind every door, and the contestant still chose the donkey. As crazy as it sounds, that’s what people do every day when they do not choose to have a good attitude. They could have had a Rolls Royce life, but instead they choose a donkey life.

Attitude is everything. It’s something we learn – just like we might study and train to learn a new skill or trade. Since attitudes are expressed by our body language and words, they are contagious to those around us. When the Apostle Paul wrote, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5), he was telling us we can catch hold of a new attitude. Believe it or not, our attitude does not automatically improve when we become Christians. A believer can be saved from sin, believe Jesus is the Son of God, and still carry around a bad attitude they picked up years ago.

There’s no such thing as a flawless attitude. To improve our attitudes, we have to want a better outlook and constantly work at forming it. We have set out to build the right things into our lives. By taking the time to invest in positive input like regular church attendance, encouraging people, reading Scripture, and participating in praise and worship, the more naturally we will develop positive attitudes.

“... our attitude does not automatically improve when we become Christians.”