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Communication Essentials at Work Communication Essentials at Work

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1. Verbal communication

2. Assertive communication

3. Email etiquette

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Verbal Communication

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Section agenda

Understanding client communication

Consulting characteristics


Empathic listening

When and why do we not listen?

Listening traps

Best practices in client interactions

When does communication fail and why?

Speaking: The four MAT module

Parameters to evaluate spoken skills

Effective client interaction

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Understanding client communication

In order to deliver superior value while communicating, we should know the art of consulting. This

includes the following skills, though not necessarily in the order mentioned. They are:

Advice: It is not enough to be correct, the act of giving advice is crucially dependent on a deep understanding of people and then adapting the advice, giving process to individuals involved. It is based on understanding the client‟s perspective, finding the right words, teaching the client, and giving exploring options.

Relationship: These are the same skills that we all use to develop deep relationships in other parts of our lives (for example, being understanding, thoughtful, considerate, sensitive to feelings and supportive). Relationship building requires us to find a common and not a separate ground.

Trust: Trust is earned over time. Trust is a two way relationship and is both rational and emotional. Trust is intrinsically about perceived risk. Trust is different for the client than it is for the advisor. Trust is also personal.

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Consulting characteristics

The consulting characteristics are as follows:

Technical expertise: The knowledge or skill of an expert within that technical field

Business management skills: The act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and

objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively

Client management skills: Managing client expectations about project details, identifying project

requirements ensuring a positive working relationship

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Activity: Sometimes it is good to pay attention

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To listen well, is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well, and is

as essential to all true conversation: A Chinese proverb

“Most of the successful people I've known are the ones who do more

listening than talking,” by Bernard M. Baruch

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as

much as we speak”, by Anonymous

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Activity: I have two ears and one mouth

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Empathetic listening

Empathetic listening is listening to help others. When a friend listens to your feelings about your

divorce, or a mediator listens as you discuss your interests, empathetic listening is taking place.

When we listen empathetically, we go beyond sympathy to seek a true understanding of how

others are feeling. This requires excellent discrimination and close attention to the nuances of

emotional signals. When we are being truly empathetic, we actually acknowledge what they are


In order to get others to expose themselves to us, we also need to demonstrate our empathy in

our demeanor towards them, listening sensitively and in a way that encourages self-disclosure.

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When and why do we not listen?

Some common reasons why we do not listen to our clients includes:

We think we already know

We are pretending to, but not listening

We are busy listeners

We miss the big idea

We are just not prepared

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Listening traps

The features of listening traps are as follows:

Giving a mixed message

Wrong path




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Best practices in client interactions

Below are some tips for communicating effectively with a client:

Show interest

Focus on the key issue

Summarize and check

Listen for the common thread

Explore feelings openly

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When does communication fail and why?

Video: MIND your Language

Common barriers in communication:


Lack of emotional connect

Abstraction and the speech in itself

Inappropriate use of expressions

Language differences

Differences in interpretation

Inadequate knowledge and preparedness

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Speaking: The four MAT module

What else? Why?

How? What?

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Speaking: Parameters to evaluate spoken skills

Parameter Explanation

Speed The number of words spoken per minute.

Clarity Was the message audible and free of distortion?

Pronunciation The (correct) utterance of speech.

Familiarity Your acquaintance with the words used.

Punctuation The (correct) use of various kinds of pauses.

Fluency Being able to express easily.

Expression The act of transforming ideas into words.

Content The meaning or substance of speech.

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Effective client interaction: A few tips

The tips are as follows:

Understand their processes.

Pre-empt issues in the future (if possible)

Never refuse. Learn to offer

Give-up front. Think emphatically and from a customer‟s point of view

Be proactive and seek help

Understand the „power ratio‟

Make others feel important

Be interested in their business and speak their language

Remember to address them by their names

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2. Assertive Communication

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Section agenda

Types of behavior

So what do I gain by being assertive?

Reaction techniques

Factors in client interactions

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How do I convince you

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Types of behavior

The types of behavior are as follows:

Aggressive behavior: Standing up for your rights and violating the

rights of other people. Expressing your own needs, wants and

opinions (honest or dishonest) inappropriately. Winning at all costs, if

necessary at the expense of others.

Submissive behavior: Failing to stand up for your rights or doing

things in such a manner so that others can easily disregard or ignore

them. Pleasing others and avoiding conflicts at all costs, even if we

do not get what we want.

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Types of behavior (continued)

Assertive behavior:

– Being honest with yourself and your clients

– Having the confidence in yourself

– Being positive

– Maintaining your own self respect and also respecting others

– Having the ability to say directly what you want or feel (but also

understanding client sensitivity)

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Types of behavior: So what do I gain by being assertive?

Below are some tips for communicating effectively with a client:

An increased chance of your needs being met

Greater confidence in yourself

Greater confidence in others

Increased responsibility for your own behavior

Taking more initiatives

A saving in energy

Overall, it will result in you being more effective in

your job as a support practitioner

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Types of behavior: Conclusion

Win - Win Win - Win

You Win – I Lose I Win – You Lose


I care about yourself


I care about you


I do not care about myself, you are more important


I care about myself, I do not care about you

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Reaction techniques

The reaction techniques are as follows:

Broken Record: Choose a phrase with which you will feel comfortable and, without getting

angry repeat the original assertive statement each time the person tries to divert you or

asks you to change your mind. Resist temptation to justify, answer, or get angry.

Saying no: Just try saying „No‟ when you want to refuse a request. In client interactions,

however try to avoid this.

Empathy: Many people feel unhappy while refusing a request in an assertive way, feeling

that it somehow means they are rejecting the person. Using empathy softens the „No‟.

Workable compromise: If you find that the Broken Record technique has not worked, it is

useful to follow up with compromise. The main thing is to ensure that you maintain your

self respect and not that you get your own way done in whichever manner.

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Reaction techniques (continued)

The reaction techniques are as follows:

Inviting criticism: It is all about inviting more criticism. It is almost like saying, „You and I

disagree on this, now tell me how do you want me to proceed?”. The advantage is that

without being rude you can tell the other party that there is no way you are going to

agree and hence, a compromise is required.

Buying time: This is something that many people use. It is a good way to control

nervousness and say „I will get back after thinking about it‟. It is absolutely okay to not

give your opinions immediately. In this way, you will be able to think and then get back

with an appropriate answer.

Usage of „In my opinion‟: It firmly denotes your perspective about an issue. This is

important for people to understand what you feel. So instead of saying an immediate

„No‟, you can comfortably say „In my opinion, this could be like this‟ and so on.

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Handling tough situations

Activity: When the going gets tough

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Factors in client interactions

The factors are as follows:


Communication breakdowns


Cost and financial objectives


Differing expectations

Personality conflicts

Personal problems

Administrative procedures

Inadequate interpersonal skills

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3. Email Etiquette

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Section agenda

Questions to ask

Do's and Don'ts

Factors for effective written communication

Cardinal rules

Responding to an email

Forwarding an email

While writing an email remember

Ten commandments of writing emails

Efficient email communication

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Let us connect

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Questions to ask

Below are the questions you need to ask before communicating through email:

How do I begin?

What is my purpose?

How do I make my point clear?

How do I create a logical flow?

How do I say what I mean?

How do I avoid grammatical errors?

How can I make my message brief?

How can I create a visual effect?

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Below are the points to consider in written communication:


– It should be concise and to the point

– The language used should not be overly informal

– Essence of your message

Do not’s

Below are the points that should be avoided in written communication:

– Wrong subject or confusing subject

– Over use of the word YOU

– Flaming

– Overtly friendly and SHORT WORDS

– Too many (discussion) points

– Decorative font style or crowded style

– Incomplete or inconclusive sentences

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Factors for effective written communication

Factor Explanation

Information should be relevant and precise

One should anticipate the reader‟s reaction Consideration






There should be sound support for the argument

The message should not be vague, confusing, and ambiguous

The message should be to the point

One should use active voice rather than passive voice

All information needed is provided Completeness

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Cardinal rules

Consider those who need to know about

the subject or those who need to take

some action

Justify each person in the email list, as to

why they need to be included

Exclude anyone who does not need to

have the information you will be sharing

Be specific and clear

Do not include a lot of details or lead-ins

Lead with the most critical point

Keep it positive

Keep lines or white space in between


Use short paragraphs and bulleted points

Use closed-ended questions

Use it to save time

What are your requested actions items?

Who are you asking to do these?

Be clear and specific

Make it fast and easy

Thank your recipients

Include your contact information

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Responding to an email

Below are parameters that need to be considered wile responding to an email:

Answer quickly

Be clear and specific

Pare down recipients

Answer questions to pre-empt future ones

Clearly state any questions you have, how you will follow-up or action items and your timeline

Do not reply unless you have to (Do not reply with thanks, OK, or see you there)

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Forwarding an email

Below are parameters that need to be considered when forwarding an email:

Abbreviate forwarded emails, if possible

Do not forward anything unnecessary, sensitive or inappropriate

Refer to what is in the prior email (You can mention, „See below…‟)

Change the subject if needed or create a new email

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While writing an email remember:

Reduce large portions of text (use bullets, paragraphs or just shorten what you are saying)

Keep it brief

Take notes, reorganize, and then write the email

Do not use abbreviations, jargon, big words, acronyms, slang, emoticons, or unclear words

Check the use of commas to separate elements in a series and to separate ideas, or clauses

Check the punctuation in abbreviations (for example: e.g., i.e., etc., and so on)

Do not use multiple punctuation marks (for example: !!!, ..., ???)

Check the punctuation of lists and tables

Check the usage of hyphens and dashes

Use active voice

Do not switch tenses very often

Proofread for accuracy

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Ten commandments of writing emails

The ten commandments of writing emails are:

Know what you want to say before you say it

Keep it simple

Use bullet points

WIIFM (What Is In It For Me?)

Do not get bogged down

Call to action


Spell check

Take five (minutes) before hitting „send‟

Follow up

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Activity: My writing style

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Efficient email communication

The steps involved in efficient email communication are:

Utilize full potential of written communication

Use frequent emails as per your requirement

What you write will ultimately define you as a professional to your colleagues, superiors, and


Match the appropriate communication method to the recipient

Eliminating excessive or unnecessary communication will improve your workflow

Mastering these skills will improve your ability to interact better with the end clients

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