Download - Cell Phones & WiFi - a Risk to Your Baby?


CELL PHONES & WIFI -A RISK TO YOUR BABY?Several recent research studies have shown links between cell phone use duringpregnancy and an increase in behavioural problems, such as attention deficithyperactivity disorder and anxiety, after birth.Experts are concerned. Today’s children are the firstgeneration to be exposed to radiofrequency radiationfrom cell phones and wireless devices throughouttheir entire lifetime. And no one really knows whatthe longterm effects of this will be.If you are planning to start a family or are alreadyexpecting, here is what you need to know about cell phoneand wireless use during pregnancy.

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Telecommunication devices such as cell phones, cordless telephones and wireless devices useradiofrequency waves, a form of electromagnetic radiation, to receive and send signals.Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is something we are all exposed to on a daily basis. Householdelectrical appliances such as televisions, computers, printers and faxes, all generate EMR.We know that very high levels of electromagnetic radiation can produce molecular changes in bodytissue and DNA. This type of radiation, generated by X­rays and gamma rays, is known as ionizingradiation.The radiation emitted by radiofrequency waves, microwaves and electrical appliances is called non­ionizing radiation, as experts believe it is not powerful enough to cause damage to cells or DNA.However what concerns many scientists, is that the long­term effects of radiofrequency exposure areunknown.

A 2005 study in the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics raised concerns that children weremore vulnerable to radiofrequency radiation due to their developing nervous systems and "moreconductive" brain tissue.Cell phone use during pregnancy has also been linked to later behavioural problems. In 2008 world­recognized Danish expert Doctor Leeka Kheifets, Professor of Epidemiology, UCLA, studied thescholastic performance of over 13 000 children and found that when a mother used a cell phoneduring pregnancy, there was a 54% higher incidence of behavioural issues at school, includinghyperactivity, inattention, peer relationship problems and emotional issues.Many countries around the world, including the UK, Germany, France and Scandinavia, have alreadytaken steps to reduce cell phone use among pregnant women and young children.

In 201 1 The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified

radiofrequency fields as "possibly carcinogenic to humans."

Q: What health risks are associated with cell phone & wireless use?

Q: Why are children and babies more at risk?

Now you can protect your babywith Swiss Shield® technologyA MummyWraps singlet top or a TummyTube undergarment, worn throughoutpregnancy, can reduce your unborn baby's exposure to potentially harmful radiation.These garments incorporate the unique Swiss Shield® fabric, which will deflect radiationfrom cell phones, wireless devices and electrical appliances, protecting your unborn babyand allowing safe growth.

MummyWrap Protective


TummyTube Protective


How do they work?Both our products use Swiss Shield® conductive­fabrictechnology to achieve effective minimisation of thedangerous effects of EMR (electromagnetic radiation).A sophisticated and gossamer­thin silver­coated threadis invisibly integrated into Swiss Shield® fabric andforms a close­woven shielding grid. This fine protectivegrid acts like a mirror to deflect electromagneticradiation, giving MummyWraps with Swiss Shield®their unique protection effect.

Peace of mind for mums to beOur garments are cut to stretch naturally as babygrows, and are both ultra comfortable and easy care.We recommend that you wear a MummyWraps singletor TummyTube undergarment before conception & rightthrough your pregnancy, for maximised protection.For more information, or to place an order, please seeour website: www.mummywraps.comQ: What other steps can I take to protect my baby?

1) Minimise use of your cell phone. Use the speakerphone or a headset device when callingand hold the phone away from your body. (This also applies for texting and tweeting.)2) Don’t carry your cell phone in your pocket, or store it in your pram or buggy.3) Keep cell phones away from babies and children. Consider turning off your cell phonewhen at home.4) DECT cordless phones are also powered by radiofrequency waves, so swap cordlessphones for wired phones in the home.5) Replace WiFi Internet with cabled connections.6) Fit a wired baby monitor for your baby’s nursery instead of a wireless system.

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