Download - 暴力的評估與處置 - · 暴力 衝動型(突然爆發型)vs. 預謀型(深思熟慮 型) 暴力並非是一種診斷,也不是一個臨床症狀。

  • 暴力的評估與處置

  • 什麼叫做暴力?


    攻擊行為(aggression) : 較為廣泛的概念



    (Cummings and Mega, 2003)

  • The annual rate of job-related violence

    12.6 per 1000 in all workers 16.2 : physicians 21.9 : nurses 68.2 : psychiatrists 69.0 : mental health custodial workers Happen early in one’s career 40-50% of psychiatry residents: during their

    4-year training program.

    Rueve M, Welton R. Psychiatry (Edgmont). 2008;5(5):34–48.

    Friedman RA. N Engl J Med. 2006;355:2064–2066.

  • Workplace violence experiences of 1362 workers over a 12-month period (% of respondents) in Australia

    Workplace Verbal abuse Bullying Physical assault

    Juvenile justice 68% 12% 17%

    Tertiary education

    50% 65% 1%

    Health care 67% 10.5% 12%

    Seafaring 19% — 1%

    Long-haul transport

    33% — 1%

    Fast-food 48% — 1%

    Taxis 81% — 10%

    Mayhew and Chappell, MJA 2005; 183 (7): 346-347

  • Violence in the psychiatric units

    3%~25% 住院病人會出現暴力行為 78% 直接攻擊護士 (接下來為病人、財物、自己、醫師、心理師、家人、清潔人員) (McNiel et al., 1988; Owen et al., 1998)

    10-45% 精神分裂症患者會有攻擊或威脅之行為

    Agitation: Bipolar disorder: 90% (ER)Schizophrenia: 21%Dementia: 50%

    (cited from Marder, 2006)

  • Violence in the psychiatric units


    Psychiatrists: 5% ~ 48% Psychiatry residents: 40% ~ 50% (2X of medical R)

    2/3 住院醫師覺得並未接受關於處理暴力病人之訓練或訓練不足.


    ER Psychiatric ER Inpatient and outpatient psychiatric settings

    (cited from Petit, 2005)

  • 暴力

    衝動型(突然爆發型)vs. 預謀型(深思熟慮型)






    (Cummings and Mega, 2003)

  • 醫療照護體系中的暴力事件


    最常見的造成因素 病人因素:有精神疾病、失智症、神智混亂、酒精或藥物中毒、人格違常。(年齡、性別、以往暴力史)



    (Benveniste et al., 2005)

  • Swanson JW. : University of Chicago Press, 1994:101-36.

  • 暴力在神經生物學上的發現Neurobiological basis Two general approaches

    violent offenders neurological dysfunction neurological disorders violent behavior

    EEG generalized slowing, focal slowing, epileptiform abnormalities temporal and frontal lobes, limbic system

    Functional imaging orbitalfrontal, dorsolateral frontal defect

    Neurological abnormalities neurological soft signs

    Pathophysiologic mechanisms DA↑, NE ↑, GABA↓, COMT gene

    (Cummings and Mega, 2003; Sachs, 2006)

  • Epilepsy Metabolic disorders Idiopathic psychiatric disorders

    ictal acute confusional states Nonpsychotic

    postictal endocrine dysfunction personality disorders

    interictal PMDD antisocial

    Episodic dyscontrol syndrome

    Testosterone excess borderline paranoid

    Frontal lobe syndromes Toxic disorders explosive disorder

    traumatic injuries ethanol paraphilia

    neoplasms PCP, LSD, etc conduct disorder

    dementias Neurological delusional syndromes

    Psychotic mania

    MR XYY genotype schizophrenia

    Hypothalamic-limbic rage syndrome

    ADHD in adult delusional diosorderdepression


    (Cummings and Mega, 2003)

  • 誰最危險?

    工作場所中兩個引起暴力的主要核心因素 與個案面對面的接觸



    (Benveniste et al., 2005)


    (Cater, 1999; cited by Wright et al., 2003)

  • High risk staff Clinical staff nurses physicians advanced practice nurses

    Non-clinical staff front desk staff receptionists

    Staff experience does help protect from violent episodes, yet it does not preclude the perpetration of violence.

    Privitera M, Weisman R, Cerulli C, et al. Occup Med (Lond). 2005;55:480–486.

  • The highest risk of mental health staff

    Who spend the most time with patients the nursing personnel

    frequent contact close proximity to patients setting limits authority figures or even adversaries.14

    55% of staff took time off of work as a result of the assault

    65% of that group required one year to fully recover

    Some victims reported symptoms suggestive of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

    Erdos B, Hughes D. Psychiatric Serv. 2001;52:1175–1177.

    Sheridan M, Henrion R, Robinson L, Baxter V. Hosp Community Psychiatry. 1990;41:776–780.

  • scenario

    A: 小姐,我要拿我的餅乾… B: 現在不是領物時間,離開… A: 可是我肚子餓,而且那也是我的東西… B: 我晚餐叫你吃,你都不吃,你不要再吵了,不然我處理你…

    A: 我要買電話卡,我要打電話…

  • Nurses’ perspective

  • Nurses’ perception of aggression

    Two centres The Federal Psychiatric Hospital, Uselu (FPHU) –

    220 bed The University of Benin Teaching Hospital

    (UBTH) – 20 bed All mental health nursing staff 102 questionnaires sent out 76 questionnaires returned 75% participation rate.

  • Nurses’ perception of aggression A: Socio-demographic Questionnaire B: Attitudes toward aggression scale; ATAS

    a 5-point Likert scale from totally agree (5) to totally disagree (1). offensive attitude

    (seeing aggression as unpleasant, hurtful and an unacceptable behaviour – 7 items);

    Communicative attitude (aggression as a signal resulting from a patients powerlessness aimed at

    enhancing a therapeutic relationship – 3 items); destructive attitude

    (aggression as a threat or act of physical harm – 3 items); Protective attitude

    (aggression as shielding or defending of physical and emotional space – 2 items)

    intrusive attitude (viewing aggression as the expression to damage or injure others – 3 items).

    C: Perception of prevalence of aggression scale; POPAS

  • Nurses’ perception of aggression

    highly offensive; 26.16 (±4.58), – 7 items destructive; 12.05 (±2.39), – 3 items intrusive; 9.86 (±2.56), – 3 items communicative; 9.56 (±2.32), – 3 items protective; 5.04 (±2.38) – 2 items female nurses were more likely to view

    inpatient aggression as a means of communication compared to male nurses (t= -2.391, df=71, p

  • Implications for patient care High degree of intolerance for aggression Poorer care

    physical restraints and drug sedation: the commonest methods Less coercive means: rarely employed

    Precipitate severe acts of aggression from patients Longer professional experience & Male nurses

    intolerance of aggression to be involved or called upon by their female counterparts to

    mediate in calming aggressive patients nursing The frequency of different types of aggression reported

    in this study was lower when compared to similar studies. Nursing staff have become insensitive to the frequency

    of their occurrence and now see them as routine.

  • Treatment (victimized staff)

    Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) Six phases of CISD typically implemented over a three-hour period. 1) introduction 2) fact 3) feeling 4) symptom 5) teaching 6) re-entry.


    Erdos B, Hughes D. Psychiatric Serv. 2001;52:1175–1177.

  • Prevention

    changing behavioral patterns. much emphasis on restraint, medication, and seclusion?

    communicating feelings verbally patients who are repeatedly chemically or physically

    restrained likely perceive violence as an effective means to express their feelings of fear, anger, or frustration.

    meeting needs through assertive rather than aggressive behavior

    recognizing their own escalating anger, and removing themselves from the situation.

    Learning how negative thoughts perpetuate aggressive behavior and how to improve their conflict resolution skills.

    Andersonis A. West SG. Innov Clin Neurosci. 2011;8(3):34–39

  • 暴力個案的評估





    (Cummings and Mega, 2003; Synopsis, 9th ed. p906)

  • 評估暴力危險性


    人口學資料:性別 (男性), 年齡 (15-24), 社經地位 (low), 社會支持 (few)

    以往病史:暴力行為, 非暴力之反社會性行為, 衝動控制 (e.g., gambling, substance abuse, suicide or self injury, psychosis)

    壓力 (e.g., 夫妻失和, real or symbolic loss)

  • Andersonis A. West SG. Innov Clin Neurosci. 2011;8(3):34–39

  • 暴力行為的評估與預測

    快要出現暴力之徵候 (Signs of impending violence) 最近有暴力行為,包括破壞物品

    言語或身體威脅 (恐嚇) 攜帶武器或可當武器之物品 (e.g., forks, ashtrays) 愈來愈激動


    被害妄想 (精神病患者) 命令式幻聽

    腦傷 (global or with frontal lobe findings; 較少見於 temporal lobe findings (controversial))

    僵直之興奮狀態 (Catatonic excitement) 躁期 (manic episodes) 激躁型之憂鬱期 (Certain agitated depressive episodes) 人格疾患 (rage, violence, or impulse dyscontrol)

    (Synopsis, 9th ed. p905)

  • Risk assessment

    a structured risk assessment : a effective low-cost intervention

    twice daily for the first three days of hospitalization

    followed by action tailored to the patients risk level.

    a crucial first step in predicting and preventing aggressive and assaultive behavior in patients.

    Abderhalden C, Needham I, Dassen T, et al. Br J Psychiatry. 2008;193:44–50.

  • 該做什麼?不該做什麼?

    Ten safety do’s and don’ts

  • Ten safety do’s1. 查看所有病人是否有違禁品並移除危險物品

    2. 確認你的環境整齊安全

    3. 確認私人物品均收放妥當或均清楚可見

    4. 會談時保持房門打開

    5. 安排好您的位置可快速離身

    6. 確知如何尋求幫助

    7. 確知緊急鈴的位置

    8. 信任您自己對病人與可能的危險情境之”膽量”9. 詢問病人關於自殺及他殺之想法

    10. 詢問病人獲得武器的方法並立即移除該武器

  • Ten safety don’ts1. 允許病人保有危險物品

    2. 允許病人擁有熱飲料, 玻璃或尖銳物品3. 讓自己被病人逼到牆角

    4. 不好意思或羞於尋求幫助

    5. 覺得會談時不應有助手或他人幫忙

    6. 允許病人從中分化或前後不一

    7. 當你覺得害怕或遭受恐嚇時仍執行會談

    8. 當你獨自一人或病人太激動時,仍出手抓病人或試圖約束病人

    9. 在使用較不侵犯性的技巧前就用最嚴厲的方法

    10. 允許激動的病人單獨一人或無人觀察

  • 暴力病人之處置


    病人安適, 相對隔離, 降低等候時間, 人員態度, 降低刺激, 安全距離, 避免兩眼直視, 避免兩手交叉或藏匿不見

    言詞降溫 (De-escalation) Talk down


    藥物治療(Petit, 2005)

  • 基層工作者之暴力處置


    言詞降溫(de-escalation) ,含工作人員訓練及實施暴力處理計畫。




    (Benveniste et al., 2005)

  • 言詞降溫之階段

    ‧ 讓病人表達其感受

    ‧ 以專業角度承認問題

    ‧ 同理病人所遭遇之情境並降低緊張

    ‧ 解釋為何特殊的要求無法達成

    ‧ 協商補救的方法

    (Wright et al., 2003)

  • Treatment of the violent individual

    Individualized and multifaceted. Pharmacotherapy

    Anticonvulsants Propranolol Lithium and mood stabilizing agents Methylphenidate Hormonal agents (antiandrogens & progesterone) Anxiolytics Antipsychotics and antidepressants

    Behavioral therapy Adaptive skills, increase control, decrease violence

    Psychosurgery Extreme cases and all other treatment modalities have failed. Bilateral amygdalotomy Posterior hypothalamotomy

    (Cummings and Mega, 2003)

  • 緊急的藥物治療(1) 快速鎮靜療法 (Rapid tranquilization) Administering low dose of antipsychotics over

    30 to 60 minutes (口服或肌肉注射) High potency antipsychotics + sedatives or low

    potency antipsychotics Standard protocol Haloperidol 5mg + Lorazepam 1mg I.M. at 30-

    to 60-minute intervals 注意




    姿態性低血壓、CV effects, EPS, akathisia, NMS

  • 緊急的藥物治療(2)

    使用第二代抗精神病劑來做快速鎮靜療法 Olanzapine (IM and orally disintegrating tablets) Ziprasidone (IM only) Risperidone (orally disintegrating tablets)




    (Caine, 2006)

  • 保護與約束Seclusion and restraint


    保護室的使用有下降的趨勢,主要是考量到其有些不利之處: 逃跑 (30.1%) 工作人員受傷 (29.2%) 病人受傷 (19.8%) 增加病人自傷行為 (11.3%)

    約束的風險 生理併發症


    (Marder, 2006)

  • 約束(physical restraint)的方法







    (Synopsis, 9th edition p907)

  • 訓練什麼?




    安全(警衛)人員之訓練 改善工作人員之安全與警覺性

    壓力處理 (Petit, 2005)

  • 注意事項(接觸高暴力危險病人)








    (Marder, 2006)

  • 謝謝聆聽