Download - Cataract: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments (Surgery)

Page 1: Cataract: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments (Surgery)

Page 2: Cataract: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments (Surgery)


The crystalline lens that is located behind the

human iris is the main focusing mechanism of the

eye. However with ageing comes change in it.

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Over the period of time, crystal clear lens turns

yellow as well cloudy loses its ability to focus, or in

other words it ends up losing elasticity. This

condition is known as Cataract.

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Symptoms of Cataract

Frequent changes in the contact lenses or

prescription for glasses

Some colours start appearing dull

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Symptoms of Cataract

Blurry vision

Glare when reading or


Increased sensitivity to


Ghosting, also known

as double vision in the

eye that has developed


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Causes of Cataract

Heredity – This is a

situation where in the

problem runs in the


Ageing – Ageing is one

of the most primary

causes of cataract. With

age, clouding and

hardening appears over

the lens that leads to

gradual vision reduction.

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Causes of Cataract

Trauma – This

condition can be

developed over a period

of time because of the

direct blow to the eye or

penetration of some

sharp foreign object into

the eye.

Intake of some

medicines such as

chemotherapy, anti-

metabolites and steroids.

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Causes of Cataract

Congenital - The condition

can also happen in just born

babies because of some viral

infection or due to German

measles that happens in the

first trimester of pregnancy

to the mother. Some

medicines that mother

consumes in the early stage

of pregnancy can also lead

to the problem of cataract.


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When you should consult an ophthalmologist?

When you start

experiencing sudden

reduction in eye then you

need an immediate

medical attention.

Make sure that you

consult ophthalmologist

on a regular basis.

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Cataract surgery is one of the most common eye

surgeries that is performed on out patients. It is

one of the most successful operations.

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In this surgical procedure, ophthalmologist

removes the opaque lens with phacoemulsification

and gets it replaced with a foldable silicon

Intraocular Lens, also commonly known as IOL for

restoring the function of the affected eye.

Make sure that you follow the instructions given

by the eye surgeon for quick recovery.

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