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  • 7/30/2019 Case Study IV-Consult



    TEkla SOFTwaRE In pRaCTICE:

  • 7/30/2019 Case Study IV-Consult


    TEkla HElpS bUIld

    Oil and gas rigs

    COsT-EffECTivElys I the storm ters o the north Se, oi gs

    comies ee e-egieere torms to or

    ive o se. Comies i the oi gs iustr re

    o egieerig esig comies to ui eveo

    oshore torm tht i ithst the u ur o

    the attic, ee ter ee, moth ter moth.

    Complex structures can be modelledaster and in better detail than ever withTekla Structures sotware.

  • 7/30/2019 Case Study IV-Consult


    O Oe o the comies tht oi gs comies ote tur

    to is the muti-isciir dutch egieerig com Iv-

    Groe, hich is hequrte i perecht, The nethers.

    Iv-Groes susiir, Iv-Oi Gs, esigs the oshore

    oi torms hich, he rove, re the he over to

    other susiir, Iv-Cosut S. bh. The ku lumur-

    se Iv-Cosut hes the etiig rouce the

    orsho rigs or the tosies o the oi torms s e

    s their jcets, hich re the tuur outios ie itothe see to chor the torm.

    COST-EFFECTIVE SOlUTIOnTHankS TO aUTOMaTIOnOaccorig to Robert Van Der Waal, the irector o

    Iv-Cosut S. bh., Te s imortt roe i the

    com. Te Structures sotre ees us to or

    much more cost-eective, he si.

    Over the ers, e hve utomte most

    em-to-em coectio mcros s e s ogo

    es ithi Te Structures. This utomtio sees

    u the esigig o sic structures thus os the

    esigers to ocus o more chegig or.

    Workmen connecting cables at the Bremen Bridge in Germany

    Valhall 2/B topside being towed to itsfnal location in the North Sea

  • 7/30/2019 Case Study IV-Consult


    with Te, e hve sveother 50 ercet s emove rom 2d to 3d.- Roert V der w, Iv-Cosut S. bh.

    Centrica F3 FA topside rom a

    computer screen to thousands o tonneso steel and hardware.

  • 7/30/2019 Case Study IV-Consult


    The 3-d moes rouce usig Te sotre re

    so use the rictors i vrious s eeig o

    ho the rictio ciit is utomte.

    withi Te Structures, e hve extee the

    uctioit o the user-ee roerties so tht e

    c geerte ie rge o itio iormtio

    out the rts, V der w si.

    For exme, i the st to ers, Iv-Cosut hs

    oere its ciets the otio o moeig the es o the

    structure ito the etiig moe. The roerties o these

    es icue e te, size, voume, umer egth.

    as resut, extee eist o rticur re, or

    foor or eve the hoe stucture c e rovie. This is high

    recite our ciets rictio ig ocers s it is

    ig time sver.

    Valhall 2/B Topside in the Norwegian North Sea

  • 7/30/2019 Case Study IV-Consult


    T Iv-Cosut is egieerig com tht ocuseso the chegig egieerig esig o comexstructur mechic rojects, such s theRottig Toer, Ctrvs Cmus Mstricht shi its. The com hs the o-ho exeriece to egieer rge-sce rojects ieoer ts hrours. For ciets vrig rome-users to eveoers, rchitects to cotrctors,it rovies egieerig services ith cretive

    miset shr ocus o cost-eective esig.

    Iv-Cosut rovies services rom reimir esigu to eti esig is mret eer i the reo etie esig o stee structures.

    art rom the he oce i perecht, Thenethers, Iv-Cosut so hs oces i amere,The nethers, ku lumur, Msi. Theku lumur oce rovies rst-rte orshoeti rigs uer dutch suervisio, hichreuces egieerig costs sustti.


    Belgiums Kanne Bridge lit up at night

  • 7/30/2019 Case Study IV-Consult


    a RElIablE paRTnER In wORkSHOpdETaIlInG

    OIv-Cosut hs ee usig Te or more th ece,

    over the ers the com hs me extesive use o

    the sotre. Iv-Cosut hs ee hig the u o the

    orsho etiig or the Iv-Groe sice 1999 it hs

    ee resosie or hures o mjor structures rou the


    we hve ou Te Structures to e strog too to

    he us rouce quit rouct. at the sme time, it hs

    hee us to meet our ciets ig trgets tht re ote

    ver tight, si V der w.

    I hve etiig cgrou strte ith the

    com s etier mse i 1992. Sice tht time, the

    rouctivit o verge rtsme hs imrove eormous

    ith the he o the sotre rogrmmes.

    I the egiig, o verge ou set 25 hours o oe

    hme a0 size rig. lter ith the 2d sotre, this

    ecrese to verge o 15 hours or oe a0. To, ith

    Te, e te out seve hours to rouce oe rig,hich icues moeig time.

    Thereore, it is resoe to s tht movig rom h

    rig to 2d, e sve out 40 ercet o the time set

    o verge roject. with Te, e hve sve other 50

    ercet s e move rom 2d to 3d.


    Oart rom oshore structures, the com hs use Teto esig the comex stee structure o the ku lumurCovetio Cetres sight, 4,200-toe ce rige iGerm, 1,900-toe hgig ce rige i begium, 650-toe ie stiger use or oshore ie ig

    m other tes o stee structures.

    I the nethers, Iv-Cosut reie o Te to esig

    ocgtes tht re ie use to che ter i the m

    ters o the coutr. I itio, the re curret

    esigig e ocgtes or the pm C. Ech ocgte

    there eighs out 4,000 toes.

    we hve ou Te Structures to e

    strog too to he us rouce quitrouct. at the sme time, it hs heeus to meet our ciets ig trgetstht re ote ver tight.- Roert V der w, Iv-Cosut S. bh.

    Cable-stayed Bremen Bridge

    completed in 2008

  • 7/30/2019 Case Study IV-Consult


    Tekla is either a registered trademark or a trademark o Tekla Corporation in the United States and other countries.

    W with mitio to muti its customers oteti to thi chieve ig, Te rovies

    bIM (buiig Iormtio Moeig) sotre eviromet tht c e shre cotrctors,

    structur egieers, stee etiers rictors, s e s cocrete etiers mucturers.

    The high etie s-uit 3d moes crete, comie istriute ith Te sotre

    ee the highest eve o costructiit rouctio cotro.

    Cetrizig uiig iormtio ito the moe os or more coortive itegrte

    roject mgemet eiver. This trstes ito icrese rouctivit eimitio o

    ste, thus mig costructio uiigs more sustie.


    T with its sotre, Te Corortio

    rives the evoutio o igit iormtio

    moes rovies more more

    cometitive vtge to the costructio

    irstructure iustries. Te s

    estishe i 1966, to it hs

    customers i 100 coutries, oces i 15

    coutries go rter etor.Te sotre is use orie to

    moe tes o uiigs. Visit our

    esite to re more out Te soutios

    reereces or uiig costructio.