Download - casagrande group IN DEPTH · casagrande group IN DEPTHNEWS The news letter for customers, agents, staff and friends March 2007

Page 1: casagrande group IN DEPTH · casagrande group IN DEPTHNEWS The news letter for customers, agents, staff and friends March 2007

casagrande group


T h e n e w s l e t t e r f o r c u s t o m e r s , a g e n t s , s t a f f a n d f r i e n d s M a r c h 2 0 0 7

The C900 NG: casagrande’s new flagship


The brand name is well estab-lished in highly developed andsophisticated markets. Specificallythe German market has alwaysbeen very demanding and as oftoday this brand is consideredand brought into the highlights ofvery important clients. The Com-pany based in Olpe in the centreof Germany at 130 km west ofFrankfurt provides the necessaryservices for the clients such asspare parts, technical assistanceand technical design. Further-more the rigs are customized tothe contractor’s requirements andare further thoroughly testedbefore final delivery in our Ger-man factory. The branch alsogives way to and leads to the lat-

Hütte BohrtechnikCOMPANY’S NEWS

We want to be close to the needsof the North American customersand in this respect we havedecided to invest in proper facili-ties in New Jersey. Mike Stein-

hardt the managing director ofCasagrande USA has long beenin our business field and hasproven to be a qualified techni-cian as well as a businessmanvery well tuned in for the contrac-tor’s needs. He has alwaysfocused on customer service andcare and his passion has beenpassed on to us, which we allsupport. Casagrande Italy willprovide the USA branch with allthe necessary means to be ableto service the equipment, deliverspares and have qualified techni-cians for after sales. The team inNew Jersey is perfectly trainedand highly committed to servicein order to give always the bestservice for the customers.


Main Features

Engine power: 440 kWWinches: 2 x 32 TWeight: 100 T

Suitable for:· Hydromill · Bored Piles· Diaphragm · Crane use

We have chosen the Bauma 2007to present and launch our mostrecent development. There is noother show in the world wherewe can take the opportunity todisplay such equipment master-piece. The C900 NG representstogether with the new HydromillFD 60 the state of the art tech-nology developed in theCasagrande group.It incorporates new electroniccontrols, upgraded winches, newengine, new boom design andfor the first time in Casagrandethe application of our Hydromillto a mast. The C900 is a truly multipurposecarrier allowing different types

of utilizations, it can be used as a 100 T lifting crane, as anhydraulic rotary, continuous flightauger, double head use,diaphragm wall unit eitherwith grab or Hydromill.The long and well-builtHydromill now representsa perfect combination ofreliability and performance.The FD60 together with the FD 90 are suited for differenttypes of soils and depths. The contractor has a choicedepending on such factors, todeterminate wich hydromill hewishes to use. Casagrande todayis able to apply the hydromills onto the C800 and C900 carriers.

With this model the upper range of the Casagrande is completed, now we can offer differentiated products to suit all needs, reliable equipment and user’s friendly.


est technology, applications andtrends. Hütte can also supplydrilling rods and accessoriescomplementing the product offer-ing. The brand Hütte also is bene-ficial to the whole Casagrandegroup in terms of technical knowhow and innovation.

Page 2: casagrande group IN DEPTH · casagrande group IN DEPTHNEWS The news letter for customers, agents, staff and friends March 2007

The approximate 5.500 m2 structuralwall was installed in record timeusing the Hydromill to excavate, todesand and to create the jointsbetween the primary and secondarypanels. A desanding plant was kept

under the pressure of desandingand recycling at the maximum pro-duction rate capacity of 450 m3/hrthe spoil and the slurry deliveredfrom the excavated trench by theFD90 Hydromill powerful pumpingunit. Production with picks rising upto 50 m2/hr was achieved while theaverage excavation rate was esti-mated to be around the 22 m2/hour.The actual excavation depth of thewall was only approximately 20 mand a higher than average time waslost in moving and setting-up theHydromill on each panel position.Arabian Forasol Foundations’s cen-ter of operations has been based inDubai since 2004 and it has becomeone of the major specialist founda-tion contractors working in all theUnited Arab Emirates territories. Together with a large number ofdrill shaft projects underway, a newhydromill diaphragm wall projecthas already been set up for theFD90 Hydromill at the N1 towerlocated in Jumeirah lake towerssite. Here the soil strata’s are even

harder (mixes of cemented sand,sandstone & conglomerates), andthe production is estimated to beginby February 2007. The geology ofthe Sheik Issa Bin Zayed Tower siteconsists of approximately 5 m to 6m dense silty sand followed byharder strata of weak to moderatelyweak sandstone. The large amountof sand in the ground was well han-

Casagrande new FD90 HydromillOwned by Arabian Forasol Foundation LLC has been used in Dubai for the installation of the diaphragmwall on the Sheik Issa Bin Zayed Tower site under the growing shadow of the Burj Dubai tower.


Casagrande has provided aB180HD duly modified for a soilmixing contract in the province ofNaples in southern Italy. The con-tract was for the Italian Railway toconsolidate an embankment. Thejob requested the treatment of 21 mof soil in depth with a diameter of1000 mm. The total numberrequested was 500 columns and theB180HD was able to perform 7 fulltreated columns a day. Soil mixing is becoming increasinglypopular and Casagrande hasalready designed and prepared dif-ferent kits to increase the speeds ofthe rotary heads up to 60 rpm. Sometips on the soil mixing method: as ageneral rule the injection pressure is6 bar max 10 bar at the nozzle andnormally the nozzle is 20-24 mm indiameter. Volume: between 40% to70% has to be pumped as a total ofthe theoretical volume. The watercement ratio should be 1/1 and 60%of the mix should be pumped during

B180 HD soil mixingCasagrande has provided a B180HD duly modified for a soil mixing contract in the province of Naples in southern Italy. The contract was for the Italian Railway to consolidate an embankment.


dled during the desanding opera-tion due to the use of proper ben-tonite products thus reducing thewaste to a minimum. As previously mentioned, the jointsbetween panels were constructedusing the Hydromill capacity to“grind” the concrete of the primarypanels while excavating the sec-ondary panels. The system elimi-nates the requirement of usingstops-ends element and the need ofinserting any water-stop betweenthe panel joints. With a weight ofapprox 50 tons and two powerfulmotors each of 90 kNm torque, theFD90 has been designed to handlethe excavation of deep structuraland cut-off walls in cemented con-glomerate and hard rock with com-pression strength of 1400 kg/cm2

and above. For this reason, no delaywas recorded to “grind” the portionof concrete of the primary panelswhile excavating the secondary,closing panels.

the drilling phase and the remainingduring extraction. Treatment of a column 800 mmdiameter for a depth of 10 m can becompleted in approx. 25 min. Theconcrete plant should have a pro-duction of about 20 m3/h.To obtain a proper mix the augershould rotate at about 50-55 rpmwith a torque of approx 4.000 kNmand have a travel speed between 0.7to 1 m/min.The rotary head of the B180HD has

been modified as well as the systemto control the lifting speed. The unit can easily be convertedback to ordinary Kelly bar mode orCFA application.

T h e n e w s l e t t e r f o r c u s t o m e r s , a g e n t s , s t a f f a n d f r i e n d s

casagrande group



Page 3: casagrande group IN DEPTH · casagrande group IN DEPTHNEWS The news letter for customers, agents, staff and friends March 2007