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    NDICE Presentacin. Gua para la programacin de Sesiones de

    Trabajo Presentacin del curso auto formativo de Ingls. Compromisos con el curso

    Gua 1 - Lets meet new people Gua 2 What are you doing? Gua 3 Worldview

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    Este material ser su apoyo durante el desarrollo del Curso auto formativo de Ingls, nivel I bajo estrategia Semipresencial. Estas guas de trabajo contienen las actividades que Usted debe desarrollar en el aula de clase para adelantar su aprendizaje en torno a la ASIMILACIN del Ingls como segunda lengua. Se recomienda la lectura previa de las actividades a desarrollar para cada sesin de trabajo. Adelante!! Y recuerde que Usted es el nico protagonista de su proceso de Aprendizaje.

    Grupo Docentes de Ingls

    Claudia Cifuentes Perea Induccin al programa Eng lish Discoveries Henry Quintero lvarez- Diseo gua de ingls

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    PRESENTACIN CURSO AUTOFORMATIVO DE INGLS El ingls como idioma predominante en el mundo ha ingresado en las actividades humanas, sociales y laborales, comprometiendo todas las reas del conocimiento. El SENA como entidad formadora de individuos para el trabajo, incluye el ingls como un complemento de formacin integral, el cual ayuda a que el estudiante ample su nivel de conocimientos y pueda competir con ms eficiencia en el campo laboral en el que pretende desempearse. COMPROMISOS CON EL CURSO DE INGLS Los siguientes aspectos deben ser tenidos en cuenta por los participantes en la implementacin y desarrollo del curso de ingls. TUTORES

    Presentar el programa. Orientar el curso hacia la fundamentacin de las competencias lingsticas. Monitorear y asesorar a los estudiantes permanentemente. Motivar a los estudiantes en el desarrollo del programa. Proporcionar retroalimentacin de acuerdo con las necesidades del estudiante. Tener unidad de criterio para el buen desarrollo del curso. Utilizar las nuevas tecnologas para el desarrollo de las diferentes actividades. Realizar evaluaciones que le permitan al docente verificar el avance de los

    estudiantes. Dar a conocer el resultado de las evaluaciones oportunamente, con el objetivo de

    concertar los planes de mejoramiento a que haya lugar. Cumplir con responsabilidad la misin, objetivos y propsitos del programa.


    Llegar a las sesiones puntualmente. (Despus de diez minutos de iniciada la sesin no se permite el ingreso).

    Participar activamente en las actividades propuestas. Desarrollar responsablemente las actividades y ejercicios asignados y/o sugeridos

    en las guas. Llevar un portafolio de evidencias. Traer siempre los elementos necesarios para su trabajo en el portal (guas,

    diccionario, evidencias de trabajo, y dems elementos). Hacer una evaluacin final exitosa.

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    Estimado Seor Participante: Bienvenido al curso de ingls. A continuacin usted encontrar los temas y la metodologa correspondientes para desarrollar este curso. Es fundamental que usted asuma este compromiso con responsabilidad y autonoma para cumplir con los logros propuestos y adquirir las competencias requeridas. Dear Participant: Welcome to the English Course. Next, you will find the corresponding topics and methodology to develop this course. It is fundamental that you assume this commitment with responsibility and autonomy to fulfill the proposed aims to acquire the required skills.

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    Unit Communicative Function



    Reading Listening Speaking Vocabulary

    UNIT 1 Lets meet new people

    Introducing yourself and other people

    Numbers Alphabet Simple present verb to be Subject Pronouns Possessive adjectives

    Check Letter Form

    Up to the learner

    Supermarket Doctors Office Travel Agency Restaurant Photo Studio

    UNIT 2 What are you doing?

    Talking about people activities and possessions

    Present Progressive tense Possessive of nouns Possessive pronouns

    Writing questions and answers to describe your family, and what people are doing.

    Radio TV Answering machine

    Up to the learner

    Office Supplies Hair Salon Furniture Store Car Rental Fast Food

    UNIT 3 Worldview

    Making descriptions about the world around us

    Singular and plural nouns Definite and indefinite articles There is/There are Object pronouns

    Writing a dialogue at the stationery store

    Postcards Magazine Story Ad

    Up to the learner

    Womens Clothing Mens Clothing Word Group 1 to 10

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    Cmo ingresar al Programa English Discoveries Para ingresar haga doble clic sobre el cono English Discoveries que aparece en el escritorio. Se activar la siguiente pantalla en la cual se encuentran los conos de acceso a todos los niveles del programa English Discoveries. Debe hacer clic en el cono del nivel Lets Start y luego hacer doble clic sobre este cono.

    0 Curso de Ingls nivel : Lets Start and Basic

    Let's Start.lnk

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    En la siguiente pantalla usted debe identificar su grupo (Class), en el cual qued inscrito, despus debe buscar su nombre (student) y por ltimo haga clic sobre el cono OK.

    En la siguiente pantalla se le pedir su Password o contrasea, el cual ya est asignado y es los cuatro ltimos dgitos (nmeros) de su documento de identidad. Digtelos y luego haga clic en el cono OK. Esta pantalla (con animacin) es la entrada al programa English Discoveries. Aparecer despus de que ingrese su password (contrasea).

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    Acaba de ingresar al nivel Lets Start. Esta es la pantalla que usted ver:

    Pantalla Lets Start En ella aparecen las actividades a desarrollar: Alfabeto, Nmeros y Vocabulario. D clic sobre el tablero donde est el alfabeto y en la parte izquierda de la pantalla aparecern tres conos: Explore, Practice y Test. stos son los conos a travs de los cuales puede ingresar a las diferentes actividades del programa. Debe hacer clic sobre cada uno de ellos para poder entrar a esa seccin, (siempre siguiendo el orden; Explore, Practice, Test). Recuerde:

    Explore: Este cono le da acceso a la explicacin gramatical del tema que est viendo.

    Practice: Como su nombre lo indica, en esta actividad se realizan ejercicios que permiten afianzar su conocimiento respecto del tema visto.

    Game: Permite desarrollar una actividad ldica para probar su conocimiento y habilidad. Se presenta a partir del nivel Basic One.

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    Test: Evala el conocimiento y las habilidades adquiridas sobre tema visto.

    Los siguientes conos aparecern cuando ingrese a Practice y Test:

    Check: verifica si su respuesta es correcta o incorrecta.

    Answer: Muestra la respuesta correcta, pero baja su promedio.

    Clear: Borra la respuesta, permitiendo escoger otra posibilidad. Se debe utilizar antes de dar clic sobre check.

    Next: Avanza al siguiente ejercicio o pregunta.

    Nota: cuando un cono de los anteriores aparece de color gris significa que no est activado. Estos son los conos que usted encontrar a lo largo del programa English Discoveries y podr acceder a cada uno de ellos haciendo clic sobre el cono deseado y ste se activar: Funcin de cada uno de los conos que aparecen en el programa English Discoveries:

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    Crossroad Sign: Al hacer clic sobre este cono aparecern las actividades a desarrollar ya sea Alfabeto, Nmeros o Vocabulario. Seleccione la actividad a desarrollar.

    Bilingual Speaking Dictionary: Este cono le permite consultar el diccionario Bilinge.

    Student Records : Este cono da informacin sobre los resultados alcanzados y sobre el promedio obtenido en las diferentes actividades realizadas, Explore, Practice Y Test

    Quit: Se utiliza para salir de cualquier pantalla de English Discoveries y regresar a la pantalla anterior. Puede utilizarla para llegar al men principal y salir del programa. Todos sus promedios quedarn grabados bajo su nombre y password y estarn disponibles la siguiente vez que ingrese al programa.

    Test: Permite verificar sus conocimientos previos y determinar que temas establecidos en cada nivel debe fortalecer. Se puede realizar a partir del nivel Basic One.

    Teachers Lesson: Da acceso a las lecciones programadas por el tutor y que sern asignadas al participante de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, para que refuerce los conocimiento o habilidades en las cuales tiene deficiencias

    Es muy importante no olvidar que usted es gestor de su propio aprendizaje. Recuerde que el procedimiento para ingresar a cualquier nivel del programa English Discoveries es siempre el mismo. Doble clic sobre el cono English Discoveries que aparece en la pantalla del escritorio, doble clic sobre el cono del nivel al cual va a ingresar. Identificar el grupo y luego buscar su nombre. Hacer clic sobre OK., y por ltimo ingresar el Password (Cuatro ltimos dgitos de su documento de identificacin) y clic sobre OK. Ejemplo:

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    Pantalla Basic One

    . El Password o contrasea para ingresar al nivel deseado siempre ser el mismo (Cuatro ltimos dgitos del documento de identificacin). Esta pantalla es la entrada al programa English Discoveries. Aparecer despus de que ingrese su password.

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    Basic 1.lnk

    A partir del nivel Basic One las pantallas se presentarn como aparece en la imagen.

    Las actividades a desarrollar son:

    Language Vocabulary

    Explore, Practice, Game, Test Explore, Practice Game, Test

    Solamente se activan dos conos Explore y Practice.

    Reading: En esta actividad se encuentran Seis conos:

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    Escuchar Traducir Idea Principal Sujetos Conectores Palabras Claves

    Listening: En esta actividad se encuentran seis conos, ellos son:

    Reproducir Traducir Texto Completo Escuchar Grabar Escuchar Grabacin

    Estos son los diferentes niveles que tiene el programa English Discoveries.

    El docente Tutor estar en condiciones de colaborarle y darle apoyo con cualquier inquietud, ya sea de la Gua o del ingreso al programa.

    Basic 2.lnk Basic 3.lnk Intermediate 1.lnk

    Intermediate 3.lnk

    Intermediate 2.lnk

    Advanced 2.lnkThe Executive.lnkAdvanced 3.lnk

    Advanced 1.lnk

    Basic 1.lnkLet's Start.lnk

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    Guide 1 LETS MEET NEW PEOPLE Curso de ingls Bsico Unidad de aprendizaje : Lets meet new people Competencia a desarrollar : Comunicacin verbal y escrita utilizando frases y expresiones relacionadas con saludos y presentacin personal. Modalidad de Formacin : Semipresencial Resultados de aprendizaje :

    Emplear correctamente las expresiones relacionadas con los saludos y la presentacin personal.

    Intercambiar informacin personal y elaborar entrevistas TABLA DE SABERES SABER SABER-HACER SER

    Alfabeto, nmeros, vocabulario

    Verbo Ser o Estar ( To be) Presente

    Adjetivos posesivos Pronombres


    Revisar la pronunciacin, utilizacin y formacin del alfabeto, nmeros y vocabulario.

    Aplicar las estructuras del verbo ser o estar en sus diferentes formas y conjugacin en el tiempo presente.

    Identificar los adjetivos posesivos de acuerdo con su funcin y posesor definido

    Utilizar correctamente los pronombres personales y sus referentes en un determinado contexto.

    Reconoce sus fortalezas y debilidades en el proceso comunicativo utilizando la segunda lengua.

    Es responsable en la ejecucin de las actividades asignadas.

    Participa activamente en su proceso de aprendizaje.

    Materiales: Se emplean diversos materiales tales como fotocopias, diccionarios, memofichas, revistas, libros de ingls, el programa multimedia English Discoveries, videos, audios y otros que se ajusten a las necesidades del curso.

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    Instrumentos: Para la evaluacin del curso se efecta una evaluacin general de los contenidos asignados, as como las evaluaciones determinadas en el programa multimedia.


    Al finalizar esta gua usted estar en capacidad de presentarse y presentar a otras personas, solicitar y dar informacin personal; utilizar adecuadamente expresiones comunes y aplicar las estructuras gramaticales contenidas en esta unidad de aprendizaje. A. CONVERSATION David Garca is an English teacher and Patricia is a new student. Patricia gets into the classroom and greets Mr. Garca. Read the conversation and practice it with one of your classmates outdoors. Patricia Snchez : Good morning. Is this room 1102?

    David Garca : Yes. This is the English room. Please come in. Im David Garca, your teacher. Patricia : Nice to meet you. Im Patricia Snchez. David : Is that S-A-N-C-H-E-Z? Patricia : Thats right. David : Ah, yes. Here it is, Patricia. Registration number 76943. Patricia : Of course, and please call me Patty. David : Okay. Hello, Patty. Welcome to the English class. Patricia : Its good to be here. David : Where are you from? Patricia : Im from Cundinamarca. David : Are you from Bogot? Patricia : No. Im from Fusagasug. David : Okay, Patty. See you later. Patricia : Bye, teacher Garca.

    B. LETS PRACTICE WITH THE ALPHABET AND NUMBERS In the classroom, enter the English Discoveries Program, get the Lets start section, and practice with the alphabet, numbers and vocabulary. (explore, practice, test). C. WRITING With another classmate, write a similar conversation to the one between David and Patricia. Use your own personal information. Exchange this information with other people.

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    D. FAMOUS COLOMBIAN SINGERS Shakira and Juanes are two of the most famous Colombian singers. Read this short paragraph about them and recognize the verb To be . Shakira is from Barranquilla. She is in the United States now. She is in Miami. She is a Pop Music singer. Juanes is from Medellin. He is not in Colombia now. He is in Miami. He is a Pop Music singer, too. Shakira and Juanes are very good singers. Shakira is not married, but Juanes is . Shakira is beautiful and Juanes is handsome. They are young and friendly. Many people are happy with them. E. FIND OUT 1. In the English Discoveries Program, Basic 1, Language section, work on the Verb to be structures (affirmative, interrogative and negative forms), dont forget contractions, short answers, tag questions and WH questions. (explore, practice, game, test) F. CHALLENGE 1. Now that you have discovered the verb to be structures apply them in context. Laura is in the United States and writes a letter to her friend Simon. Read the letter and fill in the blanks with the corresponding subject pronouns and conjugation of the verb.

    February 14, 2007 Dear Simon: Im (1) happy. How _______ (2) you? ______ (3)here in San Francisco. _______(4) a very big and a crowded city. People ______(5) very friendly. There are many beautiful places to visit. ______(6) with my friend Susan. _______(7) a business woman and the manager of Panasonic Corporation in Chicago. ______(8) a very young and a successful woman. _______(9) only 28 years old._______(10) married and her husband ______(11) another successful executive. _______(12) from Japan. Now _______(13) near the Golden Gate Bridge. _______(14) wonderful and one of the longest bridges in this country. Well, sorry but _________ (15) in a hurry and _________ (16) extremely busy I guess so. See you soon. Love, Laura

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    2. Based on the letter above give complete answers to the following questions:

    a. Is Laura in the United States? _____________________ ___________________ b. How are people in San Francisco? ___________________ _________________ c. Who is very successful? _____________________________ _____________ __ d. Is Susan old or young? ________________ _________________ ____________ e. Where is Susans husband from? _____________________ ________________

    3. Check your answers with your tutor. G. SHOWING POSSESSION 1. Rocio and Claudia are in the English classroom. Rocio cannot find her umbrella and asks Claudia for it. Read their conversation and underline the possessive adjectives.

    Rocio : Oh! What a terrible day! Claudia : Really? Whats wrong? Rocio : I dont know where my umbrella is and its raining too hard. Claudia : Isnt it in your bag? Rocio : By the way Where is my bag? Whats happening to me? Im kind of crazy today!!

    Claudia : Why dont you ask Henry? I think it is in his car Rocio : Henry!! Im afraid my bag is in your car. Henry : Sorry! Our boss has it in her office... But she isnt here now. She is visiting her parents. They are not in the city now. They are on their farm in Tabio. Rocio : (Sighs and cries) Oh no!! You are kidding, arent you? What a terrible day!! 2. In the English Discoveries Program, enter Basic 1, Language section, Pronouns topic and work on the subject and possessives. (explore, practice, game, test) 3. John is giving a description about his sister, teachers and pets. Use the personal pronouns and possessive adjectives to complete the paragraph.

    ____ (1) name is John Dickens. This is _____ (2) sister Patricia. ______ (3) is 12 years old. ______ (4) nick name is Patty. We have one pet. ______ (5) is a budgie. _____ (6) name is Lorenzo and he likes to speak. We go to the same school. In _______ (7) school there are 450 students.________ (8) English teacher is Mrs. Peterson. _______ (9) is beautiful and very nice. _____ (10) pet is a tortoise. ______ (11) Math teacher is Nicolas. ______ (12) is

    nice, too. _____ (13) pets are a dog and a cat. _______ (14) names are Ringo and Silvester. Now I have a question for you. Whats _____ (15) pet?

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    H. EXCHANGING INFORMATION Look at the pictures. Find out information about famous people and fill in the blanks. Full Name: _________ Birthday: __________ Age: ______________ Nationality: _________ Occupation: ________ Marital Status: _______

    Full Name:___________ Birthday: ____________ Age:________________ Nationality: ___________ Occupation: __________ Marital Status: ________

    Full Name:__________ Birthday: ___________ Age:_______________ Nationality: _________ Occupation: ________ Marital Status: _______

    Full Name: ___________ Birthday:_____________ Age:________________ Nationality:___________ Occupation: __________ Marital Status: ________

    Full Name: _________ Birthday: __________ Age:_______________ Nationality: _________ Occupation: ________ Marital Status: ______

    Full Name: __________ Birthday: ___________ Age: ______________ Nationality: _________ Occupation: _________ Marital Status: ________

    I. WRITING Enter the English Discoveries Program, look for the Writing section and work on the Letter, Check and Form activities (explore and practice). J. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb To be in present tense. Use contractions when necessary.

    a. My fathers last name ______ Martinez. He _____ a Marketing Director at City Bank.

    b. Janet and Paul ______ Assistant Managers for an important international company. They _____ happy working there.

    c. My parents _____ in Italy now. They ______ visiting the Pizza Tower. d. Nike ______ a very famous Sports Wear Company. David Beckman _______

    promoting most of their products now. e. Madrid _________ the capital of France. It _____ located in Spain.

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    2. Using the words in parentheses write yes/no questions for 1, and give the corresponding complete answer for 2. These questions and answers are related to the verb To be structures.

    a 1. ___________________? (tango/Argentinian) 2. ___________________________ b 1. _______________________ ? (we/cafeteria) 2. ___________________________ c 1. _________________ ? (Simpson/Peruvian) 2. ___________________________ d 1. ___________________ ? (Madonna/Singer) 2. ___________________________ e 1. _______________________ ? (you/hungry) 2. ___________________________

    3. David and Rachel meet at the University. They are going for a drink now. Complete their conversation with the most appropriate questions. Rachel : Well, David, ________________________________________? David : Im from Ibagu, and you? Rachel : Im from Cuba. David : How interesting! _______________________________________ ? Rachel : No. Not really. Im an Economy student. _______________________________? David : Im 20 years old Rachel, and your parents? Are they in Cuba? Rachel : No, not now. They live in Canada. My moms name is Maria and my dads is Daniel. David : ____________________doing there? Rachel : Theyre retired and they love living there. Oh, sorry! Time flies and I have to go now. I have a class. David : Good. ______________________________________? Rachel : My cell phone is 312 4182335. David : Ok. Ill give you a call. See you then. 4. Cross out the wrong word and rewrite the complete correct sentence.

    a. My identity card number are 52.336.238. _________________ ________ _______ b. What is his full name? My full name is Edgar Ruiz. ______________ __________ c. Roger no is at home now, ____________________ ________________ _______ d. Where is New York and Washington located? It are in the United States.______ ____________________________________________________________________ e. What is your sisters name? Your name is Mary. ___________________________

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    Dear Paula:

    Im very happy here. Its big university.

    Students are polite but serious. My math

    teacher is quite young. Your classes are

    very interesting and dynamic. classrooms

    here are modern and also there are

    several foreign people. We are busy all

    the time, so sometimes were tired. Im

    interesting in art classes. Theyre


    Every day it is a new experience at this


    Write soon.

    Love, Luisa

    5. Complete the sentences choosing the correct possessive adjective in the parentheses.

    a. Manuel is in ______ car. (her, he, his) b. Its an Italian restaurant. ____ name is Pozzeto. (It, Our, Its) c. Im Margarita. ______ last name is Porras. (Mine, My, I ) d. Were at home but _____ parents arent. Theyre at the mall. (ours, we, our) e. Natalie and Justin are in _________ office. (their, they, theirs) f. Is that _______ new car? Its beautiful. (you, yours, your) g. Mary, where is ______ boss? Hes not in his office. (our, ours, he) h. I think _____ briefcase is in my car. Dont worry about it. (yours, you, your) i. Mary and Luis are living in Bogot, but __ parents are in Cali. (them, their, theirs) j. That is not ____ book. Mine is green and it is older. (my, me, mine)

    6. Luisa is sending an E-mail to her aunt Paula in Buenos Aires. Shes telling her about her experience as a foreign student at Cambridge University. Read the E-mail and help Luisa identify and check five mistakes. Correct them and rewrite the E-mail.

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    7. Now write a similar message and send it to your tutor.

    Guide 2 WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Curso de i ngls Bsico Unidad de aprendizaje : What are you doing? Competencia a desarrollar : Comunicacin verbal y escrita utilizando las estructuras relacionadas con el Presente progresivo, posesivo de los sustantivos y pronombres posesivos. Modalidad de Formacin : Semipresencial Resultados de aprendizaje:

    Emplear correctamente las estructuras el presente progresivo y expresiones relacionadas con acciones que estn sucediendo en el momento.

    Identificar el uso correcto del posesivo para los sustantivos y los pronombres posesivos.


    Presente progresivo

    Posesivo de los sustantivos

    Pronombres posesivos

    Aplicar las estructuras del presente progresivo en sus diferentes formas y conjugacin para comunicar situaciones que estn ocurriendo en el momento

    Utilizar correctamente el posesivo para los sustantivos de acuerdo con las estructuras del ingls.

    Identificar y usar los pronombres posesivos correctamente de acuerdo con el contexto dado.

    Reconoce sus fortalezas y debilidades en el proceso comunicativo utilizando la segunda lengua.

    Es responsable en la ejecucin de las actividades asignadas

    Participa activamente en su proceso de aprendizaje.

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    WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Al finalizar esta gua usted estar en capacidad de describir acciones que estn sucediendo en el momento; utilizar adecuadamente expresiones comunes y aplicar las estructuras gramaticales contenidas en esta unidad de aprendizaje para expresar o demostrar posesin o pertenencia.


    1. Tracy is calling her friend Alex to know what he is doing. She wants to invite him to have dinner tonight. Read the conversation below, identify and underline the Present Progressive Structures.

    On the telephone

    Tracy : Hello, can I speak to Alex? Alex : This is Alex, who is speaking? Tracy : Hi, this is Tracy. Alex : Hi Tracy. What are you doing? Tracy : Oh, Im not doing anything important. I'm just watching TV. What are you doing? Alex : Well, I'm preparing a report for my boss at the bank. Tracy : What kind of report?

    Alex : Its a monthly report. Im totaling accounts. Tracy : Really! So you are very busy now Alex : A little bit, but take it easy.

    Tracy : So, what are you doing for dinner tonight? Alex :Well, I don't have any plans so far. Tracy : Would you like to come over for dinner? Alex :Oh, I'd love to. Thanks. Tracy : Great. Mary and Robert are also coming. They are arriving at seven. Alex :OK, I'll be there at seven, too. Tracy : Sounds good, see you then. Bye. Alex: Bye.

    2. In the English Discoveries Program, Basic 1,Language section, Present Progressive. Work on the corresponding forms and structures of the present progressive- affirmative, interrogative, and negative forms, wh questions, tag questions, contractions, etc. (explore, practice, game, test)

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    Write the - ing form of the following verbs.

    1. drink- 2. eat- 3. see- 4. think- 5. read-

    6. smile- 7. write- 8. close- 9. come- 10. make-

    11. sit- 12. run- 13. get- 14. begin- 15. admit-

    16. sew- 17. mix- 18. play- 19. whisper- 20. listen-


    1. Read and complete the paragraph. Fill in the blanks with the affirmative and negative forms of the present progressive of the verbs in parentheses.

    Carol and her friend Jimmy are in the office at the bank, but theyre not working now. Carol is ____________ (1. write) a letter. Her English book is on the desk, but she _______________ (2. read) it. Carol _____________ (3. sit) next to Jimmy. Jimmys Banking accounts are in front of him, but he _____________ (4. work) on them. He

    _____________ (5. look) at a magazine. Carol and Jimmy ______________ (6. relax) and ___________ (7. take) a break. There is a secretary at the reception. She _________________ (8. answer) the phone. The boss is in his office. He has the balance sheet on his desk , but he ____________ (9. sign) it. He ______________ (10. drink) a cup of coffee.


    1. Enter the English Discoveries program, Basic 1,Language section, Nouns. Work on the possessives topic. (explore, practice, game, test) 2. CHALLENGE Luis and Hugo are brothers. Ann and Luis are husband and wife. They have four children: Jenny, Bill, Liz and David. Ann and Betty are sisters. Nelly and Bill are married. They have a son: Peter. Jenny and Oscar are married. They have a son: Jim.

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    Look at the picture of the family and fill in the chart to complete the sentences using the corresponding possessive of nouns.

    1. Luis is_______________ husband. 6.Peter is ______________cousin. 2. _________________ son is Peter. 7.Liz and Jenny are________ daughters. 3.Jenny is _________________sister. 8. Peter and Jim are _______ nephews. 4. Luis and Ann are ________ grandparents. 9.Hugo is ______________ 5. Betty is ________________ sister- in- law. 10.Ann is ___________mother in - law 3. Carolina and Jos are at home looking at some photos of their family on the computer; at the same time they are talking about their relatives possessions. Identify the possessive of nouns (s) and underline them.

    Jos : Carolina come here. I want to show you some pictures of the family. Carolina : That sounds good. Jos : This is Lucias wedding and this is her husband. His name is Julio. Carolina : Are Julios parents next to him? Jos : Yeah, theyre Mr. and Mrs. Rodrguez and the woman over there is Lucia, Julios boss.

    Carolina : Oh! Look, Sandras dress is beautiful but Daniels suit is awful. Jos : I dont think so. I like Julios sister, shes really nice. Carolina : Whats the time? Im in a hurry. Mr. Buitragos class starts at 3:00 P.M. Jos : By the way, I have a lecture with Mrs. Brown at the university, too. I have to leave now.


    Oscar Luis Bill David


    Liz Betty

    Jim Ann Nelly

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    Carolina : Well, see you tonight at Wilsons home. Bye. E. WHOSE CAR IS IT? 1. Brian and his friends are at a wedding. Its late and he wants to leave, but he cant move his car because another car is in the way. He is talking to another man. Identify the possessive pronouns and the corresponding interrogative word Whose to ask questions about possession. Brian : Whose car is this? Is it yours? Man: No, it isnt mine. Mine is a Ford. Brian : What about Daniel? Is it his? Man: No, it isnt his. His is a Volkswagen. Brian : What about the neighbors? Is it theirs? Man: No, theirs is a Van. Brian : Ill ask Janet. Perhaps its hers. Man: No, it isnt hers. She doesnt have a car. Brian : Ah, here are Michael and Sophie. Ill ask them. Hi, you two! Do you know whose car this is? Is it yours? Michael : No, it isnt ours. Ours is at home. I dont know whose it is. 2. In the English Discoveries Program, Language section, Pronouns, work on the Possessive Pronouns. (explore, practice, game, test) F. LETS USE THE POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Read the following sentences and complete them with the corresponding possessive pronoun (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, or theirs) 1. Thats not her office. __________ is on the second floor. 2. This is not my pen. ___________ is black. 3. a. Is this your Accounting homework? b. No, _________ is on Marys desk. 4. a. Is that their new house? b. No, _____________ is on Middle Street. 5. a. Is that our checking account book? b. I dont think so. _________ is in my briefcase. 6. a. Mom, are those my new shoes?

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    b. No, dear. _________ are under the bed. 7. a. Are those your sons sneakers? b. Let me see. Oh, yes. ________ are size 12. 8. a. Where are Michael and Johannas test papers? b. I dont remember I think ___________ are on my desk. 9. My roommate and I have a sofa like that one, but __________ is a little bigger. 10. a. Isnt this Marys new sweater? b. Come on! This is mine. _____________ is on her desk in her office. G. WRITING Look at the pictures and write 5 Wh questions with what , where , when , who , how many and answer them. Then write five yes/no questions and answer them. Give affirmative or negative answers according to the picture you refer to. Use the expressions in the box, and the structures studied in this guide. 1. Stand next to the tree 2. swing in the hammock 3. smile 4. fly on the airplane 5.greet the people 6. sit on the beach 7. talk 8. listen to 9. swim 10. drive

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    H. LISTENING In the English Discoveries, Basic 1, Listening Section work on the corresponding activities: Radio, TV, Answering machine (explore, practice, test) I. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 1. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

    brother not dinner cooking My is now ________________________________________________________________

    living - Paulas is Argentina father in ________________________________________________________________

    are - Mary about - speaking Carmen - and boss their ________________________________________________________________

    Statistics am a I report preparing ________________________________________________________________

    is its Garfield milk drinking now

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    ________________________________________________________________ 2. Complete the following chart with the correct present progressive structures.

    Subject Affirmative Negative Yes/No questions Tag questions

    I I am working in this moment

    You Are you cooking a special dinner ?

    Mary She is not walking to her office

    She is walking to her office, isnt she?

    Leo Is he playing the guitar?


    It is raining now

    We We are not reading a new book

    You You are not writing a song

    The boys

    They are listening to rock music

    3. Possessive adjectives vs. possessive pronouns. Complete each sentence. Use the possessive adjective or the possessive pronoun as required.

    a. This is _____________ (my, mine) umbrella. _____________ (You, Yours) is over there. Its next to _______ (her, hers) backpack. __________ (Her, Hers) backpack has many pockets. __________ (My, Mine) has only one pocket.

    b. John : Where is __________ (their, theirs) car? Peter : ____________ (Their, Theirs) is in the garage. John : Is ___________ (your, yours) car in the garage, too? Peter : No, _________ (our, ours) is on the street. And ________ (your, yours)?

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    Guide 3 WORLDVIEW

    Curso de i ngls Bsico Unidad de aprendizaje : Worldview Competencia a desarrollar : Comunicacin verbal y escrita, utilizando las estructuras relacionadas con el singular y plural de los sustantivos, los artculos definido e indefinidos, la expresin there is / there are, para hacer descripciones, los pronombres objeto, y los pronombres y los adjetivos demostrativos. Modalidad de Formacin : Semipresencial Resultados de aprendizaje:

    Identificar y utilizar correctamente la forma plural y singular de los sustantivos. Distinguir el uso de los artculos de acuerdo con un contexto determinado. Hacer descripciones en singular o plural utilizando la expresin there is o there are

    en afirmativo, interrogativo o negativo. Diferenciar los pronombres personales de los pronombres objetivos dentro de la

    cadena sintctica. Utilizar los pronombres y los adjetivos demostrativos teniendo en cuenta sus



    Singular y plural de los sustantivos

    Artculos definidos e indefinidos

    There is/There are - Descripciones

    Pronombres objeto Pronombres y

    adjetivos demostrativos

    Identificar el plural y singular de los sustantivos.

    Utilizar correctamente los artculos definido e indefinidos atendiendo a sus diferencias.

    Hacer descripciones de acuerdo con un determinado contexto.

    Usar adecuadamente los pronombres objeto.

    Determinar las diferencias y el uso de los pronombres y adjetivos demostrativos

    Reconoce sus fortalezas y debilidades en el proceso comunicativo utilizando la segunda lengua.

    Es responsable en la ejecucin de las actividades asignadas

    Participa activamente en su proceso de aprendizaje.

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    WORLDVIEW Al finalizar esta gua usted estar en capacidad de expresar y describir situaciones utilizando sustantivos en singular y plural, los artculos definido e indefinidos. Adems podr utilizar la expresin there is / there are, as como los pronombres objeto, pronombres y adjetivos demostrativos, para describir imgenes a su alrededor, A. MY OFFICE

    1. Mary is a very efficient Business Manager Assistant. She is working and is giving us a description of her office. Pay attention to the use of nouns in their singular and plural forms. Hello everybody: I am Mary Watson and I work for a very important company. Here I am in my office. As you can see, it is located in the Downtown area and there are many big buildings around it. In my

    office, you can see many things. There are some chairs, some desks, plants and other objects. On the desk in my back, you can see a desktop computer, a printer, a tape recorder, a picture frame, and some flowers. On the desk I am sitting at, I have a laptop computer, a penholder, a stapler, a telephone, paper clips, an adhesive tape dispenser, two little bottles and some memo sheets. On the table between the two chairs, there is a magazine and on the corner at the back, there is a beautiful floor lamp. I am very happy in my office because it is very comfortable and it is a very good place to work. 2. In the English Discoveries Program, Basic 1, Language section, check the singular and plural forms. Take into account the corresponding rules to change nouns from singular into plural. (explore, practice, game, test) B. PRACTICE WITH PLURAL FORMS Write the plural form of each noun 1. foot _______________ 9. custom ___________ 17. thief __________ 2. hero _____________ 10. video ___________ 18. flash ____________ 3. knife _____________ 11. potato ___________ 19. memo ___________ 4. quality ______________ 12. deer ___________ 20. memorandum _______

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    5. doorway _____________ 13. ox ___________ 21. crisis ____________ 6. gentleman ____________ 14. donkey __________ 22. mouth ___________ 7. wolf ______________ 15. mystery ___________ 23. fly ___________ 8. quiz ______________ 16. chief ___________ 24. person ___________ C. REFERRING TO PEOPLE, PLACES AND THINGS. LETS US E THE ARTICLES IN ENGLISH 1. Mary, an English teacher, is introducing herself. Read her description and identify the definite and indefinite articles . Find out the differences between them - a, an, the. In order to help you consult the English Discoveries Program, Basic 1, Language section, Articles. Find out how to use these articles correctly and apply the results. (explore, practice, game, test) I am from Seattle, Washington. Seattle is a city in the United States. It is near the border of Canada in the northwest corner of the USA. I live in a town called Olympia, which is very quiet and peaceful. I live in a house in a street in the countryside. The street is called "Bear Street" and the house is old - more than 100 years old! I am an English teacher at a school in the center of the town. I like books and taking photographs. I usually have lunch at school. I usually go home by car. We have all kinds of food in Olympia. I like Italian food very much. Sometimes, I go to an Italian restaurant in Seattle. The restaurant is called "Luigi's". Italian food is great! 2. Mrs. Maria Teresa Valdez is telling us about Nokia. Read the article and complete the text with the corresponding definite or indefinite articles. Mrs. Maria Teresa Valdez is ____ (1) accountant and she works for Nokia in Brazil. She thinks that Nokia is ____ (2) best company because ____ (3) sales are always excellent.

    Nokia is ____ (4) world leader in mobile communications. Nokia has many offices all over _____ (5) world but ____ (6) head office is in Helsinki. Europe is one of its major markets. _____ (7) company has subsidiaries in many other countries. It has ____ (8) staff of about 50.000 employees. Ericsson is _____ (9) excellent competitor but the customers prefer Nokia because ____ (10) products are very successful. They have innovative products like

    mobile phones, devices and solutions for imaging, games, media and businesses.

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    3. You are in your bedroom reading this short story about Ronaldinho. There are ten mistakes in the story. Your task is to find, circle, and correct them. Use the definite and indefinite articles in English. Date of birth: 21/03/1980 Place of birth: Porto Alegre Province: Rio Grande Country: Brazil

    Horoscope:Aries Height: 181 cm. Eyes Color: Black Hair Color: Black

    Who is Ronaldinho?

    Ronaldinho is an nickname. His real name is Ronaldo de Assis Moreira. He is spectacular soccer player and has a ability to change course of an match at any moment. He is one of Brazilian National Team leaders. Now, he is playing for an FC Barcelona and is living in Spain. His fans regard him as one of worlds top football players. Together with Samuel Eto'o, Deco, Henrik Larsson and Ludovic Giuly, he comprises part of a awesome strike force which has led Bara to win a season 04/05 Spanish first division.

    D. MAKING A DESCRIPTION Jenny and her brother, Mark, are looking at a picture of their fathers office. Observe the picture, read the dialogue and identify the use of there is and there are to express that a person or thing is somewhere, people or things are somewhere.

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    Consult English Discoveries, Basic 1, Language section, There is-There are. (explore, practice, game, test) Jenny : Mark! Come here! I want to show you a photograph of our fathers office. Mark : Really?! Let me see it. Wow! This office is very elegant! Jenny : Thats true. Andthere are many things. Can you see them? Mark : Of course. But I think there isnt a window. I cant see it. Jenny : Yes, there is a window in the back of the room, but its very small. And there are some interesting pictures on the walls. How many pictures are there on the walls? Mark : There are three. What else can you see? The photograph is not very clear for me. Jenny : Ok, There are some plants, two candlesticks and some books. Mark : Is there a desk, too? Jenny : Yeah! It seems to be very fine. Well, to finish, there are two tables and some chairs. One table is rectangular and the other one is roundYou know what? Lets go and visit our father in his office now. Mark : Thats a good idea. E. WRITTEN EXERCISE.

    The manager and his assistants are in an important meeting in the office. Ask and answer the questions about the cartoon.

    1. How many people are there in the office? ____________________

    ____________________ 2. Is there a TV set in the

    room? ______________ ____________________

    3. Are there four women in the meeting? _________

    ____________________ 4. How many people are

    sitting? _____________________________________________________ 5. Are there two men standing? ____________________________________ 6. Are there any notebooks on the table? ____________________________ 7. How many pens are there on the table? ___________________________ 8. Is there a billboard in the room? __________________________________ 9. Is there a window in the room? ___________________________________ 10. How many computers are there in the office? _______________________


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    F. WHAT YOU CAN FIND You are looking for a hotel for your next vacation. Look at the brochure carefully and write sentences about the hotel. Use there is, there isnt, there are or there arent and the words in parentheses.

    ENJOY YOUR VACATION! In every room: At the hotel: - a bathroom - two restaurants - two beds - four tennis courts - two closets - two parking lots - a television - an air conditioner 1. (a radio in every room) There isnt a radio in every room. 2. (a bathroom) __________________________________________________________ 3. (two beds) ____________________________________________________________ 4. (two closets) __________________________________________________________ 5. (a television) __________________________________________________________ 6. (a telephone) _________________________________________________________ 7. (an air conditioner) _____________________________________________________ 8. (two restaurants at the hotel) _____________________________________________ 9. (four tennis courts) _____________________________________________________ 10. (a swimming pool) ____________________________________________________ 11. (two parking lots) _____________________________________________________

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    G. TALK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE AND THINGS 1. In the LPC, English Discoveries Program, Basic 1, Language Section, Pronouns, work on the Subject and Object Pronouns to identify and reinforce your knowledge. (explore, practice, game, test) 2. Mark and Helen are in the library. They are preparing a presentation for their Ethics class. Read their dialogue. Circle the subject pronouns and underline the object pronouns.

    Helen : Mark, can you help me? I cant find my glasses. I need them to read this article. Mark : Here they are. Helen : Oh, thank you. The article is a little long but lets read it. Mark : Ok. How interesting! I really like it. Helen : Look! Our teacher is at the table

    over there. Can you see him? Mark : Yeah! And he is looking for us. Hey, who is the girl sitting next to him? Helen : I dont know her. Maybe she is one of his students in the other group. Mark : Youre right. Well, lets continue working on this paper. 2. Some people are celebrating the Independence Day in the US. Read the text and replace the underlined words for the corresponding object pronoun. It is the Fourth of July in the United

    States. It is the Independence Day. Americans like to celebrate their Independence Day . People are seeing their friends. They are enjoying with their friends . Some people are having a picnic and barbecuing hamburgers. Hamburgers are delicious. I like hamburgers a lot. At nine oclock, they are going to watch the fireworks. They are anxious to see the fireworks . Everyone is having a good time. New York City is very crowded. You have to visit New York one of these days. Invite your mother. It is a good present for your mother . If you want, you can invite your girl or boyfriend. It is a good surprise for your girl or boyfriend , too.

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    Lulu is at a new Laundromat. She has a problem with her clothes. Read the conversation between Lulu and the woman and underline the corresponding demonstratives. To achieve this goal work on the English Discoveries Program, Basic 1, Language Section, on the Demonstratives this-that/these-those. (explore, practice, game, test)

    Woman : Is something wrong? Lulu : Yes. Woman : Whats the problem? Lulu : Well, this isnt my blouse, and these arent my socks. Woman : Oh, Im sorry.

    Lulu : And this isnt my towel. This towel is yellow. My towels are blue. Those towels over there on that shelf look like my towels. And my brown blouse isnt here. Woman : Oh, no. I dont know what happened. Lulu : And look at these pants. Theyre size 4. Look at me. Am I size 4? Im not size 4. Im size 14. Woman : Im terribly sorry. Lulu : I am, too. I. CHALLENGE Carol and Frank are in the bookstore. Read their conversation carefully and fill in the blanks with this , that , these or those according to the context. Carol : Could you give me _________ (1) Economy book on the table over there? Frank : Do you mean _______ (2) book here? Carol : Yes, _______ (3) book. Frank : Here you are. Oh, could you give me __________ (4) Fortune magazines on the table over there?

    Carol : _________ (5)? Sure, here you are. Isnt ________ (6) pen on the floor yours? Frank : No, mine is in my pocket. _______ (7) is my pen!... I like to be very careful with my things. Carol : OK. Hey Frank, who are ___________ (8) boys sitting at ________ (9) desk? Frank : No idea. _________ (10) arent my friends.

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    J. WRITING You need to buy different things for school. Write a short conversation and use the topics studied in this lesson ( nouns, articles, there is-there are, object pronouns, demonstratives, etc.). Consult the English Discoveries Program, Lets Start, Vocabulary Section, Office Supplies for vocabulary or ask your English tutor for help. K. CHECK YOUR PROGRESS 1. Choose the correct noun ( Singular/ Plural ) to complete the following sentences.

    a. My _________ ( tooth/teeth) are sensitive to the cold.

    b. Most basketball players are six (6) _________ (foot/feet) tall.

    c. Faustino Asprilla has only one ______ (child/children). d. There are ten ________ (man/men) in the maintenance department. e. Dont forget! When you cut the cake use a _______ (knife/knives) and a fork. f. I am very hungry. I want two _________________ (sandwich/sandwiches). g. There are many multinational _____________________ (company/companies) in

    our country. h. Those ___________ (pant/pants) are very expensive. i. I need a ____________ (box/boxes) to keep these papers. j. The police ______________ (officer/officers) are registering the people in the


    2. Two friends are at a pizza place. Complete their conversation. Use there are , there isnt , there arent , they arent , or is there

    A terrible pizza place Angie : Oh, no Lucy. What are we doing here? This pizza place is terrible. ____________________ (1) any tablecloths and the placemats are dirty. Lucy : Youre right. _______________ (2) any napkins, either. Angie : _______________ (3) real knives and forks, but _______________ (4) clean. Lucy : Thats true. ________________ (5) waiters, but _________________ (5) very polite.

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    Angie : Ufff! And its very hot in here, but ________________ (6) even a fan. Lucy : Ok. Lets leave. _________________ (7) better places around here. Angie : Look! _______________ (8) another pizza place on the corner over there? Lucy : Yes, and it looks much better and bigger. Although ________________ (9) more chairs and tables, ___________________ (10) many people. I can imagine the service is good. Lets go. 3. Read the sentences. Then choose and circle the corresponding object pronouns. a. Is Mary writing to George Clooney? Yes, she is in love with ______. his him her b. Pauline, where is my English book? Sorry, but I dont have______. it them they c. The children are making a lot of noise. Please, ask____ to be quite. their-they-them d. Why is he always talking about Shakira? Because he likes ___ a lot. her she him e. What are you doing with those old papers? I'm going to recycle ____ they it them f. The manager needs the secretary and me. Shes calling ______. you us we g. I love my mother and she loves _______. I her me h. When are you going to finish the balance? I need to sign _______. It you them i. Pete is very sick today. Lets visit _______. him he his j. The treasurer is not in her office. I need _______ right now. him she her 4. Read the following text and fill in the blanks with a, an, or the . Government says politics is honest _____ (1) Government has formed ____ (2) new committee. ______ (3) committee have produced ______ (4) document called Politics in Britain is ______ (5) honest profession.

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    5. Fill in the gaps with this , these , that or those .


    I don't like this chair. I like _______ one over there.

    2 Don't do it like that. Do it like ________.


    ________ house is old but that one on the other side of the street is quite new.

    4 Tommy is _________ boy at the back of the class.


    The yellow shoes are awful. I like _____ red shoes here.


    Look at _________ earrings I'm wearing. They are a present from my co-workers.


    Can you see ________ motorbikes in that parking lot? They are imported from China.

    8 I cant stand ___________ people at the next table. Please ask them to stop talking so loudly.


    Waiter, ___________ coffee tastes funny.

    10 If ___________ kid doesn't stop screaming, I'm going to another restaurant and quickly!

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    L. READING Enter the English Discoveries Program, Basic 1 and work on the reading section activities. (explore, practice, test)

    Bibliografa: Bolton, David, and Noel Goodey. English Grammar in Steps. London: Richmond Publishing, 1996. Eckstut, Samuela. Focus on Grammar: Workbook. New York: Pearson Education, 2000. Murphy, Raymond. Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Richards, Jack C., and Tay Lesley. New Interchange: English for International Communication. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Schoenberg, Irene E. Focus on Grammar: Student book. New York: Pearson Education, 2000. Soars, Liz and John. American Headway1: Workbook. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.