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  • 8/3/2019 Can Dace Motor


    Lynne Dart

    Carolyn Taylor

    Candace Skinner

  • 8/3/2019 Can Dace Motor


    Presentation Outline


    Classifying skills

    Theories of motor learning

    Goal setting

    Motor learning v. motor performance Individual and performance characteristics of skill learning

    Presenting and practicing a skill

    Transfer of Learning

    Feedback Stroke and Motor Learning


  • 8/3/2019 Can Dace Motor



    Motor skills are an important part of our existence ashuman beings. Therefore, the focus of ourpresentation is to look at how individuals developand perform motor skills by applying the principles of

    motor learning.

    Motor Learning is a set of cognitive processesassociated with practice, training, or experience that

    results in relatively permanent changes in motorbehavior

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    Classifying Skills

    Skills Can Be Classified By Task

    Discrete Skill: a skill that has a well

    defined beginning and end.

    Serial Skill:

    Characterized by severaldiscrete skills connected in asequence, whereby order isoften crucial

    Continuous Skill:

    A skill that has noidentifiable beginning orend and can often berepetitive.

    Skills Can Also Be Classified ByCognitive and Motor Elements

    Motor Skill:

    A skill determined by the quality

    of a performers movements

    Cognitive Skill:

    A skill for which the primarydeterminant of success is thequality of the performersdecisions regarding what to do.

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    Classifying Skills cont

    Open Skill: A skill performed in an environment that is

    unpredictable or in motion that requires

    individuals to adapt their movements inresponse to dynamic properties of theenvironment.

    Closed Skill: A skill performed in an environment that is

    predictable or stationary and that allowsindividuals to plan their movements in advance.

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  • 8/3/2019 Can Dace Motor


    Theories of Motor Learning

    Fitts and Posner (1967):

    Cognitive Stage: Trial and error, directs attention

    to movements

    Associative: reduces amount of cognitive activity

    involved, improvement in success and consistency

    Autonomous: Skill is becoming automatic, little

    cognitive attention

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    Theories of Motor Learning

    Gentiles Model

    Initial Stage:

    develop a movement coordination pattern for successful


    learn to discriminate regulatory and non-regulatory conditions

    Later Stages:

    Adapt movement patterns to specific demands of any

    performance situation

    Perform skill with economy of effort

    Closed skills require fixation and open skills require diversification

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    Goal Setting

    Individuals should have an input in the goal-setting


    Goal setting guides the progress of therapy.

    Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable,realistic and time oriented.

    Three types of goal should be set; performance

    goals, process goals and outcome goals.

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    Motor Learning Vs.Motor Performance

    Motor Performance: Observable attempt voluntary action.

    Level of performance is susceptible to

    fluctuation in temporary factors such as

    motivation, arousal, fatigue, and physicalcondition

    Motor Learning:

    Changes in internal processes that determine an

    individuals capability of producing a motor task.

    The level of motor learning improves with

    practice and is often inferred by observing

    relatively stable levels of motor performance.

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    Individual Characteristics that Affect MotorLearning



    Motivational level Previous social experiences

    Prior movement experiences

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    Performance Characteristics of Skill







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    Presenting a Skill


    Very little research

    Modeling: Use of demo to convey informationabout how to perform a skill, same as

    observational learning

    Beneficial when the skill being learned requiresthe acquisition of a new pattern of coordination

    Demonstrator needs to perform skill correctly

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    Demonstration Contd

    Observing unskilled demonstrators can be

    useful if learner is unaware they are unskilled

    Useful only if model and demonstrator are

    both beginners

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    How frequently should youdemonstrate a skill?

    Should be demonstrated before beginnerattempts skill

    During early part of learning, skill should bedemonstrated as often as necessary

    As skill progresses, learner should not need

    demonstration as frequently

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    Cognitive Mediation Theory

    Explains benefit of a demonstration

    Learner observes skilled model

    Learner translates the observed movement

    information into cognitive code

    Learner stores cognitive codes in memory and

    uses them when they perform the skill

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    Verbal Instructions and Cues

    Evidence supports this method of instruction

    Must consider that learner has limited

    attention capacity

    Beginner may have difficulty paying attention

    to more than 1 or 2 instructions at a time

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    Verbal Instructions Contd

    Direct learners focus to features of skill or

    environment that will enhance performance

    Performance of open skills requires direction of

    attention to aspects of the environment that willhelp learner

    Learners frequently attend to environmental cues

    without conscious awareness

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    Verbal Cues

    Verbal instructions may be too short or too


    They may provide too much or too little


    May not provide learner with information

    they need to perform the skill

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    Verbal Cues

    Short concise phrases

    Direct attention to information relevant to

    performing skills

    Prompt key movement-pattern elements of

    performing skills

    Cues are effective in facilitating learning new

    skills as well as performing well-learned skills

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    When to give verbal instruction

    Verbal cues can be given at the same time as a


    Can be given to help learners focus on critical

    parts of skills

    Learners can also use verbal cues themselves

    when performing a skill

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    How do you practice a skill?

    Whole vs. part

    Mass vs. Distributed practice

    Speed/accuracy tradeoff

    Transfer positive and negative

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    Whole vs. Part

    Low in complexity and high in organization

    (i.e. whole practice)

    Eg. Buttoning a button, throwing a dart

    High in complexity and low in organization

    (i.e. part practice)

    Eg. Serving a tennis ball, reaching for, grasping and

    drinking from a cup, driving a stick shift

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    Practicing Parts of a Skill

    Wightman and Lintern (1985) classified three

    part-task strategies




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    Speed/Accuracy Trade-off

    Characteristic of motor skill performance in

    which the speed at which the skill is

    performed is influenced by movement

    accuracy demands

    When the person emphasizes speed, accuracy

    is reduced

    When the person emphasizes accuracy, speed

    is reduced

    Motor Learning and Control Text

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    Practice Mass vs Distributed

    Massed practice a practice schedule in which the amount of rest

    between practice sessions or trials is very short

    Distributed practice

    a practice schedule in which the amount of restbetween practice sessions or trials is relativelylong

    Baddely and Longman (1978) Postal Workers on a mail-sorting machine

    Shea et al. (2000) continuous dynamic balance tasks anddiscrete key-press timing

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    Transfer of Learning

    the influence of having previouslypracticed or performed a skill or skills on

    the learning of a new skill

    Positive transfer: beneficial effect of previousexperience on the learning or performing of anew skill, or on the performance of a skill in anew context

    Negative transfer: negative effect of priorexperience on the performance of a skill so that

    a person performs the skill less well than he orshe would have without prior experience

    Bilateral transfer: transfer of learning thatoccurs between limbs

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    Why does transfer occur?

    Positive: 2 prominent hypotheses

    Transfer occurs because the components of the skillsand/or the context is the same

    Transfer occurs because of similarities between the

    amounts and types of learning processes required Similarity of cognitive processes required

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    Why does transfer occur?

    Negative: an old stimulus requires a new butsimilar response

    Environmental context characteristics of two

    performance situations are similar but themovement characteristics are different

    Change in spatial locations of a movement ie drive a cardifferent than your own

    Change in the timing structure of the movement iedance

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    Clinical Implications

    Determine method based on skill complexity

    ie whole vs part

    Distribute therapy sessions, encourage practicesessions throughout the day and week, discouragemass practice before a therapy session

    Demonstrate the skill several times before yourclient attempts

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    Clinical Implications Contd

    Verbal instructions should be short, and the skill

    broken down

    Use verbal cues that are short, direct attention and

    prompt key components Encourage transfer of skills by mixing it up!

    Practice with unimpaired limb during initial training

    especially right after surgery

  • 8/3/2019 Can Dace Motor


    Food For Thought

    An occupational therapist is frustrated and confused.Her job is to oversee therapy for a number of strokepatients, who are trying to recover their functionalabilities. The therapist wants to provide as much

    assistance as possible, but given the number ofpatients she must work with and working in an acutesetting, she is unable to provide a lot of feedback toany particular individual. As a result, the therapistspatients must spend most of the time practicing on

    their own.

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    Questions We Need to Consider How and when should an occupational therapist provide feedback for


    What kinds of information should be conveyed to them about their


    Should the therapist attempt to provide feedback about more thenone aspect of a patients movement at a time?

    When assisting a particular individual, should the therapist give

    feedback after each performance attempt or wait until after theperson makes several attempts before providing feedback?

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  • 8/3/2019 Can Dace Motor


    Knowledge of Results

    It is extrinsic, verbal information that tells learnersabout the success of their actions with respect to theintended goal.

    This form of feedback is often a repetition of intrinsicfeedback.

    Extrinsic feedback is essential when a persons

    intrinsic feedback sources are diminished ordistorted, as in the case of some patients who sufferfrom neurological impairments.

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    Knowledge of Performance

    It provides performers with information about

    the pattern of their movement.

    It focuses on the quality of the produced


    *Very important for every day tasks

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    Benefits of Feedback

    1. Provides Motivation for Clients

    2. It provides reinforcement for an action

    3. Information for learnersso that they may perform

    an action more effectively.

    *BUT.It can createdependency in the client.

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    Whether to provide feedback at all?

    What information do we provide?

    How much information is necessary?

    How precise should that information be?

    How often should we provide feedback?

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    Whether to provide feedback at all?

    Clients can pick up many forms of sensory information.

    There is a hierarchy of intrinsic information that an individualmust be aware of to produce an effective movement,therefore it is important when providing instructionalfeedback that we ensure that the individual becomes in tunewith that information.

    Also, important to look at what the individual must learnbefore they decide whether or not to provide feedback.

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    What information do we provide?

    Program feedback: This is error information about the fundamental movement pattern.

    Parameter feedback-

    This form of feedback provides a person with error information about theparameter values (e.g. amplitude, speed, force).

    Visual feedback:

    Videos can also be used to give a person visual feedback as opposed toverbal.

    Descriptive feedback-

    It describes the errors an individual makes during the performance of askill.

    Prescriptive feedback-

    This form of feedback describes errors made during the performance of askill and suggests something the learner might do to correct it.

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    How much information is necessary?

    Summary feedback:

    It is given after a series of performance attempts that provides thelearner with information about each of the attempts in the series. Thenumber of performance attempts a practitioner should summarize in afeedback statement depends on the complexity of the task.

    Average feedback: Feedback that is given after a series of practice attempts that provides

    learners with information about their average performance in theseries.

    *Both of these methods are a good way to block dependency on


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    How precise should that information be?

    Early in practice, errors are so large that precise information

    about the size of the error does not matter, but with time

    more precise feedback is better as the individual progresses in


    Bandwidth feedback:

    The instructor will only provide feedback when an


    s movement falls outside an acceptable rangeof correctness or bandwidth.

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    How often should we provide feedback?

    Absolute feedback frequency: The total number of feedback presentations given for a series of performance


    Relative feedback frequency:

    The proportion of performance attempts for which feedback is given; equal to

    absolute feedback frequency divided by the number of performance attemptsand multiplied by 100.

    Faded feedback: An approach that uses a schedule for providing extrinsic feedback in which

    relative frequency of feedback is high during initial performance attempts and

    it diminishes during later learning. Feedback can be adjusted to theproficiency rate and improvement of each learner.

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    Stroke and Motor Learning

    Stroke is the most important single cause of

    disability of people living in their homes

    An important goal in management of stroke is


    Rehabilitation should start within 48 hours if

    client is medically stable

    What is effective rehabilitation?

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    Stroke and Motor Learning

    Need to teach clients how to perform tasks

    using spared motor functions

    Client will most likely have to learn how to

    perform the task differently then they

    performed it pre-stroke

    Role of motor learning in stroke rehab has not

    been extensively studied

  • 8/3/2019 Can Dace Motor


    Stroke Literature Hanlon

    Retention and transference varies as a

    function of training style or practice schedule

    If retention is goal, it is important to teach

    distributed practice (Intersperse activity with

    other tasks)

  • 8/3/2019 Can Dace Motor


    Blocked v. Random Trials Hanlon

    Blocked Practice: AAABBBCCC Low contextual interference

    Random Practice: ABACCBACB High contextual interference

    Random practice is more effective becauseof the effort required to distinguish betweenthe performance requirements of severaltasks during acquisition

    Blocked practice allows client to use thesame solution on each trial without havingto generate it on each trial

  • 8/3/2019 Can Dace Motor


    Sabari Motor Learning Intervention for Hemiplegia

    Important to teach motor programs in meaningful

    contexts so that transference is more likely

    Clients need opportunity to practice skills in various

    regulatory conditions so they can develop motorschema that versatile to meet daily situations

    Differences in cognitive style require individualized

    motor training to develop effective encoding


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    Sabari Contd

    Problems encountered in adults with hemiplegia:

    Ineffective or absent motor programs

    Impaired motor memory

    Impaired feedback mechanisms Impaired feed-forward mechanisms

    Goal of programs are to teach individuals to develop

    problem solving strategies rather than develop

    specific motor skills

    J M t L i

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    Jarus Motor Learning

    and OT

    Knowledge of effects of changing the order ofpresentation of different motor tasks can be used tofacilitate retention and transfer of motor skills

    Important for planning OT treatment, we do notwant the most effective performance, we want tomaximize transference and retention

    Need to increase the difficulty of learning context -most transferable to everyday situations

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    Case: Mr. Taylor

    50 year old male, right side dominant

    Experienced left hemisphere stroke October2004

    Affected: speech (expressive aphasia)

    paralysis of right arm

    memory number of other elements

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    Aphasia affected his speech and also his

    writing, however he initially started writing

    again with his left handthis would help with

    what concept discussed earlier?

    As Gord regained movement of his right side,

    how could we as OTs help him to re-learn to


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    Baddeley, A. D., & Longman, D. J. A. (1978). The influence oflength and frequency training session on the rate of learningto type. Ergonomics, 21, 627-635.

    Magill, R. A. (2001). Motor Learning and Control: Concepts

    and application, 7th

    ed. Toronto, Ontario: McGraw and Hill. Shea, Lai, Black, & Park. (2000). Spacing practice sessions

    across days benefit the learning of motor skills. Human MotorScience, 19, 737-760.

    Wightman, D. C. & Lintern, G. (1985) Part-task training

    strategies for tracking and manual control. Human Factors,27, 267-283.

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    Carr, J. & Shepherd, R. (2003). Stroke rehabilitation: Guidelines for exercise andtraining to optimize motor skill. China: Butterworth Heinemann.

    Hanlon, R. E. (1996). Motor learning following unilateral stroke. Archives ofPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 77, 811-815

    Jarus, T. (1994). Motor learning and occupational therapy: The organization ofpractice. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 48, 9, 810-815.

    Marley, T. L., Ezekiel, H. J., Lehto, N. K., Wishart, L. R., & Lee, T. D. (2000).Application of motor learning principles: The physiotherapy client as a problem-solver. Physiotherapy Canada, 315-320.

    Schmidt, R. A. & Wrisberg, C. A. (2000). Motor learning and performance: Aproblem-based learning approach. United States of America: Human Kinetics.

    Shapero Sabari, J. (1991). Motor learning concepts applied to activity-basedintervention with adults with hemiplegia. The American Journal of Occupational

    Therapy, 45, 6, 523-530.