Download - Campaign Newsletter Summer 2015 Success to Date Melmark … · 2015-11-17 · members of the House of Representatives, our new State Senator Tom McGarrigle, local (Main Line Campaign

Page 1: Campaign Newsletter Summer 2015 Success to Date Melmark … · 2015-11-17 · members of the House of Representatives, our new State Senator Tom McGarrigle, local (Main Line Campaign

Richard Phillips has

served Melmark well over

the years, as the Chair of the

Melmark Charitable

Foundation and, most

recently, as the Co-Chair of

the Campaign Cabinet.

Regretfully, Richard is

stepping down from this role as Co-Chair to

focus on the ever growing business of Pilot

Freight Services, of which he is CEO.

Richard has played a principal role in the

formation of the Campaign, and has provided

substantial leadership support from the start.

“I have been and continue to be a fervent

believer in the mission and objectives of

Promises to Keep and will continue to serve on

the Cabinet through its duration,” Richard said.

“Given the demands of my work with Pilot at

this time, I believe it is best

for the Campaign’s success

to make way for new


At this time, we are

pleased to announce that

Cindy Peskin, a Melmark

parent to Corey, a student

in the Melmark School, will

be joining Denny Willson as Co-Chair for the

remainder of the Campaign.

Cindy brings to this role enthusiasm and

experience, having served in a variety of roles

in fundraising initiatives with The Episcopal

Academy. We are grateful for her willingness

to serve Melmark at this critical juncture in the

Campaign and our thanks go to Richard for his

faithful and long-time service to Melmark and

the Campaign.

As Melmark has moved into

active construction to

implement major

infrastructure improvements

to the Melmark PA Campus

(Phase 1), we were made

aware of an opportunity to

apply for a Redevelopment

Assistance Capital Program

(RACP) grant. This is a

Commonwealth grant

program administered by the

Office of the Budget for the

acquisition and construction

of regional economic,

cultural, civic, recreational,

and historical improvement

projects. We were fortunate

to have principal

endorsements of the grant

from PA Senator Tom

McGarrigle and PA

Representative Tom Killion.

The request is substantial,

seeking $5 million.

To garner greater support

for the grant, Melmark hosted

a special legislative breakfast

on May 18, 2015 and invited

local legislators and

community leaders. This was

an opportunity to bring

everyone together: several

members of the House of

Representatives, our new

State Senator Tom

McGarrigle, local (Main Line

Campaign Newsletter Summer 2015

Dr. Joanne Gillis-Donovan

President & CEO

Melmark Seeks First Commonwealth Grant for Phase 1

and Delaware County)

Chamber of Commerce

presidents, Delaware County

and Newtown Township

officials, parents and board


During the program, our

guests were presented with an

overview of Melmark’s

mission and personal

testimonies bearing witness of

Melmark’s significant impact

on the lives of the children and

adults we serve, as well as

their families and the

community at-large.

Campaign Co-Chair, Denny

Willson closed the

presentation encouraging our

guests to lend their full support

for this grant.

Success to Date



Cash in Hand: $6,854,652

Campaign Cabinet Co-Chairs

Cynthia A. Peskin

Denny Willson

Pennsylvania Members

Mike Dolente

Marley Dolente

Bo Fleitas

Mickey Flynn

E. Martin Heldring

Steve Krentel

Clive Mendelow

Daniel Mendelow

Maureen McMahon

Fred Modell

Vicki Modell

Jeff Morrison

Richard Phillips

Amanda Radcliffe

Steve Shanahan

Joy Shugrue

New England Members

Jim Alex

Mary Barry

Gail Biancucci

Larry Cancro

John Clavin

Mary Gene Clavin

James Fitzpatrick

Jill Fitzpatrick

Ann Guay

Michael Kearney

Nadine Mahoney

Tim Mahoney

Lisa Marie Noke-Kearney

Mary Ellen Royer

Jamie Stahle

Karyn Stahle

Change in Campaign Leadership

Joining the group at the

breakfast (L-R) are, PA Sen.

Tom McGarrigle; Melmark

Charitable Foundation Board

Chair, Mickey Flynn; PA Rep.

Tom Killion; McGarrigle Chief

of Staff, Alex Charlton, and

Melmark Executive VP & COO,

George Linke.

Cindy Peskin,

Campaign Co-Chair

Richard Phillips

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C A M P A I G N N E W S L E T T E R S U M M E R 2 0 1 5

Michael and Connie Solomon...Parents Grateful for Melmark’s Leadership

Connie and Michael Solomon and their daughter Grace

have been a part of the Melmark community for almost two

decades. In that time they have been faithful partners,

ensuring Melmark’s success today and into the future. In

their own words they share why Melmark is worthy of their


For most, graduation is a cause for celebration, the

beginning of all the possibilities that you imagined. For

parents of children with developmental disabilities, it’s the

end. That’s when the tough part begins.

Your child is no longer appealing in that childlike way that

softens the strangeness of disability. He or she is an adult

who will lose the sense of community and belonging that

school and peers offer. Entitlements end and waiting lists

begin. No matter how much infant stimulation you relied

on, or how much mainstreaming was accomplished, it is a

future that threatens empty days, loneliness, a risk of

depression, and a loss of hard-won skills.

Thankfully, Melmark was there, offering hope for our

Grace, providing a safe and secure community where she

be would happy and thrive.

Our daughter, Grace came to Melmark two days a week in

1996 as part of Montgomery County’s transition to work

imperative, en route to her high school graduation in

2000. Unlike many of her friends, Grace, who has Down

Syndrome, is not capable of unsupervised independence,

the most worrisome aspect of which is that she cannot

discern danger. We understood the pressing need for

some post-secondary program that would give her

community, safety, and purpose. Melmark filled that

need. She is now approaching her 20th year at Melmark,

leading a useful and creative life. She is member of the

Meadows Guild, which produces craft products for sale.

She earns a small paycheck, serves in the Tea Room,

knits, and works in the flower shop removing leaves from

flower stems for dried flower arrangements.

As important and necessary as supported employment in

the community is for those with special needs, there is an

equivalent need to provide for the welfare and well-being

of those who are less able. Melmark fills that need, and

we are grateful for its leadership. Grace has a keen sense

of belonging, nurtured by loyal and caring staff members

who watched her mature into an outgoing, useful, and

happy young woman—a life that we dared not imagine at

her birth 35 years ago. Thank you Melmark!

This year the Solomons demonstrated their belief in

Melmark today and Melmark tomorrow through a

leadership gift to the Promises to Keep Campaign.

Thank you Connie and Michael!

Grace loves her role as a member of the Meadows Garden Guild, but she gets the most joy on the stage with the Melmark Players. This year she held the lead in Cinderella and stole the show. Here she is pictured with some aspiring Cinderellas after a recent performance at Valley Point Church in Glen Mills.

Promises to Keep…

Giving by Source Support of the Campaign comes from many

individuals and organizations. Following is the

breakdown of giving to date by source:

● Board Members 24%

● Family Members 60%

● Friends 5%

● Foundations 6%

● Organizations & Corporations 3%

● Events 2%

We are encouraged by the leadership support of

families and friends and are grateful for every

gift that brings us closer to reaching our goal of

$20 million.

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C A M P A I G N N E W S L E T T E R S U M M E R 2 0 1 5

Foundation Grants Provide Meaningful Support

Promises Kept… What your service and support accomplish

Sam was 17 when he moved into

Melmark New England’s Methuen

house a little over a year ago. With a

history of severe self-injury, Sam was

accustomed to wearing a helmet and

arm splints 24 hours a day, every day.

He was isolated from others at his

previous school and residence; he

rarely ventured out into the

community or participated in a

classroom. Sam’s hopes and dreams

were not being realized.

Sam has made incredible progress

this year. He no longer wears arm

splints and he wears his helmet just a

few hours a day. After only a few

months, Sam became more

comfortable in his residence, even

tending the garden there. He settled

into school and began interacting with

his staff and friends. He attends class

daily and participates in the

vocational program. Sam goes on

community outings with his peers

(and family too), enjoying Red Sox

games, the beach, shopping and more.

He recently participated in a four mile

road race sponsored by the Claddagh

Pub, completing the course and

posting a great time. A staff member

who ran with him noted, “He ran 4

miles and barely broke a sweat!”

Sam’s mom, Nancy, adds, “I feel a

deep sense of relief and immense

gratitude to Melmark’s talented,

committed, and creative staff.

Melmark has been able to unravel the

complex behaviors and help remind

Sam that there is a great big world out


Melmark has been fortunate to receive the generous support of a number of foundations.

We are grateful for the partnership of these organizations and for the relationship that

Melmark has been able to develop with many of the representative families and


We have recently received a grant of $165,000 from the Davenport Foundation, an

organization that prefers to support “bricks and mortar” projects. In the past, they have

provided funding to support projects that directly impact the children and adults we serve.

These include the creation and furnishing of the Art Room in the Melmark School, the shade

screen system for the Meadows Greenhouse and the renovations of the kitchen and

bathrooms at Gatehouse.

When we approached the Davenports for support of the Campaign, our good friends

were most interested in building

projects and chose to support the

Phase 1 infrastructure

improvements now underway—

but with a focus on the adults and

children that we serve. They

wanted specifically to support

guardrails and fencing, as well as paving projects, all with

the interest of making movement around campus safer and

easier for those we serve.

The Promises to Keep Campaign has received a number

of foundation grants and we are honored to highlight these

fine organizations and their respective gifts.

The Advancement Office currently has a number of

foundation grant proposals pending and the staff continues to

research new sources of funding for the Campaign.

Foundation Support for Promises to Keep

The Chrystal Trust $50,000

The Connelly Foundation $300,000

The Davenport Family Foundation $165,000

The Engle Foundation $5,000

Girling Foundation $2,500

JPB Foundation $25,000

William R. Kenan, Jr. Trust $200,000

Rivendell Foundation $5,000

The Rorer Foundation $4,500

The Spray Foundation $1,800,000

Yawkey Foundation $50,000

Denny Willson

Campaign Co-Chair

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3 Dog Garage Alternate Energy Development Group American Infrastructure Joseph C. Amodei Anonymous (2) Mary Barry & Thomas Nephew Peter & Christine Batchelor Gail & Nick Biancucci The Borden Foundation John & Mickie Bradley Diane Brown J. Kevin & Kathleen Buchi C&S Wholesale Grocery The Calvarese Family Marcella Cancro Larry & Luise Cancro Michael & Catherine Cappelletti Louis N. Cassett Foundation Daniel & Michelle Chess Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia John & Mary Gene Clavin John J. Clavin Richard & Virginia Close Isaac & Barbara Clothier Connelly Foundation John & Sheila Connors Tristram & Ruth Colket Robert & Lisa Marie Crane The Crystal Trust Davenport Foundation Martin & Kit Dempsey Michael & Marley Dolente David & Eileen Dolente Bruce & Ellen Donohoe Joseph & Donna Duffey James and Carrie Eaton John & Julie Elicker Kenneth Wirfel & June Eichbaum John & Julie Elicker Stanley Engle The Engle Foundation Bruce & Elizabeth Fadem James X & Jill Fitzpatrick Albury “Bo” Fleitas Dennis “Mickey” Flynn The Fretz Corporation Dr. Joanne Gillis-Donovan & Mr. Joseph Donovan

The Girling Foundation Ann & Martin Guay John & Audrey Hamilton Robert & June Handwerker Thomas Heiser Frederick Heldring Diane Hodge Anna Iannuzzi IMC Charitable Foundation Norman Janis & Patricia Herzog The JPB Foundation Joan & John Kaiser Michael Kearney William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust King of Prussia Pharmacy Pierre & Sharon Koncurat Miggy Krentel Memorial Fund Steven Krentel Ann Laupheimer Dr. David Levering Lewis The Lusignea Family Chris & Maria Elena Lynch Mark Lynch Mr. & Mrs. T. Mahoney H. Robert Marcus & Audrey Flack Dennis & Elizabeth McAndrews H. Graham & Susan McDonald Maureen McMahon, M.D. Joseph & Cathleen McMahon Stephen & Carol Memishian Clive Mendelow Daniel & Heather Mendelow William E. Mills Pat & John Mitchell Fred & Vicki Modell Jeff & Meg Morrison Lisa Marie Noke-Kearney Joseph & Carmen Nore Joel & Martha Noumoff Richard & Christine Oliver Daryl & Annie Parker Bruce & Janet Peacock The Peskin Family The Phillips Family Pilot Freight Services Pinemar, Inc. Albert & Susan Pizzica

Dorothy Price Spencer & Lisa Purinton Amanda & Conrad Radcliffe Rivendell Foundation Kerry Rockford Enterprises The Rorer Foundation Lesley Russell & Christopher Cooper Maureen & Joe Sandberg Thomas & Maureen Scott Randy & Janet Seidl The Shanahan Family Joy & Gary Shugrue Silicon Valley Community Foundation Brett & Cori Sokolow Michael & Constance Solomon Spartan Beast 2014 The Spray Foundation Jamie & Karyn Stahle David & Helen Steinberg Robert & Suzanne Stetson Greg & Peggy Strakosch Fred & Barbara Sutherland Teamsters Local 25 John M. Templeton, M.D. William & Carey Thompson Paul & Carole Touhey Robert & Kathy Trainor Veritable, LP Estate of Edna Vickers Denny & Claudia Willson The Yawkey Foundation Eric & Hilary Zee

Thank You to Our Donors

To learn more about the Promises to Keep Campaign please contact the Advancement office:

Melmark PA – Ellen Donohoe: (610) 325-4996 Melmark NE – Ellen Kallman (978) 654-4371 For more information on Melmark, please visit and

Using Planned Gifts to Support

Promises to Keep Consider supporting the Campaign

with a planned gift, like a

bequest, trust or charitable gift annuity.

Contact, John Schlesinger in the

Office of Advancement,

(610) 325-4792/[email protected]

or visit

Melmark’s Planned Giving Website at: