Download - Cabin Case 0063



    caseNo. 2014-0063 i:15 i:3 ?


    1 r 'r





    Statutes and Constitutional Provisions ,...ii





    Staternent .r1' Facts....

    StanJard tirr I{e'r ieu .

    Certillcate o 1- Serr rcc

    .. t,r'ir'inal \nncll,rnt B'''" ': "

    ,A rorrrnenl



    r\therton r'. Concord 109 N.H. 161. ( l96g ) .,.......,4Appeal of the Cit) Of Keene. I 1l N. FL l97 . (1996) .......0Ehrenberg r,. Cit), of Concord. 120 N.H. 6 j6..


    , lt5 N.t-i. 261 ( i 9g.1) ,..... ......9

    E. McQuillin. Municipal corporation. 12.1i0.75 (3d ed. 2002) . .. .............0Amherst r,. Gilror'. 157 N.H. (2008).


    State r,. Veale ,972 A.ld i009 (N.H 1009) ......,....,.3

    N.H. Statutes

    (lonstitutiona I Law/Pror,isions

    Lr.s.c 18 241

    N.H. Professional Ethic's RulesRule 1.1 1A and 1 .7 .....


  • STATE}IE\T OF F.{CI'SI . It's not er err dar titat thc Supr.'nrc ( ourt hus ii e asc rr ith sue h .iii crsc Ircc'rls .tltrl

    depth of peculiariti: *'herc'tliscrc'tronar\ po\\ers nill bc ercrcisccl t(r tllr'if tirlicsL

    appreciation. 'lhis case. macle tiont the opportr-initr tirat eristcci rihcn \1r I)otrg (iarlancl

    needed to re\cltqr'a prcr irrr-rs sLrrt tlie.'l hr I)ctcndanl \1r. Dt-rug (iarlan.l rPlaitttit'l'.

    Selectman). is thc backbonc oithrs casc: a casc that tas tittttclcd. irt rts totalitr. br a

    corrupl olflcial.

    2. l must begtn br titankinu I'}luintil'1-s ('r.unsci. \1r Iliison: rf it ricfcrr'1 tirr his latcst

    Appellee Briel'lnouitl'\c ltc\cr hare lirLrn,-l ihis snrr.krrlq !r!1.(scc l:r]r-1qit at.'\pp. at -i-{

    Seiectmen N4eetins \,1inutes *here the cahrn casc is iiiscusscd and laccuse \1r. Garland

    of having Conflict o1'lnterest. I'he nteeting crrntrnuecl dcspitc tttr rcrhtll pt'c,tcst. Irias

    told at this ntcctrnc.. br Sclectnran.Jrrn l'anc1uar. t,sincc that tttcctiilg. \lr. ianclLtar.

    Selectman. \\as sentL.nced to T rcars tirr chrld ponlr)tfaph\ to,\er\t'irl lcticral p'ristlrllriht-r

    stated. "Il'm I personallr not beins irltirlit]atcd."

    i. I r,,ant to enlighten this Iltrtrorabie C'c,urr that Dctcnclalti. :\ppgllant "sill acicircss all

    of Defendant's C6urr.rsei's issLre-s pertaininu to iris.\npcllce ilricl'. I tiill do thjs at tire

    other end of this bnef."

    .+. I pant to Stan thrs casc at t[e rcrr besrrrnin!. riircrc ] sclcctnlct't il.taclt-- il "tltlasl-

    .iudicial decision to tlle a "Cease and Dcsist" against I)cl'cnciant (s)datcri 1l-12-1008 App

    at.J1:accorclinglr. this Cease and Desist adranceti to the lrd I)istrict C'oltrt (('onuar. P

    Alhee nresidinr:). .-\lbec rtrles in PlaintitJ.s taror btrt 1|1g l'tr\\n tpoLls Garland.sele .

    gites the order to tl'te to\\n's atlorne\ to appeai undef rtrlc:7) appcals thc deci,sron to this

    Honorable Court u[e1c it is rertranded rn part. ()\cl'luntccl in pirll atlti ctlds Lrp back irl

  • Ct

    fiont of the Flonorable

    atlome\ r.r as hartdl inu.

    receiving noti llcations

    (,,\lbec. P). I' m no uhetc inr olr e d at thls

    it tso Ithor-rght). and lanr lr()l in tirc cttLLt't'

    rcgarding tlic casc. nt\ r'r'st\\itile attttrtler.

    point becausc n1\

    s Ioop. bccaitsc I uasn't

    \1r. Randal ( ooper. uas

    receirrng "the mai]." ftart,-lal Ct)rJpcr. uas riorkilic ot-l a separatc case for t-ne

    to a class r i I'oad*a\ thalinr olr ins this santc c()rrllpt sele cttttatr. that e ase l-rr'rt:ritlitls

    Garland closed rrithout a \\arrattl arttcle. ()r to\\lt \ otc.(during tliis sanrc tinte period) he

    l.'li lbr retirenrertt donn to \lerico.\\,as m)' atlontc\. But Cooper qLrit. and inlnlediatelr

    fie quir autongst ll\ protc\t that he \\crsu't.lorns hi-s iob (()tt thill cttsc)., .alit1 rihat Iask

    m\; attornev Cooper t() d() \\as harc Sc'lecLnran Cur'lan.i "Stcp l)o-rin" nhct.t lssLlcs

    regardilg ntr businesscs itrc on tir!- seleclnren's tahlc. (.oopct nottld-iLrst "shrug hrs

    shoulders" at thcse fcqLlest. "lc'tS llot stiL the pot" ile 'd sa\' (at least I trrllcs I ask hinl) and

    it nerer happcned. \ori I'rl takirtg thc'bLLll br thc htri'i.t:. i.lceittl-ic I'nl b.'irlc. d|agged

    r5rougli the muck ll"onr this bull. or bulishrt lionr \fi'. Giirland \o drsrcspect plcase. to

    rhis Honorablc C6Lrrt. but i1'ldidn't let oi1'sonrc stclut and etrtiot'se solllc trpe oi hunlor

    in this. Irlar not irc srtting hcre- doing the tr|-.'v11g I'tltlr tltccl \1r. ( ooper tbr

    breach o1'flclr-rciarr dutr rt trnlliet o1 intclcsrt in tlrc Stral'tirrd ( trllllt) 5tlpcrit)f ('ourt ancl

    prevailed on a "Conllict o1'lntelest" action. lLndcr CaSC (rttr.. lll-l(l1l-('\'-(l0t)61t.5.'l-his case (no.. l0l+-l)(16i)is a...s1tin trt'1'll'trnr.i nruch i.irgcr casc (tltr.'11-20i 1

    C\;-000298tancl ir rnrolring intproprictics anri rrailce>artec br \1r. Doug (iarland. I

    reckon uhen Ianr dttne uir[ this casc it uiilharc nradc hcadlittes or.jLrdicial historr.-l'hisis trul1 a tra\ est\. \'ou| Iltrnorablc. JLrstices. prc'siiiing. Lc-t cotltit-llie lo Sa\ that the

    Suprente Court.lustices arc doing a tlne .job. lt uould bc nearlr inlpossibl.'to havc

    ascenaiped this trpc tr1"'o1'lrclal corruptior.r". thr.rrLrgh rltc crcrldar happenrngs rn thc

  • )courtroonr. DoLrg (iarlart.l'-\ reach has crten.1.'.i irs riil\ Lip lr) ihe lLrll ( oLrt't b1 hrs ou'n

    inirerent po\\ers as sclectnran \lr. Garlantl': quasi-iLiciie ial lirnt reaches eren iurther. he

    is herc uitli us at the SLrplcnrc Court. thc nrcic lact that ire trrrns a cabin rcntal busrness

    and Ioun a cabrrr rcntai br-i:incss l'his cirse ha-. uasted thrs Ilonorablc ('trLtrts ttnre and

    resources. \1r. Garland liaJ "no business". srttin!. l,s Sclccturzin alicr l'rc retluestcd his

    disqualitication nranr. nran\ trnres ldocunrentc.l). ilartlett rs l0 iears behirrd thc timcs.

    \1r. garland iras ch:iine.l ltt\ sn()\\nlobtlc-s Llil. scc.\1ryt ,tt 16 l..l-l+.

    Selectnran,,Rcpresentatir c I:r Ofllcio tcr thc Ilartlett l)iarrnrng lltrard in qLrasi--jLrdicrai

    proceeding:and he throirgh bouiders do*n to blockade nr\ conrncrcc; thrs is ren

    serious -l'hen pruttrrr!. irls ".lohn Ilancock" on lhc ( c'asc anii Desist. []ecs tite qitestir-,n.

    uhr tloes attorlte\ Hiison. l)clcndant': ('trLut:Ci. lltil ttr s.c thal ihi: i: rtot jLrdiciallv

    Lrnethlcal. but tlie ttrtal atrtithests ol'nhat nc are rltrinu heic ttrdar. ining iLrstice . artd is

    actuallr rrolatinit Dclcnclant(strights reqarding proccilure duc proccss undet'Parr i article

    I of the \.Ii. Con,stitr.rtiL)rt *hcrc-as: State r Vc'alc'. tt?1 .-\. ld 1(l()t) t\.I'1. 1009)

    6. Okai Coopcr is r..tilccl in \lerrco. On r)1-19-lrr1l a llartlcil policenran pulled Lip in

    mr drtrerrar artd handed trlc a lettet'. Still startdrrtq olt tll\ porcli".. I opcned the lctter and

    read it. nrr jari dropped hittins the plankin! \\1)t)d beneath n-n tcc-l. " lhis car.l't bcpossibic.... I 'artriouslr' sloocl there., disb,clict. I oucJ thc toun. rihat. S-166.000.(J0'l

    "l-h.. cabin is not cren \\ofth nrarbe a tcnth rrithat llut ii!.liln. this cltsc rs a fiaLrd. .{rtd this

    case >]rrrulJrt'l erert cti>t.

    7..\ Public O1'flccr is 1)isqualiflcd it'hc hiis "a.lircet personal attei p.'cuniar\ irtterest "

    RSA ,11:39-1a1:... "thc actir ttics o1-al1 o1-1rccrs. ()r'cnrplorccs o1'thc.iori'n. rihether

    electcd or appointed shell bc regulatccl as ltrlltrss. thr intercst l.ltust bc "iit'tttlediate.

  • +definite. and capahlc o1'dc-nronstration: not rcnrr)te . rrrrccrtain contingcnl. encl spc.culatii c.

    that is. such men of c,rclittat-) capacrtr and iirtciligcnec uorrl.i nr)t bc inllLrcriccri hr it."

    .lthertonv. Contrtr'L jt,y \ ll l6a r llt6st8. \ier1 rarelr ( I ani etiessirtg)cioes a case clinrb to tirc Suprcrtrc ( oLrrt o1-Ncu

    l{ampshire that beconres entanglctl in r.rhat ne harc herc, con'uptio].} on thc local cluasr-

    iudicial level.

    decided tcl drop the rocks to block nr\ aeccs\ o1-t'Lt. nrr lirLrr rcntal cat,ins antl kc-pt nrr

    cLlstonlcrs tl'tlnl accessinc thcit' rcside nccs t ic.. e uhiit.-' i [-.r rr it\ ()l'thc e ]a:s r i loac'iri ar it

    n'as a big niistakc. I calicd his Conllrct as scen \pp at -1i pg I \lr'. (iar'lancl's "Fanrilr"

    9. Ianr eonlldcnt ilir.r.i t.rr,t iiasiinc thc

    Bartlen Selectntanlniro has his hanils all

    Cabin rental business hac'l ttr

    another set ofbusrnesses that

    ( trLu'l's r irlLrat-,lc tintc i)rrLrc (iarlund. t I'hctn lil:. lintl titcr iu'L'nr)t clrun ltands. \\'hen h.'

    see an Llp-tick in salcs. Plaintitf end Petition!-r ira\e \,et

    tltt'r gpnlpgte acainsl cach rrther'. r icittLrslr I mrcht adti see

    App. at 72..13 (riebsite honrcpauc pnrtt c,Lrts tl'rril Plainiill'(iarland and i)ctendant I:d

    Furlong's cabin rental llttstncrrse's r. I he trthcl liirr .r)ntltciin!. trrrsincsscr :rrc [.il' \lanSnou'ntobile Rental. Inc.. (Petitioner's ('onc.'rniantl Ilcar'\otch Ski li,uring Ccntcr

    (Plaintifl-s Conccrn)sc-c-.-\pp. at 161 1-1) tsclcctnrun (larlanci's [)cpo5igipn)riirc'n I)ous

    Gariand adntits to chainrng Lrp 3 o1"'\lr t'Lrstontct's sn()\\ntobjlcs. \trri rl'it nill plcr-sc

    the Court Iii'ill c'lirect \oll to App at 7,i. Sclecrnten ntectrng rlinutes dat,-'d 09-0-l-100-l

    rrhere N{r. garland is caugirt cloing sonrethins sinrilar trr dropprns thc rocks to block nrr

    businesses. Noq i1'\r)Lr \\t'Lrlci plea-\e'. \-trur.l Lrstiecs scc.^\pp. at I j rihcl.'An cdition r,1'the local paper has Garland:latinc. "l'hcr can rcll contlict rrll thcr riunt."

    10. Begs 1et anothet' (]lLcstitrn. f lori calr thrs nt:llr c\ ct.l :jt anti b'c a jurrrr at nt\ trial (t'c

  • Jthe'jun standard" and he actr.rallr canrc to tcstih asainst nrel l-his is a "text book"violation per Conllicl r)l-lntcrest. Ihus uc learn tr) Llse l-ite ".JLrn St:rndald." RS.,\ 4i

    reads in parl:

    ".e jg]$lffaa !f_q!rql otficer slrall A-{ tlt llle decisiern o1-anr sue^lt casc la case"afTecting the contlicting rightrq!-!l{!4!q[Li!1!rqr_rt]E_rt)i)rti pe1_&!] a3.11 tt\t irqqld befiggq[fed to si!!!s jtJur-trr 1rt qiD:aq:_.'-c-\u\!t c\cr]lll\lll !L,rrI:qtrtqq,rnllqllr4lgl q illilacllolr ir._llhicli arr qt theparl r_$ llltct-llsqeltJ rq lel q4iq \\l\ a p:11!_\

    i1.-fhis case nill rnakc.ludicral iliston. llc'rc \re harc an I:.lcctccl Olllcial riho is oarr

    of the l-rial Court Rccord riho rs ( orrupt and Dctlnclanr is !t,in.'case is nothing In()rr'than a re\cnsc c;rsc br Selcctntan (iarland I

    for $366.000.0[.t tbr paintine a clbiir. sec app at 7l-t)) picrurc: tttthe cabin isri t e\en nortir 1(1.00U.0U lle'llo. Can r-ut\on,.':cc rrhat'

    to ri in this rrne. I'his

    hcr har c a lcr r on nre

    cabrn be lirrc and aller:

    g0lng ttn ite|e

    Defendant tried triicr-'to subntit a buildinc annlication and brrth rinrr.s ther nere dcnied

    That's like unhearcl o1 [ :Lral]r ihc loun (,i)\\ant thc nt()lrc\. jn thrs cajc it \\()Lrld'\ebeen 1lftr S5U.0() lbr tire pernrit l'cc thlt it !tc.ncfatcs I)icasc. scc tltc nch-sitc Ihad trr

    build to frght this corrltpt of ilcial: ri'uu.bartletlcerrnrptronsr-iit.rie bs.cor-r-r. So instead o1'

    making trftl bucks ll'(rnt ucttin-! appr'(r\r'd lor a nnkr dink ertbin thcr rrcrrt tirr tirc srand

    prize ot'366.()0U 00. \\'r)u. f)clcntlant fllc.i a "('nil.\eti,,n tltrit hacl (iar'land-s nan.rc un itbetbre the uithin case \\as file.l. I:duard (' F:urlone altd' \lan Snonnrobilc Rental r.Town ol'Bartlen. I)ouc Garland. ct ai. Str gctting anr senrlrlancc o1-lirirnt-s-s 1l'our thc"Good Oid Bol" nct*ot'k in llartlett uas ntrt in ilr cafils...1t'r'let rt.

    Lie r onc br a ('orrupl Ullle ial. \1r'. l)oLrs (iarland "\ rcleo" ai.\p1.r at()(r tsee clerk tbrvideo) shous \1r. (iarland sitting a Sclcetnran nrcctin.g rihcrc Iask hinr it'hc tltrc* thc

  • L.

    bor-rlders doun to hlt ck nir cahin rentals antl hc cntphi,rtrcall\ -states h.. tiiJ nrrt. \ncl that

    he didn't knori riho it. \ou plcasc scc \pp. at 9 l-incs l()-ll r(iarland'sDeposition...l rears later) uerc hc slates that it nas hc uhir placeri tiic rocks. l-his is lVears or so alier the boLrlder lThe fort)and gatinu a clas-s ri roadsar *ithoLrt \\'arranlArticle. Selectntan Garland. \\ ait. uhcrc dicl dLre process go to. 18 t,-_SL- 111 ntrt

    ntOre per.SOtt.S Ctttt,S;pit'c' trt itt-i tn'c', frresentlltg t\r6 111111111|t-s (liesl uhile under r)atit \ il]Deposition and the i ntinute rideo. lt'rour f.ionolablc Ctr.rrt uill plcasc. allttrr ntc tointroduce. "-l'hc l-rial C'ourt Ii.ecorci" Dt,ug (iariuntl. Barrlc'tr Sc-lccrnran Rcpre sentatir eEr Olficio to the Ilartiett Planning Board sce. \pp. ar aJ i (iiillanrls sisnatrrre on tlte

    ,-,.,i I ;1. \ f.,,.(ULtl Lll .\lL1ll

    ( oLrnscl stating:

    "Land use Citation")that got sened to l)ef'endant. L:tinarci ]rrLrlongSnoumobile. App. at 69 (\lotion fionr -frial CoLrrr ll'onr Piaintifl-s"Selectman Doug (iarland. Adrlinistrator..." (DoLrq Garland is rcadr ro tc'-stih)acainst

    me. bearing case \o: 101-l-i)06,j. the u rthin ca:t-12. Doug Garland is the.\rchitcct. thc ( onducior. thc'rrr.rin-co!. in this loconr()ti\c.

    Norl that it's clear that DoLrg Carlantl is part ol'tire ['r'rl1 C'irLrrt l{ccorJ lct5 rc\eal lnorc


    13. I.etter tiom Stephen I-ibb,1 (husband tr).i\lltcttc I itrbi. [Jat't]c-tt [{ec . Drrector.

    hired b1 Selectman Garland) to Sclcctnrcn that statcs. " lhis sunrrran is lrcing subnrrttei'l

    atthe "Request" (emphasis addcd)of the Bartlett iloard o1-Selectnren..\pp. at 6,s pg. I

    ThiS was a serious lsttr,r thet nrc,-p/1..,.1 the "'fortious,A.ct" br \lr. Garland. admittingll.

    blockading Delbndants busii-rcssc-s *ith inrpunrtr J kntru flartlett's g()\ cntntcnt has been

    t$ent) r'ears behind the tinres {.j ust rcccirc(i (rur ()11 nrrntbrf5 li) \cal'-\ ilsr) bccause theselectnren \\ere to lazr to applr tbr ups serrtcelscc.-\pp at (r,i I-ettcr'1l'onr Stephen I-ibbr

  • 'l

    to Selectmen. ]{erc i: a llLur iilit,-ird lrot hi.t\L- f,lr\ alltirr)fi11 111'pr}'r-)lrcr .'ichooling to do

    research that subsequentl\ hLirr i)e tlndant. \ppcl1ant. \tr\i see tlie l)cptrsition o1'Dous

    Garland. (..\pp at l0.ll L. 1-{). rihere DoLrc Gariand is lrinc. People dtrn't do reports like

    Stephen t,ibbr's uithout conrfir'nsiltion. "lhtrsc arc ju,st nr\ thougirts". Reading this letter:

    honerer there souncls to be a "collusierrr io ]rurl" uithin tirc uritinrr.s ol'\1r I-ibbr's letter.

    1-1. Lie; trio rrhile unc1er ()ath as an l-.lected Offlcral hc're in \eri Ilanrpshirc: here it is:

    .-\pp at 10. ll pars thc price o1-"Rerroral i:r'ont Oflice"-l-his allorls l)oLrslas Garland to

    cast a \ote as if hc- ucrc a l'ull nrer-nbcr o1'titc I)lannrirc lloar.i.-l'hrs bernc true nrakes \1r.

    Garland accountable to IlS.\ 671: 1-{. reads in p.x1'1'

    "if that member has a direct personal or pecuniarr interest in the outcotne uhich differs

    front the interest of other citizens, or if that nrenrber u ould be disqualilied for an\ cause to

    act as a juror upon the trial ol'the same nlatter in anr rrction at law".The "Jun' Standard" RS.A. {3:6 reads in part:

    " No Selectnran or tither officer shall act. in the decision ol'anr such case (a case

    "affecting the conflicting rights or clairns of di1'1'erent persons" per RSA -13:I rvho noulcl be

    disqualified to sit as a juror for anr cause! except erentption frorn serr ice. in the trial of acir il action in rvhich anr of the parties interested in such case \1 as a part)."

    1,1. \\'herher a dccision is iegislatir c- or .lLrdicial i1c-pcntis. Irr)t ort rrho ttrakcs thc

    Jecisitln. bul rathcr on it's sLrhject nraner. Selcctnrcn. lbr r-rarnple. ntar bc actrng

    ,r'.'iislatirelr rihen thcr r'nact hrgh*ar regulatioits. bLrt jLidiciallr rihen tltcr act alt a',r0n to lar out a hrghria-r

    . UIl.,,\elC.l I refr.

    - :ltu "L'ruri n .lcrr e l"

    Ven intcresting DrtcLrntent. lra\

    .'\pp. at +()--++ {}t.-l tr1'-}J r "-l't,rr

    I subnrit ttr this Ilonorabic

    n trl'Ilartlett" Se lcctnren

  • 1,)

    N4eeting \'{inutes uhcrc tilis cl:e abtlr'lt

    verballv cirallenged Se lcctllllttt Carland

    th.' cab,rn \\ i'rs di-scLlssed . .'\nd cln page 'i. I

    I lLrs.e "C onllict ot' IIttet'cst" antl I * as told "[1]

    dicln't Intinridate an\olte.'lthought that staten'tent \\as a bit biz-arre br a Seiectnlan'

    Because I knou'hon busr. \'our Ilonorable Justrces can be. I 1ee1 the cot-I1illon sense

    tlu.ead in me dictate I need to reinrloduce sonrc ot'the l'acts i prerior-islr iaid or-rt fbr rou.

    17. Becar_rse DoLrg Garland. Sclectnran ior the "'l-crun o1-Bartlett' has his signature otl

    the u,ithin Complaint nrakes hinr part ol'the'l'riai CoLrrt Recold. \{ar I introduce the

    document tirat puts \1r Clarialrd at rhe rcacir ttr tcstll\ agarllst lllt' '\pfi et 69'

    Selectnran/Representatirc l--r Olllcrtl to thr'I)lanllrrlg iloarci str lhtrt lll:ikcs hinl 1rr'rrrrirl b)

    the,'Jurl,Standard" RS.A...\\'inslori r.lloldernc'ss Plannins. BoaLd. ll5 \'H. l6l tl98'lt

    App. at 72.i3.. Carlands business' rieb-sire s iromcpaue and .{ppellattt's busitless u'eb-site

    homepage. I filed t*o Petitions uith Sr:pcritrr CoLirt todar. if ioLr please. \'our I.iorlor'

    allow App. at 45-19 and 50-6-1.

    Oh 'es

    I hare gor ('iarland lf ing in a deprosrtion iic in Sclcctlllatl (larland's I)eposttttrtt

    that $,as taken br this,\ppc.iiant. l)ctendant . ...c'nrcr l-.rilibit 5 . l]Lrt t]ris Iie \\as tt) co\eI

    up a'I-ort comrr.riled trr Sclectnren Garland. I liarc lbrlrtci ir. \1r. DoLig (larlarld along

    i','ith Gene (.handler lic rigilt here .

    I'm adrift in a sea of ottrcial corrup.'tiotl' lo bc sLrle lJorlr \\alll to be here cloirtq this' I

    anr sut-fering (erpletire). I need tl-rrs Courr t0 see throLtsh all tiic crap: please Llse everv

    clrop of Supreute Court I)iseretror-ran allou.ances. lrcallz,c on ihe Olttsitit')oLl ha\c a case'

    but I ant no\r e-xposilts rihal this case is really irbtrLrt riilit thc lrrcts f-rrcsctrted in I rlrillttte

    r ideo and Det-endant's .'\ppcnclix.

    Nori Ianr back herc ar thc Suprcnre Colirt u'h.'rc Ianr lighring lbr tllr lbsolltte lit-e'

  • Doug Garland has rLnclean irands and beinc p.rrt o1'thc trial C'trurt Rccord I urll ask thrs

    Honorable Court at the [.-rl.i to Jislttl-ss thi: cltsc'.

    Counsel has been reticeni trn tiris issue''rl' IIuc.'. I{Lttle. Ctrnllrct. Ithirtk he shoLild be

    reporled to the NFI Prrrl'cssional Fthic-( f {.)urlritice Ilecause irc- }tas rc-fitsecl ttr C\cll

    acknorvledge an\1hin-q regarding Garland's C'ontlict. lsupposc lie's trairted to tliittittlize.

    to hide the truth. Othcr then Plarrrtifl--\ CoLrnsels reduntlant ilfgLurtcllt lo this Ilonorable

    Court that'lll tlled untinrclr.lriould relcr Ytrur llonorable.Tusticcs back to ltlr "original

    Appellant Briet. As to other contentions br PlaintitJ-s Counsel Iriould rel'er rou to nl\

    original appellant bricf ior nt\ ans\\cr-s. l'he prc-planncd heart sttl'gen that Plaintiif s

    Counsel suggest Ihad:... I rill pleasc dircct \t)ur'.lucntiorr lo App at 96: letter dated

    Januan'21.2015 shoris Ihad entcrgenc\ carc and not pre-planrted or sclleduled surgcn

    I-ike Plaintitf suuge st.

    iltrri dttes alt attorne\ think his rcticence riiil protect his ethic r iirilttiOtls elld igllt)rallce

    'I e not onlr hare a Contlict ot'lrrtercst hul rie harc a PLrlriic Ottlcial ( DoLic. (iarland.

    S:iecrnran) uho lied tuicc under oath nho mar hare llnattciallr prospered in the act ol


  • IL,

    There has aluavs becrl ' cice te .l nren" titLtrr.tch tltc ) cirls \,\ ho !.ct au ar all th'-'ir'

    rs a "Case irr Point". ilon t'ar

    lir es until

    is the Courtthat one fateful dar rihell ther re Llllco\ cred' thts

    willing to go to Protect an\ post trial court revelations that carries such a pestilence as

    conflict of itttercst ..

    WHEREFORF-. Dctindilnt i:ci\\arLi lrLrrlong |espectl'r-rllr fc(lLrcst attd tl]ores that this

    Houorable court grant dclcn.iallt's $isltc's ttl disnliss lhis case h'a.ed t'tl alithe tacts

    presented and.

    a.;ln the frrst alrernatrrc..iisrliss all.l 5illlctiott ot reprrtrlalld Delertdarlt's counscl'

    Ctuistopher Hilson for riolarine. the n-rtrst contnron ol'.iudiciai ethics atld ctrltrtesies

    b.) ln the second altemative renrantl back to trial ccrLirt str I can llcht thls corrttptitln tl-iere

    c.)lnthethird alternatire. appll '\nihersl\' (lilror' l5r \ ll lrj rl00l{)

    c ) order any llrther rclict'tilis llotttlrabie t'trul'l .lecltis iLtst 'iil(.i pl'trpcl'

    i)O llor -l'17Barilctt. \l I (j3811

    Certificate of Serr ice

    lherbv cenill thar a copr ol'thc. lbrcg0ing Rric-1';rnd --\ Delcttdant'

    .\ppellanr has this lncl. dal o1'l:ebruarr.1015 hcen toruardcti tlrsi cla': ttllil' postage

    prepaid. to c'hris Flilson. I:.sqr.rirc. cor-ttrse I 1br tirc Ilisintlli/'