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Written by Rowan Hellman

Bull-ie Wool-ie

Page 2: Bull-ie Wool-ie

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Whether it’s from parents, players or coaches, disrespectful behavior has become a growing concern in our gyms, rinks and on our playing fields. Bullying is cruel and is becoming rampant in sports—and kids don’t like to talk about it, because they don’t want to be known as a snitch.There is great need to educate young children, parents and sports coaches of the difference between professional sports/winning/hobby versus youth sports as a tool for fun and personal growth. This sentiment is strongly echoed throughout The Baseball Bully book. This non-violent story serve as an excellent tool for initiating dialogue between children and adults, including parents, coaches and educators to discuss bullies, good behavior, playing fair and most important - just having fun.Youth sports should be inviting and welcoming to all kids, no matter their skill level.

This book along with reading The Baseball Bully book is a perfect way to encourage children to talk about their likes and dislikes, their experiences with sports and bullies. Apart from the immense joy of seeing your words come to life, being a published author has many benefits:First is satisfaction.It is incredibly rewarding to “birth” a book. From being inspired with ideas to the end result of holding your “published book” in your hands, the journey may have ups and downs, but is nothing short of exhilarating!Another benefit is high esteem.Joining the elite publishing circle of published writers who people hold in high regard and respect for this accomplishment.

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Where do LuckySports characters live?

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What is the name of the TeamMates’ coach?

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Name or draw some of the TeamMates.Who is your favorite? Why?

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Who is the coach of the HOO-DOOs?Do you like him? Why?

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Who are the HOO-DOOs?Do you like them? Why?

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Who teaches and follows the Golden Rule?

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What message does Coach Wiffle send to the TeamMates?

Why do the TeamMates respect Coach Wiffle? Why?

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What message does Coach Trouble send to the HOO-DOOs?

Why do the HOO-DOOs obey Trouble’s orders?

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Does Trouble put the HOO-DOOs first? What could the HOO-DOOs do to

improve themselves?

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Who cares only about “winning-at-all-cost”?

Do the HOO-DOOs have any “FUN”?

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How does Coach Trouble threaten his HOO-DOOs,if they disobey him?

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What does Coach Wiffle do to support his TeamMates?

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Bullying comes in many different forms… physical, verbal, and relationship.

Please discuss each of them.

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Bullying is a sure-fire way to hurt one’s confidence and enjoyment of baseball. Have you ever been bullied? Discuss.

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Why do you think the HOO-DOOs carry-out Trouble’s pranks?

Why don’t the HOO-DOOS have any skills?

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Why are girls more likely to be bullied with words?

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What did Mitten do when the trash-talking HOO-DOOs called her names and made fun of her?

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Why do you think the HOO-DOOs carry-out Trouble’s pranks?

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The TeamMates believe there isn’t a rule worth breaking. Whereas, Trouble believes there isn’t a rule he hasn’t broken.

What rules did the HOO-DOOs break?

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What did Slugger do when the HOO-DOOs called him names and made fun of him?

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You don’t want to be a HOO-DOO, do you? Why?

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Rowan Hellman

Author of “Bull-ie Wool-ie”.She attends 3rd grade at XYZ Elementary School in the Coachella Valley. She doesn’t want to be a HOO-DOO because they are nasty and they bully the TeamMates. Her favorite TeamMate is Mitten because she is pretty and a girl.Her favorite thing to do is helping her mom prepare dinner.One of her morning chores is to make her bed and feed her dog, BOO-BOO. When she grows-up, she wants to be President of the United States.


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