Download - Buckingham 1


[Jnited States Bankntptcy CourtDistlict of ülassachusetts Voluntaly Petition

l.j¡rnu u f l)ubtor i if indir irlu¡l cIlcr T-'rsl I;ir ¡1. \ f iil,l lc):

Buckingham Oil lnterêsts, lnc.

\ll othèr\rnìes usc,{ hr llle l)clrtr;r in lhc l¡rsl I tcnrsfiluludc rrr;rtticd. rn¡i,lcrr. ¿rr,l llr,lc nrttncs):

\¡¡rnc ol-loirtl I)ulrlor (Spouso! il asL Firsl. \fìtldlc):

-\lì Otlrcr -\¡rrrss usc<l l¡r thu Lri¡lL l)clrtor in l[rc list li \,uilrtrinclu<lc nrirnicrl rn¡itlcn, ¡¡t¡l hJdu ntrìùi):

I-irst fr)urtligitsol'Soc Scc,ortnrliviclrr¡l-[rxp;trerl.D. llfl\)Conrplctclll\r ¡l

'rr{ù tJrilr ¡ il!' ìlllL nll)

7 5 -2469069

I \r'0 r rli.eits û[ Soc Sec- or Ìndiridurl-Taxpil'or l.D- (]Tl\) \o Conrplctc EI\

Strccl.\tlclress ol'L)cbtor (\o, ¡nd lilrccL L)it-\.1rrd 5t,rtù):

15 Cârey LaneFalmouth, MA

I jj,(..).1,ì


Strcel ,\ddrc\s oIJoìnl l)chtor ()Io ¡nd -Strcdt- Cil-Y- rn(ì Strtc):

/, ,:

(.'oun¡ ol Rcsidcrcu. qr t¡i'tllo Iritrsipal Iìlaceof'[)usincsr:


('ounl! r)fl{!:sr(lcncc ùr ot tltc Ptúìc¡p¡l l'lrcc ol Huirnca(

\lriling ;\tldre-ss oll)cb(or l¡l dttlþËnt lir''rn \lrÐcL ¡(ldìvss)ì

1-l P (lîJc


\f¡ilirrq .\tltlrts¡ oiJuint DutlLol (il(lillctÉnt liorr slrcel r(ìrlfcti):

l,ocatio¡r o1'I'tinrip¡l,\s5cts ol llurirtcss ì)cblor1il'ditlcrcnL 1ìonr stfcat rddrcss ¡tlo\.ù);

['1 pe rrl'l)ebtolíliornr .ìl {)rgùù):3rúil) i( (ìnr Lìoi\ì

¡ ln(li\i(luilJ (irìL¡ode$ J'-'iût l)cblor\).\¿e L:ls'ltilt¡ lt Òil lilçt! 2 úl rhit JbD,,

I ('rrrporrtior (irclutlcs LL (' rn(l I I-l))[-] [)¡rlrrerslrir¡

O C)lhet lll'(lebt.'r is n()l on(- Dl Ûrè ¡br)rc ('Dtrtr¿lichc¡:k (hl¡ hos ¡^cl,¡(rrtc t\1)¿ \,f Ènutv hrl\)rv i

\irtur e ol llusir¡cssl( lr¿ck onc hosì

E fluohtr (-'¡rc llusincss! Singlc .\¡¡ct lìc¡l f:lslrtu ¡s tlel'i¡rc<l

ir¡ I I L- li,C $ t(lt (5ìß)! lìrilro¡rl! Stt,ckbrokcrD (lonrnrotlit\ l{rr¡l¡erO CLe¡rin-e B¡nkI t-ttlr"t

Chrptur uf Brnkrupfcy Cutlt Untltr \Yhichthc l'ctilion ís liilorl (Checl; onc bos)

¡ Clìilplrr 7

! Châp(ertI (ìhrp(Èr I I

! (lbnplcr tZE tìlrapter l.r

E ('lraptcr l5 Pctitioo lir ltecognitionof r l"or cign ìrlcin T)roccctlirtg

n ('lrrptcr l5 l)utitir:rt Ior Rccogrritlorrr¡l'¡ l"orciqn N'rnrnrin l't¡lcuerlittu

(:h¡p(cr li t)chl0rs{iru,rtli rl ¡0t¡ßtr\ (Lnl('r i)l rnilit! ìrìùtru1Li

fi¡dlr r\lrhlrr rr tthr,Ìr l¡ tirrar:r¡ f(úc¡t(linÈhl. rtglrditt-r, irr ttl¡r¡¡t J.'tncir ::; p¿n<Li¡tq.

ñirtirrc ô[ DÈl)ls(( hc(k.)nc bo\)

fl l)cbrs rr; ¡rinrrrnÌr consunrer rleht¡clctirrrd ir¡ I I ! ti. ri lIi¡J) il,t

"irrcur,:.1 ltr rn ir.itvlirt¡Li ¡rirtartlr firrî fersolíri. irntil-v, r:t lu:u-.chr,ltl pìlr f\!.< '

! l:ehls rrrc ¡;rrnrirrl¡hu,rtnts: dchL.;

l;rr Iì\elu p( l,:¡rtitví('!lrrcli bos rl rp¡lìrahlct

E l-),1ì-iiì ¡s r tr\ !;ranilìl orgariti:rtiorur:Jc¡ I rtÌ¡ ,lli rri rlrrr lJnrlc(i :ìtrl.\t'::dr ithr Iritcrnrl l!ar,ir:ú. í-r).ìtì

¡ lrilirrr fiL( '\,úì1. rùtLrr':ìteLl

rtrruh :ig.rrlri r¡ririiirLii'r ii:i

I;ilin g frt'c (¿'lteck trrte hori)

I frrli l.iling f'.Ìc otl.rùlnjJ

l] l;rltn_¡ f,'î (, lÌ! l)lt\l tn tn:rrxi)ntrjrtj arllplr(rrli(:'o rnrlr,.iirl¡lr,rnlr; \lu,t¡ti¡ih.;r:¡r,lr¡lrLllic,rti,rfllìrrtbL c\ìììilìi(;ilsl(lcr¡ìtt(ì,1(.lriillln-{rhiiill:Lrl\ ì'ir)r l:i ùr¡L)¡ú F ì)¡]- l¡¡: r!.,ìllt lÌ1 inrtrLlltrl,:ìrl,i lìtiic Ìr;tìhibì lìci'i;ilrcr.iÍii,ll )l

írp¡licrbìr ¡t ih¡pt,:r 7 r:rrlrtr,lL,rlr,;nl1) \it:ri1hc cr.l:rl;ir,rlst.fur¡lr!!,r ic,: ! )lirú¡¡tj [' )inì -ll]

('tì,-.r-l:.rìr t>J.i Clttpter- l l I)e btor I

I t¡cbL.¡ rs r lru¡il ürs¡rrr|iL!'t,)I ìr,Ì+íìn\al m I | (i :ì ( i 11)L ii tl)I l).l'uuLsÍnL,r jrrll ôu:¡rr'¡;ú,rôrrr;,)rillìfl.(l ¡nìiL:j(.'Silll,:ll))

{ he(l: rì

D t).b:,u:Dp*4rlgiirdilrrn\,c¡r!!rìÈcrrlrclcLitlutc,jrlcht¡(.'¡r,hrlilu.l+i:ts.¡rv¿dt;inri.l¿c..r riiilitrt.itif,ji':.sth.rlr5l l:,;i',)1tíu¡x,trtr!úitctiotclltslti,t;l oti !()l l,iittC¿t¿ìf ihr¿¿t.ttttltttu,¡!l¿¡l

(-lhrci: rll tl)ntrt¡lL1l¿ lìeitr[ ,\ ¡lln ii lìernL] lrl{(l rvitìr th:s p.-tjrron

ll \cir:rlrirrc'olllrcplttn'.rrrtr¡'lrcr(¿Ll rr.'¡rllilio¡rlìortr,rr¡':urilor\:clri\¿ì,ri':r.'(lìkrtiì,il¡ ¡(i:L)rLliiú((vrth il I 51-' ll li?(iil.)

S1r lisli cill/--\(l rn ¡n ist rr l i lc L¡ lh rn¡ r l i o n

D Dcbtor dst¡tn¡tcs lhrt linrls rlili bo ¡rr.riirblu t'ur ttistribrrtion [u trl¡ccr:rccl crcilil¡rr¡

ll)cbl('rcst¡tììiltustlrrL¡lìcrrnt,cNcrnl)lprupor{\ iscxcLutl"tl¡rnJlrlrtriuislr¡rtirccspcrsos¡raitl,drcre tritl b'ro lunds rr¿il¡hlc lirrtlistril¡ution lrr u¡tsucurctl crcrlilr,ts

tLlì:l Si'\(L:lì l;t)N I r)l- iìl I Sll (.1¡lL-1

Iì.{tiurJtc(l )lur¡bcr ul ('r¿<lìtors

tr¡Di ji! lr¡,,1..t 1.1.:, LlX,,

m nrl!

t tltì


tìír_iif i- ('\'l,lì

h!tiDrnlcil.\-!rdl3EÛ 'rl il

tlriißìl r, çlÛir,(Ðl::51{ì rÐ b Sl


:1:ìi X{

.':¡ 00rJ(

ffint]¡¡f]!t,r1Àlfjr)l ilrr0rjúIol iiot,ilìrJl \r(j,j-Ù..:rDù: \i0rl(¡ll.dll \f,ìrùrin¡ro!ì¡ì r,rsio k,\tr;Ù rr,\;\r/l l.\fitl¡ !llullrìlrilil:'rr r¡rilior ùìl¡lrri! ¡ril!¡'.n

D!:llt¡ll{)f rr isr)íì,rl)ì\riJì rxl, .' it


jrsti¡r.rk;¡l l,irl'ilitic¡!¡:/i t,r rri0rlrlt h1

ilrj ¡lfii \ir;l),|)Li,

E.-t 0I

¡asitìrji,rì!x.t jlt0(lt l:ilil¡ \rifj lL¡'ì,'i).ìr¡¡il,.ri t¡¡,lli¡r

4t¡.tí \


Case 15-13441 Doc 1 Filed 09/01/15 Entered 09/01/15 12:28:27 Desc Main Document Page 1 of 38

ll I {)liici¡rl l,'()flI

Volr¡ r¡ trry Fetitiolr

r'l'lns ¡t,t7qrt ntrtst ha rtlttplrletl rttt(l fìlul ¡n (v(t]' r(t.çL')

Narttc lf [)ebtrir(s):Buckingham Oíl lnterests, lnc.

All lrrioI Iì;rnliluptc.r' (l¡rsc-s lìilcrl \\ ithirr l,asr ll \ crt's (ì t'ilroto tltl[ (trÔ- att¿lch udditir¡rlal shcctl

I (lclll r)llWhcrc Filcd: None -

Clrsc N rrnrl¡ur: lJntu I;ilcrl

I -ocati o n

Wherc [ìiled:

Clsc Nunrbcr: l-)atc Filcd:

I'enrling lìrnliruptc¡ (lrrse Iilcrl b5 rrrr-r SDouse, Pirr,mer., ol'-\l'litiute ot'this Del¡tor'(lt'morc lharr orìc. atlilch ¿rdditionol shcctl

Nilr¡c o I l)cb(or:- None -

Casc Nttntl¡cr: l)alc ljilcd.

l) is tr ic I: l{clllìouship: JLrdgc:


( Io t)c corììplotccl il'tJcbtor is tcqttircd to tilc pcliodic rùF(llts ie ! ,

lbutrs l 0 K lrrd l t)Q t rvith thc Ser:trr ities ;tttij ì:.rcltLrrtgc C(ìlllllliss¡(ìilpilrsrrûtì1 trr Sc.:tírIt l--ì Llr f 51d) ot'llrc Scuttrilics lisclturlgc ¡\ut tll- l9-ì]antl is ccque:ilirtc. r'eli¿l urrdcr cltupter I I )

O l.,.rlribirn is ¿ttuch¿d ¿rtld ntrde a part ol'this peLitirltr

l.rhibit Ììil.r L)c ùûnrpL.,tù(l ìfJ¿btor rs ¡n Ìnrlivt.lual I'hc¡t rirbts arc ¡rtnrrrrl! tensu¡¡¿r <l¿hts ì

i- l!rc Jt(r)nÌù\ lìr thc ¡rcli(irtncr n:rtncd in llto lorcgoinu pctitioil. ilcclir. thrl I

Irncrlt-ouncdthe ¡rctitiortcrt\nrlhcorrhcl nr¡l'proccedúildcrch¡l)tcr7. ll.1 2. ')r l l ol t¡tlc I l. I. nitc¡l St¡tcs ('otle. ancl ltu,c c::plrined the rcliol ¡r'¡ihblc¡rntlcr .:¡ch suclr rlìÂì)tcl T lìriLret ùúrl¡l'\' th¡L t <lr:liu¿re¡l lr) thc rlcl)lor dlc ntlliccrequireil trv tl,C ì:].12(t))

XSigrrrhrre o[ Altrrlnc-t ior l)chtor(s) (t)ntc)

Irhibit C

E \-ss, ¡n,l E\hitrit C is rtlrcltcrl ¡rtd nt¡r¡lc ;¡ part uf' üris petition

I \u.

IÌrhibit l)

E IlIibir I) conrpletcd nrr,l -siune il l)\ lhc r]ebtor is rltachcil rrcl ntlcle l l)Nrlol'this pelitirtrl

ft'this ¡s u juint petitiort:

ll Ë.rlribit f) also cornplelecl arrtl sigrrecl bl (he.ioiuL debtor is atttchcd tntl nrttde Lr pltt of this petition,

fnlì¡¡'nrutiott lltgnrtling thc l)r¡btt¡r - \:cltuc(Chco[i Lrnr, applìcablt box)

clrvsillnlcrliutclr prc:cedinglhudrrtuolthispctilìonorlìrr¡lo:tgcr¡ltrlr-rt'sttclt lB0illrvstltarlin¡tlvtrlilctDistlict,

tr I ltere is n l>rrrllrrr¡rtc1 case oorrcerrrin3 deblol's ¿rlìiliato gerretll ¡;ar.lncr'. ¡)r lì¿rlrìi:rslì¡lì treltdirtg itl thìs l)istlict

E DchL¡r is ¿r Jobror in o tblcign procccdirrg uud hrs it"- pnnclpirl plrcc oIbusirtuss rìr pdncipal rssets itì the Ulìitëd StrtL¿s in

thisl-)ist¡ict r),'husrìtr¡rriuuipulplaccot'bLrsiness{)rlss0(sinthcllnitetl.StatesbrLtisudetcrrclrrntitlortitctioLrotprlr'ocrJing lirr a tìdcr.ii (ìr'stiìto cùurtl irr thls l)istrìct. or thc ìltcrcsts rrlthc prrtics rviìl hc scl'vcrl in rcgard to thc rclìclsoucht ir this District-

(irrtilic¡tion bv r¡ Dt'bror'\Yho Rcsirlrs :ìs x 'I'en¿nt ul'Rcsit{cnríi¡l Pt'ùpct'rJ*


(Cbeck all ol)plicírbìô boxct)

I-nndto¡Ll hrsnjtLdrrlentrrgainslthe dchtol lbr¡rosscssirrttoldetrlur'slesiderlce lll'borohucke¡l,cotrlplclcthcloll<¡rçinc)

(Larnc ot hndlorrl tlrrrl obtirircd.irr<lgmcnl)

(.\Jrlress cf l¡rr<llord)

rlìel thc lìlirrg ol tltc ¡ru(ilrrrrt

tr l)eblo¡r:clLilicstilathesh¿[ass¿rrecll]rcf-itudltrrdu'iththisceditìc¿rtion,fll (j..Se \\-ìú2(l))

Case 15-13441 Doc 1 Filed 09/01/15 Entered 09/01/15 12:28:27 Desc Main Document Page 2 of 38

Iil ()ll¡(i¡rl l'oril It

rrìì( ,11 | )elìlilrt rl;Buckingham Oil lnterests, lnc.

Sigrrrrtu lc(s) ol' l)eb tor'(s) (hrtl ir irl rrrrll loirrl)

I tlqel¡rrc Lrrtlc¡ P"n¡ltr t¡1'l¡e¡:.itt¡r llt;rl ¡lte irrlìrrrr¡,rlir-ll llllnÍ<lo¡l i¡r lltis

¡rclilirrn ir lute .lt(l ùrrrc(rl.

lll petiLirrlcr is ¡tn ì¡riliritltl¡rl rvhosi:,lebl.. ltc ¡rttttr;rrill colìstlrllúr tlul>ts tr¡¡l

h¡¡s uhr¡run lo filu rtrtrlut th;tptet 7 | I rtrt rrr;trc lllrL I rlr¡\' pt trcced trntl"rclrr¡rtvr 7. I l, l,l- or lì ùl t¡tlu I L Lnilcrl StrLts Codc, rrlr(lurstxrtrl {llu rcliul'rrt-,rìllrblc L¡nrlcr clcl¡ iuclr cltrpLcL. rntl Lhoosc trì ptrtcc,rl tttttler clrlr¡tcr 7

lll'roitt(rrùuIrçl)rçiutltsItoJtt(l rlobrnl:ttrplcr polrliottllru¡trtcriiLtttslltcl)ctitiolì I h¡r'o r¡Ll¡r¡l¡¡tt r¡t,l lc¡ul llt.r ttolicu r,:qtrirctl hv I t t,'S (' \-l'l?(h)'

I ret¡rrcst relici'irt rcu0til¡tncc $i(lt lhc clìll)lcr ¡rt lillc I ì, (rrlitu(l :ilrlu\ ( odú-

rpucilictl irr this ¡rcli(iorr

Sigrrahtlc ol r l't¡¡'ciglt lltpt cst'tttirlìr'r'

I clccl¡rc ¡rtlcr pcrrtl[r ,rl ¡rcliurt, tltr( llto irt[t¡rrtrrlitltt ¡rrtrr t<lctl irr llris pctíliorris lrtlc rlttrl c.rrccl llt'¡t J rrtt tltc Lortigu Icl)rcscillllli\'Ù ¡rl';l rlchttlr in ¡ t'rlrciqtr

pr ocucrlirrg, ,r¡¡rl lhrt I ,rrì rollror izr(l lo lìlc tlris ¡rclilirrrt

r(lh!ck,)il1\ Dnc l)(r\ ì

fl I rur¡Lrurt rclicl in .tcuorLliltco ttitlr cltaplur lj ul trllc I l- L.'nitutl St¡lcr Cotlc.- f'eiill'r(l uopi"st'l'tltetltlcttttr¿nhreqrrirr:dbl ll (1.'jl a\lJlj¡rr:rllrt:lrt:'l

fl l)ur\Lr¡nl lo I I t,,:i.r. $15ì l-l rcqucsr rclicl'in ¡terrrll¡tttcesìllt tltctlrr¡lltr- ofritlc I I rpccilicd irr úis pclitiorr .\ ccrtilicrl rr,p,v ol thc ottlur rrrrrli¡trt

rccoq¡itir¡n ol thu lìttcrgtt rurin ¡ltoc,:ctlirtu is ltlrclrcd,

h¡I cs

.'i i11 n rrlrtL e rr L' Irtr.ri gtt [ìc¡rt csctt Lrrli vc

L'lirtetl l.lrnrc ()l lir)r¿i3rì flcpLcsctttitlit e:

lclu¡honu'rrrL rc[ìrcscnle tl hv allrtttttr )


| )¡tt¿


Srurìrlrìra r¡l lurrtt l)cbLor

Siqttrlt¡c rrl ì)dl)L(rr

Volurrtru'y Iletition

t l lttt ¡ttur ottttt h! ,:()tìtplrlc,l tttttl liltl itt í:\)rr)J( rls()

Francis,Ç,.,.Me!'Jþ9ey, Es-9,. - - -,l)riltcil Nrnlc uL AItr)nìc\ li)r l)chl(rr(s)

Email: fcm@mwzllP,comFax:1781.l 356-5546

I );r (c

:lr¡ ,r e:rsc in irhiult $ 107(l)l(.t)(f));rpplics. llris riIrlrtttle ¡lsr¡ cortrlitl¡tos:rjertit-iur(ron llt¡t thu atlom¿r hirs nrt l;ttotr l*tlqc rllur;rn itt<¡trirr tlrll lhe

i¡rlìrrtt;rtion in lltv ¡ulrs¡lttlcr is ttrr:otrcel,

r ltc¡ È


1781 I 353-5501


Môrrissêv Wllsôn &


S i lnattr Lc ¡\tlorncr lì¡r [)cbhrr(s)

nolorcl I Þ


'l'clc¡rhontr l.lrrnrher

hr¡ r of


Finrr Nante35 Braintree Hlll ofrice ParkSulte 404Braintree, MA 02184

Signu hrlc r)l \r)n-.\ttornc) llirnhlttptct' Pcridott l)t cJrlrt er

I rlcelirrc rrntlcrpcnrflr ol'pctiutt thrl: (1I I irm I [rxnkrul)lsY Fut¡tionl)rrj)iucr rs rlclincd Ìrr I I t..:.j (j. .s I L0i (l) I ¡rcprrctl lltjs rlucur¡tc¡ll Lìrt

corupcnsrtiorr ,rntl lt;rvc provitlcrl llte dohlor rvith r copY ol'lltis,ll¡ot¡tnertt¡n<l tlrc rroticcr ¡ntl iulìrnt¡tiorr rct¡uirc,l rtntler t I U S O, iìS ll0llì)I l(ì(h)- ¡rrrl ì'l2lb); rrrcl, (:ì) ifrulcs r¡t uttitlclirtcs hltvc bcctl Ptrrtnttlgrletlf)ur\u¡rt lo I I I .li.(-,. ,s I l()(h) scttilrg ¡ ntit-ri¡rttlm lcc Ior sctriuoschargerlrlc br lrrnkrrt¡rto't'pelili,rn ¡rrt¡llrrcrr, I halc givu¡t tllc llcblor ¡toliccol tlìç ilr¡\iIr(¡rn ¡rrtr¡unt l¡clìtrc ptcprrilg ¡lt.v (l¡tuttmunt tìtL lilirrg li'r ¡{lcl)lrrr ([ xcecl)lí[l .r¡[ lLc lìrr¡l llte rlclll¡'r- lts tcquircd itt tltrt rcc(ion()llici¡rl l ornr l9 is r(t¡clrc¡1,

lrintcd ì.frrrrc uud titlc. it'nnr. ol Il¿rnl.r'trPlcl l>clil¡otì l)r'c¡xtrcr

Socírrl-scorujn nr¡rnl)cr(ll lltc hartkr'ttt¡ter pcliltùtl PlcPtllcr is nolrrr incliri<lu¡tl- rlirtu llrc Strcjltl SccLtriLr rttltltber ttl tltc olìiccr,

l)rincipill, rcspousil)lc porson (u prtrtttcr {)l tlte battkrttptc¡ pctitllrtprcparer ¡(flcr¡Lrircd bv ll tJ.,S,C rs I 10,)

l)u to

Sigrrrturc ol hrnknt¡lc¡' pct¡l¡ort prcl)¡lrcr or ofTicot. prinei¡lrl, rcspon;iblcpcrson,or ¡rrrl,ncr rrlrosc lorial Svcuritr tluDthcr is provirlcrl rltote

\.rrrtcs,rnrl Soci¡l-Scotttilr nunttru¡s,¡t'rll ollturhl,lirirluirlsulto¡trcprtldrrrrss¡$lc(l ¡r ¡trcprting tltis (loÈDntcttt tlnlcsr lltc [rrrtkruptcv potìtiotl prcpirtcr is

not rn inilir idt¡¡ l:

ll rìold ûrrÌr 0n( pursor prc¡rrcrl Llrls rlocutttertL rl(lclr ¡<l<lilio¡t¡l slrc.'ùs

rr'nlirrnrinr tr lhu rlrll¡rr¡rtnlc olìlci.rl lornr lirt crclt ¡;utsort.

Ii).rÁtìtl)tí:t'lrtilr))tlt?/attrì slatlIttltt'ontplttr'ttltlltt!rtt.¡\'^t/)tt\t)l:itl,' l l ,¡¡;l t!;,. 1 ..1:'<tl !!¡1,:< )/ li!t¡1!.utl)1,:\ l:'t.).<,,iút¡'tù!;\ i '\ttil rtltn,,\ ,t t'ntt:t\)r.n nt, )'!tliJ i: i :i ll(l'!\)l :i:' i:(



Si gn u tulu of Dcb tor' (C o t' por.rtiotr/P'¡t'nlct'sh i p)

l)rín lerl l.l rrrrc o [,\ utltor izctl f rtrh t ttìult l

Sole Dlrector, President and Sl'ìareholder

oI trllc I l, [ ililc(l

Írr,lir irlL¡nl

I )rt.ì




'l h¿


l)rrr\ iJe(l iil tlr¡s

r i¿¿rl to lllc lhis potiliorr

requesls rclief

net Buckingham

-T'itlc ol A utlr,rriz-ctl lnclir ítlLr¿il

September 1,2015

I tlccl;rrg u¡ttlcr punaltr ol ¡orjtrr tlrpctitirrrr is Lrue rnrl cortccl rrd th¡tor [¡rlrirll'ol tltc Jul¡tor-

¡rt tlì0 ìrìf¡,n1.ìtirìlI hrr-c heon ,rrrtlro

Case 15-13441 Doc 1 Filed 09/01/15 Entered 09/01/15 12:28:27 Desc Main Document Page 3 of 38



Sepiember 1,2015

The undersigned dilector of Buckingham Oil Interests, Inc,, a Texas corporation (the

"Corporation"), being the solc momber of the Board of Directors of the Corporation (the "Board")hereby consents, pursuant to Section 6.201 of the Texas Business Organization Code, to the adoption ofthe following lesolutions aud to the taking of the actions refèrred to in such lesoltìtions;


WHEREAS; The Boald has detelrnined that, based on factors and information deemecl relcvant by the

Corporation, it is desirablc and in the best interests of the Corporation and other

interesled parties that the Corporation seek relief under Chapter I I of 'l'itle I I of the

United States Code, I I U.S.C, $$ l0l et seq. (the "Bankruptcy Code").

RESOLVED; That the President of the Corporation, be and hereby is authorized, empowered and

di¡ected to take action, and to authorize others (an "Authorized Person") to take action

to;; (i) prepare and file on behalf of the Corporation a petition fol relief under Chapter I I

of the Banlü'uprcy Code, (ii) execute on behalf o[ the Corporation such petition,

schedules and statement as the President, 'freasurer and Secretary of the Corporation(each, an "Authorized Officer") may deern necessary or appropriate in connection

ther.ewith, (iii) cause the Corporation to perform its functions and duties as a debtor in

possession pulstìant to the applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, (iv) to take

such sleps on bohalf of the Corporation as may be necessary and appropriate to the

Corporation's restructul'ing effort (including,'"vithout limitation, the sale or other

disposition of property other than in the ordinary course of business), (v) preparc and

proposc to creditors such plan as such Ar¡thorized Officet may deem to be feasible and in

the best interests of the Corporation, (vi) file any pleadings appropliate or necessary for

the Corporation to seek relicf under any other cltapter of the Bankruptcy Code, and (r'ii)execute such furlher documents and do such further acts as such Autholized Officer may

deem necessaly or appropliate with rcspect to the f'oregoing, including the delegation ofsuch foregoing authorify to other officers and ernployees of the Corporation; the

execution of any document or the doing of any act by such Authorized Officer in

connection with such proceedings to be conclusively presumed to be authorized by this




That each Authorized Off,rcer is hereby autborized, emporveled and directed in the name

and on behalf of the Corporation, to cause the Corporation to enter into, execute, deliver,

certify, Iìle and/or recorcl, all agleernents instruments, petitions, schedules, motions, lists

affidavits, applications for approvals or ruling of govertrtnental or regulatory authorities,

pleadings, celtificates or other papels, and to take and perform any and all furlher acts

and deeds in such Authol'ized Officer's judgment shall be necessary', proper or desirable

fol the Corpolation's Chaptel I I case.

1'[rat, without limìting the foregoing grant of authoriby, such Authorized Offtoer ancl any

p€rson authorized by such Authorized Officer be ancl hereby is atrthorized, bnt not

dilected, to the appointment of a Chapter 11 tlttstee for the Corporation

(ÀlÍ¡rz92so,r )

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RESOLVED That any and all actions heretof,ore or heleafter lawtully talcen iu the narne or on behalf of

the Corporation in good faith by such Authorized Offtcer ancl any person authorized by

such Authorized Officer in fudherance of the purposes olthe foregoing lesolutions or inco¡rnection with the transactions contemplated thelein are hereby ratified, confinrled, and

adopted as the acts and deeds of the Corpot'ation.

r\Dpointment of Advisors

WHEREAS The Board has deÏermined that the Corpolation is in neecl of outside legal counsel in

connection u,ith the Corporation's Chapter I I case, ancl the Board has determined that the

la'"v fìrnr of lvlorrissey, Wilson & Zafiropoulos, LLP has significant experience atid

expertise ancl has demonstrated skil[, expelience and knowledge to the Boald.

RESOLVED: That, subject to the approval of the couft having jurisdiction of the Cot'poration's Chaptet11 case (the "Court"), the Corpolation, as debtor in possession or otherwise, etnploy as

its oouusel the law firm of Morrissey, Wilson &. Zañropoulos, LLP and that the

Corporation compensâte suoh <.:ounsel at their standard lrottrly rates, subject to any power

of said Court to determine their reasonable compensation and reimbursement ofl

expeuses, and to pay a letainel-in connection therewith; and that any Authorized Officeris hereby authorized to enter into such agreements as may be necessary or appropriate to

effect such retention.


RESOLVì:D: That such Ar.¡thorizecf Officer of the Corporatiou and each authorized person be, and each

of them acting individually hereby is, authorized in the name aud on behalf of the

Corporation to execute and dcliver all certif,rcates, instrurnents, documents, agreements or

other- rvritings (including, without limitation, any arnendments to the agreements and

other docutnents approved by the foregoing resolulions) and to take any and all other

action as the officer or officers so acting may deem nocessary or aclvisable to carry out

the intent, tenns and prtt'poses of the fbregoing resolutions and to cause the

consurnmation of the transactions contemplatecl thereby.

This Written Crtnsent of Sole Dircctor sllall be filed wifh the records of the meefir.rgs of the Board

of Dilectot's.

Remainder of page intenlionally left blonkl

1l\t0829250, I I

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as of the date first written above.

igned have executed this W Consent of Sole Director

Buckingham, sole director

ff\t0t¡9¿s0,t )

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(Eastcrn Division)

In re:



Chapter I I

Case No. l5-


[, Janet Buckingharn, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the informationreferenced in the L'olurtlary Petilion and the tr'erification oJ'Creelitor Matrix (collectively the"Docttments"), filed electronically, is true and correct. I understancl that this Declaration is to befiled with the Clerk of Court electronically concurrently rvith the electronic filing of theDocument. I understand that failure to fìle this Declaration may cause the Document to be struckand any request contained or relying thereon to be denied, without further notice.

I further understand tltat pursuant to the Massachusetts Electronìc Filing Local Rule(MEFLR)-7(a) all paper documetrts containing original signatures executed under the penaltiesoflperjury and filed electronically with the Courl are the prope(y of the bankruptcy estate andshall be maintained by the authorized CMÆCF Regiafter the closing of'this case,

User for a period of fìve (5) years


President, Director andSole Shareholder

Dated: September l, 2015690.r8J

Case 15-13441 Doc 1 Filed 09/01/15 Entered 09/01/15 12:28:27 Desc Main Document Page 7 of 38

United States Bankruptcy Cor¡rtDistnct of Massachusetts

Iu rc: Buckinsharn Oil ln<r

Dcbtor(s) Cltapter ll


l, the President of thc col'poration nanlcd as thc dcbtor in thi.s case, hereby verif)" that the attached list ofcreditors is true aud correct to tlte best of nry knowledge.

Dated: September l. 2015Buckingham, P

Case No

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ACH/Buckingham 2012,2000 McKinney AvenueDallas, TX 15201

L. P.Suite 600

ACH/Buckingham 2012, L.P.2000 McKinney Avenue Suite 600Daflas, TX 1520L

Albert M. Newel-l Living Trustc/o Howard L. Newell, TrusteeP.O. Box 2589Framingham, MA 01703

Alberto Vitale135 Grace TrailPalm Beach, EL 33480

Alda Limited Partnership245 Amity RoadSuite 209Woodbridge, CT 06525

Allan Grotheerl1 Golden CourtCromwel1, CT 06416

Allegro Investments, Inc.1405 E. Mockingblrd Ln.Victoria, TX 17904

Allen Questrom6505 Bandera Ave.Drexel Park Hoflow ApartmentsApt 2FDallas, TX 15225

Amber Towers1703 W. 11rh Sr.Austin, TX 78703

Amir Moazami1329 Vista Mountaín DriveAustin, TX 18131_

Andrew Gnazzo56 Sandy Pond RoadLincoln, MA 0I113

Ann C. McKinney4568 Norwich hJaySan Jose, CA 95130

Anthony Cashen118 OLd Ox RoadGhent, NY 12015

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Anvil Energy LLC2205 Lauranne Ln.Austin, TX 78733

ARC-Coofangatta Land600 Leopoard St.Ste 1012Corpus Christi, TX 1840I

Arnie Oil204 Park Ave.Suite 28Basalt, CO BL62I

Aurora Resources Corporation600 Leopard StreetSuite 70L2Corpus Chrlsti, TX 78401

Avery Energy,100 Asma BIvdSuite 100Lafayette, LA



Avery Enterprises, LLP14065 Roller Coaster RoadColorado Springs, CO 8092I

AX Operating, LLCPO Box 51582Lafayette, LA 70505

AX Operating, LLCP.O. Box 52749Lafayette, LA 70505

Aylesbury Buckinqham Oí)- 2006 - IIl5 W. Aylesbury RoadSuite 700Timonium, MD 21093

Aylesbury Buckinqham OLL 2006 - III15 W. Aylesbury RoadSuite 700Timonium, MD 21093

Aylesbury Buckingham OiI II15 W. Aylesbury RoadSuite 700Timonium, MD 21093

AyÌesbury Buckingham Oil IX, LP15 W. Aylesbury RoadSuite 700Timonium, MD 2f093

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Aylesbury Buckingham Oil VIIIl5 W. Aylesbury RoadSuite 700Timonium, MD 21093

Aylesbury Buckingham Oil X15 W. Aylesbury RoadSuite 700Timonium, MD 21093

AyJ-esbury Buckingham Oil, LLC15 W. Aylesbury RoadSuite 700Timonium, MD 21093

Badqer EnergyP.O. Box 52145Lafayette, LA 70505

Badqer Energy, LLCP. O. Box 521 45Lafayette, LA 70505

Barbara & Patrick ohlheiser235 Preston StreetWindsor, CT 06095

Bayless Producer,62I ITth StreetSuite 2300Denver, CO 80293


Bean Resouces, Inc.P.O. Box 52168Lafayette, LA 70505

Bell, Lee M

3613 Country Club RoadSan AngeJ-o, TX 16904

Benedikt KochAn der Lopau 321385 RehlingenGERMANY

Benjamin Hinckley46 Houston Ave., +2Newport, RI 02840

Bernd Recker6B Shoestring Bay RoadMashpee, MA 02649

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Betty Cfark43604 Habitat CircleLeesburg, VA 2071 6

Betty Hung401 Congress Ave.,3lst FloorAustin, TX 78701

BOG Resources, L.P1B Shiloh RoadOdessa, TX 19162

Brammer Engineering, fnc.400 Texas St.reetSuite 600ShreveporL, LA 71101

Brett Buckingham891 County Rd 343Merkel, TX 19536

Brian SmithPO Box 2832Edgartown, MA 02539

BTA OiL Producers, LLC104 South PecosMidland, TX 79701

Buckingham Exploration, LLC919 Congress Ave.Suite 1310Austin, TX 18101

Buckingham, Brett APO Box 74Millersview, TX 1 6862

Buckingham, D. Andrew800 West Avenue D

#2wSan Angelo, TX 1690I

Buckingham, Danny P2131 Office Park DrSan Angelo, TX 16904

Buckingham, Darryl800 l¡lest Avenue D

#2wSan Angelo, TX 1690I

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Buckingham, Dennis N5622 Woodbine LaneSan Angelo, TX 16904

Buckingham, Janet800 l¡Iest Avenue D

#2wSan Angelo, TX 1690I

Buffalo Natural Gas500 North ShorlineSuite 1008NCorpus Christi, TX 7841I

Buffalo Natural Gas, LTD500 North ShorelineSuite 1008Corpus Christi, TX 1841I

Byrd Operating Co.PO Box 2578Midland. TX 16904

Byrd Operatinq Company24 Smith RoadSuite 130Midland, TX 19102

C. Bradford Jeffries Living Trust101 California Street, 5th Fl-oorSan Francisco. CA 94111

Calvin Dennison3114 Honey Tree LaneAustín, TX 18146

Cameron GammillB7 Somerset RoadNantucket, MA 02554

Campbell, Diarmid J2174 Beverly CourtSan Angelo, TX 16904

Carolyn Ilse Burklund2634 Arroyo DobleSan Marcos, TX 18666

Carolyn Ilse BurkIund, TrusteeHunter Dickson Waltz Trust2634 Arroyo DobleSan Marcos, TX 78666

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Carter Utziq1951 Sterling RoadCharlotte, NC 28209

CDB Enterprises, Inc.Jim Barho225 Chadwick DriveGeorgetown, TX 18628

Charles Cox83 Riverside DrlveNorwelf, MA 0206I

Charles R. Davrs1164 Quince AvenueBoulder, CO 80304

Chase, Stuart F645 PÌantation CourtCharlottesvíile, VA 22903

Chipman, Augustus M12310 FM 2335Knickerbocker, TX 16939

Chris Diori-o50 Murray St Apt 812New York, NY 10007

Christine Paddock Sawmí11 Flats/ LLCC/o View Capital Advisors2000 McKinney Ave.,Suite 600Dallas, TX 15207

Christy Strub4102 Balcones DriveAustin, TX 1813I

Clark A. Johnson Estate4041 Community DriveJuniper, FL 34458

Clark, Danny C

9 North MonroeSan Angelo, TX 1690I

CIint Bounds4407 Buena Vista,#11Dal-1as, TX 15205

Comm-issiner of Publíc LandsPO Box 1148Santa Fe, NM 81504

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Compton PropertiesP.O. Box 419Morrilton, AR 721-70

Corey M. Gammill113 MilLport AvenueNew Canaan, CT 06840

Corsair, LLC995 Sea View AvenueOsterville, MA 02655

Curtis Elood4201 Southwestern StreetHouston, TX 77005

Cypress Production, Inc.313 West Main StreetAzIe, TX 16020

Cyprus DriJ-Iing LLC313 VrIest Main StreetAzle, TX 16020

Cyprus Productron313 West Main StreetAzl-e, TX 1 6020

D. Sumner Chase, III Irrevocabl-e TrustvrA 10/15/200r300 Preston Ave.,Suite 500Charlottesvill-e, VA 22902

Dafe Seibt19 Gunning Point Rd.Falmouth, MA 02540

Dan & Judy Hightower6606 Pinehurst DriveSan Angelo, TX 16904

Dan A Hughes Company, LPO Drawer 669Beeville, TX 18L02

Dana J. Stotsky & Susan M. Ryan/JTWROS578 West Wi-llow CourtLouisviIIe, CO 80021-1668

Danny Buckingham2131 Office Park DriveSan AngeÌo, TX 16904


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Danny Buckingham 20L3 Program2131 Office Park DriveSan AngeLo, TX 1 6904

Davenport, Clay C

208 S MonroeSan Angelo, TX 1690I

Davenport, Lyle H1602 Utah AvenueSan AngeJ-o, TX 16904

David Cohen66 Temple Rd.Concord, MA 07'l42

David Davis222 Webster DriveBen Lomond, CA 95005

David fsenberg/Paula Blumenthal112 Orchard StreetCos Cob, CT 06807

David Johnsonl-311 BarkmoreSan Antonio, TX 78258

David Palml-und5323 Swiss AvenueDallas, TX 152L4

David Warren StrickferPresent Interest Trrevocab-le Trust3165 Arrowhead RoadHarrisonburq, VA 2280L

DDD Exploratíon, Inc.301 S PolkSuite 580Amarj-Il-o, TX 79101

Dennis Buckingham5622 Woodbine LaneSan Angelo, TX 16904

Dennis Buckingham 2073 Program5622 Woodbine LaneSan Angelo, TX 16904

Dennis Buckingham 2013 Program5622 Woodbine LaneSan Angelo, TX 16904

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Dennis O'NeilIWild Cat Orchard, LLC1935 Commerce Lane,Suite 6

Jupiter, FL 33458

Department of the TreasuryInternal- Revenue Service CenterOqden, UT 84201-0013

Derwood S. Chase, Jr.Grand Trust300 Preston Ave. ,Suite 500Charlottesville, VA 22902

Dick Pollard Sentinel Peak, LLC.C/O view Capítal Advisors2000 McKinney Ave.,Suite 600Dallas, TX 1520I

Don M. Connally402 CypressSuite 405Abilene, TX 19607

Dougr M. Cox and Jayne A. Cox, JTWROS4760 Barn Fíeld DriveKeswick, VA 22941

Downstream Investments, LLC1701 Rockcliff RoadAustin, TX 18146

Dry Creek Investments, GPO Box 50505Midland, TX 191I0

DS & S ChaseDerwood Chase Jr. Manager300 Preston Ave. ,Suite 500Charl-ottesville, VA 22902

DSX Energy LTD, LLP800 North Shorline Blvd.Suite 25'7 0Corpus Christi, TX 1840L

Dupee, JamesP.O Box 61002San Ang'elo, TX 16906


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Earthstone Energy Inc.633 17th StreetSuite 1900Denver, CO 80202

Earthstone Energy, Inc.633 71 rh SrSuite 2320Denver, CO 80202

East West Enerqy LLCEdward Ajootian85 Robert Street #32Boston, MA 0273I

East-West Energy85 Roberts StreetSuite 32Roslindal-e, MA 02131

Eastern SheIf Explanation, LLC9405 Crowley Road. "C"Fort Worth I TX '7 6134

Echavarria, MarcusPO Box 110Bronte, TX 16933

Ed HerringtonP.O. Box 709Hil1sda1e, NY 10521

Edith M. Osborne216 East 3rd StreetTexarkana, AR 71854-5937

Edward Cohen3000 Island BoulevardPenthouse #3Aventura, FL 33160

Edward Gildea GST, Non Ex Tr,c/o Goldman Sachs & Co.ATTN: Maggie Keohan125 High SLreeIBoston, MA 02170

fbo AGO

Edward Gildea GST, non Ex Tr, fbo JHGc/o Mr. and Mrs. James Gil-dea36 Hubbard RoadWeston, MA 02493

Eisenbach, Steve T4001 Bowie StreetSan Angelo, TX 76903

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Elizabeth Rushton Caflaghan TrustArcus Capital Partners3060 Peachtree Rd. NW

Suite 1880Atlanta, GA 30305

Emerald Bay ExpJ-oration/ LLC311 Saratoga Bl-vd.Corpus Christi, TX 784I1

Emmy OiJ- & Gas, LLC30 Cross StreetDover, MA 02030

Emmy Oif & Gas, LLC57 Birds Hitl AvenueNeedham, MA 02492

Envy Energy, LLC30 East Coldbrook CircleThe Woodlands, TX 1138I

Erich Hoffmann56 Harrison StreetNew Rochelle, NY 10801

Erin Buckingham609 W. Lynn St..Unit #1Austin I TX '7 8703

Esenjay Oil & Gas LTD500 North Water StreetSuite 1100Corpus Christi, TX 1840I-0236

Esenjay Operating Inc.500 North Water StreetSuite 1100 SouthCorpus Christi, TX 1840I-0236

Esenjay Operationq Inc.500 North Water StreetSuite 1100 SouthCorpus Christi, TX 1840I-0236

Espiritus Family TrustPatrick KronfÌi14930 Reedley St #CMoorpark, CA 9302I

Exceptional Endeavors, LLC14380 B6rh Rd. N.Loxahatchee, FL 33410

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First Financial Bank, N. A.Southwest OfficePO Box 5291San Angelo, TX 16902-529I

Firstrike Energy CorpPO Box 260538Corpus Christi, TX 18426-0538

Eorza Operatrng', LLC24900 Pitkin RoadSuite 200Spring, TX 11386

Frank Selldorff10 Rowes WharfBoston, MA 02IL0

Garza, Raul8285 SuttersSan Angelo, TX 76901

GEDD Inc.802 North CarancahuaSuite 10l- 0Corpus Christi, TX 18407

GeoPetra Energy, LLC5605 North MacArthur BIvd.MacArthur Center II Suite 720Irving, TX 75038

GeoPetra Energy, LLC5605 North Macarthur BlvdSuite 720Irving, TX 75038

GeoPetra Partners5605 North Macarthur Blvd.Suite 720Irving, TX 75038

GeoPetra Partners, LLC5605 N MacArthur BIvdSuite 720Irving, TX 75038

Gifford Operating Co.4625 Greenville AveSui-te 202Dal-l-as, TX 15206

Gifford, Ethan P

10585 Emmitt LaneSan Angelo, TX 1690I

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GJW, LLC103 Squire Hi-11- RoadLongwood, FL 321'7 9

GLAD, L.P.6452 SLeepy Ridge RoadFalls Church, VA 22042

GLS/ LLCPO Box 52749Lafayette, LA 70505

GLS, LLC.PO Box 52I49Lafayette, LA 70505

Golconda Oil e Gas,Greg Onstott3300 Bee Cave Road,Sulte 650-203West Lake HiLls, TX



Goldston Oil Corporation1819 St James PfaceHouston, TX 11056

Goldston Oi1 Corporation1819 St. James PlaceHouston, TX 71056

Green, Mia L718 Sandwich RoadEast Fal-mouth, MA 02536

Greenwood Land LLC2731 Office Park Dr.Suite ASan Angelo, TX 16904

Gregg Adamovich3643 Route 103NChester, VT 05143

Gregg Onstott3300 Bee Cave Road,Suite 650-203West Lake Hills, TX 18146

Gutierrez,/Stevens Limited Partnership15410 Partnership Rd.Poolesville, MD 20837

Hannathon Petroleum, LLCPO Box 3550Midland, TX 19102

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Harkey, Clay TL2005 Hwy 61 S #2San Angelo, TX 16904

Harry Weitzel, Jr.16110 Bradburn LaneRidge I r4D 20680

Hawkeye Stratographic I LLC5300 Memorial DriveSuite 610Houston, TX 11001

Heather Ann Palmlundf8750 Chillicothe RoadChagrin Falls, OH 44023

Hoak Private Equities I, LPReagan Place at Ol-d Parkland3963 Mapfe Ave., Suite 450Dallas, TX 15279-3236

Hoak Private Equities I, LP3963 Maple Ave., Suite 450Reagan Place at Old ParklandDallas, TX 15279-3236

Hoak Private Equitres I, LPReagan Place at Old Parkland3963 Maple Ave.,Suite 450Dallas, TX 152]-9

Hoffman Exploratíon1 Greenway, PLazaSuite 440Houston, TX 11046

Houghton, KarenP.O. Box 892East Sandwich, MA 02531

Houston Energy L. P.1200 Smith St.Ste 2400Houston, TX 11002

Houston Energy, LPTwo Allen Center 1200 Smith StreetSuite 2400Houston, TX 1'7002

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Houston Energy, LPTwo Allen Center 1200 Smith StreetSuite 240IHouston, TX 77003

HRB Oi1 & Gas, LTD.4311 Oak Lawn AvenueSuite 360Dallas, TX 15219

Hurd Enterprises7373 BroadwaySuite 200San Antonio, TX 18209

Hurd Enterprises, LTD7373 BroadwaySuite 200San Antonio, TX 18209

Interstate Explorations, Inc.1331 Lamar StreetSuite 1370Houston, TX 110I0

fnterstate Explorations, LLC1331 Lamar St.Suite 1370Houston, TX 11070

Iris DelyExceptional Endeavors14380 B6rh Rd. N.Loxahatchee, FL 33410

Jack Chafin4 Teal CircleMashpee, MA 02649

Jack OtConnor391 6 Coral PointColorado Springs, CO 80917

James Abraham'7204 Cherrywoood LaneSprì-ng Grove, IL 60081

James D. Smith1900 McKinney AveAPT 1BO1Dallas, TX 1520I

James Gifdea36 Hubbard RoadWeston, MA 02493

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Jane Waldfogel285 Riverside Drive#1-28New York, NY 10025

Janis Mandel-WeitzelL6110 Bradburn LaneRidqe, MD 20680

Jarred Holland3404 Rivercrest DrAustin, TX '7 81 46

Jay Carr Eel River, LLC255 Eel River RoadOsterville, MA 02655

Jay Singhania6225 Perberton DriveDalIas, TX 15230

JBM OiI & GaS, LLC455 2nd Street SE,Suite 402Charlottesville, VA 22902

JD Equity, LP805 Las Címas ParkwaySuite 350Austin, TX 18746

Jeffrey & Mardina Chen1200 Barton Creek Blvd.,#1,2Austin, TX 18135

John Abraham3806 Bunny RunAustin, TX 18146

John Stuart8034 Jethro LaneSan Antíno, TX 78266

Joiner, Boyce W

P.O. Box 13Bronte, TX 16933

Jon D. Jacobs and Elizabeth M. Clagett8703 Stockton ParkwayAlexandria, VA 22308

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Juan PinedaJuan Pineda Enterprises W LLC4140 23rd StreetSan Francisco, CA 94II4

K Holdings, LLCP.O. Box 359Keene, VA 22946

Karen McdonaldPO Box 691West Tisbury, MA 02575

Katie Jackson1801 East 2nd #6Austin, TX 78102

Kebo Oil e Gas, fnc607 Rallroad Ave.Portland, TX 18374

Keith Hofmann1307 Briar Bayou DriveHouston, TX 11011

KeIsey OperatingrVirginia Riggins12400 St. Hlghway 71 W.Suite 350-421Austin, TX 18138

Kelsey Operating, Inc.Virginia Riggins12400 St. Highway 71 Vü.

Suite 350-421Austin, TX 78738

Kendra MatthewsL721-1 Applewood DriveAustin, TX 78758

Kevin Jewett1105 Simmons StMt. Pleasant, SC 29464-5052

Kitchens, Pierce C

2011 St Marys StreetSan Angelo, TX 16904

Knight Resources, LLCP.O. Box 52688Lafayette, LA 70505-2688

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Kriss HammondKMHJ II LLC1935 Commerce Lane,Suite 6Jupiter, FL 33458

LeClair Operating1009 Petrol-eum DriveAbilene, TX 19602

LeClair Operating Co., Inc.1009 Petrol-eum DriveAbil-ene, TX 19602-1954

Leclere, Jason2508 Sweetbriar DrApt B-813San Angelo, TX 16904

LLOX, LLC1001 Ochsner BlvdSUite ACovington, LA 70433

LLOX, LLC1001 Ochsner Blvd.Sulte ACovinqton, LA 70433

Louis Gitlin65 Emeline StreetProvidence, RI 02906-3305

Loyd C. Whitehead15829 Susan Peak RdSan Angelo, TX 16904

LS Buckingham/WNorth, L. P2000 McKinney Ave.Suite 600Dal- las , TX 1 520L

LS/Buckingham Program, LP2000 McKinney Ave.Suite 600Dallas, TX 1520L

LSBuckingham/W North, L. P2000 McKinney Ave.Suite 600Dallas, TX 7520]_

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Lucas Petroleum Group, Inc.321 Conqress Ave.Suite 500Ausitn, TX 78701

Magna Operating Company'712 Ma:-n StreetSuite 3000BHouston, TX'71002

Magnolia Designs LLCIndra Chandra40 Magnol-ia AvenueLarchmont, NY 10538

Magnum Producing, LP500 North ShorelineSuite 322Corpus Christí, TX 1840L

Makoil, Inc.25391 Commercentre Dr#720Lake Forest, CA 92630

Marqaret F. DelbagnoL57 Dutchess AvenueStaten Island, NY 10304-2930

Marqaret F. Delbagno52 Schoharie St.Staten Island, NY 10301

Mark Capital Management,3B3B Oak Lawn AvenueTwo Turtle CreekSuite 74]-4Daflas, TX 152L9


Mark Frederic RosaL4265 W. Warren DriveLakewood, CO 80228

Mark Gitlin13 Mallard Cove WayBarrington, RI 02806-21 44

Mark Robinson33 Barney Hilt RoadWayland, MA 01778

Mark Scherer1011 W. Main StreetBrenham, TX 77833

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Mark Scherer9201 Brodie Lane# 4203Austin, TX 18148

Mark Strub4102 Balcones DríveAustin, TX 78731

Markus Ottmers313 Lytle StreetKerrville, TX 78028

Martex Operating, LLC209 North New Hampshire StreetCovington, LA 1 0433

Mary Ellen Thomas HarrisonStirling Group Two3428 CoLlonade DriveWellington, FL 33449

McKinnon Patten & Associates, LLCf0000 North Central ExpwySuite 1350Dallas, TX 1523I

Mego Resources, LLCL229 FM 889George West, TX 18022

Meg'o Resources, LLCP.O. Box 194Taft, TX 78389

Mego Resources, LLCP. O. Box 1 94Taft, TX 78390

Mehrdad Moazamr3B0B Laurel Ledge LaneAust j-n, TX 1813I

Mef QuesadaP.O. Box 2641Laredo, TX 18044

Millenia Resources LLC2155 S Locust SL #216Denver, CO 80222

Montanez, Daniel L126 Estell-a DríveSan Angelo, TX 76903

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Montanez, Michael A109 Estella DriveSan Angelo, TX 16903

MTBB Acquisition Company, LLC7206 West Ave. ATemple, TX 16504

NAA Holdings, LLC3004 Gilbert StreetAustin, TX 78703

Nancy SeldonL0 Drew CrossíngVüestford, MA 01886

Neu Oil & Gas, LLC712 Windsong Traj-IAustin, TX 18146

NEU OiI & Gas/ LLC712 [üindsong TrailWest Lake Hills, TX 18146

New Century Exploration,8500 Cypresswood DriveSuite 104Sprinq, TX 11319


New Century Exploration, Inc.8500 Cypresswood Dr.Suite 104Spring, TX 11379

NiCo Resources, LLC1490 West Cana-L Court#3000Littleton, CO 80120

Oceanrc BC LLCWillard Hammonds4418 Ocean DriveCorpus Christi,

One Apex Energy,P.O. Box 3685Corpus Christi,

TX 78412


TX 78404

Pacheco, Jocelyn M

335 Boxberry Hill- RoadEast Falmouth, MA 02536

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Paint Rock Operating, LLC2131 Office Park DriveSuite ASan AngeJ-o, TX 16904

Paradise Ridge I, LPMichael J. Rovner4400 Aqua Verde DriveAustin, TX 18146

Patterson, Ryan1510 Dexter St.Austin, TX 18104

Pauf D. & Mava GarnerPO Box 211Raleigh, MS 39153

Paul Dennison6406 Dry Cliff CoveAustin, TX 1813L

Paul Hoffman Jr.56 Harrison St.New Rochelle, NY 10801

Peter Vlaldfogell- Salem Street, #2LSwampscott, MA 01907

Philip M. Mi1ler, Jr.P.O. Box 126Falmouth/ MA 0254I

Phì-1lip J. Church1501 Hardouin AvenueAustin, TX 78703

Piedra Properties, Ltd3L2 E. IllinoisSuite #1MidIand, TX 7910I

Ponderosa Oil & Gas5300 Memorial- DriveSuite 610Houston, TX 11001

Ponderosa Oi1 & Gas,5300 Memorial DriveSuite 610Houston, TX 110Q1


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Pounds, James W

678 FM 765 WestPaint Rock, TX 1 6866

Price FamiJ-y Trust4115 Happy Valley RoadLafayette, CA 94549-2410

Purvis Operatin Co.P.O. Box 51991Midland, TX 191II

Purvis Operatinq CompanyP.O. Box 51990Midland, TX 79710

Purvis Operatinq CompanyP. O. Box 51991Midland, TX 191IL

Raffaele Vitale135 Grace TrailPalm Beach, FL 33480

Raj iv Yadlapalli130 V{est 2)Lh Street,Ànl )î

New York, NY 10011

Ralph Stow Revocable TrustRalph Stow, Trustee U/A 04/03/BB2I5L Jamieson Ave.,Unit 310Alexandria, VA 22314

Randal J. and Patrica Page GardenerPO Box 3844San Angelo, TX 16902

Ravi K. Singhanra323 Timbercreek DriveLake Jackson, TX 11566

Ravi Singhania323 Timbercreek DriveLake Jackson, TX 11566

Reatta Energy, Inc.PO Box 10121Midland, TX 19102

Reeflex, Ltd.713 Windsong'TrailWest Lake Hi I Is, TX '7 81 41

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Reeflex, Ltd.714 Vrlindsonq TrailWest Lake Hills, TX 18148

Reeflex, Ltd.715 Windsong TrailWest Lake Hj-Ils, TX 18149

Reef l-ex, Ltd.716 Windsong TraiIVrlest Lake Hills, TX 78750

Regina Manian1315 Dunning DriveLaguna Beach, CA 9265I

Richard Earl Vodra TrustRichard Vodra, Trustee8360 Greensboro Drive,Apt. 823Mclean, VA 22102

Richard Foulke, Jr.33 Cottaqe LaneEast Hampstead, NH 03826

drd 10/1.6/200

Richard H. & Janet L.7822 S. Clayton WayCentenn j-aI, CO 801-22


Richard N. Wi-ener1B North AveWestport, CT 06880

Richard Wagnon216 East 3rd StreetTexarkana, AR 71854

Rincon Petroleum Corp615 Leopard StSLe 122Corpus Christi, TX 18401-0651

RJ Enerprises, LLC3521 DecaLur St.Denver, CO 80211

Robert PearsonB0B0 N. Central- ExpresswaySuite L200DalÌas, TX 15206

Roloert Rose121 Nunn BoulevardCadtz, KY 42211-

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Robison, Keane H2701 Regent Bl-vdSan Angelo, TX 76905

Ronal-d Mis396 Washington StreetSuite 300Wellesley, MA 02481

Roy Wade15700 Echo Hills Dr.Austin, TX lBlIl

Rozel Operating Company100 Asma BlvdSuite 100Lafayette, LA 70508

RusseII CondeP.O. Box 208LNew Castle, NH 03854

Rust Oi1 Corporation6300 Ridglea PlaceSuite 904Fort Worth, TX 16116

Ryan Patterson1510 Dexter St.Austin, TX 18104

Ryan Staszko488 Jerusafem RoadCohasset, MA 02025

SeS Oil fnvestments LLCWilliam Slenker4421 Brookside DriveAlexandria, VA 223L2

Sal-ida Exploration, LLC310 N. VliflisSuite 236Abilene, TX 19603

SAM OiI9027 Musgrave StreetCol-orado Springs, CO 80920

SAM OiI LLC9021 Musgrave StreetColorado Sprì-ngs, CO B 0 92 0

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San Angelo Properties Management, LLCP.O. Box 60006San Angelo, TX 16906

Santa Rosa Energy802 North CarancahuaSuite 655Corpus Christi, TX 1840I

Santa Rosa Energy Ltd.802 North CarancahuaSuite 655Corpus Christi, TX 18407

Seamless Energy, LLCCody Phifer1490 West Canal Court,#3000Littleton, CO 80120

Seedcess fnvestment GroupJohn Ramsey5500 Basswood LaneAustin, TX 18123

Seely Oil Company815 W. 10rh Sr.Ft. Worth, TX 16!02

Seely Oil Company815 Vüest 10th StreetFort Vrlorth, TX 16L02

Seely Oil Company815 Vùest Tenth StreetFort Worth, TX 16102

SH Nebraska LLC216 ]-6th StreetSuite 1600Denver, CO 80202

Shanee Oil Company401 West TexasSuite 404Midland, TX 79701

Skip & Barbara Berggren49 DeerfieÌd LanePortIand, CT 06480

Sojourner Drilling Corp.810 Anson Ave.Abilene, TX 1960I

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Sojourner DriIlíng CorporationPO Box 3234Abilene, TX 19604

Southern Resources CompanyP.O. Box 6483Corpus Christi, TX 18466-6483

Spicewood Operating Co., LLC19019 Hwy 71West Spicewood, TX 18669

Spicewood Operatinq Company, LLC19019 HI¡{Y 71 !{estSpicewood, TX 78669

Steven H. Durham FamiLy Foundat-ionc/o Bríqht and Bríght5944 Luther Lane,Suite 600Daflas, TX 15225

Stuart F. Chase645 Plantation CourtCharlottesville, VA 22903

Stuart F. Chase frrevocable TrustvrA 10/15/200r300 Preston Ave.,Suite 500Charlottesville, VA 22902

Sweetwater Asset, LLCc/o Thomas VardellP.O. Box 1261Alamo, CA 94501

Tackett, Scottie514 Southeast Rai-IroadBronte, TX 16933

Taylor, Bobby LL3278 US Hwy B3BaJ-linger, TX 1 682I

TDX Energy401 Edwards StreetSuite 1 900Shreveport, LA 71101

Texas Controller of Public AccountsPO Box 149348Austin, TX 18114-9348

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The Harold and LeiJ-ay. Mathers Charitabl921 Austin StreetLevelland, TX 79336

The Jelia Harvill IRREV TrustJelia Harvilf4516 Pebble BrookPlano, TX 75093

The Robert C. Ducommun Trust1155 Park AvenueNew York, NY I0I2B

The Termo CompanyP.O. Box 2161Long Beach, CA 90801

Timothy D. Keyes4932 Cel-anova CourtAustin, TX 78738

Tinney, Jim D

1812 Wilson RoadSan Ang-elo, TX 76903

Todd Albert Nrmsc/o Saudi Aramco Oil CompanyP.O. 11473DhahranSAUD] ARABIA

Tom DelimitrosDelventec Investments3419 Westminster,#301Dallas, TX 15205

Tom GutierrezGutierrez/Stevens Limited Partnership15410 Partnership Rd.Poolesville, MD 20837

Tomlinson, Dale G

2524 Sleepy HofLowSan Angelo, TX 16904

Tony Muoser65 North Mountain DriveDobbs Ferry, NY 1-0522

TOR Energy, LLL6 South lst StreetTemple, TX 76501

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United lVestern Exploration, LLC475 Seventh StreetSuite 1240Denver, CO 80202

Val-la, Debra2638 Parkview DrSan Angelo, TX 16904

VCA OiI & Gas Program I, L.P2000 McKinney Ave. ,Suite 600Dall-as, TX 1520I

Venture Oi1 & Gas, fnc.140 MayFair RdSuite 900Hattiesburg, MS 39402

Victor OristanoLI674 Lake House CourtNorth Palm Beach, FL 33408

Wade, Roy ç Shoats, Elizabeth15700 Echo HiIfs Dr.Austin, TX 1 Bl I'7

WaldfogeL 2014 Irrev Tr1 Salem SL #2LSwampscott, MA 01907

WaldfogeL 2014 Irrev Trust1 Salem St. #21-Swampscott, MA 01907

Wandoo Energy, LLC1001 South Dairy AshfordSuite 100Houston, TX 11011

Wil-liam Hays478 Sippewissett RoadFalmouth, MA 02540

William P. Newhall, II73 Summit AvenueBronxville, NY 10708

Wil-fiam Stuart6125 Luther Lane,#388Dallas, TX 15225

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WilIiam W. MacKay16 Temple Street, Apt. #3Stoning'ton, CT 06378

Worth Harris1007 Harvey StreetRaÌeigh, NC 21608

WRS Enterprises3B3B Oak Lawn AvenueSuite 1414DaIlas, TX 15219

WRS Enterprises, Inc.3B3B Oak Lawn AvenueSuite L4L4DaIlas, TX 15219

WTF Inventory Systems333 Washington StreetSuite 431Boston/ MA 02108

Yuma ExplorationLIl1 !Íest Loop SouthSuite 1,825Houston, TX 1102'7

Yuma Exploration & Production Company, I1177 West Loop SouthSuite L825Houston, TX 11021

Zachery Nims2224 East 20th StTul-sa, OK 1 4L04

Zachery Nims2406 Baycrest DriveHuston, TX 77058

Zachrry Exploration, LLC300 Convent StreetSuite 2800San Antonio, TX 78205

Zachry ExpJ-oration, LLC300 Convent StreetSuite 2800San Antino, TX 18205

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