Download - bsn 2 ward quiz

  • 8/10/2019 bsn 2 ward quiz


    Name: _____________________________________ Score: __________________Date: ______________________________________

    1. The nurse in charge is assessing a patients

    abdomen. Which examination technique

    should the nurse use first?

    a. Auscultation

    b. Inspection

    c. Percussion

    d. Palpation

    2. Nurse Baoraki is revising a clients care plan.

    During which step of the nursing process

    does such revision take place?

    a. Assessment

    b. Planning

    c. Implementation

    d. Evaluation

    3. The nurse in charge measures a patients

    temperature at 102 degrees F. what is itsequivalent Centigrade?

    a. 39 degrees C

    b. 47 degrees C

    c. 38.9 degrees C

    d. 40.1 degrees C

    4. The doctor orders dextrose 5% in water

    (D5W) 1L to be infused over 8 hours. The IV

    tubing delivers 15 drops per milliliters. The

    nurse in charge should run the IV infusion at

    a rate of:

    a. 15 drops per minuteb. 21 drops per minute

    c. 32 drops per minute

    d. 125 drops per minute

    5. Which pulse should the nurse palpate during

    rapid assessment of an unconscious male


    a. Radial

    b. Brachial

    c. Femoral

    d. Carotid

    6. Blood pressure measurement is an important

    part of the patients data base. It is

    considered to be:

    a. The basis of the nursing diagnosis

    b. Objective data

    c. An indicator of the patients well-being

    d. Subjective data

    7. Jake is complaining of shortness of breath.

    The nurse assesses his respiratory rate to be

    30 breaths per minute and documents that

    Jake is tachypneic. The nurse understands

    that tachypnea means:

    a. Pulse rate greater than 100 beats pe


    b. Blood pressure of 140/90

    c. Respiratory rate greater than 20 breaths

    per minute

    d. Frequent bowel sounds

    8. A client is receiving 115 mL/hr o

    continuous IVF. The nurse notices that the

    venipuncture site is red and swollen. Which

    of the following interventions would the

    nurse perform first?

    a. Stop the infusion

    b. Call the attending physician

    c. Slow the infusion to 20 mL/hr

    d. Place a cold towel on the site

    9. Nurse Trina, a school nurse, alwaysperforms physical exam to students who

    would want to take up nursing. Her

    assessment would always start from head

    down to the shoulder and waist. This

    approach is called as:

    a. System framework

    b. Proximo-distal method

    c. Cephalocaudal type

    d. Mass to specific

    10. Student Nurse Basmala is about to examine

    the abrasions in the posterior portion of an

    abuse 5 year old childs body. She would

    begin her assessment by which of the

    following sequence:

    1. Inspection

    2. Percussion

    3. Palpation

    4. Auscultation

    a. 1, 2, 4, 3

    b. 1, 2, 3, 4

    c. 1, 4, 2, 3

    d. 1, 3, 2, 411. Postural drainage to relieve respiratory

    congestion should take place:

    a. Before meals

    b. Early morning

    c. At bedtime

    d. All of the above

    12. Which of the following is most correc

    concerning suctioning?

    a. Apply suction for 5-10 seconds while

    withdrawing the suction catheter

  • 8/10/2019 bsn 2 ward quiz


    b. Hyper-oxygenate for several deep

    breaths with the ambubag after each


    c. Maintain a clean technique at all times

    while suctioning

    d. All of the above

    13. To assess correct placement of a

    nasogastric tube, the nurse should:

    a. Instill 30 mL of saline to assess client


    b. Instill 10 mL of air into the tube and

    listen for gurgling sounds with a

    stethoscope over the gastric area

    c. Aspirate the stomach content with a


    d. Place the end of the tube in water to

    assess for bubbling

    14. A 43-year-old client is to have foley urinary

    catheter care daily. Which of the following is

    the best action to provide for the clients

    privacy during the treatment?a. Pull the curtain

    b. Cover the penis with a towel while

    performing catheter care

    c. Close the windows of the clients room

    d. Ask the clients roommate to leave until

    the treatment is finished

    15. A patient has IVF infusing in the right arm.

    When taking a blood pressure on this

    patient, the nurse would:

    a. Take the BP in the right arm

    b. Take the BP in the left arm

    c. Use the smallest possible cuffd. Report inability to take BP

    Calculate the following:

    16. D5W 1L to infuse for 8 hours, drop factor: 20


    17. D5LR 500 mL to infuse for 12 hours, drop factor:

    15 gtts/mL

    Identify the following:

    18. pH 7.41

    PaCO2 32

    HCO3 18

    19. pH 7.27

    PaCO2 25

    HCO3 20

    20. pH 7.46

    PaCO2 48

    HCO3 37

    Identify the following data as subjective orobjective:

    21. Headache -22. Blood pressure (BP) 170/110 -23. Nausea -24. Diaphoresis -25. Equal pupillary reaction -26. Tingling sensation -27. Dizziness -28. Decreased muscle strength -29. Slurred speech -30. Numbness, left arm -

    Elaine Ploransky is a pregnant 29-year-old marriedwoman, gravida 1, para 0. She is having contractions 5minutes apart, which she describes as severe cramps.Her husband states, I think her water broke on the wayto the hospital. Physical examination reveals that MrsPloransky is 6 cm dilated. Fetal monitor reveals a fetaheart rate of 120 beats per minute (BPM). The patientsvital signs include BP 140/80, pulse 90 BPMrespirations 22/min. Prenatal records reveal hemoglobin12.0, hematocrit 45, and blood type AB_.Identify:

    Primary data source Secondary data source Subjective data Objective data

    Prioritize the problems below, assigning primarysecondary, and tertiary levels of priority. Bleeding Fatigue, pallor, hemoglobin 7.0 Nausea and vomiting Grieving Sleep disturbance, fever, night sweats Knowledge deficit on self-administration of insulin Impaired mobility, fractured hip Irregular heart rate >140 BPM BP 70/40 New parent roleMetabolic Acidosis

    Metabolic Alkalosis

    Respiratory Acidosis

    Respiratory Alkalosis