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Page 2: Brunel portfolio- Abdullah Durrani

Designs and Idea’sBottle Holder’s

As a part of my IB Design and Technology final project, we were required to design and produce a product. I chose to make a bottle stand for the retailers. Here are some of the ideas and designs with their drawings.

2 Drawings & 1 CAD Drawing

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Top View

3 quarter view

Side view

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Page 5: Brunel portfolio- Abdullah Durrani
Page 6: Brunel portfolio- Abdullah Durrani

A few drawings..

3 Simple Drawings.

Page 7: Brunel portfolio- Abdullah Durrani

This is a simple free hand sketch of two footballers and in between is the logo of the football club FC Barcelona. This signifies my passion in football. This is one of my rough sketches drawn at my free time.

Football, Football, Football!

Page 8: Brunel portfolio- Abdullah Durrani


This is freehand sketch of a design of a car. I made this design after two classes of techniques and rendering with my design technology teacher.

Page 9: Brunel portfolio- Abdullah Durrani

SAVE ME CAMPAIGNThis was a drawing done during the “Save Me” campaign. It depicted the earth under danger with problems like pollution, crime, burning of trees etc.

Page 10: Brunel portfolio- Abdullah Durrani

Platonism is the immortality or the non death of the soul and or the spirit. This painting depicts mortality and immortality. The rocks signify the dead. The end of life. Whereas the imprinted hand with colours signify living. The colours of life which never fade away. The soul is created by God and it does not perish when it separates from the body at death. It will be reunited with the body at the final resurrection.

LIFE vs Death

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