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Massachusetts Ocean Management: Capacity to develop and implement plan

Bruce K. CarlisleOffice of Coastal Zone Management

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

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Outline• Background on Plan development and implementation

• Brief overview of Plan

• Capacity to implement:– Needs

– Resources

– Partnerships

• Take away points

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Ocean Act of 2008• Ocean Management Task Force 2003‐2004: set of findings and recommendations

• Act directs Secretary of EEA to develop integrated ocean management plan by December 31, 2009

• 15 directives, including: – Develop siting priorities, locations, and standards for allowed uses, facilities, activities

– Identify and protect special, sensitive, and unique estuarine and marine life and habitats

– Foster sustainable uses– Support infrastructure necessary for economy and quality of life

• All state approvals must be consistent with Plan

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Ocean planning area

Jurisdictional boundaries

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Uses, activities and facilities subject to management

Renewable energy‐ Wind energy ‐ Tidal energy‐ Wave energy

Extraction of sand and gravel for beach nourishment and shore protectionTelecommunication and electric cablesPipelines for natural gasFish and shellfish aquaculture

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From Ocean Act to Ocean Plan

Ocean Act

Goals and strategies

Plan objectivesDecision‐making guidanceBlueprint for adaptive framework

Siting and compatibility assessmentFunctional compatibility analysisQualitative cumulative impacts/effectsOther policy calls

Data acquisition &developmentNatural resourcesHuman usesUse siting preferences



Develop plan based on synthesis of spatial and management elements 

(May 2008 *) (December 2009)

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Stakeholder process and participation

• Developing DRAFT plan:– Technical workgroups: data, science, technology – Public meetings throughout coast as well as inland communities

– Ocean Advisory Commission and Science Advisory Council meetings

– More than 100 individual stakeholder meetings– Five public workshops

• Vetting DRAFT plan:– Public comments: >300 letters, input– 5 formal hearings– 25 informational meetings

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Ocean Plan

• Draft Plan issued June 2009

• Final Plan promulgated December 2009

• Volume I– Management– Administration

• Volume II– Baseline Assessment– Science Framework

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Ocean Plan

• Prohibited area:– Uses, activities and facilities prohibited

• Renewable energy areas:– 2 areas: Gosnold, Vineyard

– Commercial‐scale wind

• Multi‐use area:– Siting and performance standards apply

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Capacity needs• Internal:

– Leadership, senior policy vetting and decision‐making

– Policy & planning capabilities across subject areas

– Technical, science expertise across  disciplines / fields

– GIS / mapping– Administration, logistics

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• External:– Engagement with public, stakeholders, interests through different forums

– Data and information

– Contextual /background: examples, relevant models, decision tools

– Communication / interaction support

Capacity needs

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• Internal:– Cabinet level ownership and engagement (Executive Office EEA)

– Executive and Legislative branch support

– “All hands”: Policy, planning, technical, science, GIS and other staff

– ~ $2.5M: state operating & capital, federal CZM grant 

Capacity resources

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• External:– Massachusetts Ocean Partnership  (~$4.5M from Moore Foundation *)

– Ocean Advisory Commission

– Ocean Science Advisory Council

– Federal agencies, NGOs, Universities, etc.

Capacity resources

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Partnerships• State agency collaboration

– Exceptionally strong  joint work and coordination on key issues: critical habitats, fishing, seafloor/geology , energy

– EEA / CZM lead, other agencies critical

– 56 staff involved• Technical workgroups & stakeholders– Data and information: foundation

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• Massachusetts Ocean Partnership (SeaPlan)– Critical public/private relationship and support

– Stakeholder workshops, events, discussions

– Information support: – Synopsis, analysis of other 

ocean planning models/tools

– Decision support tools: cumulative impacts, trade‐offs, valuations, etc.


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• Ocean Advisory Commission– Fishing, environmental, & renewable energy reps

– Legislators – Reps from all 6 coastal regions (RPAs) ‐ including Mayor of Gloucester, former Mayor of New Bedford, Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard Commissions


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• Science Advisory Council– Academic institutions: UMass Boston, Dartmouth

– Private, non‐profits: CLF, Batelle, NE Aquarium

– Expertise: fisheries, geology, marine mammals, ecology, economics

• Federal agencies– NOAA, BOEM (MMS), USGS, Corps, EPA, FWS, Coast Guard


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Take away points• High profile: resources = scope / scale of effort

– “All‐hands”– Core planning team– GIS: maps and more maps– Massachusetts Ocean Partnership

• High level advisory bodies– Ground‐truthing– Politics

• Ongoing, sustained attention– Promulgate Plan  … whew … but then work not done– Regulations, coastal program plan, project review– Addressing priority science and data gaps

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Bruce Carlisle617.626.1205

[email protected]