
NEOFEDRINEphedrine hydrochloride 50mg/ml

KOMPOSISI Setiap ampul (1ml) mengandung 50mg Efedrin HCl

INDIKASIAsma bronkial, bronkospasme reversibel, hipotensi sekunder untuk anestesi spinal

KONTRAINDIKASIHipersentifitas terhapad efedrin, psikoneurosis, glaukoma sudut tertutup, pasien dengan terapi inhibitor MAO dan konsumsi anestetik umum (Halotan atau siklopropana), takiaritmia atau fibrilasi ventrikular, dan hipertrofi septum asimetris atau hipertrofi stenosis subaortic idiopatik (IHSS).

DOSISDewasa : i.v. 10-25 mg diulangi setiap 5-10 menit hingga timbul respon.Anak-anak : 3mg/kg setiap hari atau 100mg/m2/hari secara intravena/subkutan, diberikan dalam dosis terbagi 4-6 kali.Bronkospasma : Dewasa : 12.5-25 mg secara intramuskular, subkutan, atau intravena. Dosis lanjut bergantung respon pasien.Anak-anak : 3mg/kg atau 100mg/m2 secara intravena atau subkutan diberikan dalam 4-6 dosis terbagi.

EFEK SAMPING (OOP)Bingung, gelisah, lemah, depresi, mual, muntah, hipertensi, takikardia, sakit kepala, alergi, produksi saliva berlebih, serangan jantung, pendarahan otak, kesulitan bernafas, eudema paru-paru, hiperglikemia, dan anoreksia.Pada orang yang peka, efedrin dalam dosis rendah sudah dapat menimbulkan kesulitan tidur, tremor, gelisah, dan gangguan buang air kecil. Pada overdose, timbul efek berbahaya terhadap SSP dan jantung (palpitasi).

PERINGATAN DAN PERHATIANPenggunaan Efedrin diperhatikan untuk penderita penyakit kardiovaskular termasuk angina, aritmia jantung dan insufisiensi koroner, hipertiroidisme, diabetes melitus, penyakit jantung iskemik, hipertensi, hipertrofi prostat, hipovolemia pasien usia lanjut, dan ibu hamil.

PENYIMPANANJauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak. Simpan pada tempat kering dengan temperatur kurang dari 30o C, terlindung dari panas langsung dan cahaya.


Composition:Each ampoule (1 ml ) contains Ephedrine HCL 50 mg.

Indications :Ephedrine ampoule is used as an emergency method for elevating blood pressure in case reversal of hypotension from spinal or epidural anaesthesia and management of associated bradycardia, treatment of bronchial asthma and reversible bronchospasm.

Dosage :Adult dose: The dosage for the intravenous route is 10-25 mg which may be repeated every 5-10 minute until the desired response is obtained.Paediatric dose: The recommended paediatric dose is 3 mg/kg/day or 100 mg/m2/day via the intravenous or subcutaneous route, given in 4-6 divided doses.Bronchospasm:Adult dose: The usual adult dose is 12.5-25 mg, given intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously. Further dosage should be determined by patient's response.Paediatric dose: The usual paediatric dose is 3 mg/kg or 100 mg/m2 intravenously or subcutaneously given in 4-6 divided doses.

Contra-indications :Ephedrine Hydrochloride Injection is contraindicated in closed angle glaucoma, patients with pheochromocytoma, psychoneurosis, asymmetric septal hypertrophy (idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis), patients undergoing therapy with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors), patients undergoing general anaesthesia with cyclopropane or halothane or other halogenated hydrocarbons, tachyarrhythmias or ventricular fibrillation, and patients with hipersensitifity to ephedrine.

Side Effects :The commonest effects of Ephedrine HCl are confusion, restlessness, depression, nausea, vomiting, hypertension, insomnia,tremor, tachycardia, allergy, excessive saliva production, headache, bleeding in the brain, breathing problems, hyperglicemia, and anorexia. For patients with high sensitifity to ephedrine, low dose of ephedrine cause sleeping problem, tremor, nervous, urine retension. For overdose patients, might occur harmful CNS effects, and heart (palpitations).

Warning and Precautions :Ephedrine hydrochloride should be used with caution, if at all, in patients with hypertension or hyperthyroidism, in geriatric males especially those with prostatic hypertrophy, diabetic patients, patients with cardiovascular disease including angina, cardiac arrhythmia and coronary insufficiency, ischaemic heart diseasehypovolemia, angle closure glaucoma, elderly patients and pregnancy .

Storage :Keep out of the reach and sight of the children. Store at temperature 15o C - 30oC, away from heat and light .