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MC is working to create a set of complementary projects aiming at exalting creative processes and opinions in a digital era. Through production of music content and documentaries, as well as the publishing of web content, our structure’s objective is to reconcile our will to democratize the access to media and culture with a quest for quality.

To do so, we open the doors of our creation houses to committed artists and citizens. Those ecosys-tems, definitely digital-oriented, allow ergonomic spaces of production (editorial, musical and visual) in a setting that is favorable to reflection. Our teams lead training and tutoring actions as part of an important promotion that aims at spreading works and programs to the greatest number.

MC is a unique journey in which excellence and demand mix with innovation and audacity. Be-lieving in the universality of talent, fighting against the insecurity of genius : here is the essence of change to us.

The ambition of MC is thus to become an incubator of talents. We wish to give birth to a creative community whose dynamism will open up the scope of possibilities and allow the emergence of the creators and leaders of tomorrow.

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The first Prism will see the light of day in 2016 in France, Paris. MC will then proceed to create new Prisms in different capitals of Europe in order to densify its network of creativity, assure its diversity, and open the doors to new partnerships. Impact-wise, the multi-linguistic nature of the MC me-dia aims for the production to make waves across more than just one ocean, by integrating diverse stories, cultures and linguistic traditions. More than but a choice in its time, a political vision, MC, strives to be a singular example of cross-European organisation. An ode to entrepreneurship, to innovation, and creativity.


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A unique and mystical place. Built on around 800m2, the Prism is most of all a spot of life. Orga-nized on several floors, it is designed to be a collaborative work space that unites conception and realisation. In every corner of the Prism, it is possible to speak, meet, unite, exchange, invent. The Prism is a refuge of the spirit. In a cosy industrial loft, which is both inspiring and safe, we give our community of creators the opportunity to thrive and exist. The Prism is a flexible, visiona-ry workshop, adapted be it to shooting a video or staging a live musical. Everywhere, we write, we think, we create. Multiple closed off spaces inside the Prism itself are actually dedicated to finalising our work: musical production (recording, mixing, mastering) and visual post-production (montage, calibration). Engulfed by light during the day, feebly illuminated with dimmed wall lights by night, this space is the ideal cocoon for the ever-ongoing birth, joy and evolution of the minds that inhabit it.

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Our generation is a digital one. A generation of instants, of consumerism. We are this generation that wanted for nothing except for meaning. Our generation hasn’t known many fights or a major shock, and yet is in pursuit of everything. Our elders too often depict us as being a decadent generation capable of the worst. We gamble on being capable of the best. We believe technology is a wonderful tool in the service of our minds, which unifies the greatest number and broadcasts analysis and thoughts.Affirming and disproving opinions. Questioning concepts and turning them on their head. Shaping together a fairer and more responsible world. Transforming society together.

We believe that technology popularizes technique so as to highlight creativity. Its hardware and software make artistic creation available to the greatest number. We believe that talent should be able to express its creativity and to be disclosed. In short, that talent should exist.

We’re eager for symbolism, for sensations. We belong to a self-taught generation, a generation of shared knowledge and curiosity, and a generation that favors experiences. A generation whose failures are a way of preparing its next successes. We belong to a generation which sees the big picture, which thinks so big that it makes our heads spin. A generation which commits with panache. A generation whose only ene-mies are immobilism and boredom. We are the Ardor. We are the Joy. We are MC.

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We’ve all felt this emotion, this strong sensation. This melody that speaks to us, heals our wounds all while exacerbating our passions. These sounds that untie the hearts and free the bodies. This implacable, inexplicable blow to the heart. The words sensuality and the chemistry of the notes. Music is a love story. And it is because we want it to have the right sound that we developed MC Addictive.

MC Addictive is to reveal talents. MC Addictive has a thirst for newness and it will track it down until it eventually reaches a musical overdose. It is also subjectiveness. Opinions. Whether it is about emerging artists or ones that are already well known, we write of those transcending moments that hit us and turn us into heroes, just for a few minutes.

MC is a «supra-media» composed of three flagships with distinct functions. This platform of excellence, launched in May 2015, orchestrated in two versions (FR/EN) is supported by an editorial office of more than 80 passionate people. Its monthly traffic is already estimated around 150.000 unique visitors.


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Discovery & evasion. MC Creative is a website dedicated to applied arts. From design to street art, illustration, video or photography, this tangible media discovers and shares as much as possible of the work of multiple artists from different backgrounds.

This condensate of creative freshness is a refuge for a community of readers with a thirst for discovery. MC Creative awakens all of our senses, and calls upon the ephe-meral in order to escape the moroseness of daily life.


MC impulsive is a charismatic media which offers novelized tales and interviews twice a week. Glances of life, experiences told without embellishment, to make you think. Horrors. Jubilations. Thoughts. Impulsive doesn’t make people talk... It encounters and illustrates individuals, cities, concepts. It is inexhaustible. It takes inspiration from you, for you.

MC Impulsive is a website whose task it is to provide you only with what you’re looking for. A refuge which emphasises silence as if to help get rid of your vices. A fracas of words. A fleck of poetry amidst all the chaos.

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W E A R E M C . O R G

OUR PHILOSOPHYTo understand it we recommend you read MC, a book written and published by Yannis Mouhoun in May 2015.


110 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis 75010 Paris France


Siret - 522 620 954 00019Mail - [email protected]
