Download - Bring Out the BEST in Your Staff


Moving Forward With Our Strengths

Bring Out the BEST in Your StaffMarch 3, 2017Palliser District Teachers ConventionChris Wejr


Where I come from

Father, teacher, principal2

"I come to you humbly not to tell you what to do on your journey but to share with you what I have learned on mine

Wab Kinewcc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo by Thompson Rivers University:

Share about me3

What is organizational culture?

How we do thingsAssumptions, values, beliefs that influence behavioursvibe, the feelingAccepted behaviours4

CC image from wilgengebroed

Bringing out the best all comes down to CULTURE. 5

A Positive Organizational CultureStrengths-basedCollaborativeInnovativeFocusedTrust ~ Happiness ~ Curiosity ~ Care

Values weaved through trust, happiness, courage6

Kent ElementaryA strengths-based, collaborative, innovative, and focused culture.

I was lucky - Already had a collaborative, innovative, focused and strengths-based cultureStaff meetings, risk takings, leadership within7

Moving to a new school with a new culture

In 2014 I moved to a new school in a new district with different strengthsFrom the outside looking in, it was hard for me to see what those strengths were. First staff meeting made it collaborative we dont know how to do this.A culture that did not seem collaborative, innovative, strengths-based but was focused.8

By changing behaviours we can change culture

We started with our behaviours.9

The topics will be relevant to what we do (and what we want to do) at James Hill.We will be flexible and willing to try new things and ideas.We will share the successes happening at our school.We will create strategies to provide equitable opportunities for each of us to share our voice (and not be dominated by a few).We acknowledge that a sense of humour is important and will embrace opportunities for light-hearted dialogue.We will stay on topic and stick to the agenda.We will have a clear timeline for implementation of ideas.There will be a clear purpose to the discussion and agenda items.We will encourage others for their ideas and ask others for clarification, comments, ideas, and suggestions.We will provide time for grade level collaboration.We will always make time for getting together and having small group discussions.We will respect that some may prefer to listen and reflect.Our CommitmentsJames Hill Elementary School - Staff Meetings

Then we asked ourselves what is the culture we want10

A light-hearted culture with an intense purpose. Suzanne Hoffman, former Superintendent

Discuss: What is the culture YOU want in your school?

Strengths-Based Culture

This about culture about engagement and about strengths.14


Story of JeanWe focus too much on our deficits and not enough on our strengths.15

What we see Depends on what we look for.CC Image by Ryan Haddad

What we focus on gets larger what are we looking for?

Challenge to see strengths in stressful situations large classes, large needs, large curric, little support.It is also difficult and stressful for us to see through the deficit lens.

Step back seek out the positives in our schools.When we look at our challenging students, what do we see? Where is the bar?


But the other side is unbaked. The side of strengths, the side of what we are good at, the sideof what makes life worth living.

Dr. Martin SeligmanPsychology is half-baked, literally half-baked. We have baked the part about mental illness. We have baked the part about repair and damageImage from Pixgood

Positive Psychology Research did an activity in which people with depression determined their 3 top character strengths and then had to spend time doing NEW things with these strengths for one week. 6 months later still feeling significantly better. They did the same thing in a few schools and achieved positive results in learning, cooperation and social skills. The best part about this was not only did people feel better but they stuck with the activities for the next 6 months without being asked.By focusing on strengths, we not only bring up the deficits but we also create the conditions for people to truly flourish to take those strengths and create more passion, more purpose, and more pride.


Seligman and others researched and came up with 24 character strengths that crossed cultures, societies, religions, etc.There are questionnaires and surveys to help you as well as students from age 10 decide what their top strengths are. Doesnt mean we dont have the others but there are some in which we have more of. When people get to spend time using these strengths, happiness increases. Mental health increases. Engagement in school increases.It will be interesting to see where this goes in schools.18

Positive PsychologyWe should be building on the best things in life AND repairing the worst

Dr. Martin SeligmanCC Image from Camdiluv

we should be just as concerned as strengths as weaknesseswe should be as concerned about making the lives of normal people more fulfilling as we are with healing pathologyHelping those that struggle.Helping those good staff members flourish and become truly great.Not about ignoring deficits. But focusing more on strengths.Can I give you some feedback?19

When an organizations leadership fails to focus on individuals strengths, the odds of an employee being engaged are a dismal 1 in 11 (9%)

When an organizations leadership focuses on the strengths of its employees, the odds soar to almost 3 in 4 (73%) -- Tom RathCC Image from Midiman

Gallup research on Strength-based leadership20

Gallup - StrengthsFinderFrom Dallas Marks

Byfocusing on weaknesses, we create competence. Byfocusing on strengths, we create EXCELLENCE. Emma Seppala

A strengths-based culture energizes the people within itfocusing on weaknesses leads to less energy, low levels of motivation, poorer performance and, eventually, burn-out. - are the weaknesses relevant or irrelevant? If relevant, develop them through strengths.Celebrating strengths and what is working gives peoplethe energy to address their weaknesses and what is working less well or not working at all. Mike Roarty


Research from the Corporate Leadership Council, 2002Strengths+36.4%Weaknesses-26.8%

If we focus on strengths during feedback, we get an increase in over 36% and if we focus on weaknesses we get a DECREASE in almost 27% in performance.This is a swing of 63% in performance. Still fluffy?What if I told you that this research did not come from elementary classrooms this research came from the Corporate Leadership Council that surveyed over 19,000 employees in 27 countries in the world to determine how companies can best lead their businesses and employees. This research came from companies such as Canon, Caterpillar, Lego, H&R Block, and Lowes Hardware. These are companies in the big bad worldThe Gallup organization has also shared research on the significant impact of employee engagement when we use a strengths-based focusNot so fluffy.This research points to a simple message: When we change the lens to a strengths-based focus, we bring out the best in people. Period. This works for students, for children, for employees for people.

One of our main jobs as parents, educators, and leaders is to bring out the best23

Are We Asking the Right Questions?CC Image from Raymond Bryson

Are our questions moving people? We have low literacy rates how can we improve?We are doing well in numeracy why? What can we learn from this?Move from what can fix to what can we build upon? 24

Whats broken? How do we fix it?

Whats working? How can we do MORE of it?

Chip and Dan Heath

Focus on the BRIGHT SpotsCC Image by C. Singleton

"You are simply asking yourself, Whats working and how can we do more of it? Thats the bright-spot philosophy in a single question. Chip and Dan Heath26


Capture and Share the Positives

Shifting the culture through sharing28

Turning it Around The Story of KariCC Image from Prime Education:

Very difficult to develop struggling teachers through our weaknesses.Tap into positive psychology. Do something in areas of strength.D.I.T. Huge struggles at former school. Needed new start, new space, much support. Strength of resiliency as well as in the arts.29

Recognition and AcknowledgementImage:

Positive, Private, personalized, meaningful feedback to individualsPublic appreciation to staff or groups at staff meetings, Monday news, newsletters, PATeaching is hard work teachers need to know that principals appreciate this. Share the stories.


By celebrating whats right . . . we find the energy to fix whats wrong.Dewitt Jones

ripples of positivity - shawn achor32

Discuss: How do you/will you bring out the strengths in a staff member(s)?

Collaborative Culture

This about culture about engagement and about strengths.34

Not everyone likes to collaborate

Not about team building activitiesAbout building REAL trust through the work we do.35

Building TrustCC Image from T. Vogel

It all starts with trustTrust starts with you if staff can trust you and you can trust them you can change behavioursI met with every staff member one on one for 30 mins to learn more about themI spent a ton of time in classrooms getting a feel for who we are at James HillBuilding trust is so important but we dont want to blow it.36

Always be there

So follow through is important37

Follow throughDo what you say you are going to do.

ManagementPeople are watching


The motive that inspires the greatest trust is genuine caring. Stephen M.R. Covey

caringcaring about people, caring about purposes, caring about the quality of what you do, caring about society as a whole.When people know you care, you get way more trust, flexibility and support. 39

Communication and Transparency

Share the WHY of decisionsCommunicate regularly and clearlyNot so much about what is said but what is HEARD40

Be VulnerableImage: Being rather than knowing requires showing up and letting ourselves be seen. It requires us to dare greatly, to be vulnerable.

Brene Brown

Take risks, be visible, tell your story, let people in, model transparency.To believe vulnerability is weakness is to believe that feeling is weakness. Brene Brown41

Image: Just Listen

Active listener listen with your eyesDont listen to say what is next42

Focus more on being INTERESTED and less on being interesting.

CC image from M. Kuram

Its not always about solving problems

Building Trust Through a Meet n Greet

Nobody signing up then one by oneWhat makes your heart sing? What are you curious about?How can I best support you?45

Create a safe enough environment that the parking lot conversations start to happen in staff meetings.


Make time for what matterscc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo by Xava du:

What do we want to see in our schols? Growth? Innovation? Collaboration?Make time!Staff meetings, Pro-DShifting priorities in our current day47

Living Systems Learning Communities

What are we curious about?seed time to those that use it wellInquiry - driven48

The Start of a Collaborative Journey

Shifting the culture strengths-based has led people to be more confident and collaborative in staff meetings

willing to share their ideas and thoughts on education at our school.We have a long journey ahead of us but we are building trust and confidence and letting people in.49

The Importance of Happiness and Joy

Humour, joySuccessful people are not always happy happy people are always successful. Happiness fuels success, not the other way around Shawn Achor What are we doing to create more opportunities for JOY and HAPPINESS in our school cultures? Stop taking ourselves so serious.Let it go laugh a little. 50

Discuss: How do you/will you build a more collaborative culture in your school?

Innovative Culture

This about culture about engagement and about strengths.52

Moving from Can we?to HOW can we?


Give good teachers the tools to become great teachers. Chris Kennedy

We cannot motivate others we can only work to create the conditions for people to motivate themselves.-- Edward Deci and Richard Ryan Image:

What are the conditions that are needed to engage our staff? Autonomy (professional) Mastery Purpose (WHY) 55

Supportive Autonomy

Choice within our focus choice that falls within what we believe are expected behaviours. autonomy is not "do whatever you want" Autonomy to vs autonomy fromDeci - "autonomy supportive managers had workers who were more trusting of the corp, had less concern about pay and benefits, and displayed a higher level of satisfaction and morale"


Time for StrengthsCuriosityInnovationcc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo by Toni Verd Carb:

Google 20% Time, FedEx Days Dan Pinks DriveFedEx PrepTeacher Innovation DayStaff unconference (edcamp style) strength from within


Leader-Leader Culture

Most people I have worked with WANT to lead. Embrace this, tap into this, create the conditions for this to happen. Treat people well.Encourage others to lead PD both in/out of school/districtTeacher-librarian KinderchatDaily 5Love of Books- reading teamTech


Shifting Mindset Through The Strength of an Education Assistant

Expand and Connect the Pocketscc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo by Esther Simpson:

an important task is to take the pockets of innovation and effective practice and help create the conditions for these pockets to spread.We have silos in education through classrooms, subjects and other structures. Through technology, we can seek out and share great things so it becomes less of a pocket and more of the norm.60

Be a Connector.Image:

Model sharing of ideas. Create intellectual collisions.Be the messenger of what is happening in one class to the other and to families (verbally, social media) WINDOWSOffer time to observeOne of the best things that I have done is spent time in classrooms learning from great teachers and trying to share those stories to other classrooms.Provide time for teachers to share their strength (ex. Woelders)


The importance of rest

Rest leads to more creativity and higher performancePowering down.Exercise. Leisure.No emails on weekends. Model this. Busy should not be a badge of honour.Prevent burnout.Plan staff meetings carefully.62

Discuss: How do you/will you build a more innovative culture in your school?

Focused Culture

This about culture about engagement and about strengths.64

What are your priorities as a school?

Too many areas of focus cause burnout and affects culture.65

Mission, Vision, ValuesCo-Create

Mission - why are we here, what do we doVision dream where are we goingValues how do we behave and what do we believeMust be co-created what qualities and attributes do we want our grade 5s to have when they leave this school?66

Be a filter for staff. Focus on priorities.


Discuss: How do you/will you create a more focused culture in your school?

How are we modeling this?

Staff meetings, conversations, pro-d69

Shifting the Culture By Sharing The Positives

This about culture about engagement and about strengths.70

Open the DoorsShare the StoriesShift the Culture

Our stories shape who we are.When we Start with strengths and share these strengths we create a window in and we change the story.When we Change the story we change the identity. And Change the culture in our schools.Thank you.71

We need to make the positive so LOUD that the negative becomes almost impossible to hear.George Couros

Healthy communities are positive communities. Where people are aware of the strengths and assets within the community. Social media to build a positive school culture. Share the amazing strengths found within every single school.Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Blog 10 Good Things to Talk About Sedin StorySocial media to build a community. Aldergrove. WWWWhat are you sharing? Is this building community?72

Sharing:From me to us

Again.. Staff started to build confidence.Instead of me going searching for things to share, I would get invited in.. Or sent photos of the wonderful learning moments in the school.We shared online, we shared in staff meetings and in the copy room.73

What is ordinary to youMight be extraordinary to someone elsecc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo by akshay moon:

What is ordinary to youOften hear what am I going to share that is worth sharing? Why dont you find out? Moving schools has shown me that there are things that just happen at my former school and current school and we think they happen everywhere. We often spend far too much time wondering if something is worthy of sharing than time spent actually sharing. 74

How will you being here today change what you do next week? What will you DO to bring out the BEST in your staff?


Take a risk. Try something new.

Create space, take a risk.As you likely have heard, students like Dom and Amy have had a huge impact on me as an educator. Amys advice to slow down, be interested, be interesting, and more random has stuck with me for 2 years now.Amy is still in school with similar struggles but something changed a few months ago.76

Connect With[email protected]

Slides will be up on my website.77