Download - Brian Head Rebrand

Page 1: Brian Head Rebrand
Page 2: Brian Head Rebrand

The Brian Head Resort Identity is a reflection of the surrounding Brian Head enviromnet as well as culture.

Because the resort has been operating since the winter of 1964/1965, and is located near the city of Las Vegas, we have chosen an Identity that looks both historic in its asthetics as well as modern in its design. The focus of our desings were not only to attract a more diverse clientel, but also made to be easily understood by people of differnt cultures.


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Logo Examples








Correct Use of Vertical Designed LogoCorrect Use of Horizontally Designed Logo

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improper use of logo

Do NOT pace logo over any unpermitted color

Do NOT change the colors of the logo

Do NOT add additional text to the logo

Do NOT pace logo over any unpermitted imagery

Do NOT modify the logo

Do NOT rotate, tilit, or skew the logo

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The minimum free space needed is given relative to the width of the logo: Where logo width is (w), the required buffer space is 0.12w.

Buffer Space is 0.12 x width

For Example:

A 2.0-inch wide logo should have a 0.24-inch buffer space.A 5.0-inch wide logo should have a 0.60-inch buffer space.



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Color Palette

CMYK: 23-62-100-9RGB: 183-109-41Pantone: 1525 C

CMYK: 44-71-90-57RGB: 83-48-20Pantone: 4625 C

CMYK: 73-67-65-79RGB: 25-25-25Pantone: Neutral Black C

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Univers LT StdAaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz0123456789

Headings/Signage/Print/Web/At least 5-1pt Ratio to body text/AV-10<60

Body Text/Signage/Print/Web/At Least 1-5 pt Ratio to headings/AV-20<60

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The grid system in graphic design is a way of organizing content on a page, using any com-bination of margins, guides, rows and columns. One grid, or a collection of grids, may be used across an entire project to achieve a consistent look and feel. In a finished product, the grid is invisible, but following it helps in creating successful print and web layouts.

Once the grid is established, it is up to the designer when and how to break out of it. This doesn’t mean the grid system in graphic design will be completely ignored. Instead, elements may cross over from column to column, extend to the end of the page, or extend onto adjacent pages.

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Wayfinding & Signage

Page 10: Brian Head Rebrand

Wayfinding & Signage

Page 11: Brian Head Rebrand

Wayfinding & Signage