Download - Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

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Brazilian Portuguese Tutorial

Note: Before heading to the tutorial I would Strictly recommend to download anyonline dictionary which could easily translate the difficult Brazilian

Portuguese words provided below so that you can understand them easilyand learn quickly, if you have one so that’s good if not then I’ll personallyprefer BabelFish dictionary which is free so you don’t need to buy it. Thedownload link is provided below:

Download BabelFish Translator 

This tutorial is for Brazilian Portuguese, so if you can speak Portuguese from Portugal,

 you may notice many differences, but don't worry! We can all understand each other. Theonly difference is the accent and some words that will be listed soon. It's like the

difference between English spoken in England and English spoken in the USA.

1. Basic Phrases

Bom dia! Hello! / Good morning!

Boa tarde! Good afternoon!

Boa noite! Good evening! / Goodnight!

Oi/Olá! Tchau!Hi! / Bye!

Adeus. Good bye.

Por favor. Please.

Até mais.See you / See you later.

Até logo. See you soon.

Até amanhã.See you tomorrow.

(Muito) Obrigado.Thank you (very much).

Não há de quê.You're welcome. / Don'tmention it.


Desculpe-meI'm sorry

Com licença / Perdão.Excuse me / Pardon

Vamos!Let's go!

Como o senhor está?How are you? (formal)feminine: a senhora

Como vai? How are you? (informal)

E aí? How's it going? (Only inBrazil)

Bem / Muito bem Well / Very well

Mal / Muito mal / Mais oumenos Bad / Very bad / More or less

Sim / NãoYes / No

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Como o senhor se chama? What is your name? (formal)

Qual é o seu nome? What is your name?(informal)

Me chamo... My name is...

Prazer em conhecê-lo Nice to meet you.

Igualmente.Same here.

Senhor / Senhora /

Senhorita Mister / Mrs. / Miss

De onde o senhor é?Where are you from? (formal)

De onde você é? Where are you from?(informal)

Eu sou de... I'm from...

Quantos anos o senhortem? How old are you? (formal)

Quantos anos você tem? How old are you? (informal)

Eu tenho _____ anos. I am _____ years old.

O senhor fala português?Do you speak Portuguese?(formal)

Você fala inglês?Do you speak English?(informal)

(Não) Falo...I (don't) speak...

Compreende? / Entende? Do you understand? (formal /informal)

(Não) Compreendo. / (Não)Entendo.I (don't) understand.

Eu (não) sei. yoh noh loh seh

I (don't) know.

Pode me ajudar?Can you help me?

Claro que simOf course

Como?What? Pardon me?

Onde está / Onde estão... ?Where is ... / Where are ... ?


Há / Havia...There is / are... / Therewas / were...

Como se diz ____ emportuguês?How do you say ___ inPortuguese?

O que é isto?What is that?

Qual é o problema?What's the matter (withyou)?

Não importa.It doesn't matter.

O que aconteceu?What's happening?

Não tenho idéia.I have no idea.

Estou cansado / doente.I'm tired / sick.

Estou com fome / sêde.I'm hungry / thirsty.

Estou com calor / frio.I'm hot / cold.

Estou chateado.I'm bored.

Não me importa.I don't care.

Não se preocupe.Don't worry

Tudo bem / 'Tá bom. Me esqueci. Tenho que ir agora.

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That's alright. I forgot. I must go now.

Saúde!Bless you!


Boa sorte!Good luck!

É a sua vez.It's your turn. (informal)

Cale-se! / Cala a boca!Shut up!

Eu te amo. I love you. (informal andsingular)

 Notice that Portuguese has informal and formal ways of saying things. This is becausethere is more than one meaning to "you" in Portuguese (as well as in many other languages.) The informal you is used when talking to close friends, relatives, animals or children. The formal you is used when talking to someone who is older than you or someone for whom you would like to show respect (a professor, for example.) There arealso two ways to say you in the plural, used when speaking to more than one person.

All the adjectives in Portuguese have masculine and feminine forms, as we'll see later.

2. Pronunciation


English Sound

a like a in after  

e like e in empty or if it's at the end of a word, like ee in cheese

i always like eeo like the sound of all but without the l soundu always like oo in fool

lh like lli in million but shorter  

h silent

nh like ny in canyon

r in beginning of word like h in hot. Between two letters like the Italian r in Mariarr always like h in hot

d like in English

 j like in English but without the d sound. Something like zh or a hard shg before e and i like j. Otherwise like g in go

gue, gui the g in go followed by e or iqua, quo are always pronounced separately, like kwa, kwo

s between vowels, like z in zoo; otherwise like z. (In Portugal, like sh when at theend of a word.

x sometimes like sh in shift or like z in zoo

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ç like ss

z like z in English (In Portugal, like zh when at the end of a word.)

ã like oe in does

â like ã but shorter  

á like a in Articê like e but shorter  

é like a in apple

í like i but longer  

ô like o but shorter  

ó like o in moreú like u but longer  

ch like sh in shift

õe like "oen"

3. Alphabet

a a  j  jota t tê

b  bê l éle u u

c cê m ême v vê

d dê n êne x xis

e ê o o z zê

f  éfe p  pê Foreign letters

g gê q quê k  ká

h agá r érre w dábliu

i i s ésse y ípsolon

 Note: The letter ç (cê cedilha) is not part of the alphabet.

Spelling changes as of January 2009:

- The letters K, W and Y are now oficially part of the alphabet; Note: It wasn't oficial. - The deletion of diaeresis (trema: '¨') in words with gue, gui, que and qui, as: aguentar,arguir, cinquenta, tranquilo, etc; Note: I said that last time, remember? :P - The deletion of differencial acent in the words "pára/para", "péla/pela", "pêlo/pelo","pólo/polo" and "pêra/pera" is gone also, but it stands unchanged in the verbs "pôr",

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"poder" and others whose use the accent as way to difference from singular and plural(i.e.: tem/têm); Note: This change was little, but can confuse even native speakers, since, some weeks back then, I had to argue with a friend if the verb "ter" still have its accent in the pluralforms. And yes, it still has. ;)

 - The deletion acute accent in open diphthongs ói and éi from paroxytones (i.e.: alcaloide,apoia, boia, colmeia); Note: This change was very drastic, and it's very hard to live with it. - The deletion of acute accent on stressed i and u after diphthongs in paroxytone words(i.e.: feiura); Note: This change was also not that hard to live with. - The deletion of circumflex accent on words with êem and ôo(s) endings (i.e.: leem, voo,enjoo);

 Note: This one is as very annoying, also. :( - The deletion of hyphen in compound words which second element begins with S or R ,whose shall be doubled (i.e.: antirracismo, antissocial), and in cases where there arevowels in both the first element's ending and the second element's beginning (i.e.:antiaéreo, autoestrada).


4. Definite and Indefinite Articles and Demonstratives





the o a the os as

a, an um uma some uns umas

this este esta these estes estas

that esse essa those esses essas

that aquele aquela those aqueles aquelas

 Note: The way to say That:1. you use esse when you see something that is not with you but it's near 2. you use aquele when you see something that is far from you or that is not near 

you at that moment.

5. Subject Pronouns

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eu I nós we

tuyou (not used in popular speech)

vós plural of tu (also not used in popular speech)

ele / ela/


he / she /

you (informal)

eles /elas /


they / they /

you (plural informal)

 Note: As tu and vós are not used nowadays, I will not use them to explain the declensionsof the verbs. We use the word você for the same meaning if you're talking to someonefrom your family or friends. If you're talking to someone you don't know, you must use"o senhor" or "a senhora" (Mr or Mrs.). The word tu is only used in the region South of Brazil, where they normally don't use você.

In Portugal, o senhor and a senhora are very formal ways to say you. Você is consideredsemiformal and tu is considered informal.


6. To Be and to Have

ser - to be estar - to be ter - to have

eu sou nós somos eu estou nós estamos eu tenho nós temos


eles/elas/ sãoestão

ele/ela/ estávocê

eles/elas/ estãovocês

ele/ela/ temvocê

eles/elas/ têmvocês

In Portugal, the tu form of ser is és, the tu form of estar is estás, and the tu form of tener is tens.

 Note: Ser is used to say when you are something, and Estar is used to say when you arein somewhere. Examples:

Eu sou o novo aluno. I am the new student

Eu estou no meu novo carro. I am in my new car 

Common Expressions with "to be"to be afraid - ter medoto be against - estar contrato be at fault - ter culpato be careful - ter cuidadoto be cold - estar com frioto be curious - ser curioso (a)to be happy - estar contenteto be hot - estar com calor 

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to be hungry - estar com fometo be in a hurry - ter pressa, estar com pressato be jealous - ter ciúmesto be lucky - ter sorteto be patient - ser paciente

to be successful - ter sucessoto be thirsty - estar com sêdeto be tired - estar cansado (a)

7. Question Words

what o que* which qual (quais)

who quem how much quanto (-a) (-s)

how como how many quanto (-a) (-s)

when quando whom a quem

where onde whose de quem

why por que*

 Note: the word que always receives the circumflex when its’s placed in the end of asentence. For example: Você está procurando o quê? You’re looking for what? Ele

acha isso por quê? (Why) does he think so?

8. Numbers / Ordinals

0 zero

1 um first primeiro2 dois second segundo

3 três third terceiro

4 quatro fourth quarto

5 cinco fifth quinto

6 seis sixth sexto7 sete seventh sétimo

8 oito eighth oitavo9 nove ninth nono

10 dez tenth décimo

11 onze eleventh décimo primeiro/undécimo

12 doze twelfth décimo segundo/duodécimo

13 treze thirteenth décimo terceiro

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14 catorze/quatorze fourteenth décimo quarto

15 quinze fifteenth décimo quinto

16 dezesseis sixteenth décimo sexto

17 dezessete seventeenth décimo sétimo

18 dezoito eighteenth décimo oitavo19 dezenove nineteenth décimo nono

20 vinte twentieth vigésimo

21 vinte e um twenty-first vigésimo primeiro

22 vinte e dois twenty-second vigésimo segundo

30 trinta thirtieth trigésimo

40 quarenta fortieth quadragésimo

50 cinqüenta / cincoenta fiftieth qüinquagésimo

60 sessenta sixtieth sexagésimo

70 setenta seventieth septuagésimo80 oitenta eightieth octogésimo

90 noventa ninetieth nonagésimo

100 cem/cento hundredth centésimo

1000 mil thousandth milésimo

Note: If you are just saying 100, you use just cem. If it's over 100, you use cento. So 101is cento e um. And 156 would be cento e cinqüenta e seis. The words for 16, 17, 18 and19 are pronounced like dzesseis, dzessete, dzoito and dzenove respectively. The onlynumbers that have a feminine form are 1 (um/uma) and 2 (dois/duas). All other numbersare masculine.

9. Days of the Week 

Monday segunda-feira

Tuesday terça-feira

Wednesday quarta-feira

Thursday quinta-feira

Friday sexta-feira

Saturday sábadoSunday domingo

the day o dia

the week  a semana

the weekend o fim de semana

today hoje

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tomorrow amanhã 

 Note: the days from Monday to Friday have this name because they were calledaccording to the fair (feira) that used to take place in that day a long time ago. A "Feira"

is a set of tents pitched in the street where you can buy vegetables, fruits, and other foods.

10. Months of the Year 

January  janeiro 

February fevereiro 

March março

April abril

May maio

June  junhoJuly  julho

August agosto 

September  setembro

October  outubro 

 November  novembro 

December  dezembro

the month o mês 

the first of [a month] primeiro de [month] 

the year  o ano 

 Note: To say the day of a month, you don't use the ordinal form of the number, like inEnglish. You use the real name of the number. Ex: 16/04/2005 - Dezesseis de abril dedois mil e cinco

11. Seasons

spring primavera autumn outono

summer  verão winter  inverno

 Note: To say in the summer, spring, etc. use na or no and the season. No verão meansin the summer .

12. Directions

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north norte east leste

south sul west oeste

northeast nordeste northwest noroeste

southeast sudeste southwest sudoeste

13. Colors

red vermelho violet violeta

 pink  rosa  brown marrom

orange laranja dark brown marrom escuro

yellow amarelo  black  preto

green verde gray cinza

 blue azul white branco

light blue azul claro gold dourado purple roxo [rosho] silver  prateado

14. Time

Que horas são? What time is it?

É uma hora. It's one.

São duas, três, quatro... horas It's two/three/four...

É meio dia. It's noon.

É meio dia e meia* It's half past noon.É meia noite. It's midnight.

São cinco e cinco. It's 5:05

São oito e quinze. It's 8:15

São quinze para as dez. It's 9:45

São dez para as nove. It's 8:50

São vinte e cinco para as seis It's 5:35

São três e meia. It's 3:30

 Note: you say meio dia e meia because it’s midday and a half hour (that is feminine).Don’t say meio dia e meio, though many people used to say this.

15. Weather 

Como está o tempo hoje? How's the weather today?

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Está bonito. The weather's beautiful (nice).

Está feio. The weather's ugly (bad).

Está frio. It's cold.

Está quente. It's hot.

Está ensolarado. It's sunny.Está ventando. It's windy.

Está chovendo. It's raining.

Está nevando. It's snowing.

Está nublado. It's cloudy.

16. Prepositions

a at ao lado de  beside

com with ao redor de aroundcontra against perto de near 

de of, from longe de far from

em in, on em frente a in front of 

entre  between, among em baixo de  below, under 

cerca de towards, about em frente de opposite

para for, in order, by atrás de  behind

por for, through, along, via em cima de above

sobre on, over  até till, untilsem without desde from, since

 Note: The word after the preposition em and de sometimes needs to have the article, soyou combine the two words. Examples:

em + o = no - em + a = na - em + um = num - em + uma = numa 

de + o = do - de + a = da - de + um = dum - de + uma = duma 

a + o = ao - a + a = à 

Estou no escritório. I'm in the office.

Ficamos numa fazenda. We stayed at a farm.

17. Family and Animals

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family família grandfather  avô dog cachorro/cão

 parents pais grandmother  avó cat gato

husband marido/esposo grandson neto  bird pássaro

wife esposa/mulher granddaughter  neta fish peixe

father  pai uncle tio horse cavalomother  mãe aunt tia goat cabra

son filho nephew sobrinho  pig porco

daughter  filha niece sobrinha cow vaca

children filhos cousin (m) primo rabbit coelho

sister  irmã cousin (f) prima turtle tartaruga

 brother  irmão relatives parentes mouse rato

18. To Know People and Facts

conhecer - to know people, places saber - to know factseu conheço nós conhecemos eu sei nós sabemos





Conhecer means to be acquainted/familiar with someone or something, and it cannot beused with abstract things or ideas. Saber is to know facts, even if those facts involve people or things.

Eu sei quem é esta pessoa. I know who is this person.

Eu sei qual é esta cidade. I know which city is this one.Eu conheço esta pessoa. I know this person.Eu conheço esta cidade. I know this city.

19. Formation of Plural

words that end in -l words that end in -ãowords thatend in -s or 


all other words

drop the l and put -is if the

word does not have an i before the l. If it has an eyou change it to é to make

the same sound.

it has no rule. Sometimes you

change it to -ões or -ães, or just add-s, depending on the word. You better memorize the plural when

you learn the word.

have no plural form.

 just add an-s.

pastel (pastry) - pastéis coração (heart) - corações

mão (hand) - mãos

ônibus (bus)


pêra (pear) -pêras 


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cão (dog) - cães(glasses)

arroz (rice)

(apple) -maçãs


(soda) -guaranás

20. Possessive Adjectives

  Singular Plural  

  Masc Fem Masc Fem

my meu minha meus minhas

your  teu tua teus tuas

your/his/her/its seu sua seus suas

our  nosso nossa nossos nossasyour  seu sua seus suas

your/their  dele dela deles delas

The possessive adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun that they describe.

21. To Do or Make

fazer - to do or make

eu faço nós fazemosele/ela/você faz eles/elas/vocês fazem

22. Work and School

doctor dentistlawyer  professor teacher 

engineer architectwriter  journalistmusician painter  pharmacist banker 


engenheiroarquitetoescritor jornalistamúsicopintorfarmacêuticobancário


 physicschemistryzoology botanygeographymusicartdrawing



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carpenter  barber mechanicsalesmanelectrician

 postman policemansoldier  pilotsecretarytypistnurse




pinturalingüísticalínguas / idiomas

23. Countries and Nationalities

Country Masculine (Feminine) Nationality

Germany Alemanha alemão (alemã)

Argentina Argentina argentino(a)

Australia Austrália australiano(a)

Bolivia Bolívia boliviano(a)

Canada Canadá canadense

Columbia Colômbia colombiano(a)

Costa Rica Costa Rica costarriquenho(a)

Cuba Cuba cubano(a)

Chile Chile chileno(a)China China chinês(a)

Denmark  Dinamarca dinamarquês / dinamarquesa

Ecuador  Equador equatoriano(a)

Egypt Egito egípcio(a)

Spain Espanha espanhol(a)

United States Estados Unidos (norte) americano(a)

France França francês(a)

India Índia indiano(a)

England Inglaterra inglês (inglesa) / britânico (a)

Italy Itália italiano(a)

Japan Japão japonês (japonesa)

Mexico México mexicano(a)

 Norway Noruega norueguês(a) / norueguesa

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Poland Polônia polaco(a) / polonês (polonesa)

Portugal Portugal português / portuguesa

Russia Rússia russo(a)

South Africa África do Sul (sul-)africano(a)

Sweden Suécia sueco(a)

24. To / In and From

to a

from de

in em

Remember to use the prepositional contractions when a noun with an article follows the preposition.

25. To Come and to Go

vir - to come ir - to go

eu venho nós vimos eu vou nós vamos

ele/ela/você vem eles/elas/vocês vêm ele/ela/você vai eles/elas/vocês vão

26. Misc. Words

a lot muito always sempre

very much muitíssimo everyday todos os dias

a little pouco now agora

very little pouquíssimo usually usualmente

sometimes às vezes there aí 

well bem over there ali

after  depois too bad muito mal

 poorly mal

27. Conjugating Regular Verbs

Verbs in Portuguese end in -ar, -er or -ir. Before a verb is conjugated, it is called theinfinitive. Removing the last two letters gives you the stem of the verb (cantar is to sing,cant- is the stem.) To conjugate regular verbs in the present tense, add these endings tothe stems:

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-ar -er -ir

o amos o emos o imos

a am e em e em

Remember that verbs do not require the subject pronouns, so just canto means I sing.Here are some more regular verbs:

-ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs

dançar to dance aprender to learn convir to convey

desejar to desire comer to eat partir to leave

escutar to listen correr to run imprimir to print

estudar to study ler to read

falar to speak vender to sell

 praticar to practice beber to drink  tomar to take compreender to understand

viajar to travel

To make sentences negative, simply put não in front of the verb.

28. Reflexive Verbs

The subject and the object are the same with reflexive verbs - the subject acts upon itself.A reflexive verb in Portuguese will be marked with -se attached to the end of theinfinitive. These verbs are conjugated like regular verbs, except the reflexive pronounagrees with case and gender and precedes the verb when not used in the infinitive form.Reciprocal verbs are the same as reflexive except the action passes from one person to

another. It can only be used in the first and third person plural forms. Reflexive verbssometimes use the "-self" forms in English, while the reciprocal verbs use "each other."

Reflexive Pronouns 



Some common reflexive verbs:

deitar-se - to go to bed banhar-se - to bathe oneself casar-se - to get marrieddespedir-se - to farewelllevantar-se - to rise

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sentar-se - to sit downvestir-se - to dress oneself atrever-se - to darequeixar-se - to complain

29. Object Pronouns

The object pronouns are used when you're talking about someone or something that is notthe subject of an action, and are placed together with the verb. If -lo/-la/-los/-las comeafter a verb in the infinitive, you take off the -r of the verb, and put an acute accent (´).

Object Pronouns 

me-lo / -la / -lhe

nos-los / -las / -lhes


Vou dizer-lhe a verdade. I will tell you the truth

Vou apresentá-lo (inf: apresentar ) a você. I will introduce him to you

In everyday speech you can put the object pronoun in front of the verb, but it's wrong towrite it this way. Examples:

Me diga se estou certo. Tell me if I'm right

Diga-me se estou certo. Tell me if I'm right

30. Irregular Verbs

For the irregular verbs, you better learn by heart when you learn them. There's no rule or  pattern to follow, but don't be nervous, they are fewer in number than the regular verbs.

dizer (to say) ir (to go) pedir (to ask)

eu digo


nós dizemos


eu vou


nós vamos


eu peço

ele/ela/você pede

nós pedimos

eles/elas/vocês pedem

31. Impersonal "se"

It shows that an action is made by an indefinite person. It's common, but not simple. Youcan use other resources to make the same sentence. See the difference below:

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Aqui se faz, aqui se paga. Here it's done, here it's paid (Brazilian proverb).

O que é feito aqui, é pago aqui. What is done here, is paid here.

Faz-se necessária a mudança. The change is made necessary.

Precisamos mudar isso. We need to change it.

Quando se saberá? When will it be known?

Quando saberemos? When will we know?

32. Pretérito Perfeito

The pretérito perfeito tense expresses an action in the past. It is used to describe events

that are finished or complete. It is formed by adding these endings to the infinitive stem.

-ar verbs -er verbs -ir verbs







Vivi em Portugal por dois anos. I lived in Portugal for two years.Eles falaram com as crianças. They spoke with the children.Quem comeu o bolo de chocolate? Who ate the chocolate cake?

33. Pretérito Imperfeito

The pretérito imperfeito tense expresses an action that used to happen but not anymore.

-ar verbs -er and -ir verbs-ava-ava




Vivia em Portugal dois anos. I used to live in Portugal for two years.Eles falavam com as crianças. They used to speak with the children.

Quem comia bolo de chocolate? Who used to eat chocolate cake?

34. Futuro do Pretérito

The futuro do pretérito tense is the conditional tense.

-ar -er and -ir verbs

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Eu a amaria. I would love her.Vocês comeriam o tomate? Would you eat the tomato?

Nós partiríamos mais cedo. We would leave earlier.

35. Futuro do Presente

The futuro do presente is the simple future.

-ar -er and -ir verbs



Ela fará a lição. She will make the lesson.Vocês dirigirão até sua casa? Will you drive to your house (or home)?Nós deixaremos ele ir. We will let him go.

 Note: In everyday speech, the future tense is not used. Instead, in Brazil we use the formir (to go) + infinitive of the verb. See the difference below:

Ela vai fazer a lição. She will make the lesson.Vocês vão dirigir até sua casa? Will you drive to your house (or home)?Nós vamos deixar ele (or deixá-lo) ir. We will let him go.

36. Food and Meals

 breakfastlunchsupper dinner mealfood bread

roll butter meatfishvegetablesfruitcheesecrackers

café da manhã / desjejumalmoçoceia jantarrefeiçãocomidapão

pão francês (or média)manteigacarnepeixevegetais (verduras / legumes*)frutaqueijobolacha

tableclothnapkinfork knifespoon plate, dishglass

cupsaltsaltshaker  pepper  pepper shaker sugar sugar bowlvinegar 

toalha de mesaguardanapogarfofacacolherpratocopo


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raspberry framboesa  broccoli brócolis cake bolo

 blackberry  jaboticaba  pepper  pimenta  pie torta

 beef  bife garlic alho ice cream sorvete

sausage salsicha  potato batata  passion fruit maracujá

 Note: Eggplant is beringela in Portugal.

39. To Drink 

beber - to drink tomar - to drink 

 bebo bebe

 bebemos bebem



When you use beber, it usually refers to alcohol, but there's no problem if you specify thedrink after the verb. You can also say tomar o desjejum - to have the breakfast, butnever say tomar o almoço or tomar o jantar. For this purpose we have the verbs

almoçar - to have lunch and jantar - to have dinner.

40. Commands

To form the imperative forms, you put these endings after the stem.

-ar -er or -ir

ele/ela/você -e -a

eles/elas/vocês -em -am

Fale! = Speak!Coma! = Eat!

 Não coma! = Don't eat!

Ir and ser have irregular forms as formal commands: vá and vão for ir and seja andsejam for ser.

41. More Negatives

To make sentences negative, you place não before the verb. Other negatives may precedeor follow the verb, but if they follow, they must follow a negative verb (a doublenegative). The word order is no + verb + negative. Example: Ele não gosta de nada! Hedoesn’t like anything!

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nem...nemnem sequernunca, jamais

nothing, (not) anythingnobody, (not) anybodyno, noneneither, either nor 

neither... nor not evennever, ever 

 Nunca means ever when it follows a comparative; jamais means ever when it follows anaffirmative verb.

42. Holiday Phrases

Feliz Natal Merry Christmas

Feliz Ano Novo Happy New Year Feliz Páscoa Happy Easter 

Feliz Aniversário Happy Birthday

Brazilian National Anthem 

by Osório Duque Estrada 

Ouviram do Ipiranga às margens plácidas

De um povo heróico o bradoretumbanteE o sol da liberdade em raios fúlgidosBrilhou no céu da pátria nesseinstanteSe o penhor desta igualdadeConseguimos conquistar com braçosfortesEm teu seio, ó liberdadeDesafia o nosso peito à própria morteÒ pátria amada, idolatrada, salve

salve!Brasil, de um sonho intenso um raiovívidoDe amor e de esperança à terra desceSe em teu formoso céu risonho elímpidoA imagem do Cruzeiro resplandeceGigante pela própria natureza

It was heard from the calm borders of the Ipiranga(river)

The loud scream from a heroic peopleAnd the sun of liberty in light raysShone in the sky of the land in that instantIf the gift of the equalityWith strong arms we could conquer In thy breast, oh libertyChallenges our breast to our own deathO beloved land, worshiped, save save!Brazil, a living ray of an intense dreamOf love and hope comes down to the earthIf in thy beautiful and clear sky

The image of the Cruzeiro (group of stars) appearsGiant for its own natureThou art beautiful, strong and hugeIf in thy future is shown this grandiosityO beloved landAmong other thousand, thou art BrazilThou art kind mother of the children of this landO beloved land Brazil!

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És belo, és forte, impávido colossoSe em teu futuro espelha essagrandezaÓ pátria amadaEntre outras mil és tu Brasil, ó pátria

amadaDos filhos deste solo és mãe gentilPátria amada, Brasil!

Deitado eternamente em berçoesplêndidoAo som do mar e à luz do céu profundoFulguras, ó Brasil, florão da AméricaIluminado ao sol do novo mundoDo que a terra, mais garrida!

Teus risonhos lindos campos têmmais flores Nossos bosques têm mais vida! Nossa vida em teu seio mais amoresÒ pátria amada, idolatrada, salvesalve!Brasil, de um sonho eterno sejasímboloO lábaro que ostentas estreladoE diga ao verde-louro desta flâmulaPaz no futuro e glória no passado

Mas se ergues da justiça a clava forteVerás que um filho teu não foge àluta Nem teme quem te adora a própriamorteTerra adoradaEntre outras mil és tu Brasil, ó pátriaamadaDos filhos deste solo és mãe gentilPátria amada, Brasil!

Lying forever in a rich cradleHearing the sound of the sea and seeing the deep blue of thy skyThou art blessed o Brazil, flower of AmericaAnd lighten by the sun of the new worldOur land has more fruitsThy fields has more flowersOur forests has more lives

Our lives in thy breast have more loveO beloved land, worshiped, save save!Brazil, be the symbol of a great dreamThe starful flag that thou hangstAnd tell to the deep green of this flagPeace in the future and glory in the pastBut if thou rises the clave of justiceYou'll see that no child of yours leaves the battleAnd who loves you has no fear even deathBeloved land!Among other thousand, thou art Brazil

Thou art kind mother of the children of this landO beloved land Brazil!

Portuguese National Anthem

Heróis do mar, nobre povo, Nação valente, e imortal,Levantai hoje de novoO esplendor de Portugal!Entre as brumas da memória,Ó Pátria sente-se a voz

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Dos teus egrégios avós,Que há-de guiar-te à vitória!

Às armas, às armas!Sobre a terra, sobre o mar,

Às armas, às armas!Pela Pátria lutar Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!

Desfralda a invicta Bandeira,À luz viva do teu céu!Brade a Europa à terra inteira:Portugal não pereceuBeija o solo teu jucundoO Oceano, a rugir d'amor,E teu braço vencedor 

Deu mundos novos ao Mundo!Às armas, às armas!Sobre a terra, sobre o mar,Às armas, às armas!Pela Pátria lutar Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!

Saudai o Sol que despontaSobre um ridente porvir,Seja o eco de uma afrontaO sinal do ressurgir.Raios dessa aurora forteSão como beijos de mãe,Que nos guardam, nos sustêm,Contra as injúrias da sorte.

Às armas, às armas!Sobre a terra, sobre o mar,Às armas, às armas!Pela Pátria lutar Contra os canhões marchar, marchar!