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Page 2: Brampton primary school


Our school, (Brampton primary) is one of the best schools in Newham. It has a wonderful staff, good quality equipment and friendly children who study in this school. We look forward to your letter and we hope you enjoy the rest of our presentation!

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Our school was built in 1915, with two buildings -Infant and Junior. We have a new Dinner/Sports Hall, alongside our new classes and music room with amazing facilities. The ‘Shed’ stands near the reception playground. This year our school is going to have two new buildings. there are two cases which are in the middle of the playground also near the shed there is first aid room, a class, boys and girls toilet.

There is a big staff room as well so the hardworking teachers can have a break at lunch time.

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Our school is taught Spanish by a professional Spanish teacher called; Miss Valverde. Our whole school has been learning Spanish and have been participated in lots of activities and projects.

Regarding Spanish some children visit lots of countries such as France, Poland, Spain. When children go abroad they learn something new every time.

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As head teacher of Brampton Primary School she is proud to be working with the children, parents and staff of this wonderful community. Ann Shepard does her best to make sure that there is good learning in our school.

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We hope that you like our presentation. We are really keen to know that how does you schoolwill be like.