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Transcript it takes six men one hour to dig six holes, how long does it take one man to dig half a hole?A: There is no such thing as half a hole.

2.Two men play five complete games of checkers. Each man wins the same number of games. There are no ties. How?A: The two men were not playing against each other.

3.A farmer has seventeen sheep. All but nine of them die. How many sheep does he have left?A: Nine.

4.How many seconds are in a year?A: 12: January 2, February 2, March 2, April 2, ...

5.If 3 peacocks lay 5 eggs in 8 days, how many peacocks will lay 29 eggs in 76 days?A: Peacocks do not lay eggs, peahens do.

6.You walk across a bridge and you see a boat full of people yet there isn't a single person on board. How is that possible?A: All of the people on the boat are married.

7.How many apples can you fit into an empty box?A: One, then it isnt empty anymore.

8.The red house is on one side and the blue is on the other, where is the white house?A: In Washington D.C.

9.What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?A: The word, "short."

10.You are running in a street marathon and you overtake the person in 2nd place. What place are you now?A: Second.

11.A boy was rushed to the hospital emergency room. The ER doctor saw the boy and said, "I cannot operate on this boy. He is my son." But the doctor was not the boy's father. How could that be?A: The doctor was his mom.

12.How can you take 9 toothpicks and make ten without breaking the toothpicks?A: TEN (every line making the letters in the word ten is one toothpick. There are nine lines you draw when writing ten, so there are 9 toothpicks making TEN)

13.You throw away the outside and cook the inside. You eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?A: Corn on the cob.

14.You walk into a room with a match. In the room there is a stove, a heater and a candle. What do you light first?A: The match.

15.Every day, a cyclist crosses the border between Spain and France carrying a bag. No matter how much custom officials investigate him, they do not know what he is smuggling. Do you?A: Bicycles.

16.A woman walks into a restaurant and asks the manager for a glass of water. The manager aims a gun at her, the woman was pleased, said thank you and left. Why?A: The woman had hiccups and the manager gave her a shock to scare away her hiccups!

17.There is a man on an island prison, he cannot swim. One day he escapes using nothing but himself. There is no bridge. How does he do it?A: He escapes in the winter when the body of water surrounding the island is frozen. He simply walks away.

18.A man was speeding and ran through a stop sign. Two police officers saw him and just sat there. Why?A: He was running.

19.A small defenseless animal lays on the ground in the heat of the sun. Suddenly, it is pulled up and beaten with sticks. The animal's body is broken, but no one is punished for the crime. Why not?A: It was a piata.

20.Why is it illegal to bury a man living in South Carolina in North Carolina?A: It is illegal to bury a person while they are still living.

21.Two people are in a barn. Ten cats follow them in. How many feet are in the barn now?A: There are four feet in the barn, cats have paws, not feet.

22.Is it illegal to marry your widow's sister?A: Yes, because dead people cant get married.

23.A girl is sitting in a house at night that has no lights on at all. There is no lamp, no candle, nothing. Yet she is reading. How?A: The woman is blind and is reading braille.

24.A boy is walking around in a carnival and he sees a single man in a booth. He walks up to the man and asks what the booth is for. "Well," says the man, "I can write your exact weight on this slip of paper. If I get it wrong, I pay you $20. If I get it right, you pay me $20." The boy looks around, and seeing no scales, agrees. 5 minutes later, the man has gotten $20 from the boy. How?A: The man wrote "your exact weight" on a piece of paper.

25.Two trains are on the same railroad track; one is headed east the other west, they both leave the station at 1:00 and are travelling at the same speed. Yet they didn't crash into each other. How can this be?A: They went at the same time but one went at 1:00 in the afternoon and one went at 1:00 in the morning.

26.A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose among three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?A: The third. Lions that havent eaten in three years are dead.

27.An electric train is going 40 mph north, the wind is blowing 60 mph south. Which way is the train's smoke blowing?A: The train is electric, therefore there would be no smoke.

28.Pinkie Pinkerton lived in a pink one story house on Pink Street. The walls were pink, the roof was pink, the carpet was pink, the flowers were pink, the pictures were pink, the furniture was pink, the bathroom was pink, her stuff was pink, the yard was pink, even her cat was pink. EVERYTHING was pink. So what colour were the stairs in Pinkie Pinkerton's house?A: There are no stairs in a one story house.

29.The fishmonger is 1.8 meters tall. He wears size 8 shoe and wears XXL shirts. What does he weigh?A: Fish.

30.A red house is made from red bricks. A blue house is made from blue bricks. A yellow house is made from yellow bricks. What is a green house made from?A: Glass.

31.A rooster lays on egg on the top of the roof. Which way does it roll?A: Roosters dont lay eggs.

32.What question can never be answered, "Yes?"A: Are you asleep?

33.What has six eyes, but cannot see?A: The three blind mice.

34.A man drove to a hotel and as soon as he got there he was bankrupt. Explain.A: The man was playing Monopoly and when he rolled the dice he landed on a property he could not afford to pay the rent on.

35.Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?A: Mount Everest.

36.A tennis ball has rolled its way down into a hole. This particular hole is extremely deep and has a sharp bend in the middle, making the ball impossible to retrieve by hand. The ground around the hole is made of hard clay, so digging the ball out isn't an option. What could you use to get the ball out?A: Water. Pour water in the hole and it will float to the top for you to get.

37.There is a fire in a 12 storey building. A man panics and jumps out of the window. How does he survive?A: He jumped from a first floor window.

38.To whom do all men take off their hats?A: The barber.

39.What 9 letter English word is still a word each time you take away a letter?A: Startling: starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I.

40.A man went to sleep and he turned off the light. The next day when he woke up there were many dead people due to his actions the night before?A: The man was a lighthouse keeper and when he turned the lights off the boats couldnt see and crashed into the rocks.

41.What can you catch but not throw?A: A cold.

42.How can FIVE minus two equal 4?A: Roman Numerals: FIVE take away F and E which leaves IV which is 4 in Roman Numerals.

43.A boat has a ladder that has 6 rungs that are 12 inches apart. The tide moves up 12 inches every 15 minutes, it is now one hour until high tide. The very edge of the ladder is in the water. How many rungs will be under water all the way at the highest point of high tide?A: The boat moves and up and down with the tide.

44.Which statement is true out of the following?One statement here is false.Two statements here are false.Three statements here are false.A: The second statement.

45.What do you call a frog with no legs?A: A tadpole.

46.Scientists have proven that one side of a cat has more hair. Which side is it?A: The outside.

47.A man walked all day long but only moved 2 feet. How is this possible?A: That was all he had.

48.What can you keep but cannot share and once you share it, you can't keep it anymore?A: A secret.

49.What are four things that have an "eye" but cannot see?A: A needle, a potato, the alphabet and a hurricane.

50.What moves forwards and backwards but has no legs, it cannot talk, it cannot walk, it doesn't slither or crawl across the floor either. It comes in different shapes, sizes and colors. What is it?A: A door.51.A thief was brought before a king to receive his punishment. The king, feeling merciful, asked the thief how he would like to die. The thief told him, and the king let him go. How did the thief wish to die?A: He wanted to die of natural causes.

52.One man shows another the portrait of a gentleman and tells him: I have neither brothers nor sisters, but this man's father is the son of my father. Who is the man in the painting?A: The gentleman in the portrait is the son of the man who is speaking.

53.Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat, everyone ate one burger, yet only three burgers were eaten in all. How is this possible?A: They were a grandmother, mother and daughter.

54.You're in a room with 3 light switches. Next to your room is another room with the door closed. Inside that room are 3 lights. You do not know which switch controls which light. How can you figure out which switch controls which light? You can only enter the room with the lights once.A: Turn one switch on and leave it on for 1 hour. This is switch A. After the hour is up turn the light off and turn another light on (switch B). Go in to the room with the lights. The light thats hot is light A. The light that is on is light B. and the light that is off, but not hot is light C.

55.You are in a bathroom with stone walls and no windows. You start to run a bath when the handles come off and there is no way of turning the tap off. You can't escape because the door is locked and there are no windows. The room will flood and you will drown. How can you save yourself?A: Pull the plug in the tub.

56.You leave home and go to your right. You reach a corner and turn left. You reach another corner and turn left again. You reach another corner and turn left again and go home. When you get there, there is a person with a mask there waiting for you. What's happening?A: You are playing baseball.

57.A man is lying dead in the middle of a clearing, in the middle of a forest, in the middle of a puddle, in a scuba suit. How did he die?A: Impact killed him. The man was swimming in a lake and there was a fire in the forest. A helicopter came to pick up water so the fire could be put out. It accidentally picked up the man and unknowingly dumped him from hundreds of feet on to the fire. He hit the ground and died.

58.A man and his wife were driving in a car, when the wife's behaviour caused him to stop the car and rush to the nearest house. When he returned to the car, he found his poor wife at death's door and there was a stranger in the car with her. When the police arrived, they did not arrest or even question the stranger. How come?A: The woman had delivered a baby.

59.Three girls are taking a bull to the zoo when their car brakes down. They motion for a guy to pull over. They ask to use his phone to call the zoo. He agrees, but says it would cost them $1 for every word. They only had $1 dollar. They paid the man and five minutes later the zoo was there. What was the one word used?A: Comfortable: com(come) for(for) ta(the) ble(bull)

60.Two men went to a pet store to buy a puppy. The first man paid $10 and the clerk asked him if he would like a poodle, a labrador, or a golden retriever. The man chose a poodle. The other man gave the clerk $10. The clerk gave the man a golden retriever. The clerk and man both said nothing. How did the clerk know what the man wanted?A: The prices for the dogs were: Poodle $8, Labrador $9, Golden Retriever $10. The first man put down a $10 bill so he could chose what he wanted. The second man put down $10, one $5 bill and five $1 bills therefore the clerk knew what the man wanted.

61.A man was outside taking a walk, when it started to rain. The man didn't have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes got soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this happen?A: The man was bald.

62.There are eight chairs around a table. There is a mom, grandpa, sister, brother, aunt, grandma, uncle, another sister, another mom, another brother, a dad, a father-in-law, a mother-in-law, another dad and one more uncle. They're all seated comfortably. How is this possible with only eight chairs?A: The mom, grandma and mother-in-law are all one person. The mom, aunt, sister are all one person. The brother and uncle are one person. The Dad, father-in-law and grandpa are one person. The sisters are one person. The brothers are one person. The uncles are one person. The dads are one person. Total amount of people is 8.

63.A miller asks to marry the king's daughter. The king makes a deal with the miller and says he will write "Yes," on one card and "No" on another card. The miller will have to draw one card in front of the whole village. The night before the miller was to draw the card he heard that the king was going to write no on both cards. How can the miller be sure he gets to marry the king's daughter?A: He draws his card, rips it up and tells the king to read whats on the card that isnt ripped. The king will draw the "No" card so the people will think the millers card said, "Yes."

64.A farmer has a sack of grain, a chicken and a fox. He has to get them across the river and he can't go around or fly but he does have a boat. He can only take one thing at a time across the river. How can he get them across?A: Take the chicken over and leave the fox and the grain. Go get the fox drop it off and pickup the chicken. Take the chicken back across and pickup the grain and leave the chicken. Drop the grain off with the fox and take the chicken over now all of them are on one side!

65.You are coming back from a vacation. You want to go to village A. People from Village A always tell the truth, never lie. People from Village B always lie and never tell the truth. So, you come across two paths one leads to village A and the other leads to village B. You don't know which is which. A person comes from behind you. You don't know whether he is from village A or B. What can you ask him to choose the right path to village A?A: "Can you point to the path which leads to the village you are from?" (If he is the truth teller and is from village A, hell point to village A. If hes the liar from village B, hell lie and point to village A.)

66.This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out.A: The letter E, the most common letter in the English language is missing from the entire paragraph!

67.A boy is stuck on a deserted island. There is a bridge to connect the island to the mainland. Halfway across the bridge there is a guard. The guard will not let anyone from the mainland to the island, or anyone from the island to the mainland. If the guard catches someone, he sends him or her back. The guard sleeps for 30 seconds and then is awake for 5 minutes. The island is surrounded by man-eating sharks, and the boy does not have anything with him except for his own shirt and his pants. It takes the boy 1 minute to cross the bridge. How does he cross the bridge without getting caught?A: The boy runs halfway across the bridge and turns around. The boy looks like he is running to the island and is sent to the mainland.

68.AJ, Celeste, Juan, Kara, Lily, and Randy all live on Redwood Avenue. Each of their house numbers has three digits, but the only digits in their house numbers are 2, 3, 5, and 6. The same digit may appear in one address more than once.AJs house number is Juans house number doubled.Juan lives next to Lily and right across from Randy.Randys number is the lowest on the street.Celestes number is a higher number than AJs but has the same three digits as his. They both have the same digit in the hundreds place.Karas house number is the reverse of Juans.What is each persons street address?A: AJs street address is 526 Redwood Avenue.Celestes street address is 562 Redwood Avenue.Juans street address is 263 Redwood Avenue.Karas street address is 362 Redwood Avenue.Lilys street address is 265 Redwood Avenue.Randys street address is 262 Redwood Avenue.

69.There was once a lazy man. His father was angry that he did not help in the fields and gave him a task to accomplish. He asked his son to bring him something to eat, something to drink, something to feed the pig and something that would grow a crop, all contained in one item. What did the son bring his father?A: A watermelon. The flesh to eat, the juice to drink, the rind to feed the pig and the seeds to grow a crop.

70.One fine day in the middle of the nightTwo dead men got up to fightBack to back they faced each otherDrew their swords and shot each other!What is wrong with this?A: Day to night, dead men cannot fight, back to back how could they face each other, swords dont shoot.

71.500 at the beginning, 500 at the end,5 in the middle is seen,The first of all letters, the first of all figuresTake up their stations between,String them all together, and you will seeThe name of an ancient king.A: 500 is D (in Roman numerals), so D___D. Then 5 is V (also Roman numerals) so now we have D_V_D. The first of all letters is A, and the first of all Roman numerals/figures is I. Now we have DAVID!

72.An old man wanted to leave all of his money to one of his three sons, but he didn't know which one he should give it to. He gave each of them a few coins and told them to buy something that would be able to fill their living room. The first man bought straw, but there was not enough to fill the room. The second bought some sticks, but they still did not fill the room. The third man bought two things that filled the room, so he obtained his father's fortune. What were the two things that the man bought and what was able to fill the room?A: The wise son brought a candle and a box of matches. After lighting the candle, the light filled the entire room.

73.How many of each kind of animal did Moses take on the ark?A: Moses? I thought it was Noah!

74.What is the only word in the English language that has 6 letters, all in alphabetical order?A: Almost.

75.A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days, then leaves on Friday. How did he do it?A: His horses name was Friday.76What hefty 7 letter word can you take away 2 letters and it makes eight?A: Weighty! Take away the W and the Y and you have the word eight.

78.Mr. and Mrs. Smith have seven daughters. If each daughter has a brother how many children do Mr. and Mrs. Smith have?A: They have eight children.

79.This brain teaser involves a family relationship and a gun.A: Son of a gun.

80.What number can you take half of and leave nothing?A: 8 -> o

81.An old man had been browsing for some time. He finally walked up to the girl behind the counter and handed her a book. She looked at the tag on the inside cover and said, "That's 4.50 please." The man handed her the money and promptly walked away without the book. The girl saw him leave empty-handed but she didn't call out to him in any way. Why?A: The old man was paying a fine for an overdue book in a library.

82.Jenny dropped an earring in her coffee yet the earring didn't get wet. How did this happen?A: The earring was dropped in the coffee grounds.

83.It's so strong, it does not break,It's so powerful, it penetrates a lake,Sometimes it's weak as a twig left out in the sun,It's so wonderful it gives us the power to have fun.What is it?A: Light.

84.There are 2 men who are hairdressers. They are the only ones in town. Everyone in town goes to them and never goes to hairdressers out of town. You decide to go to the hairdressers. The one on the left has a big bald patch in the middle of his head. The one on the right's hair is lovely and shiny with no hair out of place. So, which one do you choose, the one on the left, or the one on the right?A: The one on the left, the hairdressers have to do each others hair.

85Henry walked down the street and bumped into his old friend from university."I haven't seen you for ages! I've married someone you wouldn't know." said the young friend . "This is our daughter!""And what's your name, girl?" Henry asked the little girl who was holding his friend's hand."It's the same as my mummy!" Said the girl."Oh so it's Teagan, is it?" Henry asked.He was right! How did he know the girl's name?

A: The old friend of Henrys was the mother of the little girl! Most people would assume that Teagan Senior (the friend) was a man because Henry was a man! So Henry just said the name of his friend!

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