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Think Outside the Box

Outside our Comfort Zone

Linguistics of Creativity

So What Are The Barriers? (Borders)

Vulnerability is Key for Creativity

85 percent interviewed for the shame research could recall a school incident from their childhood that was so shaming that it changed how they thought of themselves as learners.

Approximately half of those recollections were “creativity scars”.

The research participants could point to a specific incident where they were told or shown that they weren’t good at something creative.

This helps explain why the fears are so powerful when it comes to creativity and innovation

(Brown, 2015)

Vulnerability Without Support = Shame

The Icarus Deception

“For most of us, the problem isn’t that we aim too high and

fail –it’s just the opposite, we aim

too low and succeed”

(Robinson & Aronica, 2009)

Patient Zero“Who’s problem does ‘deliverology’ solve? The answer is obvious. It is the politician’s problem. They want to get re-elected.

The politician solving their problem usually involves giving everyone else new problems. There’s positive feedback brewing with growing inequalities under the guise of democracy and ‘freedom’.

Deliverology is an information-oriented approach to politics. It’s something that wouldn’t be out of place in Orwell’s “Minitrue”. Fundamentally this “deliverology” looks like manipulating constraints on the public by the powerful (to keep them in power) through the medium of information.

Dr Mark Johnson, University of Liverpool

Little Boxes

Du Gay, P. and Pryke, M. (2002) Cultural Economy: Cultural Analysis and Commercial Life. Sage, London. pp. 12–13

Prime Minister, Theresa May appointed a former accountant to be Secretary of State for Education. This is in addition to the appointment of Amanda Speilman, also a former accountant, as Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills (HMCI)

History Repeats: Colonialism

If you wanted to change a culture in a generation, how would you do it? You would change the way it educates its children. (Schooling the World, 2010)

With Shame Comes Blame

Why So Many Middle Eastern Terrorists Engineers? (44%)

(Gambeta & Hertog, 2009) found pattern of conservative mindset, relative depravation

along with frustrated expectation of education promise of employment.

What’s In The Brexit Box?

“The bottom line, which may surprise many people, is that EU immigration has not harmed the pay, jobs or public services enjoyed by Britons. In fact, for the most part it has likely made us better off.” – Johnathan Wadsworth, London School of Economics


Humans Need Not Apply?

Graduate Unemployment on Global Rise

Basic Income for All?

Productivity Paradox Has Taken a Grip

In an Age of Robots?

Should We Be More Human?

Let´s Not Become Little Boxes