Download - Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Page 1: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


Page 2: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019

Improving engagement on your page can be tough, the following slides take you through the key factors to improve your social engagement.





Page 3: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


EdgeRank is an algorithm developed by Facebook to govern what is displayed—and how high— on the News Feed.

Page 4: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?"!Edge !You can basically think of a an Edge as a post. So every time you post something new on Facebook, you create a new edge. !Affinity"Affinity measures how close your page’s relationship is with each fan. So the more often a fan has interacted with your page, the higher your page’s affinity with them. !Weight"Weight measures the popularity of your post via the amount of the interaction it’s getting. So a post getting tons of comments, likes & shares will have a lot of weight. !Time Decay"Time Decay is the simplest component of EdgeRank. It basically refers to how recent the post is. The older the post, the lower its EdgeRank. !


Page 5: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


Page 6: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


Let’s start off with the most important component of your social page. Content. !There’s no two ways about it, get your content right and you’re off to a solid start driving ongoing conversation with fans who are involved with your brand and interested in what you have to say. !This is the most effective marketing tool at your disposal. !!!

Page 7: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019



PromotionsGood TimesProduct


Decide on four content pillars for your page. These should be relevant to your brand and your community. They will help you stay focused and ensure that you don’t fall into the trap of becoming too promotional or over posting the same content.

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Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


Consider using posting themes. Under each pillar you can have 3 to 4 themes which allow you to vary your content even more. !For example your pillar might be ‘Entertainment’ under this pillar you could look at quotes, memes, stories from fans and topical. This will allow for an even tighter posting schedule.

Perfect Timing Photos"Entertainment

Pop Culture"Entertainment

For the Brothers"Entertainment



Page 9: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


Follow topical events, such as Valentine’s Day, world news, etc to join their momentum. This will allow you to stay in real time and cash in on any emotion or ongoing conversations attached with the trends.


Page 10: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


Don’t be afraid to tell your community how you want them to engage with your post. "For example ‘Tell us your favorite...' tends to get better results than 'What's your favorite...?’


Page 11: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


Decide on four content pillars for your page. These should be relevant to your brand"and your community. They will help you stay focused and ensure that you don’t fall "

into the trap of becoming to promotional or over posting the same content. "

Make sure posts are short and succinct. Just like you can’t be bothered reading long posts, your community definitely can’t. Want the maths? Keep it less than 80 characters, and you’ll have around a 66% increase in engagement.


Page 12: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


Decide on four content pillars for your page. These should be relevant to your brand"and your community. They will help you stay focused and ensure that you don’t fall "

into the trap of becoming to promotional or over posting the same content. "

Find out what content works best on what days and at what times. Peak activity is 11am, 3pm & 8pm.  Activity increases through to Wednesday then starts decreasing (Hump day!) !Don’t overpost. Posting 1-2 times a day (retail brands) gets 40% more engagement.


Page 13: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


Decide on four content pillars for your page. These should be relevant to your brand"and your community. They will help you stay focused and ensure that you don’t fall "

into the trap of becoming to promotional or over posting the same content. "Asking fans to caption photos increases comments by 5.5 times. Questions posts get 100% more comments. Fill in the blank posts are 9 times more effective than a regular post


Page 14: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019


The imagery you use across your social page tell a significant part of your brand story. If you don’t get this right, your page will suffer. !Newsfeeds are busy. With people liking more and more brands every day your images need to not only stand out but represent who you are as a brand.

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Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019

Off brand Poor resolution On brand, high resolution


Use imagery but never stock photos. "Has to be compelling and ideally creative. This gets you 53% more likes, 104% more comments & 84% more click-throughs than average!


Simple but easy to forget - quality of images used. "Make sure that they're sized correctly using Facebook sizes and that they fit within your brands tone and within the pillars assigned. 



Page 16: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019

Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? You’d be surprised. Your fans (funnily enough) know what they want. They can help you figure out your ongoing pillars, themes, etc. !The difference between a great social brand and a bad one? Great ones have a conversation with their audience. Bad ones tell their audience things about themselves. That’s not a conversation. That’s standing on a soap box. !


Page 17: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019



TEST Don’t be afraid to experiment by testing content with your community to see what works. Your community will tell you what they like.

TESTRESPONDRespond to all comments. Once a fan feels that they've connected with the brand they're more likely to feel part of the ongoing conversation and want to engage with your posts. Remember, someone whose commented wants to be listened to and wants you to help them. You can turn their opinion around. But only if you respond.

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Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019

Your competitors and other pages that you admire are a great resource. !Learn from them. They will help you. Do a full competitor review across all social channels and take key insights. !Are there pages that you love following? Why? What about them makes you engaged?

Take these insights and apply them to your own brand. Doesn’t matter if they’re in the same industry. It’s still a great social learning.


Page 19: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019

REVIEW Do a full competitor review across all social channels. This will give you key insights and a whole range of tips and tricks to apply to your page.


Get inspiration from other brands who get high engagement and think about how you could relate it to your page. This doesn't have to be within the same industry, but can be pages that inspire you in the way they drive engagement. There will always be little insights into how they word a post or target their fans.


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Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019

Give a little. !Don’t expect things from your fans without giving back. !This can be done through app promotions, on page promos, coupons, etc. There’s small and big ways to give back to your fans. !And...the more your promotion resonates your audience the more they’ll engage with any content around it. !WIN WIN.


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Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019

Every month you should review and reflect on your content. Only by constantly reviewing will you learn and discover what resonates best with your audience. !Look at how each post worked, did you expect more or less? !Follow your own learnings... Review your top posts and your bottom posts - what's the same about them, what's different? !


Page 22: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019

Facebook marketplace is there to help. !Always on Like generating campaigns are a great way to grow your community and increase your engagement. New fans, new likes and more comments. !However, you should always monitor your Facebook posts and when you have a particularly engaged post, put some money behind it. This will allow more people to see your content and increase your engagement dramatically.


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Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019

Hold a content council every couple of months. !Get 2-3 people, get a few drinks in and just run a proper brainstorm - you’ll come up with a bit of rubbish but also a few goodies. !This is a great way to stay fresh and not fall into old posting habits. !!


Page 24: Boost Your Social Engagement - Young & Shand Tips & Tricks

Ben Young | Marketing Director | [email protected] | +1 415 528 0159 | Young&Shand | 1412 Broadway, 22nd Floor, Manhattan, New York,10019