Download - Bolzoni Auramo Cs W4

  • 7/27/2019 Bolzoni Auramo Cs W4


    Meeting customers unique needsThe ability to manage and combine legacy and current CAD data permits efficientdevelopment of custom products

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    Merging competencies to become

    a unique partner

    Bolzoni Auramo Group was established in

    2001 when Bolzoni acquired the Finnish

    company, Auramo OY. Bolzonis history

    dates back to 1945 with the inventive

    transformation of USA jeeps into vehicles

    for farm use. Later it entered the world

    of lift truck attachments. Founded in

    1947, Auramo was originally involved in

    the production of industrial cylinders and

    paving solutions. Later it focused on

    applications for handling paper products.

    The combined company, Bolzoni Auramo

    Group, is a leading producer of

    attachments for lift trucks. Its history of

    such rich experience in different fieldsenables it to function as a partner to

    leading lift truck manufacturers. This

    partnership role is supported by the use

    of advanced design software that allows the group to be part of the product development process

    from the early stages.

    Providing custom solutions

    In addition to a wide range of attachments for handling paper and other products, Bolzoni

    develops solutions to satisfy the specific needs of customers special applications.

    Our catalog includes more than 1,700 attachments designed to offer the maximum flexibility

    and versatility to the lift truck, explains Pietro Foroni, technical manager at Bolzoni. When you

    add the customized attachments that we develop daily, our total number of products is much

    higher. The Research and Development department is highly committed to innovation in our

    three main product lines: attachments for lift trucks, lift tables and hand pallet trucks.

    Bolzoni decided to upgrade from 2D drafting to an advanced CAD/CAM system in 1994, before

    the formation of the new group. After a thorough evaluation and analysis, we selected the

    Business initiatives

    New product development

    Value chain synchronization

    Commonization and re-use

    Business challenges

    Be an efficient and versatilepartner for leading lift truckmanufacturers

    Offer customized products thataddress manufacturers uniqueneeds

    Keys to success

    Advanced design software withintegrated finite element

    analysisUsing analysis to optimizecomplete products

    A single data managementsystem that handles legacy andnew data


    Time saved through moreefficient information sharingthroughout the value chain

    Enhanced collaboration in thedesign phase

    Faster product development

    Very reliable and easy-to-maintain products

    B O L Z O N I A U R A M O G R O U P

    Siemens PLM Software

  • 7/27/2019 Bolzoni Auramo Cs W4




    NX I-deas


    Clients primary business

    Bolzoni Auramo designs andproduces attachments for lift

    trucks and for general

    Client location

    Casoni di Podenzano (PC)Italy

    Our Teamcenter implemen-tation opens us to a different

    and more advanced approach

    in the management of digital


    Pietro ForoniTechnical ManagerBolzoni Auramo

    NX I-deas design solution software,

    says Foroni. Between the ease of learning

    the program and its versatility, we werequickly convinced that this CAD system

    was totally able to satisfy our needs.

    NX I-deas greatly improved the efficiency

    of sharing product information inside the

    technical office and also with suppliers,

    resulting in significant time savings.

    Additional benefits resulted from the use

    of finite element analysis (FEA). Having

    analysis integrated with CAD has been

    very beneficial, Foroni says. In the past,

    we analyzed and optimized single components. Now entire new products are analyzed. And in

    situations where analysis results are indispensable in a cooperative design, the data management

    functionality of NX I-deas (Team Data Manager), coupled with 3D models, allows more people to

    collaborate on the same project.

    Because of these advantages, Auramo adopted NX I-deas, as well as FEA licenses, as soon as it was

    acquired by Bolzoni. This has given to the Finnish organization the ability to work in 3D and to evaluate

    multiple product iterations to arrive at optimized designs. Today Bolzoni Auramo Group uses

    NX I-deas. Importantly, it was able to make the transition to the advanced product development

    solution while keeping all of its legacy data.

    More data, better data management

    Every year our technical office develops one thousand new products, Foroni says. We use NX I-deas

    Team Data Manager to manage the historical archive, and while it has many advantages in terms of

    saving time, the data is available only for the technical office. For this reason, we have begun a migration

    to the Teamcenter product lifecycle management system.

    Teamcenter manages the entire lifecycle of new products, from concept to production, integrating

    idea management, requirements planning, product development and production information in a digital

    lifecycle management process. Data that Teamcenter manages includes tables, drawings, CAD models,

    FEA models, spreadsheets and production drawings. We anticipate that this will have benefits

    throughout the company, including a reduction in the product development cycle, Foroni says. It will

    also improve communications with suppliers by allowing us to give them only the information that is

    relevant for them.

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    2008 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved. Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG.Teamcenter, NX, Solid Edge,Tecnomatix, Parasolid, Femap, I-deas,JT, Velocity Series, Geolus and the Signs of Innovation trade dress are trademarks orregistered trademarks of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. All other logos,trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks used herein are the property of their respective holders. 2/08