Download - Bolivia, Amazon - "Las Pampas Tour"


8/3/2019 Bolivia, Amazon - "Las Pampas Tour" 1/5

Day 1 - Alligator and Caimen Spotting.

What I initially thought to be a challenge, required nothing more

then looking over my shoulder. Caimens, the larger and more

deadly of the two, and alligators, the more common, yet still

perilous cousin, lined the boggy shoreline. "Close encounters" can

not even begin to describe the distance (or lack there of) between

us and these man eaters. “Keep your hands and feet inside the

vehicle at all times”, could not have applied more. Unwavering,

their dark, austere eyes danced with ravenous hunger and their 

wide grins showcased hundreds of razor-sharp teeth. Some chose

to remain perfectly still, locked in a single, solitary pose, patiently

waiting for the most opportune time to strike. Others, however,

were not so tolerant and quickly slipped into the muddy waters

below. Or, come to think of it, maybe they were just camera shy.

Into the Amazon - Las Pampas Tour

Forget, "Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My"....How about, "Alligators, Anacondas and Caimens, Oh Sh**." Bolivian Pampas Tours are known all over 

South America for two reasons: Absurd amounts of wild life and the cheapest prices around. The brochures mention swimming with alligators, hunting for 

anacondas, and chasing pink dolphins...but if there's one thing I've learned, especially in South America, it s that brochures lie. “Oh, we might see a few

gators, a couple sparrows, and if we're lucky, a gardener snake”...but boy was I wrong!


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Instantly, blazing crimson eyes came to life on the nearby banks,

pupils eerily dilating against the brilliant beam. Mesmorized by

the copious amounts of firey dots suspended against the

obscurity of night, our apprehensions melted away. Inadvertently

dropping all defenses, susceptible to whatever demise these

brutes had planned. Completely spellbound, the only antidote

was a sudden dose of reality.

Giving the red eyes a face, Oscar managed to bring one on

board. Ok, so it was only a little guy, but he still comprised a

bone crunching bite and the ability to easily, leave his mark on

an unsuspecting tourist. He was the least of our worries though.

What abut his mom? OK Oscar, I don't want to become a

midnight snack, it's time to go!

Day 2 - Anaconda Hunt

Equipped with rubber knee high boots, and well, that's it, our hunt began in one

of the hundreds of swampy marshlands lining the riverbed. Now, if traipsing

through deadly snake infested waters is not bad enough, how about being told

to "Spread out, we can cover more ground and have a better chance at finding a

big one." Oh, and that comforting command is followed up with, "and if you feel

something move under your boot, don't step down, call for me". Yeah, some

sort of precaution, huh?

Night 1 - Alligator and Caimen Spotting

Before returning to the now, even more daunting and uninviting canals, we first had to make it to the boat. Witnessing dozens of alligators choose our 

campsite bank for their afternoon naps, left us more then hesitant revisiting the uncertain shores, now masked in darkness. After a wee bit of coaxing

though, like only a Bolivian tour guide can do, “It’s seguridad, no muerte” - It’s safe, no death (yeah, real comforting), we collectively made a run for it. Like

bats out of hell, we flew across the sand in one solid wave, simultaneously crashing into her bow and tumbling over the sides. Phew...Safe...for now.

With sides stretching only 7 to 8 inches above the watery plane, our "low rider" boat left plenty of room for 'snack attacks', I mean, 'sneak attacks'. Eyes

peeled and hearts racing, we could barely see 10 inches in front of us through the gloomy shadows, let alone 10 feet. Somebody needed to shed some

light on this situation. So, Oscar did…with a flashlight.

Despite the inexorable fear factor, there was one soothing aspect to the ride. The stars. With the placid lagoon in front of us, and thousands of stars

shining immaculately above, an optical illusion played out before us. In the bleak darkness, it was hard to tell where the stars of the sky ended and the

reflected stars of the water began. A single, disorienting blanket of stars swallowing every angle of vision.

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 As we left the marsh that day, one more truth came out. Not only did anaconda's and

cobra's inhabit the shallows, so did their deadly relative, the rattlesnake. With a vertical

 jump reaching over 2 feet and packing a deadly, venomous bite, I d say we were more

lucky not to have found one of those. You know how some things are better off unsaid,

well this was one of them. Ignorance is bliss Oscar.

I'm sure watching all those episodes of Animal Planet didn't help, but I really felt apart of a TV show. Nothing bad could happen to me, they do this all the

time, it's TV magic. Until suddenly, my make believe show three-sixtied into reality TV. A cobra...a giant cobra! Pouncing on her from behind, Oscar 

grasped onto her slimy tail and flailed her into the air. Snapping and writhing for minutes, she desperately tried to bite her captor, but Oscar was to be

named victor. Much more poisonous, aggressive, and elusive then the anaconda's, we were "lucky" enough to find one. Yeah right, more like, "Lucky it

didn't find us". Apparently, anaconda's are much safer because of their tranquil, slow-moving nature. Now there's a phrase I never would have thought

comforting, "It's better to find an anaconda". To my surprise though, Oscar was right. Managing to find two anaconda's, each one seemed more annoyed

by our presence then frightened or enraged.

Day 3 - Piranha Fishing

Worms, small fish, and funny looking plastic thingies, all fishing baits I had used before. But raw meat? I must say, piranha's make fishing fun. Within

seconds of casting, ferocious bites were already assaulting the line. Hungry, and up for the fight, these fishy carnivores would not go down without a fight.

Even the jaws of life would have struggled to remove their steely bear trap teeth from the bait. If they were going to die, they at least wanted their last


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Day 3 - Pink Dolphin Chasing and Alligator Swimming

I've heard of dolphins living in rivers before, but pink dolphins? Trapped in the Pampas

swamps from flooding hundreds of years prior, these pink beauties have adapted to

survive in the dim shallows. Jumping, spurting, and playing just as much as their ocean

dwelling relatives, finding a pod is not the difficult part, it's the activity that follows.

The chance for bravery, or what some would call, stupidity. After spending days floating above these gator infested waters, it was time to go beneath them.

Like most crazy things I do, what is voluntary for others, is mandatory for me. My mind would never let me live it down, if I didn't take the death defying dip.

So, with me, myself, and I, and the rest of my boat looking on, I took the plunge.

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Oscar said the dolphins would keep me safe because the

alligators, and worse, caimens, were afraid of them.

However, as luck would have it, right when I went in, the

dolphins went out. Went out of the area that is, happily

swimming along to the next lagoon. Ahhhh....the banks

were still swamped with these smiling fiends, smiles that

only grew larger with each passing second. Swim, swim

like you've never swam before! In my head, I kept replaying

JAWS. Just waiting for a fin (or in this case) a scaley back

to emerge from behind, slowly opening its mouth wider and

wider until....the boat...I had made it. Get me out of here!

Chalk it up as one of those things I'm happy I did, but

dumber for doing.

 And that my friends, is what awaits you in the Bolivian

 Amazon. A tour that actually lives up to it's promises. Now

there's a concept.  © 

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