Download - Board ofRegentsapproves 2011-2012 officers slate ,>.,•. ' . · Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee (PADAC)and received its Distinguished Service Award in 2010. He is a member

Page 1: Board ofRegentsapproves 2011-2012 officers slate ,>.,•. ' . · Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee (PADAC)and received its Distinguished Service Award in 2010. He is a member

American College of Allergy, Asthma &: Immunology

Board of Regents approves

2011-2012 officers slate

ACAAI Vice President Richard W.Weber, MD, FACAAI, Denver, wasnominated as president-elect of the

College for 2011-2012 by the NominatingCommittee and approved by the Board ofRegents at its June 4 meeting in Chicago.

Upon recommendation of the NominatingCommittee, the Board also slated the follow-ing nominees:

• Vice President: Michael B. Foggs, MD.,FACAAI,Chicago

• Treasurer: Bryan L. Martin, DO, FACAAI,Columbus, Ohio

• Regents (three-year terms): LeonardBielory, MD, FACAAI,Springfield, N.].;Warner W Carr, MD, FACAAI,MissionViejo, Calif.; and Chitra Dinakar, MD,FACAAI,Kansas City, Mo.

The annual election of officers and regentswill be held during the Annual BusinessMeeting, Nov. 8, when Stanley M.Fineman, MD, FACAAI,Marietta, Ga.,assumes the presidency.

Dr. Richard Weber is professor of medicineat the University of Colorado, DenverSchool of Medicine, and professor of medi-cine at NationalJewish Health, in Denver.

He is currently ACAAI vice president, andserving his second term on the Board ofRegents and the Executive Committee. Amember of the Aerobiology Committeesince 1983, he is its current and past chair,and served as program director of theAeroallergen Identification Workshop since1985. He chairs the PharmaceuticalSymposia Committee, the Acorn Committeeand the Research Funding Review Commit-tee. He is associate editor and EditorialBoard member of Annals of Allergy, Asthma& Immunology, and is editor of its CoverSection. He is on numerous committeesincluding the FIT Bowl Planning Committee(since 1991) and the Abstract ReviewCommittee. He was recognized with theACAAI Distinguished Fellow Award, theDistinguished Service Award, and the BelaSchick Lectureship.




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Dr. Weber served on theACAAIIAAAAI Task Forceon Practice Guidelines andthe Certification -Recertifica-tion Board ReviewCommittee. He chaired theAAAAIAerobiologyCommittee and theNational Allergy BureauCounters Committee. He isa member of the Food andDrug Administration (FDA)Center for BiologicsEvaluation and Research(CBER) Allergenic ProductsAdvisory Committee.

Dr. Michael Foggs is chief of allergy &:immunology, Advocate Medical Group ofAdvocate Health Care in Chicago.

Dr. Weber

Dr. Bie/ory

He is serving his second term as ACAAItreasurer, as Foundation Board treasurer,and on the Board of Regents. He chairs theFinance Committee and Managed Care andHealth Plans Committee; serves on theEditorial Board of Annals of Allergy, Asthma& Immunology; represents ACAAI on theJCAAI Board of Directors; and is a memberof the American Board of Medical SpecialtiesWorkgroup on Asthma representing theCollege. He serves on numerous committeesincluding the Annual Program Committeeand Executive Committee. He was honoredwith the Distinguished Fellow Award, theStanislaus Jaros Lectureship, and the BelaSchick Lectureship.

Dr. Foggs is a member of the FDAPulmonary-Allergy Drugs AdvisoryCommittee (PADAC)and received itsDistinguished Service Award in 2010. He isa member of the Expert Panel 3 of theNHLBI National Asthma Education Preven-tion Program. He serves on the WorldAllergy Organizations Asthma SpecialCommittee; on the National Institutes ofHealth Asthma Outcomes WorkshopQuality of Life Committee; on theExecutive Committee of the Allergy,Asthma &: Immunology Section, and theConsensus Panel on Asthma in the African

Dr. Foggs Dl: Martin

Dr. Carr Dr. Dinakar

American Community of the NationalMedical Association.

Dr. Bryan Martin is associate dean,Graduate 1edical Education, designatedinstitutional official, and professor of clinicalmedicine and pediatrics at The Ohio StateUniversity in Columbus.

He served twice on the ACAAI Board ofRegents as regent and fellow-in-training(FITs) representative. He co-chairs the FITBowl Planning Committee (since 1995), andis on the Editorial Board of Annals of Allergy,Asthma & Immunology. He chaired theScientific Council, Faculty DevelopmentSection and Credentials Committee. He wasvice speaker and delegate to the ACAAIHouse of Delegates, and represented ACAAIat the AMA House of Delegates.

Dr. Martin chaired the Allergy ImmunologyResidency Review Committee of the Accred-itation Council for Graduate MedicalEducation, and is currently on the FDAAllergenic Products Advisory Committee.He is a retired U.S. Army COL, and servedas president of the Association of UniformedServices Allergists-Immunologists. His rrianyhonors include the Gold Doc Award forHumanism in Medicine from the Arnold PGold Foundation; the Lewis Aspey MologneAward, the 2006 Surgeon Generals Awardfor Military Academic Excellence; andnumerous military awards and decorationsincluding the Legion of Merit Medal, BronzeStar Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (four

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ze sure you keep studying!

times, and the Army Commendation Medal(seven times).

Dr. Leonard Bielory is visiting researchassociate at Rutgers University, Center forEnvironmental Prediction. He chairs theACAAI Integrative 1edicine Committee,and is former chair of the Ocular AllergyCommittee and "ice chair of the PublicEducation &. Outreach Committee. He ison the ACAAl 'Website Editorial Board andis an active member of the Annual ProgramCommittee. Conference Online AllergyCommittee. Continuing _Iedical EducationCommittee. _ledical Informatics Commit-tee and Scientific Council. He chairs theJoint Task Force Practice Parameters onAllergic Eye Disease. Dr. Bielory served onseveral Boards and Trustees including theJCAAI. and as president of _]~IS UniversityPhysician Associates Board of Directors.


Dr. Warner Carr is associate medicaldirector, Southern California Research,and in clinical practice at Allergy andAsthma Associates of Southern Californiain Mission Viejo. He previously served onthe ACMI Board of Regents as fellow-in-training representative, and chaired theBasic and Clinical Immunology Commit-tee, Fellows-in- Training Committee andYoung Physicians Committee. He is amember of several committees includingthe Annual Program Committee, FIT BowlPlanning Committee, Immunotherapy &.Diagnostics Committee, and WebsiteContent Committee. Dr. Carr is on theBoard of Governors of the American Asso-ciation of Certified Allergists and theCalifornia Society of Allergy, Asthma andImmunology. He received numerous mili-tary honors including the Bronze Star andArmy Achievement Medal five times.

Dr. Chitra Dinakar is professor of pedi-atrics at the University of Missouri-KansasCity and staff physician, Section ofNNI atChildren's Mercy Hospital and Clinics. Sheis on the Editorial Board of Annals ofAllergy, Asthma & Immunology, is vicespeaker for the ACMI House of Delegates,vice chair of the Practice GuidelinesCommittee and a member of the Commit-tees on Abstract Review, Meet theProfessor Breakfast and Women in Allergy.Dr. Dinakar was newly elected to the Exec-utive Committee of the Section of Nl ofthe American Academy of Pediatrics, andalso is on its PREP Self-Assessment Edito-rial Board. She is past president of theGreater Kansas City Allergy Society. Herhonors include the Award of Excellence bythe American Association of Allergists &.Immunologists of Indian Origin.