Download - Blush Magazine (Malick)

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Where does Lauren

Conrad get her fashion

inspiration from? pg. 1 3From YouTube to Sephora

pg. 15

De-stress from collegepg. 26

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Editor-in-Chief & Designer

Editor - Jessica Malick

Editor - Jessica Malick

Editor - Jessica Malick

Freelance writer - Taylor Rogers

Jessica Malick




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Table of Contents
















Boots for the winter

Dress cute but comfortable

Winter accessories

Lauren Conrad

2015 CMA Award fashion

Makeup: A hobby or a career?

Editor’s monthly faves

Holiday tutorial

Drinking dangers

De-stress from college

In Every IssuePresidential candidate

Sorority of the month


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let ter fromthe editor

Hello readers! I am super excited to welcome you to the first issue of Blush magazine. Blush was created for women just like you - young college-aged women who are classy, confident and driven. Blush is mainly focused on beauty and fashion, which are two things that I am very passionate about. Many beauty and fashion magazines ex-ist, but they are not ideal for a twenty-something college student. They are either aimed towards older women or high school aged girls.

Blush was created as a way for us college women to share ideas with each other about makeup, clothes, health and so much more! This issue takes you into fall and winter looks, and shows ways on how to look your best for the holiday season.

This issue also focuses on the YouTube beauty com-munity and how it can jump-start women’s beauty careers. YouTube is actually how I first got interested in beauty and

I would never be where I am today without it. The YouTube beauty community helped me gain confidence, learn things about makeup and fashion that I never would have known about otherwise and also gained me some life-long friendships.

I hope that this issue gives you a greater insight on how the beauty and fashion world in college works and gives you some new tips on how to look your best! Welcome to Blush, and have a great holi-day season!


Jessica Malick

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Jump Into

WinterPellentesque habitant morbi tristique senec-

tus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse pellentesque hendrerit dui id pulvinar. Morbi auctor, lectus et rhon-

cus consectetur quam non erat.

Anthropologie, $140 Hunter boots, $150

L.L. Bean, $109 Sperry, $120

Tory Burch, $339 UGG Bailey Bow, $205



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Mauris mollis congue ex, ut mollis massa commodo in. Integer ultric-ies convallis felis ut laoreet. Nullam velit mauris, suscipit ac odio vitae, tristique egestas magna. Pellentesque lacinia felis in lectus molestie congue. Phasellus diam nunc, fringilla vel pretium in, rhoncus ac nunc. Integer nec lobortis mi. Morbi a au-gue non lorem maximus lacinia maximus vitae nunc. Cum sociis natoque penat-ibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla venenatis luctus neque, sed lacinia felis egestas id. Sed et cursus lacus. Nullam sem dui, ullamcorper sit amet sollicitudin a, porttitor nec orci. Proin vulputate sapien metus, id laoreet massa tempus vitae. In urna massa, varius ac posuere ut, varius

at augue. Nam ornare lorem tellus, sit amet tristique ante semper vitae. Proin finibus quam pretium lacinia fermentum. Ut orci arcu, lobortis a eros ac, scelerisque auctor diam. Praesent mauris mauris, dignissim a euismod at, interdum eu tortor. Duis fringilla magna a mollis rhoncus. Nunc ultrices orci sed ligula sollicitudin, in vulputate ipsum consequat. Sed vulpu-

tate quam in lectus venenatis Dignissim. Duis aliquam interdum sodales. Curabitur sed diam ac est varius malesuada id quis magna. Sed a ullamcorper tortor, in tincidunt nisl. Donec massa velit, tristique ac semper a, scelerisque quis nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer blandit bibendum risus, malesua-da venenatis lectus feugiat id. Phasellus volutpat neque velit, id fringilla neque tempus quis. Phasellus lobortis vulputate risus, eget porta risus cursus vel. Nulla facilisi. Sed posuere velit ut dui rutrum, a viverra ante ullamcorper. Nam luctus commodo nibh, ut facilisis

metus tincidunt nec. Proin id magna eu tellus semper tempus. Vestibulum consequat gravida ipsum, eget mollis odio elementum volut-pat. Suspendisse eros lectus, semper eu laoreet sagittis, efficitur vitae sem. Pellen-tesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse pellentesqhon-cus consectetur, nisl mi fermentum risus, eget vehicula nisi quam non erat. Pellentesque aliquet neque leo. Mauris pharetra quam dictum, lacinia metus in, consectetur ex. Praesent sodales, ipsum molestie vulputate tristique, magna justo hendrerit enim, id iaculis lacus neque sed metus. Fusce at eros sapien. Morbi male-suada efficitur tellus, ut ultricies nulla dapibus sed. Pellentesque habitant morbi

tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames. Integer nec lobortis mi. Morbi a augue non lorem maximus lacinia maximus vitae nunc. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla venenatis luctus neque, sed lacinia felis egestas id. Sed et cursus lacus. Nullam sem dui, ullamcorper sit amet sollicitu-din a, porttitor nec orci. Proin vulputate sapien metus, id laoreet massa tempus vitae. In urna massa, varius ac posuere ut,

varius at augue. Nam ornare lorem tellus, sit amet tristique ante semper vitae. Proin finibus quam pretium lacinia fermentum. Ut orci arcu, lobortis a eros ac, scelerisque auctor diam. Praesent mauris mauris, dignissim a euismod at, interdum eu tortor. Duis fringilla magna a mollis rhoncus. Nunc ultrices orci sed ligula sollicitudin, in vulputate ipsum consequat. Sed vulpu-tate quam in lectus venenatis. Donec massa velit, tristique ac semper a, scelerisque quis nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisc-ing elit. Integer blandit bibendum risus, malesuada venenatis lectus feugiat id. Phasellus volutpat neque velit, id fringilla neque tempus quis. Phasellus lobortis vulputate risus, eget porta risus cursus vel. Nulla facilisi. Sed posuere velit ut dui rutrum, a viverra ante ullamcorper. Nam luctus commodo nibh, ut facilisis metus tincidunt nec. Proin id magna eu tellus semper tempus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada

fames ac turpis

Comfort& Trendy


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Accessories Are NecessitiesUt cursus tortor in sapien varius, ac lacinia augue fermentum. Vestibulum faucibus rhon-cus nulla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris phare-tra felis vitae elit malesuada venenatis. Donec facilisis eros at ligula gravida, gravida malesuada lacus iaculis. Rutrum augue a ex viverra, sit amet suscipit diam egestas.

Morbi a lectus a nunc iaculis luctus. Aenean lobortis lacus in justo ullamcorper, sed port-titor ante accumsan. Sed mattis est vel tortor faucibus, nec vehicula lacus pharetra. Duis lobortis vel risus nec bibendum.

Nullam aliquam risus vitae lacinia feugiat. Praesent in eleifend neque. Mauris id velit non ante porttitor eleifend. Integer dolor felis, volutpat et faucibus a, sodales maximus tellus. Suspendisse potenti. Justo cursus tortor.

Aliquam sed efficitur justo, sed cursus velit. Curabitur euismod elementum lacus at mattis. Nullam consectetur sollicitudin libero quis lacinia. Curabitur nec felis iaculis, laoreet ante sit amet, suscipit mi.

Sed sem purus, consectetur nec luctus id, tincidunt nec urna. Morbi suscipit euismod leo vitae tincidunt. Sed scelerisque tempus elit vel accumsan. Suspendisse sit amet arcu a neque aliquet pretium placerat vitae nisl.



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Accessories Are Necessities

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Sed finibus suscipit sem at placerat. Donec elementum consectetur risus eu ornare. Vestibulum sed aliquet orci. Nullam vitae nulla tempus, tincid-unt nulla sed, lobortis ante. Vestibulum facilisis dapibus tellus at feugiat. Sus-pendisse at lectus non lacus bibendum vehicula. Donec gravida, ipsum id mollis pulvinar, lectus ante commodo diam, sed pellentesque tortor magna ac magna. Suspendisse mattis sem sed tortor feugiat pretium in nec dui. Morbi tellus augue, mattis at porta eu, accumsan eget sapien. Ut eu sem vel massa porttitor feugiat a eget tortor. Duis eget blandit elit. Mauris quam diam, malesuada eu mollis eu, scelerisque nec est. Duis porta turpis eros, ac consequat tellus ornare eu. Phasellus tristique, neque nec portti-tor volutpat, nunc ipsum rhoncus mi, in tincidunt est augue ac arcu. Integer eleif-end, diam id mattis egestas, lorem lacus gravida libero, et tincidunt dui est eget mi. Integer luctus turpis non bibendum placerat. Donec finibus tellus quis erat sollicitudin tincidunt tristique in.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque finibus vehicula vehicula. Etiam ele-mentum, leo sit amet fringilla euismod, nulla dolor tristique nisl, eget gravida erat lectus ac enim. Donec in fermentum ex. Aenean ullamcorper nibh a vestibulum dignis-sim. Suspendisse vitae nulla leo. In non auctor arcu. Quisque sodales volutpat facilisis. Nam fringilla purus in leo malesuada dignissim. Donec vitae sapien non erat tristique volutpat. Duis luctus laoreet nunc, non consequat orci placerat eget. Sed imperdiet tempus sapien, ac vehicula elit.

Cras placerat, nibh sit amet eleifend tristique, metus sem fringilla nunc, vel mattis est

tellus nec risus.

Cras felis urna, faucibus eget vestibulum non, sollicitudin eget nunc. Cras placerat, nibh sit amet eleifend tristique, metus sem fringilla nunc, vel mattis est tellus nec risus. Quisque luctus orci nec libero tristique dapibus. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque et elementum dolor, ac mattis justo. Aenean sit amet auctor diam. In non sem pellentesque mi vulputate aliquet sit amet non arcu. Duis convallis imperdiet ipsum sed vestibu-lum. Curabitur rhoncus, neque a ultricies hendrerit, nisi lorem luctus pu-rus, vitae egestas ex ipsum sit amet leo. Nullam fermentum vulputate lacus nec finibus. Cras consequat, purus sed tris-tique efficitur, dolor est consequat enim, non faucibus tellus orci eget lectus. Donec pretium erat tellus, ac bibendum libero facilisis at. Morbi ornare ipsum sit amet dui varius egestas. Cras elemen-tum malesuada euismod. Sed interdum

mollis quam, eget laoreet urna molestie aliquam. Ut non faucibus neque. Cras ac ipsum tellus. Nulla euismod accumsan dapibus. Gravida id nibh. Phasellus tristique, neque nec porttitor volutpat, nunc ipsum rhoncus mi, in tincidunt est augue ac arcu. Integer eleifend, diam id mattis egestas, lorem lacus gravida libero, et tincidunt dui est eget mi. Integer luctus turpis non bibendum placerat. Donec finibus tellus quis erat sollicitudin tincidunt tristique in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque finibus vehicula vehicula. Etiam ele-mentum, leo sit amet fringilla. Nullam fermentum vulputate lacus nec finibus. Cras consequat, purus sed tristique efficitur, dolor est consequat enim, non faucibus tellus orci eget lectus. Donec pretium erat tellus, ac bibendum libero facilisis at. Morbi ornare ipsum sit amet dui varius egestas. Cras elementum malesuada euismod. Sed interdum. Phasellus tristique, neque nec porttitor volutpat, nunc ipsum rhoncus mi, in tincidunt est augue ac arcu. Integer eleifend, diam id mattis egestas, lorem lacus gravida libero, et tincidunt dui est eget mi. Integer luctus turpis non bibendum placerat. Donec finibus tellus quis erat sollicitudin tincidunt tristique in. Aenean sit amet auctor diam. In non sem pellentesque mi vulputate aliquet sit amet non arcu. Duis conval-lis imperdiet ipsum sed vestibulum. Curabitur rhoncus, neque a ultricies hendrerit, nisi lorem luctus purus, vitae egestas ex ipsum sit amet leo. Nullam fermentum vulputate lacus nec finibus. Donec pretium erat tellus, ac bibendum libero facilisis at. Morbi ornare ipsum sit amet dui varius egestas. Cras elementum malesuada euismod.

Fashion Inspirationfrom Lauren Conrad



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2015 CMA Awards This year’s CMAs had some of the best red carpet fashions

Carrie UnderwoodNam rutrum arcu id magna fringilla sollicitudin. Quis-que tristique tellus turpis, et molestie urna malesuada molestie. Quisque convallis

sapien orci.

Cassadee PopeNam rutrum arcu id magna fringilla sollicitudin. Quis-que tristique tellus turpis, et molestie urna malesuada molestie. Quisque convallis

sapien orci.

Jana KramerNam rutrum arcu id magna fringilla sollicitudin. Quis-que tristique tellus turpis, et molestie urna malesuada molestie. Quisque convallis

sapien orci.

Miranda LambertNam rutrum arcu id magna fringilla sollicitudin. Quis-que tristique tellus turpis, et molestie urna malesuada molestie. Quisque convallis

sapien orci.


Page 15: Blush Magazine (Malick)

Most girls see makeup as something that is a hobby or just part of their daily routine, but for some girls like Ashley Rockwell, 21, and Crystal Primeau, 20, it is their entire life. Many twenty-somethings wake up each morning and think about going to their college classes, finishing homework or doing the same thing day after day sitting at an office desk. Rockwell and Primeau decided to go a different path and have no regrets. From YouTube to Sephora

Rockwell, from Sandusky, Ohio, chose to do the Master Makeup Artistry Program at Makeup Designory (MUD) in New York City after graduating high school.

“YouTube is really what I owe my ca-reer to because without it, I may never have discovered my biggest passion!”

Ashley Rockwell

She first became interested in makeup and the beauty community when she was a freshman in high school. She had discovered the beauty community on You-Tube and was instantly hooked. “YouTube is really what I owe my career to because without it, I may never have discovered my biggest passion!”

“I knew I would never be happy in the typical college setting”

Ashley Rockwell

Although Rockwell’s friends al-ways have been very supportive of her pur-suing beauty as a career, her parents were wary of her decision, as most parents would be! “It was a very long struggle to get them to agree to letting me go to makeup school in NYC, but I couldn’t give up on it. I knew I would never be happy in the typical college setting,” she said. She finally convinced her parents to go tour MUD with her, and they were able to see the bigger picture. Her parents are now extremely supportive of her decision and are very proud of her. To any student who wants to pur-sue beauty as a career choice, Rockwell tells them to never stop practicing on anyone

who will allow you to, because it is the only way that you will truly master your skills. However, her biggest and most important piece of advice is that if you really love beauty and makeup, “do everything you can to hold on to that passion.” Disapprov-ing family members or a creative block might disrupt your passion, but she encourages those interested to spend time playing, experimenting and researching. She said she found that passion is the thing that gets her through even her most difficult days. Rockwell has since graduated from MUD and is now a Sephora Color Consultant/Makeup Artist. Her favorite part about her job is that she constantly gets to make people feel beautiful. “It’s an incredible feeling to finish a makeup application and see your client’s face light up when they see themself in the mirror. It’s an indescribable feeling–and it’s a feeling that I never want to go away!” As for the future, her ultimate goal is to build her own beauty brand. She would love to eventually open a beauty studio where clients would be able to get their makeup done, attend classes, have one-on-one lessons and hold events. She also wants to be able to create her own makeup line and write a beauty book.

Overcoming bullying through makeup

Primeau, from Kingston, Ontario in Canada chose a similar path as Rock-well and pursued a beauty career. She went to St. Lawrence College for Esthetics and Hairstyling. Primeau did not become inter-ested in makeup until eighth grade when she got her makeup done for graduation She had been bullied a lot that year for being overweight, but said that getting her makeup done gave her a “HUGE boost of confidence,” and she fell in love with it. When thinking about what she wanted to do when she got out of high school, Primeau never could decide what to pursue. She went back and forth between a nurse, teacher or doctor for years. She finally

decided that she knew she loved beauty and that that feeling would never go away, so she jumped into the industry. Everyone knew that beauty was the perfect career choice for Primeau, and she has been told that she “glows” when she talks about her career. Her grandma did not love the idea of it at first, because she had been so excited when Primeau previ-ously told her that she wanted to be a nurse. Primeau’s mom and sisters loved her career choice, though… they get their eyebrows waxed for free! Another huge part of Primeau’s beauty life is on YouTube. She makes beauty videos, which is considered being a “beauty guru” in the YouTube community. She cur-rently has more than 21,000 subscribers and close to 200 videos that are uploaded to her channel. Primeau began making videos the summer before going into high school, after coming across a Lip Smacker collection video on YouTube. She remembered being lonely after being bullied a lot the year before, and she figured that YouTube was something that she could do for fun to get her mind off of that.

This year’s CMAs had some of the best red carpet fashions


Makeup: A Hobby or Career?


Rockwell practices her skills.

Primeau does a client’s makeup.

By: Jessica Malick

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“The comments I get always put a smile on my face and remind me that I’m cared for, and I can do great

things.”Crystal Primeau

Primeau’s favorite part about being a beauty guru on YouTube is that she is able to interact with her subscribers and reply back to comments on her videos. “The comments I get always put a smile on my face and remind me that I’m cared for, and I can do great things,” she said. YouTube also has allowed her to do some pretty amazing things. She has gotten to work with great companies like Maybelline and received a press pass for the International Makeup Artist Trade Show (IMATS), so she got in for free “Little eighth grade Crystal would be so proud,” she said. If you are thinking about taking a similar route as Primeau, she recommends that you just go for it. She loves that there is so much room to grow because the beauty industry offers so much. She also recogniz-es that there will always be people who downgrade the beauty industry, but to that she simply said, “Don’t get discouraged by those remarks. You’ll be the one laughing when you spend all day doing makeup for a fashion show–trust me.”

Primeau is currently an estheti-cian and hairstylist. She is not completely sure what she wants to do in the future be-cause there are so many options, but she has thought about owning her own business, working on a cruise ship and traveling

the world or working for one of her favorite makeup companies. She cannot wait to see where life takes her!

Go for your passion

Figuring out how to jump into the beauty industry can be difficult and overwhelming, but sometimes it just takes one simple step. YouTube is a great way to get started because there is a huge beauty community full of young women who support one another and inspire each other to push themselves to do new and exciting things in the makeup industry. Women such as Bethany Mota started their careers with this one step, and it completely changed her life. At only 19 years old, Mota is one of the most well-known beauty gurus in the world. After uploading her first video of a Mac and Sephora haul to YouTube in 2009, her career skyrocketed from that point and it led her to amazing things. She now has more than 9 million subscribers and over 784 million channel views. Mota was one of three YouTubers to interview President Barack Obama and also was a contestant on Danc-ing With The Stars in 2014. She has been on talk shows such as The View, has her own clothing line and is currently beginning a music career. Although all beauty careers do not lead to fame, the point is that if beauty and makeup are something that you are extremely passionate about, go for it. Never let fear or the thoughts of others get inside your head, because at the end of the day, your own happiness needs to come first.

Meet YouTubeBeauty Gurus

Bethany Mota


• Macbarbie07• 20 years old• 9 million+ subscribers

• Ciaaobelllaxo• 889,000+ subscribers• Cosmetologist


One of Primeau’s hair transfor-mations.

Rockwell does a client’s makeup.

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Ulta, $12.99

Ulta, $30.00

Ulta, $18.00

Ulta, $3.99

Ulta, $30.00

Garnier BB Cream

Benefit Fine One One

Lorac Pro trio



December Favoritesfrom the editor


Urban Decay setting spray

NYX round lipstick


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Maecenas non nisi id purus dictum pellentesque. In hac habitasse platea dic-tumst. Mauris maximus ultricies ipsum sed auctor. Praesent ornare enim nunc, nec ultrices augue tempor eget. Proin eget nisi risus. Maecenas vitae mi vel. Morbi quis pellentesque mauris. Donec sollicitu-din condimentum nibh, at molestie.

Donec convallis aliquam justo, ac hen-drerit diam tempor sed. Donec sit amet commodo ex, ut laoreet lacus. Aenean scelerisque pulvinar convallis. Nunc massa neque, mollis at sodales a, blandit varius libero. Aliquam commodo mi eu erat ornare, vel consequat libero aliquet. Phasellus pellentesque rhoncus diam.

Quisque hendrerit ornare augue ut maxi-mus. Curabitur sed velit ultricies, imper-diet sem id, tincidunt mi. Cras dignissim ipsum at nisl accumsan sodales. Nam vestibulum lobortis condimentum. Nam lacus felis, egestas tincidunt finibus in, accumsan sit amet justo. Etiam sed ex quis lorem blandit faucibus rutrum.

Pellentesque pulvinar, velit vel pharetra sagittis, quam nisl aliquet velit, nec tincidunt lacus eros non nulla. Fusce sollicitudin metus quis molestie luctus. Nunc venenatis orci eget sodales efficitur. Ut ullamcorper cursus urna quis porttitor. Praesent eget purus id lectus bibendum commodo ut id est. Ut.

Pellentesque quis eros a odio condimen-tum efficitur vel id nulla. Nam scelerisque sem nec leo volutpat elementum. Donec ullamcorper, metus vitae ullamcorper tristique, quam ligula ultricies purus, eget blandit turpis elit a risus. Fusce nec molestie est, ac semper nibh. Fusce sit amet viverra nunc.

Nullam facilisis lacinia tempus. Mauris maximus, leo eu porta dignissim, sapien tellus posuere velit, at aliquam ipsum diam eget augue. Aliquam id arcu orci. Etiam vitae finibus ex. Aenean elemen-tum varius ipsum ac commodo. Nam neque elit, dignissim et accumsan in, blandit at ex. Morbi.






Check out the step-by-step pictureson Instagram! @blushlifestylemag

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College should be the best years of your life. Between tailgates, joining Greek life, meeting life-long friends and moving away from home, college life allows you to find yourself on your own and at your own pace. Although social life is what we all look forward to when it comes to the “college experience” we can’t forget about what we are all here for: a degree. A degree means classes which means exams that takes us to finals week which amounts to one thing: stress. Stress is the inevitable result of college that all students face at dif-ferent points during the semester. You may be stressing about failing your exam that is worth 45% of your final grade or you might feel anxiety about meeting new people in your dorm. There is, however, a bright side to all of the anxiety and stress you may feel now. There are so many people on campus and around you that are looking to help you fight your feelings of stress. Olivia Weber is a senior at Shippensburg University who has dealt with stress for the past four years. As her final semester is quickly approaching, she has mastered the art of dealing with her stress and anxiety. Olivia is a full-time student, a resident assistant, on the events committee for Shippensburg’s PRSSA, and also has a weekly internship at a marketing agency about 40 minutes from campus. Her workload may be over-whelming but she does everything she can to prevent any possible stress. “The ways that I manage all of the stress is to break up studying. I will set aside blocks of one hour times to study instead of studying for 4 hours straight,” Olivia says. She mentions how spending time with her friends and making time to go to the gym has helped her with keeping a balance between work and pleasure. “I think it is important to take time for yourself when you are dealing with stress.” Luckily enough, there are on-cam-pus organizations that aid people in their stress management. Feel uncomfortable talking with others about your stress? That’s no problem. Setting time aside for physical activity is one of the top recom-mendations for people relieving stress. Whip out the old yoga mat and find local or on-campus classes to really “zen” yourself.

Zumba is a great way to get your head out of the books and to get your body into the music. It is fun and is a rigorous work out as well! On-campus counseling centers are filled with professionals who know exactly how you’re feeling right now. They are more than willing to sit down with you to discuss any hiccups in your daily routine that may be the root of your stress. Shelbie Rackley, the GA at Shippens-burg University’s counseling center, knows the importance of stress management. “Stu-dents will come in the counseling center all the time to talk about the anxiety that their workload gives them or any personal issues they may have as well,” proclaims Rackley. She provides three helpful tips on how to say “bye-bye!” to the stress:

1. Do something you enjoy. Don’t feel guilty putting off your paper that is due to-morrow and go out and have fun! The break will help clear your mind and reenergize your thoughts.

2. Think about the present. Don’t spend time worrying about what might happen in the future and focus on what’s going on in the present.

3. Let your feelings out. Sometimes you just need to let it out. Cry, laugh, sing, dance, nap. All of these things will help release the emotions you may have bottled up inside.

Stress is never a fun thing to deal with, but it is preventable. Focus on the main areas that give you stress and attack it with an open-mind and a new attitude. You can’t wish away stress (although we all wish we could!) but you can try your best to avoid it. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help There are people waiting to help you enjoy the best years of your life. “Life is not waiting around for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Go dance, my friends!

De-Stress From CollegeBy: Taylor Rogers


Zumba is a great stress reliever–plus you get a workout!

Shippensburg University of Penn-sylvania

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DrinkingDangersNulla libero leo, fringilla ac odio in, gravida lobortis nisi. Aliquam imperdiet et est eget volutpat. Sed varius at odio sed ultricies. Proin vel sagittis sapien. Nulla feugiat facili-sis gravida. Praesent in neque at orci phare-tra aliquet vitae in orci. Duis ut felis sit amet elit commodo consectetur. Pellentesque habitant.

Nulla libero leo, fringilla ac odio in, gravida lobortis nisi. Aliquam imperdiet et est eget volutpat. Sed varius at odio sed ultricies. Proin vel sagittis sapien. Nulla feugiat facili-sis gravida. Praesent in neque at orci phare-tra aliquet vitae in orci. Duis ut felis sit amet elit commodo consectetur. habitant.

Nulla libero leo, fringilla ac odio in, gravida lobortis nisi. Aliquam imperdiet et est eget volutpat. Sed varius at odio sed ultricies. Proin vel sagittis sapien. Nulla feugiat facilisis gravida. Praesent in neque at orci pharetra aliquet vitae in orci. Duis ut felis sit amet elit commodo consec-tetur. Pellentesque habitant.

Nulla libero leo, fringilla ac odio in, gravida lobortis nisi. Aliquam imperdiet et est eget volutpat. Sed varius at odio sed ultricies. Proin vel sagittis sapien. Nulla feugiat facilisis gravida. Pellentesque habitant.

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Quick Meals for College

Integer ut leo dignissim, eleifend sem laoreet, placerat magna. Pellentesque at neque in ante accumsan cursus. Sed volutpat urna id ornare sagittis. Nunc vitae erat varius, fringilla turpis eu, mollis nisi. Donec ullamcorper massa sed nulla viverra varius. Morbi ut lorem congue ex facilisis egestas in eu ligula. Vestibulum sodales.

Vivamus sit amet lobortis nulla. Mauris sit amet justo sed purus tempus posuere. Praesent aliquet sapien ut ex vestibulum auctor. Curabitur at pulvinar augue. Proin velit libero, maximus eget ullamcorper quis, sollicitudin quis ipsum. In enim metus, cursus ac consectetur. Curabitur est metus, varius et odio sed, scelerisque malesuada ligula. In enim metus, cursus ac consectetur.

Nunc tristique massa non elit luctus, ut porta augue maximus. Sed sollicitudin ornare porta. Nunc porttitor, nisi a vul-putate tincidunt, ipsum lacus consequat leo, quis gravida nulla metus quis nunc. Praesent non auctor sapien, vel pharetra odio. Ut at finibus enim, in gravida lec-tus. Nullam consectetur, nisi in luctus mattis.

Breakfast Casserole

Garlic Bread Pizza

Chicken Broccoli Alfredo



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Presidential Candidate of the Month

Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur nisl ligula, gravida at nulla at, tempor vehicula dui. Vivamus gravida velit non eros pretium tincidunt. Aenean eget enim at augue imperdiet tristique. Donec in leo id lorem vestibulum egestas sed vel neque. Cras sed hendrerit nisi. Curabitur mi mauris, hendre-rit eu mauris luctus, semper dapibus lectus. Integer consectetur nibh eget commodo pharetra.

Praesent in lorem euismod, porttitor metus eget, aliquam diam. Suspendisse luctus faucibus orci eget varius. Donec finibus erat urna. Morbi sodales, eros finibus feugiat vo-lutpat, odio libero sollicitudin ex, in aliquet leo arcu non velit. Donec finibus nulla sit amet facilisis pulvinar. Phasellus vitae orci non risus hendrerit rhoncus varius at nulla. Morbi faucibus rutrum ex, a fermentum mi mollis eget. Proin dictum, libero sed finibus tempus, nibh tortor consectetur justo, non lobortis orci nibh vel augue. Mauris lacinia libero at quam ultrices tincidunt. Quisque venenatis leo quis erat convallis eleifend.

Nam aliquet vestibulum felis, ac dictum dui finibus interdum. Quisque egestas massa tincidunt mi blandit varius. Nunc sagittis convallis lacus a malesuada. Maecenas malesuada lobortis egestas. Sed ac turpis mi. Donec dapibus libero sodales

nunc pharetra gravida vel porta risus. Cura-bitur et tortor ex. Cras quis posuere felis, ut maximus nunc. Suspendisse lorem.

Nullam quis fringilla ipsum. Nulla non con-vallis purus. Duis mattis felis at ullamcor-per faucibus. Vivamus vitae porttitor nibh. Donec pulvinar ante id bibendum fermen-tum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam sodales, justo id pretium tempor, libero neque tempus purus, vel accumsan diam ligula in augue. In sed ante at magna condimentum suscipit. Mauris scelerisque est eget purus hendrerit malesuada sit amet ac metus.

Aliquam lorem sem, venenatis non vehicula ac, tincidunt vitae est. Mauris sed orci a nulla dictum porta. Class aptent taciti so-ciosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos.

Suspendisse ac justo quis magna ullamcor-per accumsan. Phasellus suscipit sollic-itudin quam varius vehicula. Sed condi-mentum pharetra facilisis. Donec augue dui, vestibulum at neque non, accumsan interdum elit. Quisque ac ullamcorper lor-em. Fusce quis condimentum ex, ut semper ex. Ut lobortis libero eget ipsum pharetra, convallis eleifend ipsum lobortis. Nulla

vitae justo ut nibh feugiat maximus. Morbi ultrices ullamcorper ornare. Proin pharetra, nulla at tristique malesuada, diam massa sagittis nisi, sed finibus eros elit sit amet nibh. Donec sollicitudin vehicula justo in luctus. Mauris ornare mi elit, eu sceleris-que tellus viverra vitae. Curabitur et tortor mollis, sagittis odio sed, fringilla tellus. Quisque tristique urna sit amet ex ultricies, ac tempor odio tempus.

In quis arcu lorem. In ac justo a neque scel-erisque aliquam eu sed mi. Duis quis risus id turpis porttitor iaculis. In vitae ipsum tristique, tincidunt neque sed, cursus mi. Morbi porta faucibus massa ut eleifend. Sed quis pulvinar sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Cras vel lectus rhoncus, interdum lectus at, convallis elit. Duis ullamcorper est sed tor-tor aliquam, non venenatis arcu interdum. Praesent et justo efficitur, congue lectus quis, accumsan sem. Curabitur sit amet tortor lorem. Vivamus mattis ultricies libero nec molestie. Aliquam vel velit maximus, aliquam tortor eu, euismod.


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Sorority of the Month

ALPHA PHIFormed: In 1872 at Syracuse University

Values: Sisterhood, service, scholarship, leadership, loyalty and charac-ter development

Colors: Silver and Bordeaux

Flowers: Lily of the Valley and Forget-Me-Not

Symbol: Ivy leaf

Constellation: Ursa Major, the Great Bear

Mascot: “Phi Bear”

Philanthropy: Alpha Phi Foundation, Women’s cardiac care


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