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Page 1: Blue Collar Continuity Funnel – Part 1: Video · Blue Collar Continuity Funnel ... Then it stops working. Or, something

Blue Collar Continuity Funnel – Part 1 - Video 4

But, let’s look at this real briefly. The product is called the Blue Collar Continuity

Funnel, right? Probably not the best headline in the world, doesn’t have to be,

but that’s what it was. That’s what I was selling.

Then the benefit: “The No-Nonsense & Non-Fancy Conversion Funnel That

Creates Passive Income Like Clockwork”, which most of the passive income is

going to come from next week, but this is 15 minute a day income.

“You’ve got 15 minutes a day...”, that’s kind of the subtitle, right? It’s just, “Hey,

I can do this.”

Here’s a little proof element right here. That’s the only thing that’s really

different, I throw in a proof element. This can be kitchen table logic. It doesn’t

have to be hard-coded figures and cents... you can leave this out. It just

depends on what you’re doing.

Then I come in here. Here’s my character, right? “Pretty simple dude. Live in

Russellville, Arkansas.”

Then I do it a little different, right? “I run a simple 7 figure business from my

upstairs office”, is a little bit of a dream, right? “Most of my internet friends can’t

quite figure out how I do what I do.” That’s probably some recognition with you

guys. “I call this the ‘Blue Collar Way’…”

I just go over here... here’s my struggle. Come up with my struggle. My conflict.

Some more character reveal, and just getting so that you know that I’m like you.

The wife test, right? Big tip.

Here starts coming my climax. And my discovery. And, this I do a little different

here. So sometimes you’ll have a double climax.

So, you find something that works in a movie... the character finds something

that works. Then it stops working. Or, something gets a little bit worse. Then he

overcomes that.

So, I found my Blue Collar Conversion Funnel. But, I wasn’t quite earning the

continuity, or I wasn’t feeling confident about my income, until I discovered

continuity programs.

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Once I did that, then I got the conclusion that I wanted. And, then I just throw

in the offer, right? Pretty simple offer in here. What am I offering? Why is the

price special? And, the buy link, right?

I’ll have Honey probably just make this into a PDF so you can have it. It’s a very,

very common type of little mini sales page. I knocked this out in about two and

a half - three hours.

Now, I say I knocked this out... I just put it into a word file and then I sent it up

to Annette, who’s my web girl, and she pasted it all down there. It’s just way

over my head to do.

If I would have done it, it still would have worked. It would have looked, ‘now,

this is a page I made’. (Laughing) Okay? Now that’s the page that I made, right

there. Okay, so that’s the page that I made.

Thank you Chris. He says, “It sure worked well. It got all of us here.” Awesome.

Yeah. And, it works across all different kind of niches.

And, I have clients that just make offers and they send them straight to the

Clickbank page like this, and it works too. It probably doesn’t work as well as

having a little, “Here’s what you get.” But, I’ve got clients that do this as well

because the email conversion funnel just works so darn well.

But that is the sales-page. I did want to give you a couple of writing tips. “Oh

seeee! Finally, he’s going to say it’s all about writing!” Nope. (Laughing) I just

want to give you the main ones that will take you... it’s all the writing tips you’ll

probably ever need.

First one is, “create mind movies”. How do you create mind movies? You just

work in all five senses that you can.

Most of the time it’s going to be vision oriented. What do they see? What do

they hear? Right? Give them something to hear. Remember that, “Wikki, Wikki,

Wikki...SHUT UP!”

Just stuff for them to hear. You know, the ding of a bell. Crack went the whip.

The sound of my hard drive. I made the sound, “chi-ca, chi-ca, chi-ca, click,

click”, or whatever. Just give them something to hear.

Make mind movies. So, don’t say, “felt throbbing pain in his chest.” I mean

that’s okay. Are you still going to sell if you say, felt throbbing pain in his chest?

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Yes, you’re still going to sell if you do what I’m telling you to do with the

relationship. These are just writing tips.

This is better... “Karate chop in the heart. Got a karate chop! Felt like a karate

chop right in the heart.” Right?

Second writing tip, this is one of the biggest writing tips that I can give you. I

didn’t learn it from myself. It’s one of the main writing tips they give writers and

that is, “Never tell when you can show”.

What does that mean? Means you don’t say, “she was depressed.” You’re telling

somebody, she was depressed. You want to show the action.

“She slogged around the house.” Right. “She slogged around the house.

Shoulders slumped. Hasn’t bathed in five days.” (Laughing) “Bird’s nest in her


You see what I’m saying? You don’t make... they come to the implication. They

come to the conclusion that she’s depressed. Now, will you still sell if you say, “I

was really depressed one winter morning”? Yeah, you’ll still sell.

If you go about what I’m telling you to do, it’s not about the writing. But, it

makes it a little more entertaining if you say, “It was a snowy December, five

days after the rent was due, about 14 shopping days left till Christmas, and I

had five dollars left in my bank account.” True story.

Way different, right? You’re settin’ the scene.

I looove using questions. So that’s tip number three. Use questions. You want to

get that dialog going.

Sometimes you want to say, “Does that make sense? Do you hear me? Does

that make... Can you feel what I’m diggin’ out...puttin’ out?” If that’s not

authentic to you, don’t say it.

But, I also like to use questions to get people to do stuff rather than telling them

to do stuff. So instead of saying, “Get started today” I could say, “How soon do

you want to see your first book on Amazon?” Probably today, right?

I use questions. Instead of telling them how great it would feel if he took you in

his arms, took both hands... took your face in both hands, and kissed you like

he hadn’t seen you in five years, I could say, “How would it feel for you...” And,

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turn that into a question.

And, they have to imagine that in their mind, right? You want to be careful with

questions too. I’ve seen email marketers try, and it’s not going to like devastate

their sales or relationship, but they say, “Don’t you just hate me?” Now the only

way for them to come to a conclusion in their head is they have to picture

themselves hating you.

I’d much rather say, “Who loves ya?”, right? Here’s this, this and this...who

loves ya? And you guys probably saw me do that in my email. Who loves ya,

question mark. Cause they have to say, “See how much I love him.” See, they

have to at least ask that question in their mind, right?

“How painful is it if you were to reach age 65 and have to live off of social

security?” It’s a lot better if I get them to imagine it. It saves me from having to

light their island on fire, right?

So questions can be very, very powerful.

Awesome. So let me give you some things to do immediately, and now, that will

help you to take some of this and make it yours. Because this stuff sitting in

your notes ain't gonna help you.

It’s like anything. I can tell you all the intricacies of how to ride a bike. I can say,

“You put one hand on the right hand side, you put one hand on the other side.

You put your butt square on the seat. You make sure it’s sided-up right. Make

sure it’s not too tall for you... here’s how you can tell that.”

But there ain’t, (I’m using ain’t to make this sound gritty and stick in your head)

there ain’t no way for me to teach you how to balance. Right? I can tell you pick

a time, pick a place, pick a thing. Then pick a tip, mash them together. But,

you’ve gotta practice that a little bit. And it’s not that hard.

And when you, when you take off on that bike, will your handle bars go buuuu,

buuuu, buuuu-ahhh, they wiggle a little bit, will you take a couple of stumbles?

Will you write yourself into a couple of corners? Ab-so-lutely. And that’s okay.

The first thing you do is you start mailing more often. Start with the why you’re

doing this. If you already have a list, if you already have a business, and even

if it’s a small list, you can make good money from small lists. But start with why

you’re doing this.

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If you haven’t told them that say, “Hey, you know what? It just occurred to

me...” Yeah, I might start an email like, “I was thinking about you last night...”

That would be great. Self-interest and curiosity, right? You want the whole list

to open it.

“I was thinking about you last night. I’ve been thinking about how we’ve been

together, we’ve been talking together for X amount of months.” You can even

dig into Aweber and have it post exactly when they signed-up to your list.

“And I’ve never told you why I do what I do. I’ve never told you why I’m

passionate about...” blah, blah, blah, blah. “So I thought I’d rectify that right

now.” Da ta da ta da.

And, you could end it up saying, “You know what? Also, I’ve never asked you

about you. What...” blah, blah, blah, blah. So, that’s what I would recommend...

to start doing right now.

Also, in the meantime, map out your heaven, your hell, and the hooks, right?

Get that all mapped out. You have that all sitting in front of you for your niche

so you can say, “Here’s all their symptoms. I can talk about this symptom


Cause when you’re sitting there with 15 symptoms, and 15 different ways their

heaven island looks at, and 5 different ways... 5 different benefits of your... Or,

10 different benefits, or 15 different benefits of the boat that you have, or the

various boats that you have to offer, now you have hundreds of emails you can


Cause you can take one symptom, mesh it with one obstacle, mesh it with one

dream, right? So you’ve got all these different interactions that you can write


Also, map out your short CC story, right? It can be short. You want to have it

short first, and then you can expand upon it as you do your character reveals

over time.

So, for like InstaCash Keywords, I’ve kinda already done this, but, you know, “I

was a small town boy, from a small town area. Not a whole lot of opportunity. I

was working my butt off 70 hours a week. My wife wasn’t particularly happy

because I was missing anniversaries. I wasn’t much of a father, and something

had to give.

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“So the Internet came around, and I struggled with that. And, it made matters

even worse because now I was spending even less time with the family.” Right?

My struggle.

“Then I finally...stumbled upon this little...” You know, there’s my discovery,

right? “I finally just discovered that if I was going to make some money, I had

to get into niches where they’re like almost slobbering. They had a big, huge

desperate problem to solve.

“And this changed everything for me. I remember having my first hundred and

twenty-five dollar day on a product called, Video Professor. And, it was so

amazing for me and now, you know, I work from my home.

“And, still the basis for a lot of my businesses is making sure I’m talking to a

hungry crowd. So, we’re going to be talking about, over the next coming times,

you know this is why this is important to me. Cause I’ve been through what

you’ve been through.

“And, I don’t think people should have to work 70-80 hours a week. I believe in

family. Family should be together.

“So now I’d like to hear a little bit about you. Why is this important to you to hit

your goals? What are the things...” I don’t want to do it all in one email, but

that’s your short story, right?

And then you will go and expand. So you might, later on in a few emails down

the thing, say, “Hey, I was telling you about... I was telling you about my work,

but I really didn’t tell you about the worst part of it...” Right? And then I expand

on the story.

You know, I might even ask a question, “Guess where I was when my father

died? Anybody have a guess where...” I’m not talking to you, I’m just talking

about my email.

“That’s right. I was at work. I was doing an install for a barbecue restaurant in

Little Rock. I was an hour and a half away.

“Not only that, but he’d asked me several times to go on a fishing trip with him

before he passed away. Guess the reason I gave him for not going? I have too

much work to do, dad.”

Alright. So that hits people. Especially if you have a powerful story. They

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remember that. That resonates with them and the why becomes super

important. So, map out your short story, and then you want to expand on that

for sure.

So awesome! So I know I’ve given you guys a lot, your heads are probably

swimming. The recordings, because this was so long it will probably take a little

while for Honey to process this and get it uploaded.

But, the second she’s notified me, I’ll let you know that the recording is up. She

will also get to work, she’s an amazing woman, she’ll get to work for you on,

we’ll probably do executive notes first. I’ll give her my outline and let her add in

stuff here, we’ll do executive notes first so I can get you the executive notes.

And then she will get you the expanded transcription, which probably won’t be

word for word. But it will be very, very close. Along with screenshots of the

different emails and everything.

In the meantime, I’m going to be sending you these examples that I have... I’ll

be sending you more samples.

And, our next get-together is a week from today. The same Bat-time, and the

same Bat-channel.

The content will be a little bit, a little bit lighter because I’ve shown you, like,

the heavy lifting. We’re just going to show you how to apply it to selling

continuity. And how I mastered this to sell so much continuity. And, it’s so easy

when you have this down too.

And, then we’ll have lots of time for Q&A on the next session. I’m going to go

ahead and take some Q&A right now for anything that I can clear up for you

guys. I try to do this throughout here.

Awesome. So, I’m getting lots of great feedback from you guys.

Joyce, “I love your style of writing. On metaphors.”

New one, “I’m concerned that if you’re giving away all your nuggets in email,

and every link goes to a pitch, are you conditioning your readers that, ‘click link

equals gonna sell me something’?”

Yeah. It works pretty good! (Laughing) Joey, it works pretty good. Click link,

gonna sell me something.

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Now, typically what I do is, I like to send it to content, like VSLs. That’s why I

love VSLs. And again, depending on what niche you’re in and what you’re

selling, but, if you’re in the information business, there’s lots of VSLs you can

sell as an affiliate that have great content in there.

But, there’s no reason that you can’t link I said, what I was saying with

the landing pages, you can link to a little presale page, or a modified

short-order version. Now this is going to my page.

But you really don’t have to, if you’re selling as an affiliate, you don’t have to do

this much offer stuff. You just put in a link there.

But, yes, the whole goal with this is to offer people stuff that will help them get

from point A to Point B, and to have them buy it. I have no qualms with people

knowing that I’m there to sell them stuff. Don’t buy the stuff that won’t help you.

Buy the stuff that will help you.

If your wife has cheated on you, I’m just using examples, your wife has cheated

on you, or you suspect your wife is cheating on you and you need to know the

truth, this is the best way that I found to find out. By the way, if you offer crap,

and people buy crap, they ain’t going to buy no mo’.

Okay. That’s why you want to offer them good stuff that actually helps them.

That’s why I usually have 10 or 12 different products that I’ve been through

exhaustively before I promote those.

Does that help, Joey?

If you have something that you don’t believe in, don’t sell it. If you have

something that helps people, it’s helping them get out of a situation, it’s your

obligation to me.

It’s like everybody that’s here, I wish everybody on my list could be here. If you

guys didn’t notice, I tried really fricken’ hard. And, it wasn’t because I wanted

your hundred dollars. Yeah, I’m a business man, that’s awesome. But if you

could talk to my wife, I’ve been talking about putting this together for a long

time now.

Now, I think this is the missing piece of the puzzle for average, ordinary people

to make this business work. And so, I really pushed hard for this because I think

it’s the best thing, it’s the BEST way, that I can serve you... is this training.

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And, I will... I’ll turn this into a five hundred dollar product. I could probably

turn it into a $2000.00 product if I make it into a six-week course and add a

bunch of extra stuff to it.

But, I wanted to help folks that were like me. That have a hard time making it

work, or are in a business that they’re struggling with. So, I have no problem

mailing often for it. Just like Instacash Keywords, I’ve mailed for that probably

a hundred times, and I’m glad I do it.

Alright, let’s see. “What’s the best way to use this on a small scale list. Okay,

Chris that’s a good question. I didn’t really cover it here.

So, Chris, what niche is your list in? Can you tell me that?

Okay, cool. Auto auctions. So, I’ve done really, really well, and I see other

people do really well with small lists. And it’s really about having a more

dramatic conversation.

So, what do you sell? What problem do you solve for these guys, Chris?

Free buyers report. So, what does your product do? What’s the end result?

Finding cars in their local area? Finding cheap cars in their local area? Do you

show them how not to get a lemon? All of the above?

Oh, I see. Okay. So, you’re selling a CB auction listing product.

Yeah, so, if you haven’t mailed them in awhile, it’s kinda the same thing as what

do you do when you haven’t talked to a friend for awhile, right? You don’t just

start... people say, “Oh. You should start sending content.”

I don’t necessarily believe that’s true. It’s the same thing as what do you do

when you haven’t talked to somebody in awhile. You want to reengage in a


Now, depending on how old and how long you haven’t contacted that list, it may

be time that you want to make a new list out of the old list. The best way to do

that, that I’ve found, especially if you have a small list... if you’re doing big

things with a small list, is very short emails.

So, it’s going to require a lot of manpower. But, if it’s a small list it’s not that


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But, I would say you could come in and send an email, and I would just say,

make the subject line: First Name or Quick Question. It would be a quick

question. And I’d say, “Are you still interested in (blank)?” And that’s it. “Chris”,

or whatever your pen-name is.

You will get, if you’ve got a hundred people on your list, your best chances of

getting responses are to come back like that. They’ll say, “Yeah. I’m still


Then you want to follow-up with, “Awesome!” I’ve just put together...” And

something that they want. So, I don’t know exactly what they want, right?

“So, I’ve just put together (blank) and I was wondering if you’d be interested in

having that?” You don’t give them the link! At the very beginning.

Again, this is like a conversation, right? You don’t say, “Hey, I’m wondering if

you’re still interested in (X)?” And they say, “Yeah, I’m still interested.” You

don’t say, “Oh, then blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah,

blah, blah. Blah, blah. Blah, blah.”

No. That’s not the way a conversation goes. Say, “Oh, that’s awesome. It’s

great to hear from you. I was asking because I’ve just come up with a new (blah)

and I was wondering if you’d like to get it?” And you send that response back.

And, they’ll say, “Yeah. I’d love to get that.” You know. Say, “If you’d like it, I’ll

send you a link.” And they say, “Yeah. I’d love to get that.”

Perfect. Then you send them the link.

So, that’s the way, if you have a really tiny list, by the way you can do a lot, a

lot of sales if you have a small list... and you’ve really got to make it, that’s a

really great way to start.

Short. Expecting response. And, you just start up a conversation.

So, if you’ve only got 50 people on your list, by the way, I didn’t come up with

this. A really ingenious guy named, Dean Jackson came up with this in the real

estate niche. And it’s basically, he calls it, “The 9 word email”. I would Google

that. Genius.

But, you can do thousands of dollars. Especially if you’ve got coaching programs

worth thousands of dollars, in really small lists because you can get a lot of

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responses back.

I’ve done some in my relationship niche selling $500.00 coaching. I’ll say, “Hey,

are you still interested in finding your soul mate?” Right? I get lots of responses

back. My list is almost too big for that because it takes me so long to get

through the responses.

Then you start up conversations. I farm off a lot of my coaching in the

relationship... the actual one-on-one coaching, but I’ve got somebody that does

that for me. And I get a 25% cut. I like what they do. So, we can sell that off

that way.

Even if it’s a small little niche, and you’ve got a $50.00 product, you can start up

little conversations that way... with little 9 word emails. And it’s short,


So, here’s kind of the way Dean Jackson talks about it, say, “Are you still

interested in buying a home in...or selling your home in Boca Raton?” And the

people come back and say, “Yeah. I’m still interested.”

And then, he’ll come back and say, “Well, tell me a little bit about your house.”

And, he makes it really, really easy... like, you know, “How many bedrooms?”

And they’ll come back and say, “It’s six bedrooms.” They will come back with

some more information.

Then he asks them another question. Right? “How long have you been trying to

sell it?” And they’ll come back with some more information until he hits the

tipping point where they just spill all the beans.

I forget what he calls that, but this is where they spill all of the beans. It’s like,

“Oh yeah. I’ve been trying to sell it for like 4 years and every time I try to do it

I get this problem. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah.

It’s where they give you so much information it only makes sense to say, “Hey,

would you like to get on the phone?” Or, “Hey, would you like to meet up and

talk about this?”

But, you can do the same thing in anything you sell really. You just, you gotta...

“Hey, are you still interested in getting clients for your reputation management


“Yeah. I’m still interested.”

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“Great. How many clients are you getting now every month?”

“Oh, six or seven.”

“How many would you like?”

“Ten or twelve.”

“Cool. The reason I’m asking is I’m putting on a free class for people trying to

get clients in reputation management. I was wondering if you’d like to come to

that? If so, just let me know and I’ll just drop you a link.”

“You know, I’d love to come to that.”

Then you drop them the link. So, you just do bite size conversations steps.

That’s how you can turn a small list into lots of responses.

Alright, I’m going through my questions. (Reading questions) “How important

is the bait piece for optin?” It’s everything man.

Eric says, “How important is the bait piece for the optin?”

Most people will sit there and try to massage the words, and (laughing) just use

a different bait piece, dude. Seriously, it’s everything.

When the fish are hungry, as long as you’ve got some bait that’s like food, that’s

awesome. But, if the fish are being finicky, if you’re taking worms out and

you’re not catching any fish, then you want to try to change up your bait.

You might just be in an area of catfish, and you change it up to chicken liver and

you’ll get a lot of catfish. Better than worm... catfish will eat worm, but chicken

liver’s better. Yeah. It’s all about the bait, man. It’s all about the bait piece.

So, what I would recommend is that instead of trying to massage words, which

is what almost everybody tries to do... again, copy-writing is not the most

important thing, is that bait piece is everything.

I’ve used this example often, but if you’re at a Star Trek convention and you

have Leonard Nimoy’s... if you’ve got a spot to have dinner with Leonard Nimoy,

you don’t need a whole lot of convincing, or fancy writing. It’s like, “Anybody

want to eat dinner with Leonard Nimoy?” Bang! You’ll be mobbed, okay?

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But, if you start trying to sell, “How many guys would like to learn how to build

your own simulated phaser?” That’s going to be less so, right? I mean, that

might work. But, change your bait up.

“Can you share me your sign-up pages?”

You bet, Max! I’ll send you those by email. It’s really nothin’. You’re going to be

like, “Okay, that’s it?” You know. Cause it’s really just about... it’s nothing fancy.

Like anything I do, it’s not fancy.

“How do you recommend finding a good niche when you consider yourself not

to be overly interested in any specific thing?”

Well, I bet you are interested in some specific things. But what I will do, let me

put it on my notes here, I will send you also, “The Seven Niche Factors That

Never Fail”, which is my guidelines. I’ve come up with it.

And, like I said, it’s never failed. I’ve failed them sometimes. But there are

several niche factors, like "Mind Share". Like, how often do they think about

their problem everyday? What’s their emotional temperature? How deep of a

problem is it?

I think about going to the bathroom several times a day. But it’s not emotionally

meaningful to me, (laughing) unless it starts burning or something. (Laughing)

You know! Then I might think about it a little bit. About getting my prostate

checked out or something like that. That’s probably TMI right there.

But, yeah. So I’ll send that over to you.

Eric, no. I do know that sometimes people get stuck in the work grind, and they

kinda feel like the passion has been sucked out of them, and it’s hard for them

to find a niche sometimes. But, I would say look back to your childhood. What

did you like to do then?

You probably do have hobbies. People just kind of overlook stuff. Or they think,

“Oh, I need to be an expert at something.”

I was talking to a guy that really liked golf in the Philippines and he’s like, “I

can’t really write about golf because I’m not a golf expert. I’m no Tiger Woods.”

I said, “Yeah. But you’re in the Philippines, man. There’s like 21 golf resorts

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there. Just because you’re in the Philippines, and you like golf, people would

find it wildly interesting to know about all the golf resorts there.”

And he’s like, “Oh my God!”

You know, it’s a million dollar a year industry. So he can write about everything

he knew about getting to these golf resorts. That’s valuable information.

I said, “Yeah, you could make some money off the subscribers - actual golfers.

But, you can probably sell advertisements to different resorts and everything.”

But, yeah. Just take a look at what you have. Write down what your assets...

what you like. And mix and match some of those.

I do feel your struggle. I help people out with that all the time. Man, I’ve been

in a job so long, that’s so roped, that I just don’t... I just like don’t have any

hobbies or anything. But, so it can be a little difficult sometimes.

I hope that was helpful. I will send you that niche factor report.

“I’d like to go deeper into these material concepts. Can you recommend a great

book or two that would help me?”

Norm, I wish I could. But that’s why I, one of the reasons I’m so powerfully

drawn to this, is because there’s really not a lot of books out there. The books

that I would recommend, aren’t really about sales, they’re about relationships.


You know, Gary Chapman, “The 5 Love Languages” is awesome. I would study

how to build relationships, and I really gave you the cliff-notes of that.

If you follow what I’m telling you, you’re going to develop not only more

personal relationships, but relationships though your writing. I mean, it’s sooo

awesome, man.

And I don’t want to be like, “I’m tooting my own horn.” But it’s so awesome to

go to a convention and I’ve got friends there I’ve never met, man. And people

feel like they’ve known me forever. And, I’ve of course bonded with them. I feel

like I know them.

But, it’s really all about relationships. What I hated about, I’m not beating up on

anybody, but everybody says, “Oh, the money’s not really in the list, it’s in the

relationship.” But, then they don’t tell you how to build that relationship.

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Except, “Oh, send them content 80% of the time.” Or , “No, send them content

50% of the...”, “No, send them content...”, “No...” You don’t build a relationship

by sending people content.

So, I wish I had better books to recommend for you. I know that “Irresistible

Offer” was immensely helpful for me for crafting offers and crafting, kind of,

how I did the segues into my emails. Cause we’re kinda making an offer to click

all the time.

So, “Irresistible Offer”. I think it’s by Mark Joyner, fabulous book. But yeah,

there’s just really not a lot of stuff out there that I could recommend to you.

Okay. So, Eric’s asking, “How much work did you initially put into building your


That’s a good question. So, here’s the way it works. It’s kind of like getting a

rocket ship, as far as energy and stuff, it’s kinda like getting a rocket ship... you

spend most of your energy getting the rocket off the launch pad.

And here’s why. To get the rocket off the launch pad you expend a lot of fuel -

It means building the list. But, more importantly, it’s not about building the list.

It’s, “How am I making this list profitable?”

So, I’m getting these subscribers. How much money am I making from this list?

Because it’s that money which is like the height of the rocket.

And, what naturally happens, unless somebody’s fundamentally broken as a

business person and just doesn’t reinvest, but what fundamentally will happen

is at first you will use a few free methods to get people in.

And you say, “Wow! I’m making some money.” Or, most people...a lot of people

won’t even make any money and just end right there.

But, if you take what I’m telling you, you’re going to make money. But, what will

happen is you’ll make a little bit of money and you’ll say, “Wow, this is pretty


Then you’ll go out and you’ll either get people to write articles for you, or you

somehow buy more traffic. And you’ll make a little bit more money and you’ll

say, “My God! I’m only getting like 10 visitors a day and I’m making a hundred,

two hundred dollars a day now.” Right?

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And, it becomes self-motivating because now you’re going to say, “Okay, great.

So, now I’ve got a bucket that’s holding water. Now I want to go out to all the

different water spigots that I can. The water faucets. And see how much water

I can put in this bucket.”

And, you’ll start saying, “I wonder if I can use Facebook? I wonder if I can buy

solo leads?” Right?

I’ve got one of my clients right now is spending up to two thousand to five

thousand dollars on email solo drops. And, he makes his money back in like the

first day or two. And he’ll add 800, a 1000, to 1500 people on his list at a time.

So, it becomes less and less work the more and more you focus on your funnel.

And, you focus on building a better bucket. And, there’s a few things, like

coming out with higher ticket offers and everything. But I did a fabulously,

wonderful business without that before.

But what happens is, then everything starts to work for you. It’s not really work

once the rocket starts getting some altitude and it goes up into space,

everything starts working for you.

You can go and buy Yahoo Stream ads, you can go advertise on Bing, you can

advertise on Plenty of Fish, you can go advertise on Facebook.

And, some will work better than others. But you can pretty much say, “Okay. So,

they come to this page. They optin. Here's how many buy in their first week.

And here's much stuff I'm going to sell them down the road.”

I have lists, I can't even calculate, I've given my calculator a hernia trying to

figure out the return on investment on it. Then you just want to keep new leads

coming in all the time.

So, you can take a portion of what you're making, and you take a portion of that,

and you put new leads in. And, it just depends on how much money do you want

to make? And, how big can you get?

For some of us we get tapped out on a niche. It depends on what kind of niche

you're in. If you're helping DJ's with their gigs, you're only going to get so big,

and be able to buy it in so many places, right?

So, once you've bought all the media that you can buy that's profitable, then

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you’re faced with a different decision. Do I go into a different niche? Or, do I go

deeper into this niche? Do I offer deeper products?

So, most of my list-building's on auto-pilot now. I've gotten to a point now

where I have people drive traffic for me. It's not cheap. And, there's their own

problems with that because I have to find the right people to manage it. And

they make mistakes and stuff.

This whole game is about, “How do I turn subscribers into money?” And that's

all about the relationship. People get that so wrong. They're out chasing traffic,

chasing traffic.

It's like, going to water faucets and your bucket has big, big holes in it. And,

you're driving yourself mad because you go to one spigot, to another spigot, to

another spigot and you just can't get the water back to the house.

And, you think there's something wrong with the water. You think there's

something wrong with the traffic. Facebook traffic doesn't work. Google traffic

doesn't work. Twitter traffic doesn't work.

And that's not the problem. The problem is that your bucket’s broken. So that's

why, again, that's why I'm so passionate on this.

Let me see...any other questions? Okay, Norm’s asking, “Do I recommend

selling affiliate offers or creating your own products?”

So, here's what I like to do, Norm. Now, I haven't gone into any brand new

niches in awhile, but my basic ammo is start selling it as an affiliate first and

make sure that my audience will buy this stuff.

And, I've been correct in how hungry my niche is and what I'm offering to them.

Make sure I'm correct on all that.

Then, once I know what they're actually buying, then I'll create my own product

around that. And, that's worked pretty well for me.

Now, sometimes what will happen, I'll just make this really short, but most

people think I just started doing 'get your ex back' stuff. Like, I just had this

geniousness to say, “Oh, you know what's not out there is helping people

getting their relationships put back together.” That's not what happened.

I went out there and I was trying to figure out how to sell more,

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more, more online dating stuff. And, I was actually considering

buying a white label dating site, and I've still considered it, but I never... it's like

one of my back burner projects.

But what happened is, I realized I was looking for an in, and you cannot get on

any of the online dating keywords, it was just too expensive, or too competitive.

But I realized that, you know, as I thought about my parade of people... how

are they getting to these dating sites? How are they getting to these sites?

Most of them were coming off of breakups. And, most of them were coming off

of divorces. And I saw all of that...a big opening there. And my goal was never

to, I never even thought about creating a product there.

But my whole goal was to start up a break-up advice column where I'd help

them get over the breakup. And then I would gently lead them to the other

thousand fish in the sea. And, I would sell tons and tons of online dating stuff,

as kinda taking that angle.

And, it worked really well. But as I corresponded, just like I showed you with

them, I corresponded with people and kept my ear to the ground. But a lot of

folks told me, “I just want to fix things with my ex. We broke up over a really

stupid reason, and I just want to fix it. Do you have any help for me?”

So, I found a product buried on Clickbank, I don't even was like

300 or something like that, it had a crappy sales page. I bought the product.

The product was actually pretty decent. It was helpful.

And, I just told my list about it. Just kinda like, “Hey, I know I've been working

with most of you going through a breakup, and I'm hoping I'm really helping

you guys ease that pain. I've been trying to help you get back on the horse

again. But, I'm also listening to a lot of you guys telling me that you just want

to fix things with your ex.

“And, so I found this little helpful guide. Please pay no attention to the sales

page because it's awful, but I actually bought it. Here's what's in the chapters

and everything. And, if it's something you're going through, and you think it will

help, I highly recommend it.”

And, golly... they bought it like crazy. And, so I said, “You know what? With my

background...” And I really was like the 'Dear Andy' of the ship, and I've always

studied relationships for various reasons. It was right up my alley. So, I came

up with that product there.

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So, go as an affiliate first. Then you can go as your own product. And, you can

always sell other affiliate products too. That's a huge part of my back-end in the

relationship niche, is the twelve or so products that I really like, that I cycle

through and sell as an affiliate.

Thank you, Michael. “Thanks Travis. Great value. And, over-delivered as usual.

Plenty of nuggets today.” Awesome.

But, the biggest thing you can do for me is to go out and use this, and tell me

that you're making money with it now. That it's changing your life. That's why

I'm really doing it for.

Jim Boatwright, he's an old, old friend... Internet friend. He's recommending a

book. I've not...I think I, I may have this, but, “Soft Selling in a Hard World” by

Jerry Vass. Thank you sir.

Yes, Terry. How could I forget, “Influence”, by Robert Cialdini (I always say his

name wrong). Some very useful things in Influence. Just don’t get overly

relying on them.

It’s more about building the relationship. But, the Influence stuff...the scarcity

stuff, we’ll talk a little bit more about that on our next meeting. But, yeah.

That’s a really good... every marketer needs to read that.

Chris is asking me, it’s just more of a site specific thing on get your ex back

stuff...what I’m finding works really well right now, (I’m redoing my video sales

letter and everything) is I’m just going to be helping them with the “Magic

Second Chance Letter”.

Which is the hand-written letter they write to their ex to get the ball rolling. But,

I have that in my, “Mind Magic Kit” right now as something that you could give

away. If you contact me outside of here, I can get that to ya. I won’t give it to

everybody because everybody probably won’t need it.

Okay. So, Camille, (I may be saying your name wrong...I may be butchering

your name. I apologize) “I’m brand new to Internet Marketing and pursuing my

dream to live the life of financial aid and time and freedom through affiliate

marketing. What approach and techniques would you recommend to me? What

would be your best advice to me? There’s so many techniques from blogging to

paid traffic. Please help.”

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Okay. So, what I will do is I will send, “The Seven Niche Factors That Never Fail”.

You want to pick out a niche in the health, wealth or love area. You don’t have

to stick to those, but those are the time-laden ones.

But, you want to pick out a specific niche for you. You don’t just want to say, “I

help anybody lose weight.” You want to help vegans lose weight. Or, you want

to help women that just gave birth lose weight. You want to find a specific niche

that you can get into, that you can see as a target market.

And, then you want to start-up your list. That’s the very first thing you want to

do. Tell them about your story. Of course, that will take you awhile to figure out

what niche you’re going into first.

But, take a look at yourself. What things have you overcome? What things do

you like to write about? What things can you give tips and metaphors on? And

then match that back with my, “Seven Niche Factors That Never Fail”.

But the best advice I can give you, and I could have shaved two years off of my

time, was to start building that audience. Again, the list is the best thing you

can do.

And, you have to just start by getting a few people on there. Find out what the

niche is. What’s the bait? I hate to saying bait. Like everybody’s a fish.

But, what is it that they want? Right? What can you offer them that would be

something that they would say, “Oh yeah. I definitely want that.”

Let’s say, if I’m starting up in the metal detector niche, what is it they want?

You know. Maybe they want a map of the ten best places... the highest

concentrated gold places where people leave gold around.

Or, maybe there’s some kind of software that lets them track how much gold

they found in their metal... I don’t know. But, you want to find something that’s

very, very sweet for them, then you want to offer that. Get them on your

audience and then apply the techniques that I’m telling you here.

And, sell from your email list, and just develop your relationship with your

audience. That’s the best advice I can give you.

But, there is a lot to factor in picking out your niche as well. And, you need to

have that, “Seven Niche Factors That Never Fail”. If you pick the wrong niche

you’ know, I’ve seen people go into, “I’m gonna help people get rid of

ants!” You know. (Laughing)

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Well. That’s not a very good niche. It’s good thinking, you know, because they

see a lot of search volume on it, but it’s going to be hard to make a living off

teaching people how to get rid of their ants. Because once they’re rid of their

ants, then what else are you going to do after that?

Or, helping people quit drinking is another one. It violates one of my niche

factors. It’s hard to get somebody to quit drinking. It’s also hard to sell


You don’t want to get into, “I’m going to show you how to prevent a heart

attack.” It’s very hard to sell prevention

Now, where you can sell prevention is to the people that love them. So, if you’re

selling to wives, “Here’s how to prevent your husband from having a heart

attack.” But, you won’t sell it to him.

You can help sell things to the nurturers, or the caretakers. But, you won’t be

able to sell prevention to them. So, I’ll give you that. It will make it a lot easier

for ya.

All right. Well, the questions are winding down. Ronald asks...Yes, Ronald! “Is

it possible to do many multi-day promos for one product in a month?”

Abso-freaking-lutely. And, then we’re going to talk a lot about that in the next

session, which is coming up next Tuesday.

We’re going to talk about promos. And just how to rock it, rock it, rock it, rock

it with multi-day fun event promos, and selling continuity and stuff. So,


“How many is too many as far as the promos?”

Well, if it’s fun you can’t do too many. If you’re just talking about, can I promote

the same product... yeah, if you have only one product, you can still do daily

emails. Just coming at it with different angles.

And, you put the link at the bottom to buy. And, it works extremely, extremely

well. I don’t know if that’s what you’re talking about.

When I usually do an affiliate product, I don’t just do it for one day. I’ll usually

do it for two, three or four days. And, I’ll come up with different emails, and

different angles, and different sequencing.

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Now if I do a promo, which I just consider a promo to be something with a time

deadline, or an event, I make it into a fun event.

Like I did a, “Hell Hath Frozen Over Sale” and I made that a fun seven day event.

I sold 587 copies of a product where they’ve seen the offer over, and over, and

over again. And, I can do it again and again.

It may not sell 587. But, how many promos, or events do you do a month? Yeah,

if you do a big long one, I usually do like one a month. It just depends on how

much fun you’re making it? If you’re making it fun, you can do a lot of them.

You can do more than one.

Awesome. Anymore questions? I am all yours.

Well, awesome guys! This has been great! I will see you next week. And, go put

what I’m teaching you to use today.

Talk to you later.