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Blood Brothers

GCSE English Literature



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Examination in May of Year 11:

i) Read an extract from Blood Brothers and answer a question about how a character or relationship is presented, or how a mood/atmosphere is created. 10


ii) Answer one of a choice of two questions that require you to write an extended essay on a theme, character, relationship or concept. 20 marks.

AO What’s it testing? Top band criteria:

AO1 Your ability to:

• read a text and think of your

own ideas about it; • select and evaluate relevant

quotations to illustrate and support your ideas.

You show you can:

• choose relevant, short quotations that are embedded in your paragraphs.

• speculate/offer tentative judgements;

• evaluate characters/relationships and attitudes / motives;

• at the highest level, consistently handle texts with confidence, have an overview and ability

to move from the specific to the general.

AO2 Your ability to:

• analyse the quotations you’ve

chosen to answer the


You show you can:

• show appreciation of how writers use language to achieve specific effects;

• make assured exploration and evaluation of the ways meaning, ideas and feelings are

conveyed through language, structure and form.

Tackling the extract question

1. Highlight key words in the title and establish the focus of the question. 2. Start with a statement that shows the examiner that you have an overview:

• If the question is about mood and atmosphere start with a direct comment about it: The mood and atmosphere in this extract is hostile.

• If the question is about relationships again make a statement: In this extract, Mickey and Linda’s relationship is…….

• If the question is about a character start with a statement: In this extract, Mrs Lyons is… 3. If you notice a change in atmosphere, relationship or character, tell the examiner and consider why. 4. Now track through the extract selecting key quotations that connect to the question. Annotate the extract so you know what points you’re going to

make using those quotations.

• COW – Comment On Words (be specific).

• Work right through to the end of the extract. 5. Think about why the extract has been chosen. It may be a turning point, or it could reveal something significant about a character. 6. Watch the time! 20 minutes to read, analyse and write your answer. 7. NEVER treat the extract like an unseen:

• It makes the audience wonder why they are there. x

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Drama Key Words

Antagonist A character or force against which another character struggles.

Character An imaginary person that inhabits a literary work. Dramatic characters may be major or minor, static (unchanging) or dynamic (capable of change).

Climax The turning point of the action in the plot of a play and the point of greatest tension in the work.

Comic relief Comic relief does not relate to the genre of comedy. Comic relief serves a specific purpose: it gives the spectator a moment of “relief ” with a light-hearted scene, after a succession of intensely tragic dramatic moments

Conflict What causes the drama

Dialogue The conversation of characters in a literary work. In plays, characters' speech is preceded by their names

Dramatic irony When the audience knows more than the characters.

Exposition The first stage of a fictional or dramatic plot, in which necessary background information is provided

Foreshadowing A literary technique that introduces an apparently irrelevant element is introduced early in the story; its significance becomes clear later in the play.

Monologue A speech by a single character without another character's response.

Props Articles or objects that appear on stage during a play. Props can also take on a significant or even symbolic meaning.

Soliloquy A speech meant to be heard by the audience but not by other characters on the stage (

Stage directions

A playwright's descriptive or interpretive comments that provide readers

Symbolism The use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense.

Tragedy A type of drama in which the characters experience reversal of fortune, usually for the worse. In tragedy, suffering awaits many of the characters, especially the hero.

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Context: Fill in what you know about each of the topics.

(Un)Employment in the 1980s Grammar schools vs secondary moderns

Catholicism Changes to Liverpool in the second half of the 20th century

Marilyn Monroe Margaret Thatcher’s Britain

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Blood Brothers: An Overview


Poor Rich

• Mrs Johnstone – Single, working mother of a number of children

• Mickey – Youngest of the children

• Sammy – Older brother, criminal

• Linda – Childhood friend and eventual wife of Mickey

• Mrs Lyons – stay-at-home mother of Edward

• Mr Lyons – Edward’s father (who we rarely see as he works so much)

• Eddie – Only ‘child’ of Mr and Mrs Lyons


Deserted by her husband, Mrs Johnstone already has seven children and is expecting twins. She

cleans house for childless Mrs Lyons who offers unofficially to adopt one of the babies. Mrs Johnstone

reluctantly agrees; she knows that the child will be well brought up in a prosperous household. However,

there is a prophesy that twins parted at birth will die when they discover the truth, and both mothers do

their best to keep the twins, Mickey Johnstone and Edward Lyons, well separated.

The situation becomes harder for both women when Mickey and Edward meet while playing in the

street and when an immediate bond is formed between the two. They become "blood brothers". Mrs

Lyons eventually moves to the country.

Soon after, Mrs Johnstone is rehoused nearby and the boys meet again when they meet and fall in

love with the same girl, Linda.

As Edward goes on to higher education, Mickey must take a boring job. After marrying Linda, he

loses his job. He turns to crime but gets caught and sent to jail. On his release ,he becomes dependent on

tranquillisers. Linda turns to Edward, now a councillor, for help. Edward gets Mickey a job - and a house.

Then Mrs Lyons tells Mickey that Edward is having an affair with Linda and Mickey goes after Edward

armed with a gun. He finds him at a meeting but cannot shoot him - until Mrs Johnstone bursts in and tells

them the truth.

Mickey kills Edward and, in turn, is shot by the police.


Motherhood Class Friendship

Life chances Love Freedom versus restrictions

Nature versus nurture Superstition Growing up

Violence Society


Use of songs Symbol of Monroe Role of narrator

Parallel lives Indexical signs of class Imagery of superstition

Imagery of dreams and longing Brechtian epic theatre techniques Juxtaposition of mood


Musicals used to be stories which stopped to sing a song. The modern musical uses songs to tell the story.

• Songs are used for many purposes: To tell the story e.g. Marilyn Monroe, Light Romance. To condense time e.g. Summer Sequence. To express emotion e.g. Tell Me It’s Not True. To explore character e.g. That Guy.

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To create atmosphere e.g. Shoes Upon the Table. To explore motivation e.g. My Child. Underscoring is used for dramatic moments.

Act One: Before the twins are born What is the effect of knowing the end of the play at the beginning? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





The Narrator introduces us to the major themes of the play. In your own words, summarise what he tells us. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………









What impression do we get of Mrs Johnstone in the narrator’s opening speech? What kind of mother are we expecting? How? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………






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Comparing the Mothers Mrs Johnstone Mrs Lyons

Quotation What it tells us about her/her life. Quotation What it tells us about her/her life.

“Having babies is like clockwork for me.”

“We thought children might come along.”

“New shoes on the table, take them off…”

“Mrs Johnstone, with two more children how can you possibly avoid some of them being put into care?”

“With one more baby we could have managed. But not with two.”

“I’ve dreamed of all the places I would take him…”

“And when he grew up, he could never be told, to stand and queue up for hours on end at the dole.”

“I must have my baby. You swore on the Bible.”

“Only for a time, I must not learn to call you mine…”

“Any opportunity and she’s cooing and cuddling him as if she were his mother…I think she should go.”

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The Twins: Aged 7 Mickey Edward

Speaks Speaks

Behaves Behaves

Education Education

Home life Home life

How he’s treated (Policeman) How he’s treated (Policeman)

Other points Other points

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Kids’ Game: How does it foreshadow the play’s later events?

‘Our Sammy’ Highlight the things Sammy owns of which Mickey is jealous in one colour. In another colour, highlight all the things Sammy does that Mickey respects. Our Sammy's nearly ten. He's got two worms and a catapult An' he's built a underground den. But I'm not allowed to go in there, I have to stay near the gate 'Cos me Mam says I'm only seven, .. But I'm not, I'm nearly eight! I sometimes hate our Sammy, He robbed me toy car y' know, Now the wheels are missin' an' the top's broke off, An' the bleedin' thing won't go. An' he said when he took it, it was just like that, But it wasn't, it went dead straight, But y' can't say nott'n when they think y' seven An' y' not y' nearly eight. I wish I was our Sammy, Y' wanna see him spit, Straight in y' eye from twenty yards An' every time a hit.

He's allowed to play with matches, And he goes to bed dead late, And I have to go at seven, Even though I'm nearly eight. Y'know our Sammy, He draws nudey women, Without arms, or legs, or even heads In the baths, when he goes swimmin'. But I'm not allowed to go to the baths, Me Mam says I have to wait, 'Cos I might get drowned, 'cos I'm only seven, But I'm not, I'm nearly eight. Y' know our Sammy, Y' know what he sometimes does? He wees into the letter box Of the house next door to us. I tried to do it one night, But_ I had to_stand on a crate/ 'Cos I couldn't reach the letter box But I will by the time I'm eight.

End of Act One

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What’s the mood at the end of Act One? How is this created? What’s the effect on the audience? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………














Opening of Act Two What do we learn about the Johnstone family in the opening song of Act Two?











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The Twins: Aged 14 Mickey Edward

Speaks Speaks

Behaves Behaves

Education and how he’s treated Education and how he’s treated

Home life Home life

Anything else Anything else

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The Mothers’ Confrontation Read page 77 (“Mrs J is lilting We Go Dancing…”) to page 79 (“…woman gone mad”).

How has Willy Russell made this scene dramatic for the audience? Consider:

• Presentation of the relationships between the characters

• Language / dialogue

• Use of music and sound effects

• Positioning of characters on stage






















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Summer Sequence Study and annotate the Summer Sequence when the teenagers grow up. Terms to think about: foreshadowing and symbolism.

There's a few bob in your pocket

And you've got good friends,

And it seems that summer's never coming to an end

Young, free and innocent, you haven't got a care,

Apart from decidin' on the clothes you're gonna wear.

The street's turned into Paradise, the radio's singing dreams

You're innocent, immortal, you're just fifteen.

The Narrator becomes the rifle-range man at the fairground. Linda, Micky and

Edward pool their money and hand it in to the rifle-range man. He gives the gun to

Mickey, who smiles, shakes his head and points to Linda. The man offers the gun to

Edward but Linda takes it. The boys indicate to the rifle-range man that he has had

it now Linda has the gun. They eagerly watch the target but their smiles fade as

Linda misses all three shots. Mickey and Edwards turn on Linda in mock anger.

They are stopped by the rifle-range man throwing them a coconut which is used as a

ball for a game of piggy-in-the-middle. When Linda is caught n the middle the game


And who'd dare tell the lambs in spring

what fate the later seasons bring?

Who'd tell the girl in the middle of the pair

the price she'll have to pay for just being there?

Throughout the following we see Linda, Mickey and Edward suiting their actions to

the words – coming out of the chip shop, talking, lighting a cigarette by the


But leave them alone, let them go and play

They care not for what's at the end of the day.

For what is to come, for what might have been

Life has no ending when you're sweet sixteen.

And your friends are with you to talk away the night

Or until Mrs Wong switches off the chippy light.

Then there's always the corner

And the street lamp's glare

An' another hour to spend, with your friends, with her,

To share your last cigarette and your secret dream

At the midnight hour at seventeen.

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Throughout the following we see Linda, Mickey and Edward, as at the beach, Linda

taking a picture of Mickey and Edward, arms around each other, camping it up for

the camera but eventually giving good and open smiles. Mickey taking a picture of

Edward and Linda, Edward down on one knee and kissing her hand. Edward taking

a picture of Mickey and Linda. Mickey pulling a distorted face, Linda wagging her

finger at him. Mickey chastened. Linda raising her eyebrows and putting one of his

arms around her. Linda moving forward and taking the camera. Linda waving the

Narrator to snap them. He goes. Linda showing the narrator how to operate the

camera. Linda, Mickey and Edward, grouped together, arms around each other as

the Narrator takes the picture. They get the camera and wave their thanks to the


It's just another ferry boat, a trip to the beach

But everything's possible,

The world's within your reach

An' you don't even notice the broken bottles in the sand

The oil in the water and you can't understand

How living could be anything other than a dream

When you're young, free and innocent and just eighteen.

Linda, Mickey and Edward exit.

And only if the three of them could stay like that forever,

And only if we could predict no changes in the weather

And only if we didn't live in life, as well as dreams

And only if we could stop and be forever, just eighteen.

What is the function of the Summer Sequence?










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The Twins: Adults Mickey Edward

Speaks Speaks

Behaves Behaves

Education Education

Home life Home life

Views on life Views on life

Anything else Anything else

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Why does the writer use dual action in the section when Mickey meets Sammy and Eddie asks Linda to marry him?









How does the Narrator link the robbery to the games they played as children?






What does the incident with the tablets show about Linda’s feelings for Mickey?





Why do you think Mrs Lyons tells Mickey of the ‘affair’? How do you react? Explain your reactions.





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How does the Narrator build up tension as Mickey goes to find Eddie?









“Why didn’t you give me away? I could have been… I could have been him!” What do Mickey’s final comments reveal about the important ideas in the play?







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Social Class

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Nature vs


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Mrs Johnstone

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Mrs Lyons

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Mr Lyons

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BB Questions Past Paper Questions

2005 Who or what do you think was the most responsible for the deaths of Mickey and Edward?

Give advice to the actor playing Mrs Johnstone on how she should present the character to an audience.

2006 Imagine you are Linda. At the end of the play you think back over your relationships with Mickey and Eddie. Write down your thoughts and feelings. Remember how Linda would speak when you write your answer.

At the beginning of the play, the Narrator introduces Mrs Johnstone as, “the mother, so cruel”. How does the play go on to create sympathy for Mrs Johnstone?

2007 What do you think about Mrs. Lyons and the way she is presented to an audience?

How does Willy Russell present the theme of social class in Blood Brothers?

2008 Give advice to the actor playing Mickey on how you think he should present the character to an audience.

At the end of the play the Narrator says, “And do we blame superstition for what came to pass?” How important do you think superstition is in affecting the outcome of the play?

2009 For which character in Blood Brothers do you have the most sympathy? Show how Willy Russell’s presentation of your chosen character creates sympathy for him or her.

Write about the Johnstone family and the way they are presented to an audience.

2010 Imagine you are Mrs. Johnstone. At the end of the play you think back over its events. Write down your thoughts and feelings. Remember how Mrs. Johnstone would speak when you write your answer.

At the beginning of Blood Brothers, the narrator’s first speech tells the audience how the story ends. How, then, does Willy Russell keep the interest of an audience throughout the play?

2011 Give advice to the actor playing Edward on how he should present the character to an audience.

How is the character of the Narrator important to the play as a whole?

2012 Imagine you are Linda. Sometime after the events of the play you think back over your relationships with Mickey and Edward. Write down your thoughts and feelings. Remember how Linda would speak when you write your answer.

At the end of the play, the Narrator suggests that superstition could be one of the causes of the tragic deaths of Mickey and Edward. To what extent do you agree?

2013 How does Willy Russell present the contrast between Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Lyons as mothers?

How is childhood presented in Blood Brothers?

2014 How does Willy Russell show the influence society has on individuals in Blood Brothers?

Show how Willy Russell presents the changing relationship between Mickey and Edward throughout the play, from their first encounter, to their deaths.

2015 ‘Mr. Lyons appears in Blood Brothers only occasionally, yet he is a crucial character.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Show how Willy Russell presents the changing relationship between Mickey and Linda.