Download - Blessings March 2012

Page 1: Blessings March 2012

BlessingsA p u b l i c a t i o n o f B y r o m v i l l e B a p t i s t C h u r c h

InsidePastor’s column. . . . . . . . . . p. 2

Daylight Saving time begins. p. 2

Thanks from DFCS. . . . . . . p. 3

Assn’l mission trips. . . . . . . . p. 3

Glee Club concert.. . . . . . . . p. 3

Family conference. . . . . . . . p. 4

Newborn. s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5

Members news. . . . . . . . . . . p. 5

W omen’s Spring Event.. . . . p. 5

Baby shower. . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 5

Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 6

Monthly info. . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7

W eek of Prayer & AAEO. . . p. 8

M a r c h 2 0 1 2

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Andy Boyd

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In the ball parkwith Brother Andy

During the dates ofThursday, March 29 -Sunday April 1, I ammost honored toparticipate in the SpringKairos Meetings whichwill be held at DoolyState Prison. A team of40 pastors and Christianlaymen will pour thelove of God into 42inmates curren t lyserving time in Dooly.

This will be a life-changing experience for all of us. Many will pray to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. I am so honored to ask you for the following types ofsupport in the “AGAPE MINISTRY” of KAIROS.

Prayer AgapeRegister for this on your computer.

!In your browser enter:!Click on: Prayer Vigil!Click on: Check out a list of prayer vigils!Scroll down to: Dooly State Prison!Click on: Dates on the far right side!Sign up for an available time slot.

During the weekend, the inmates are shown theprayer calendar to demonstrate the love of Christianspraying for them as we are meeting.

Brown AgapeEach participant from the outside is requested to bring12 dozen homemade cookies to the weekend. Thesecookies should be baked, cooled and placed 6 cookiesin a small ziplock bag. (We cannot bring aluminumfoil or any metal pans into the prison and nopowdered cookies.) Place these cookies in thebaggies and then into a small box. I’ll pick thesecookies up at church on Wednesday, March 28.

Paper Agape

Children in the Sunday School classes are asked tomake cards with artwork for the inmates. These cardscan say things like: “God loves you”, “Jesus lovesyou”, “I’m praying for you!”. The cards should besigned by the children–first name only and age. Forinstance: “Sara–age 8.” I’ll pick these up when I getthe cookies.

Green Agape

Each participant is asked to contribute $125 for theweekend. If you wish to contribute on my behalf,please make your donation to Byromville BaptistChurch on or before Sunday, March 25, 2012. Mark“Kairos Ministry” in the lower left hand corner. I willbe thankful for any amount you give.

Grace Plus Nothing study continuesThis tremendous study continues each Wednesdayevening at 7:00 p.m. The participation remainsstrong, although we are missing a few who began thestudy. (no guilt trip intended!) Please remember: “YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO IT -YOU GET TO DOIT!” I’ll see you this Wednesday.

I’ll see each of you on Sunday, with a smile on yourface, a song on your lips, joy in your heart, a kick inyour step, a friend by your side, and a tithe check inyour pocket.

Love to you!Andy

Daylight Saving time begins Sunday, March 11, 2012.

Set your clocks up one hour

Saturday night.

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Remember to pray

for the pastor search.

Page 3

Dear Church Members:

The Dooly County Department of Family andChildren Services sincerely appreciates your generouscontribution to helpmeet the needs of families andchildren during the holiday season. With your help,106 families, which was a total of 241 children and 10elderly, received food and gifts this year. On behalfof those families, we say thank you. All fundingcame from private sources. We could not have doneit without your help. We appreciate your continuedsupport of our agency and concern for those lessfortunate. We look forward to working with youagain next year.

Sincerely,Deborah Smith, Director Dooly DFCS

Associational news

Mission trips toWest Virginia andClarkston planned

You can be a part of one or both of these trips. TheWest Virginia trip is set for July 14-21. Presently, nodate has been set for the Clarkston trip, but mostlikely it will be some time this summer. For moreinformation about the trips including the costs,contact the association at 229-273-4127.

Prayer assemblies March 6Cordele First Church, Lakeshore Church andLakeview Church are hosting associational prayerassemblies March 6 at 7:00 p.m.

A grace funny

A man dies and goes to heaven. St. Peter meets him atthe pearly gates and says, “Here's how it works. Youneed 100 points to make it into heaven. You tell meall the good things you've done, and I give you acertain number of points for each item, depending onhow good it was. When you reach 100 points, you getin.”

“Okay” the man says, “I attended church everySunday.”

“That's good,” says St. Peter, “that's worth twopoints.”

“Two points?” he says. “Well, I gave 10% of all myearnings to the church.”

“Well, let's see,” answers Peter, “that's worth anothertwo points. Did you do anything else?”

“Two points? Golly. How about this: I started a soupkitchen in my city and worked in a shelter forhomeless veterans.”

“Fantastic, that's certainly worth a point,” he says.

“Hmmm...,” the man says, “I was married to thesame woman for 50 years and never cheated on her,even in my heart.”

“That's wonderful,” says St. Peter, “that's worth threepoints!”

“THREE POINTS!!” the man cries, “At this rate theonly way I get into heaven is by the grace of God!”

“Well, come on in!”

Fullington Glee Clubin Concert

March 25 at 6pm

BBC members please bring finger foods for fellowship in Saliba Hall after concert.

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Here’s an event for everyone. Invite your friends,family and acquaintances. Conference leader DanDarden will be addressing issues of interest to anyoneinvolved in relationships. And who is not? He willdeal with the following issues from the centrality ofthe Gospel:

gaddictiongdisturbed emotionsgidolatrygpoor communication/conflict resolution skillsgunforgiveness

The nightly schedule will be supper at 6:00 p.m. andservices at 7:00 p.m. A nursery will be provided. Everyone attending will be blessed by the worshipand biblical teachings.

About Dan Darden

Born in Tallahassee, FL, Dan spent most of his earlyyears in Birmingham, AL. He moved to Macon, GAin 1969, graduating from Southwest High in 1971. Hegraduated from Valdosta State in 1975 with a BS inPsychology.

After graduating from ValdostaState where he played varsitybaseball, Dan entered the UnitedStates Marine Corps as a SecondLieutenant and served until 1985.He then earned his Masters ofDivinity degree from LibertyBaptist Theological Seminary inLynchburg, VA,

He has served as a Senior Pastor and Minister ofEducation since entering the ministry in 1993. He alsoworked in the Georgia Mental Health and SubstanceAbuse system from 1995 to 2001 as a Mental HealthProfessional and Certified Addiction Counselor.

Dan joined the staff at Mabel White Memorial BaptistChurch in 2001 and has served as an associate pastorand Director of Christian Counseling Services.

Dan enjoys playing the guitar (especially the music ofthe 50s, 60s and 70s), writing music and occasionallyplaying golf. He and his beautiful wife Sandy live inMonroe County with five dogs and a cat.

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Ladies you will

love this

Ladies, you are invited to a

Baby Shower Teafor

Alison WillinghamMarch 4 from 2-3pm

Saliba Hall

Alison is registered

at Babies R US,

Walmart and Target.

Page 5

Member news

Welcome to the world DavisJoshua Davis Peavy, Jr. was born February 7 at 11:00p.m. He weighed 3 lb. 14 oz. and was 16 inches long.Congratulations parents Caroline and Josh,grandparents Robin and Mark Peavy and greatgrandmother Virginia Lockerman.

Congratulations Jordan PeavyJordan is pictured above with his grandmotherVirginia Lockerman at his graduation in Februaryfrom South Georgia Technical College. After 18weeks and 700+ hours of intense training, he receivedthe Peace Officers Standards and Training Certificate. Jordan also received the Top Gun Award in his classfor having the highest scores on the shooting range.

Bob Latimerchosen Star Teacher

For the third time during histeaching career at FullingtonAcademy, Dr. Bob Latimer hasbeen chosen as Star Teacher. Bob teaches physics andchemistry.

Anne Graham Lotz will be the featured speaker at thisyear’s Georgia Baptist Women’s Spring Event onApril 27-28 at Callaway Gardens. Others speakersinclude Tom and Kim Blackaby and worship leaderCindy Johnson.

Visit for moreinformation and to register for this event. If you areinterested in going to this very inspiring andinformative event, please see Brenda Lockerman.

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2:00–3:00pm Baby

Shower Tea for

Alison W illingham

7:00pm Deacons


6:00pmFullington GleeClub Concert

Week of Prayer for North American Missions and Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Birthdays Weekly ScheduleSUNDAY

Sunday School. . . . 10:00AMWorship. . . . . . . . . 11:00AMWorship. . . . . . . . . . 6:00PM


Grace study/prayer. . 7:00PM

Nursery for all services.Children’s Church for

Sunday 11AM Worship.


1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

3-1 Rebekah Bowen

3-2 Jurelle Godfrey

3-3 Cami Neisler

Mike Raper

3-4 Kohl Cavanah

Teresa Neisler

Mary Beth Reed

3-5 Jared Averill

3-7 Brenda Dorsett

3-8 Clete Roberts

W endy W illiams

3-9 Kristen Peavy

3-10 Blake Thompson

3-11 Lawson Humphries

3-11 Floyd Tucker

3-12 Jordan Peavy

3-13 Andrew Langston

3-14 Monica Payne

3-17 Linda Bodrey

3-18 Christine Thompson

3-20 Brett W alls

3-21 Tiffany Arnett

Brenda Lockerman

3-23 Sonya W itmer

3-24 Gladys Johnson

Arthur Murray

Brock Thompson

3-25 Elizabeth Taylor

3-25 Jean Thompson

Tonya Thompson

3-26 Carson Godfrey

Johnny Jones

3-28 Robin Nelson

3-29 Jill Brannen

3-30 Lew Brinson

3-31 W inston Overton

4-2 Jeanna Everidge

Penny Langston

Please pray for these folks

on their birthday.

6:30pmByromville TownCouncil Meeting.Municipal Complex

7:30am Van

leaving for Answers in Genesis




Daylight savingtime begins


4:00pm TurkeyCreek FestivalAssn. Meeting,Municipal Compex

6:30pm GEMS St. Patrick’s Day


10:00am WomenOn Mission

NationalGoof Off Day

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Schedule of Volunteers for MarchPlease remember it is up to you to arrange coverage if you are unable to serve on your scheduled day.

Date Flowers Nursery AM Nursery PM Children’s


Deacon of

the Week


Mar. 4 Brenda


Kim Godfrey Robin Peavy Kim/Ryan




Daniel Thompson

George Massey

Mar. 11 Brenda


Michelle Kitchens Brenda




Mark Smith Mark Smith

Quint Smith

Mar. 18 Brenda


Paula Smith Sue Thompson Tricia/Joe Kent Floyd


Monta Averill

William Preston

Mar. 25 Taylor Family Katrina West Rhonda




Joe Kent Mark Peavy

Arthur Roney

February Sunday School Stats

Senior Adults 6FBIC 11CIA 5VOC 6Young Adults 3Older Youth (ages 14-17) 4Double Y (ages 11-13) 5Older Children (ages 8-10) 4Younger Children (ages 6-7) 2Older Preschoolers 0Younger Preschoolers 5Nursery 1General Officers 2TOTAL 56

Financial $ummary

January receiptsGeneral offerings $9,339.00Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 50.00Special–Mailbox Club 50.00TOTAL 9,439.00

January disbursementsGeneral expenses 5,338.01Lottie Moon Christmas Offering 2,116.00Local missions/evangelism 19.94Houston Baptist Association 461.10Cooperative P r o g r a m 1,198.86TOTAL $9,133.91

Making an eternal impactBecause you give to the AnnieArmstrong Easter Offering, NorthAmerican missionaries are able toshare God’s message of love, mercyand redemption with 259 millionpeople without a personal relationship with Christ inthe United States, Canada and their territories.

“The AAEO is a statement by all Baptists aroundNorth America that we is stronger than me. What wedo together will make a combined impact far greaterthan any of us, or our individual churches, could doalone.”

–Joshua Lenon, OhioNorth American Mission Board missionary

Annie Armstrong

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Byromville Baptist Church713 Patterson Street ` POB 126Byromville, GA 31007www.byromvillebaptistchurch.com478-433-2505







Blessings is published monthly by Byromville Baptist Church. Send news items and/or comments to Editor Brenda

Lockerman at POB 217, Byromville, GA 31007, email to [email protected] or call 478-433-2791 .


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March 4-11, 2012This year’s theme is “Whatever It Takes”. Visit for loads of great information aboutreaching North America for Christ. Prayer guides and offering envelopes will be available at the church house. For this year’s offering visual, we plan to use a green plant and add a butterfly for each $20 given.

National Offering Goal: $70 MillionBBC Offering Goal: $1,000