Download - BlackHatToolz Bot User User Guide.pdf · Once clicking Load Accounts in Twitter Bot you will be prompted with the load format: An example

Page 1: BlackHatToolz Bot User User Guide.pdf · Once clicking Load Accounts in Twitter Bot you will be prompted with the load format: An example Bot User Guide

This guide is an introduction to the basic & advanced usage of the bots on This will display

information on how to get your accounts setup within the bots & using each of the features.

Note that to truly understand what actions the bot is performing you should have a good understanding of the

website that the bot works with before attempting to use the program(s) at all.

This user guide uses Twitter Bot as an example program as it is currently the most advanced bot on BHT & all

other BHT programs are similar when performing actions.

PC Requirements

BHT Bots require that you have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile installed onto your machine. This

is installed automatically onto machines that have Windows Update enabled or can be installed separately


For any “Unable To Manage Processed Resources” messages please re-install the program using the BHT

Installer file located here:

General Proxy Information

BHT bots that support proxies support HTTP proxies only. Your proxies can be public proxies, private proxies, IP

authenticated proxies, user/pass authenticated or those that require no authentication at all.

In order to use IP authenticated proxies you should first login to the website where you have purchased your

proxies from & locate the IP Access page & enter the IP address of your machine (

You can find a list of recommended proxy providers for our bots here:

When running multiple accounts on the same website proxies are essential. We recommend running no more

than 5 accounts per single proxy & an ideal number of accounts to run per proxy would be 1-3.

When creating accounts on websites you should also not create more than 1 account per day per IP & if your

proxies are in the same subnet (,, you should also not run multiple

threads to prevent detection from the site that you are botting.

When loading proxies into BHT bots they should be loaded from a text file, 1 proxy per line in any of the

following formats:




Proxy username & password must be provided when using user authenticated proxies. They are not required

when using public proxies / no authentication proxies or IP authenticated proxies.

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General Email Accounts Information

Many bots on BHT support automatic email verification. Where this is supported your email accounts must

also have POP3 access enabled in order to use them with the bot(s).

Supported email providers for BHT bots are: Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, GMX, ChewieMail,,

Email accounts can be purchased from: -

You can create your own Yahoo accounts using our Yahoo account creator here:

General Multi-Threading Information

Multi-threading is the ability for a program to run multiple actions at the same time. In the case of BHT bots

this means running multiple accounts at the same time, for example, if you were to run the Follower Module &

select Threads To Run: 5 then the program will process 5 of your accounts at the same time & once it has

completed any of these accounts that ‘thread’ will move onto the next account in the system to process.

Multi-Threading does use more CPU & memory on your machine so be aware that your machine may not be

powerful enough to run a high number of threads, this is shown by an unresponsive program / very slow

responsiveness & a sign that you should reduce the number of threads that you are running.

Spintax Information

Spintax is supported in all fields that offer this feature; you will see this by the directions above the text box

(Spintax Supported / Tokenizable will be shown).

Spintax allows you to create unique messages / text so that not all of your accounts promote exactly the same


An example spintax text:

{Hi|Hey|Hello|Howdy} {Friend|Follower|Buddy}

The above example would then randomly output any of the following texts:

Hi Friend / Hi Follower / Hi Buddy

Hey Friend / Hey Follower / Hey Buddy

Hello Friend / Hello Follower / Hello Buddy

Howdy Friend / Howdy Follower / Howdy Buddy

In this example there are 12 potential different unique messages from a simple 7 word spintax string.


All BHT programs have many detections & learning systems in place that find potential errors & report these to

you via the process log at the bottom of each of the programs. Occasionally the websites that our bots work

with can change their responses / ways in which actions are sent. In these cases our bots may not be able to

function correctly & require human input to update these for the changes made to the sites. Other issues that

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may occur are site issues, proxy issues & user input errors. Below are some of the potential issues that you

may encounter using our bots & an explanation of each:

“Can't process managed resources” – If you see this error either the .dll file that was distributed with the .exe

has been moved or the packed exe has been downloaded onto a machine that does not support this runtime

method. To resolve this issue download the BHT Installer & re-install the program onto your machine.

“Unknown Issue” – This issue means that the program did not understand the response from the website / a

response other than what was expected has been returned. When this error is shown an error log file is

automatically generated inside of the /datastore/error_logs/ folder in the same directory where the EXE is

placed on your PC. To resolve this issue send an email with all of the log files inside of this folder to

[email protected] with a note of which bot you encountered this issue with & our support will get

back to you as soon as possible with a new release or resolution to the issue.

“The connection timed out” – This error means that the program attempted to load a URL & upon doing so the

response time was longer than your settings set on the settings panel on the Max Timeout setting. This can

occur due to your own bandwidth being throttled (Too many downloads at once for example), the proxy server

having this same issue, or the site that the bot works with having this issue or currently undergoing updates. If

you are continually seeing this error with specific accounts check the proxy that the account uses & if the

proxy is working ok on other websites it is still possible that the proxy has been banned from the website that

the bot works with.

“The remote server returned an error: (403)” – This is a HTTP connection error. This error usually occurs when

the proxy that the program is attempting to use has denied access to your IP address / user credentials,

potentially due to your IP changing on IP authenticated proxies, an expired proxy subscription or incorrect

proxy login information. Other times when this error may occur is when the website that the bot works with

has denied access to the IP / proxy in use.

“400 Bad Request” / “500 Internal Server Error” – This error is shown when the program attempts to send

malformed data to the server. This error often occurs due to an incorrect input from the user, sometimes due

to including spaces in a username or password or characters that the website does not accept for the field that

the program is attempting to use.

“407 Proxy Authentication Required” – This error is created from the proxy server of the proxy that the

program is attempting to use. Make sure to login to your proxy service, confirm a valid subscription, update

your authentication IP & confirm the login information is correct. Sometimes when purchasing proxies it can

take some hours for them to become ‘live’.

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Account Management / Account Manager

The account manager is where you can load your accounts & proxies into each program that will be used to

perform actions on the website that the bot works with.

You can add account(s) to the program individually by entering the required information into the above form.

It is essential that you provide the correct data that the program asks for, in this example a Twitter Username,

whereas some bots may request for an email address. Some websites, E.g. Pinterest, only allow login using an

email address so by providing incorrect data into the bot it will not be able to login to your account(s).

Any fields with (Optional) can be left blank, or with the current text inside of it, E.g. Port (Optional).

Once you have entered your account information into the form click the Add Account button & you will see

your account added to the Account Manager view as seen below.

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Within the account manager you can check accounts individually & select the “Remove Selected Account”

button to completely remove the account from the system, or you can perform mass actions using the buttons

to the site of the form:

Remove All Accounts – This will completely remove all account(s) from the system.

Remove All Proxies – This will remove all proxies from the ‘Proxy Pool’ (More information below).

Export Disabled Accounts – This will provide you with account(s) that have been found as disabled while the

bot has been performing actions on your account(s). This will export nothing if the program has not yet

performed any actions on your account(s).

Remove Disabled Accounts – This will remove any account(s) found as disabled from the system.

You can import accounts / proxies in bulk to the system by using the Load Accounts / Proxies feature.

Accounts & Proxies should be loaded into the system from a text file, 1 account/proxy per line in the format

displayed upon clicking Load Accounts / Load Proxies, E.g. Once clicking Load Accounts in Twitter Bot you will

be prompted with the load format:

An example of a complete load format would be:

BlackHatToolzCo:Password:[email protected]:07841242366

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Any fields that you do not require information for can be left as 0 (zero). The only 100% required fields are the

account’s username & password. An example of skipping some data is shown below:

BlackHatToolzCo:Password:[email protected]:0

In the above example the Proxy Username, Proxy Password & Phone Number were skipped.

Accounts & Proxies

When loading account(s) into the system, either via the individual form or via text file you can choose to add a

proxy to the account, E.g.


When loading accounts with proxies this ties the account to that proxy, so the account will always be locked to

that proxy for any process that is run with the bot. Should you ever change your proxies you will need to

remove the account from the system & re-add the account with its new proxy.

If account(s) are loaded without any proxy then by default they will use your own IP address of the machine

that you are running the program from UNLESS you use the Load Proxies feature, continued below.

The Load Proxies feature allows you to load proxies into the program that will be used for any process where

there is not already a proxy linked to an account. So for example, if you load 10 accounts into the program, 5

with proxies & 5 without then the 5 accounts without proxies attached to them will by default use your own

PC’s IP address. BUT if you also loaded proxies into the program via Load Proxies then one of these proxies in

the ‘proxy pool’ will be used at random each time an action is performed on an account without a proxy.

Be aware that when using the Load Proxies feature & importing accounts without proxies linked to them a

proxy will be chosen at random each time an account is selected to perform an action. So your accounts will be

using a different proxy each time it is used. It is far safer to link proxies to accounts when importing accounts.

You can see if proxies are loaded into the bot just below the account management area:

To remove the proxies loaded from the program use the “Remove All Proxies” button located on the right

hand side of the Account Management tab.

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Account Checker

The account checker allows you to run a scan across all of your accounts to check whether they are

active/disabled, if the proxy on the account is having issues & if an account has other issues, E.g. Temporarily

Suspended / Phone Verification Required / Other potential account issues.

Each BHT bot is different depending on the way in which it interacts with the website but the majority of our

releases allow you to select a mode to check accounts with:

Check By Logging In – This option will login to each of your accounts to check their status. This feature along

with all other features will use the proxy that is tied to the account, a proxy from the proxy pool if there is no

proxy attached to the account but proxies loaded in the pool, or no proxy (your own PC’s IP) if there is no

proxy tied to the account & also no proxies loaded into the proxy pool.

Check By Profile Page – Providing you have loaded accounts with the appropriate data (username rather than

email address or username / user ID where required) the bot will use your own IP address to load up each of

your account profiles to see if they are still available or if they are suspended. This mode does not login to any

of your accounts & is less of a risk to your accounts if you are not using proxies.

You can also load accounts into the bot from a text file to check rather than accounts that are already loaded

into the account management area. To do this simply select the “Accounts From File” option & upon clicking

the Start Process button you will be prompted to load your accounts to check. The format in which these

accounts should be loaded is shown below the form:

See the Account Management area to understand exactly how to format this data.

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After selecting a number of threads to run & clicking the Start Process button you will see the counts update

instantly as each account is processed. Await the process to complete & the process log to report that the

current process has completed or the thread count to reach 0 before exporting accounts or you will only be

exporting the accounts that have been processed by the threads so far compared to all of your accounts

loaded into the system.

Upon completion of the process you can then export your accounts using any of the buttons available. Each

button will export its own set of accounts:

Export Active Accounts – These are active / good accounts that are ready to use.

Export Disabled Accounts – These accounts are banned from the site or potentially have been provided with

incorrect login information.

Export Suspended Accounts – This is different for each site / some sites ban accounts completely, whereas in

Twitter’s case they can also temporarily suspend account pending E.g. Further verification.

Export PVA Locked Accounts – These accounts are phone verified locked / when the bot attempted to login to

the account it was prompted to phone verify the account before it is able to perform any actions.

Export Proxy Issue Accounts – This is an option available in some releases where the account had issues

connecting to the site that the bot works with, E.g. Twitter. In this case the bot is unable to check if the

account is active so the account is loaded into this section where you can potentially export the accounts,

update their proxy information & re-import the accounts via the Account Manager.

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Account Creator

The account creator module in each of the BHT bots allows you to automatically create accounts on the

website that the bot works with using the information that you provide. Where email verification / SMS

verification is required / optional our bots support automatic verification using POP3 enabled email addresses

& third party SMS API’s, E.g.

To use the account creator you must enter all required variables into the program in order for the program to

know what data to use while creating accounts:

Each program requires different data & the data required is shown above the text area. In this case, for

Twitter, the program requires you to enter a username, first name & last name for each account that you wish

to create & optionally additional proxy information.

The format required in this example is:


For example, an account without proxy information:


An account with proxy information:


An account with proxy information that requires username / password authentication:


When you provide proxy information with an account that proxy will be used to create that account. If you do

not enter proxies into this area then the program will use proxies from the ‘Proxy Pool’ (See Accounts &

Proxies for more information on the Proxy Pool). If you do not have proxies loaded into the proxy pool & also

do not provide proxy information with the account information then the bot will use your own IP address to

register each account.

Once you have entered your username / user data information there is another field where you can enter

email address data to register accounts with, this field is also required:

Email information should be entered in the format of:


For example:

[email protected]:EmailPassword

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In order for the program to automatically email verify your accounts the email account MUST be POP3

enabled. Should the emails for the website that the bot uses go to the spam/junk box then your email

accounts should also be spam filter disabled as POP3 cannot access this junk inbox.

Supported email providers for BHT bots are: Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, GMX, ChewieMail,,

If you do not provide a password with the email accounts that you load into the program then email

verification will be skipped while creating accounts.

The account creator as seen above offers additional options that are customisable during account creation:

“Delay Between Creating Accounts” – This is the time that the bot will wait for on each thread before creating

the next account. If you are running more than 1 thread then the multiple threads will run simultaneously &

then each sleep / wait for X seconds that you enter into this field before creating the next account.

“Max Accounts To Create” – This is simply the maximum number of accounts that you want the program to

create each time you press the Start Process button.

“Rotate Email Account Upon Registration Failure” – This option allows you to link usernames / name

information to the email accounts that you load into the account creator. So each username / name

information will be selected 1 by 1 along with the email accounts that you load. Should an issue occur during

registration, E.g. Username already taken, then the program will skip that email address & move onto the next

one. If left unchecked the program will attempt to re-use the same email account that it selected for the

previous account that failed to create with the next account that it attempts to create.

“Verify Emails Only” – This option is available only where login is not required to email verify accounts.

Websites that do require login during email verification are supported in other BHT bots via the “Email

Verifier” tab where you can load full login information for the accounts that you wish to email verify. To use

this feature you only need to load email accounts with their passwords into the Email Addresses field, select

the number of threads that you wish to run & click Start Process.

Once all required data has been entered you can then select the number of threads to run & click the Start

Process button. See “General Multi-Threading Information” for more information on how multi-threading

works within BHT bots.

Clicking the Stop Process button will completely stop the process. Each thread will complete its current action

& the bot will not continue to create more accounts once each thread has closed.

Clicking the Pause Process button will halt all threads until the Resume Process button has been clicked which

is only shown after this button has been clicked.

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As the program runs you will see the counts increase as the threads start / stop & as accounts are created.

Using any of the Export buttons before all threads are closed will provide you with incomplete data as

accounts are only added to these lists as they are created.

“Export Unused Email Addresses” – This button allows you to export all email addresses that were not used by

the program & that were not found as already in use. If the bot has not yet processed all email addresses then

there is still potential for bad email addresses to be in this list.

“Export Unused Names” – This button allows you to export all usernames / name data that were not used by

the program & that were not found as already in use. If the bot has not yet processed all of this data then

there is still potential for bad data to be in this list.

“Export Created Accounts” – This button will export all accounts that have been created by the bot for this run

only (Since the Start Process button was clicked). You can also find a complete list of all programs ever created

by the bot inside of the /datastore/ CreatedAccountsBackup.txt file where the .exe is located.

“Export User:Pass Format” – This option will export all accounts created this run in Username:Password

format, ignoring any proxy information & additional information such as the email address used to register the

account & the email password.

“Export Verified Accounts” – Some websites, in this case Twitter, require additional verification during

registration, E.g. Email / SMS verification. Using this button the program will only export the accounts that are

fully verified as per the site’s requirements.

“Export Unverified Accounts” – This option will export all created accounts for this run that have not been

verified for any reason, E.g. Email address password not provided / SMS verification disabled or failed.

Important Account Creator Notes:

Account creation must be done in a controlled manor. Creating multiple accounts using the same IP address /

proxies in a short space of time will likely get all of your accounts created banned/disabled/suspended in one

hit. You should use many different IP’s / proxies during account creation to remain anonymous when creating

multiple accounts on any site. Preferably do not create more than 1 account per IP per day & if your proxies

are all in the same subnet (,, etc) then you should run no more than 1

thread during account creation & keep a high delay between each account that is created.

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Information Generator

The information generator allows you to lookup information on each of your accounts & provides you with

total counts for all of your accounts with the need to login to your accounts at all / the bot does the work for


The only options before starting the process are the normal threads to run option & a checkbox to display data

in the spreadsheet. If you are running tens of thousands of accounts you may not wish to view all of the data in

the spreadsheet within the information generator tab & instead decide to export the data to CSV for use in a

separate program / script / excel.

List Manager

This feature is specific to Twitter Bot. This feature logs into each of your accounts & looks up their current lists

& displays information of list name & member count (invited users).

You can also export this data to CSV format which also includes the URL to each of your lists available.

The current Twitter limitations (As of July 2016) are:

Maximum Lists Per Account: 1000

Maximum Invited Users Per List: 5000

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User Follower / Subscriber / Friend Adder

The user follower / subscriber for each BHT bot allows you to automatically follow other users on the site. In

most cases this sends the user a notification of your follow / subscribe / friend add request & gain impressions

to your own profile. To truly understand how the module works in each bot you should have a good

understanding of how the website that the bot interacts with works.

Each BHT program has a feature, where applicable, to send follow / subscribe / friend requests. In order for

the program to find users on each of the websites that the bots work with you must enter a search criteria or

load in your own list of usernames / user ID’s to send requests to.

The Keyword(s) section is where you can provide this information to find specific users. The keywords entered

into this section are used on the search area within the site that the bot works with, E.g. The keyword

“Bangkok” is entered above. This is the same as searching Twitter for “Bangkok”:

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As seen above, a search has been performed on Twitter for the keyword “Bangkok”. The program will then

scrape the usernames of users found through the search results & use these to send follow requests.

You can also enter:


By entering this Twitter Bot will scrape the followers of the specific username that you enter.

All BHT bots will only ever process each scraped username / post ID once across all of your accounts so no two

accounts you have loaded into the program will follow the same user again in the future. The cache for this is

stored inside of the /datastore/AlreadyXXXX.txt files where the .exe is located.

With Twitter Bot you can also specify the search mode used on Twitter within the Settings Panel (More info

available for the settings panel in the Settings user guide below):

The amount of users scraped per keyword also depends on the setting you have on the settings tab for “Pages

To Scrape Per Keyword”:

Each site provides a different number of results per page; you can see the count increase as the scrape works

via the live count updates under “Users Scraped”.

To load your own list of usernames to follow instead of using the built in scraper you can click the blue link for

“Load Text File Of Users To Follow” where you will be prompted to select a text file of usernames. This text file

should contain usernames of Twitter users, one per line. This format should be usernames only, not the URL to

the Twitter profiles.

The keywords area also supports any search patterns allowed by each of the sites, E.g. On Twitter you can use

additional keyword such as “lang:fr” to find French language tweets only.

The other options available within the Follower Settings panel are explained below:

“Scrape Users Only” – This option will not perform any actions on your accounts other than logging in &

scraping users from the search results. As this runs usernames found will be stored in the

/datastore/ScrapedUsers.txt file where the .exe is located. Note that you will not be able to then follow these

users with the program once they are in this file as the program only ever follows each username once across

all of your accounts with these modules. The Mass Promoter allows you to mass perform actions on single

accounts / post ID’s, more information on the Mass Promoter is available further on in this user guide.

“Follow-Back Followers Before Finding New Users” – If this option is checked then the bot will scan through

the followers on your account & follow those back that you are not already following before scraping new

users using your keywords.

“Only Follow Users With More Followers Than Following” – Often you find accounts on Twitter that mass

follow with a very low number of followers. By checking this option Twitter Bot will ignore these accounts.

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“Delay Between Actions” – This is the time that the program will sleep/wait before sending the next action for

each account, E.g. Follow 1 user. Wait 5-10 seconds. Follow another user. Wait 5-10 seconds. Repeat….

The 5-10 seconds option is a random delay between these 2 numbers for each action to simulate a desktop

user’s activity while browsing & following users on Twitter.

“Max To Send Per Account” – This is the maximum number of actions that you want each of your accounts to

make. E.g. Follow between 10 & 20 users for each account.

“Max Actions To Send (Total)” – This is the maximum number of actions that you want the program to make

for each run across all of your accounts, E.g. By setting 100 the program will not follow any more than 100

users over the entire process for all of your accounts. E.g. If you have 100 accounts & run 100 threads each of

your accounts will follow 1 user only.

“Follow Users With X-Y Followers” – This allows you to tell the program to follow users on Twitter that have a

specific number of followers, E.g. Users with more than 10 followers but less than 100000.

Twitter Bot also has some additional settings as seen above. These features are self-explanatory & optional. If

you do not understand the options then make sure to get a full understanding of how Twitter works before

using these options. The “Favourite User’s Latest Tweet” option will go to each Twitter profile before it follows

the user & favourite (like) their latest tweet & then proceed to follow the user, sending them 2 x notifications.

Also note: The default avatar on Twitter is the eggshell image. Profiles with this image will be ignored if the

“Ignore Profiles With Default Avatar” checkbox is checked before starting the process.

As with all other features, the process overview allows you to select a number of threads to run & start the

process along with options to Stop / Pause processes & a live stats view as the feature runs.

The Scheduler feature allows you to tell the program to re-run the process on your current settings made

before pressing the Start Process button every X hours. This is customisable with the above form & you must

set the Scheduler Enabled to “Yes” for this feature to automatically start itself again.

Once you have your scheduler settings set then click the Start Process button.

Clicking the Stop Process button at any time will disable all future scheduled processes for this feature.

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Retweet / Favourite / Liker

All BHT bot features are similar to the previous chapter (User Follower / Subscriber / Friend Adder) in the

sense that you enter keywords to find users with / load your own usernames, enter your preferred settings for

delays & max actions, set your scheduler settings & then click the start process button.

The Retweet / Favourite module offers a couple of different options:

“Also Follow Tweet Owner” – By using this option the program will follow the account on Twitter that posted

the tweet that it has scraped & then will retweet / favourite (Like) the tweet afterwards.

The Retweet/Favourite ration is a percentage. The percentage in this case, as shown within the program is for

the percentage that it should retweet posts. So 70% of the time the bot will retweet posts & 30% of the time it

will Favourite (Like) the tweet that is currently being processed.

List Inviter

This feature is specific to Twitter Bot only. Twitter offers a feature on-site called “Lists” where you can add

users to a specific list to view these users tweets only. When adding a user to a list they are also sent a

notification which can gain views to your list & profile.

The List Inviter uses the same user scraper & settings as previous functions explained in this user guide.

You can enter lists to add users scraped to via the text area above. When adding lists these should be in the

format of:


For Example:

My List Name:My List Description

The List Description field is optional, so you could simply enter a list name without a description, E.g.

My List Name:

Note that the colon (:) at the end of the list name must still be included.

As this process runs it will check your account(s) to see if any of the list names that you have loaded into the

feature are already available on each of your accounts & if so it will use that list only. If no lists that you have

entered exist on the account being processed then it will automatically create one of these lists at random

from the list entered. This prevents all of your accounts from having exactly the same list names.

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User Messenger / Direct Messenger

BHT programs that support messaging still rely on the rate limits & any other limitations of the website that

the bot works with, for example, on some sites you can only send messages to users that you are friends with

or users that follow you.

You can select the message mode before starting the process to send messages to either your own followers

or you can load a text file containing usernames to message (1 per line, username only, not full profile URL).

Instructions for the message format that should be entered are available above the text area, in this case as

shown above you should enter 1 message that optionally supports spintax (See spintax section for more info).

Send Tweets / Status Updater

Each BHT bot sends different actions, depending on the website that it works with, this example will use

Twitter Bot to display how to send a new tweet.

As shown in the image above, to send tweets you can enter 1 tweet per line. As the program processes your

accounts it will select a tweet at random from this list of tweets that you enter. Spintax is supported as shown

by the (Tokenizable) comment above the text area.

By checking the “Use Each Tweet Once Only” checkbox, each line that you enter (each tweet) will only be used

for 1 account. For example, if you enter 10 tweets but have 100 accounts only 10 of your accounts will post a

tweet, or less accounts depending on how many tweets you enter to post per account from the Max To Post

Per Account option that is seen below this text area.

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Twitter Bot also supports posting tweets with links from RSS Feed URL’s. To use this feature check the “Use

RSS Feed Scrape Mode” & enter URL’s to your RSS feed’s into the Tweets To Send area, 1 per line.

The tweets that will be posted using the RSS Feed mode will appear as:

Post Title Post URL

E.g. RSS Feed Item:

Tweet Created:

As seen above, if posting multiple tweets the program will scrape multiple items from the RSS feed.

You can also specify specific accounts to post tweets to by checking the “Link Tweets To Accounts” checkbox.

To use this feature enter tweets in the “Tweets To Send” text area in the following format:

[ACC:AccountUsername][TWEET]This is the tweet text[/TWEET]

To post a tweet & an image, or simply an image, you can also use BBCODE, E.g.

This is my tweet text [IMG]C:\users\username\desktop\image.jpg[/IMG]

The AccountUsername variable should be the exact username that you loaded the account with through the

account manager in order for the bot to find the correct account to post the tweet to.

By clicking the “Export Submitted Tweet ID’s” button the program will produce a text file containing all of the

tweet ID’s that have been posted since clicking the Start Process button for your use / records. These ID’s can

be used later on in the Mass Promoter module which is explained in the next chapter of this user guide.

@Mention Own New Followers – This option will replace the [MENTION] token from your tweet with a

follower that has not previously been scraped by the bot (Providing you have not removed the

/datastore/AlreadyMentioned.txt cache file). E.g.

Thanks [MENTION] For The Follow – Would Be Replaced With: Thanks @username For The Follow

@Mention Multiple Followers – This option would use multiple usernames in the same tweet, E.g.

Thanks @username1 @username2 @username3 For The Follow

The @Mentioner feature only looks up the latest 5 pages (90 followers) of your new followers to prevent this

process from slowing down due to accounts with thousands of followers.

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Mass Promoter

The Mass Promoter module allows you to mass promote your own posts / profiles. By using the accounts that

you have loaded into the program you can mass follow / like a specific profile or post to boost counts on the

website that the bot works with.

The Mass Promoter offers the main input area where you can enter the required usernames / posts to

promote. Above this area you can see the exact entries that should be entered.

In the example above:

TwitterUsername – This can be a username, E.g. BlackHatToolzCo

Tweet ID – This is the ID of the tweet, E.g. 531897368422387712

TweetID:Reply To Send, E.g. 531897368422387712:Great tweet!

TweetID:VoteInteger, E.g. 751443065605386240:1

You can enter multiple entries, 1 per line, E.g.




You can easily find the tweet ID by clicking the … button next to a tweet & clicking “Copy link to Tweet”. This

will display a popup like the below:

When voting on polls you should enter the format in: TweetID:VoteInteger.

The VoteInteger should be the option you wish to vote for, E.g.

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751443065605386240:1 – This would vote for “This is option 1”.

751443065605386240:2 – This would vote for “This is option 2”.

Each vote option increases by 1, E.g. Option 1 would be 1, Option 2 would be 2 etc.

Once you have entered the usernames / tweet to promote you can then select the method in which you would

like these ID’s to be promoted:

Mass Follow Mode – Uses your accounts loaded to follow the username(s) specified.

Mass Favourite Mode – Mass Favourites (Likes) The Specified Tweet ID(s).

Mass Re-Tweet Mode – Mass Re-Tweets The Specified Tweet ID(s).

Mass Reply To Tweet Mode – Mass Replies The Specified Tweet ID(s) With Your Given Comments.

Mass Vote To Poll – Mass Votes The Specified Poll ID(s).

You can also select a way in which you would like the mass promoter to promote the ID’s that you have

entered by choosing from the options below:

Promote Each Item X-Y Times – This option will use your “Actions To Send” number, E.g. 50-100 to promote

each ID 50-100 times. So if you had 10 accounts loaded you could be sending a potential of 500-1000 actions.

Choose Items At Random For Each Promotion – This option will stick by your “Actions To Send”, E.g. 50-100 to

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send between 50 & 100 actions across all of your accounts to random ID’s from the list. So no more than a

potential top end of 100 actions will be sent.

Promote Each Item Once Only – This option will promote each ID that you enter 1 time only. So if you entered

E.g. 50 Tweet ID’s to Favourite then only 50 actions will be sent.

Profile Updater

The profile updater module allows you to set the bio / location & other data along with the ability to upload a

profile image to your accounts.

To use this feature simply enter the required information as shown in the form below:

By checking the “Update Profiles That Do Not Already Have A Custom Image Already Uploaded” option this

feature will skip any account that is processed that already has a custom avatar uploaded to its profile.

The 2 folder options allow you to specify a folder where you have stored images on your hard drive. These

images will be used with the corresponding fields, E.g. Profile Image / Background Image.

Where options are not available to specify a folder to upload images from these are automatically selected

from the following folder where the .exe is located:


For software that also sets the gender of the account you may have sub-folders such as:



In these cases you should place images to upload into the 2 folders above.

Images should not be stored in sub-folders, E.g.


The other fields, as shown above each text area, allow you to enter Bios, Locations, Websites & the Names to

set on your accounts as they are processed. You should enter these 1 per line & they also support spintax.

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Additional options also specific to Twitter Bot can be seen below:

The Reset Account Passwords feature is useful should you have purchased your accounts from a provider &

wish to lock them out of these accounts.

The Set Accounts Languages option will display Twitter in English when you login to your accounts, should they

have been created in a different country that’s native language is not English.

Profile Scraper

The profile scraper is a unique feature to Twitter Bot that allows you to scrape the data from other users on

Twitter for your profiling purposes.

This feature is uses scrapers similar to other features in Twitter Bot allowing for keyword entries such as:

Keyword(s) To Search

user:Username – Searches for the followers of a specific user

Keyword lang:fr – Searches for language specific Tweets.

The scraper in this module still uses the search options set on the Settings Tab (Explained further in this guide).

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User Unfollower

The Unfollower module allows you to unfollow specific users, users that do not follow you, or all users that you

are following on your accounts.

This module uses the same settings as the other features of the bot (Delay settings, max per account / max

total settings) & also offers additional settings:

Ignore The Latest X Users That Each Account Is Following – This option will ignore the latest users that you are

following, this way for example, you can follow 100 users per account each day & set the Unfollower to run

daily to unfollow all users apart from the latest 100 following. This way if the users that you have followed the

previous day have not followed you back Twitter Bot will automatically unfollow these users.

Un-Favourite Tweets Before Starting Unfollower – This is a separate option that when checked un-favourites

(Un-Likes) all of the Tweets that your account has Favourited (Liked) before starting to unfollow users for each

account that is processed.

The following Unfollow modes can be selected also:

Unfollow Users That Are Not Following You Back – This option unfollows users that your account(s) are

following that do not follow you back. This still uses the “Ignore The Latest X Users That Each Account Is

Following” option so if you wish to ignore this option enter 0 in this field also.

Unfollow ALL Users Of Each Account – This will ignore users whether they follow you back or not & unfollow all

users that each of your accounts is following, within your max per account / max total limits.

Unfollow Specified Usernames Entered Below – This option will ONLY unfollow the usernames that you enter

into the field below it when processing each account.

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Settings Panel

The Settings Panel contains options that you can set that all applicable modules will abide by.

Above you can see the connection settings that you can set:

Maximum Timeout Setting – This is the amount of seconds that each URL call attempts to load before it fails,

E.g. When a webpage times out.

Max Connection Retries – Should a connection fail, due to a timeout or any other reason, the program will

retry the same connection X times depending on what you enter here.

Simultaneous IP Connections – When you are running multiple accounts in Twitter Bot you may have many

accounts without proxies (Using your own IP) or many accounts running the same proxy. By enabling this

option you are telling the program that it is ok to process accounts across multiple threads that are using the

same IP / Proxy. By disabling this option only accounts on a unique IP will be processed within each thread.

All keyword scrapers within Twitter Bot abide by the above rules, for example, when using the Follower you

can enter “motorcycle” as a keyword & it will use the above rules.

Pages Per Keyword To Scrape – This is how many consecutive pages of data you wish to scrape from Twitter.

Each search page contains a certain number of results, as the scraper runs you can see the items scrape

increasing in segments, for each page that is being processed. Should you wish to scrape more results per

keyword you can increase this count. This option includes when entering “user:username_to_scrape” as a

keyword. So it will only scrape X pages of the followers of a specific account also.

Skip Keyword If No New Results In 5 Pages – If set to Yes the program will attempt to scrape new results for

your desired keyword. If no new results are found within 5 pages (All ID’s found have been used previously)

then the program will skip that keyword & move onto the next keyword that you have entered.

Enabling this option will store any “Unknown Issue” error logs to the /datastore/error_logs/ folder so that you

can email them to [email protected] for a diagnosis of the issue that you have encountered.

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When searching on Twitter you can select an option in which to display results, each option shown above. You

can also see in the image below that the bot is selecting from the options on the website as seen below:

If your proxies rotate / are frequently scraped or updated by your proxy provider you can use our proxy

downloader setting as shown below:

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To use this feature set the “Load Proxies From URL” option to “Yes”. Enter the URL where your proxies are

updated on, these should still be in Proxy:Port format, 1 proxy per line & then select how frequently you wish

the bot to update the proxies it has loaded into the system in minutes.

Note that when the program updates the proxies it will stop all threads, download new proxies & then restart

the threads. So the minutes delay time should not be less than 10 minutes as this would reduce efficiency.

In order to create accounts on Twitter you must not phone verify the account upon registration. If this process

is not completed / you have selected to skip phone verification then accounts will be prompted for re-

verification shortly after creating an account.

To use the phone verification options you can select to phone verify accounts manually, which will prompt you

to enter a phone number to receive an SMS verification method to, this will also be the phone number

registered to the Twitter account, or you can have the bot automatically phone verify your accounts during

registration by using the API.

To find your API key on login to your account & then click the silhouette icon of your profile next

to your balance & then click “Profile And API Key” which will display “Your API Key: xxxxxx”.

The max wait time for SMS is the maximum time in seconds that you want the bot to wait for the verification

SMS to arrive. E.g. 600 seconds – If no verification SMS has been received within 600 seconds then skip the

phone verification process & move onto the next account to create.

The captcha settings allow you to manually enter captchas as they are prompted to enter as the bot processes

your accounts or you can use a captcha service to automatically solve captchas for you.

Once you entered / changed any setting you must click the Save Settings button on the Settings panel in

order for these changes to take effect.

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Spintax Tester

Wherever spintax (Tokenisation) is supported you can enter 1 line that can be created into many unique lines,

E.g. {Hi|Hey|Hello} World! I Am Nested {{Spintax|Spun}|{Tokenised|Tokened}} Content!

Before using the spintax you may wish to check that it is valid using this module:

Simply enter your spintax into the first field & click the Spin It button & each time you press this button you

will be shown a potential different output for the spintax that you have entered.

Should your spintax be invalid then you will see that the output content is not plain text, E.g.

Proxy Tester Bots use socket connections / HTTPWebRequest within VB.NET. Many sites require

additional headers to be sent for authentication headers, E.g.




Your proxies must also forward / allow these headers where they are required to be able to work with the site

that the bot works with or they will cause issues.

To test your proxies simply click the Import Proxies button & load your proxies in the globally supported




Once loaded click the start process button & the program will automatically confirm that your proxies can

forward the required headers & also that they can access the homepage of the site that the bot works with.