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Athletics: ___ + ___ Knowledge: ___ + ___ Intrigue: ___ + ___ Magic: ___ + ___

Combat: Library Use: Allure: Charms:

BrawlObservation: Bluff: DADA:

DodgeThrow Chess

Eavesdrop & Gossip:Curse/Counter

Trip Puzzles Dueling

General Athletics: Quidditch: Ingratiate: Divination:

Balance HistoryPrank: Potions:

Climb Strategy & TacticsFly

Magical Subjects: Sneak: Transfiguration:RunSwim Ancient Runes Characteristics Achievements


Defense CoMCManeuver HerbologyOffense History of MagicSurvey Muggle Studies

Spells Brews Inventory Equipment□□□□□ □□□

□□□□□ □□□

□□□□□ □□□

□□□□□ □□□

□□□□□ □□□

□□□□□ □□□

□□□□□ □□□Wealth□□□□□ □□□

□□□□□ □□□ Galleons (g)□□□□□ □□□ Sickles (s)□□□□□ □□□ Knuts (k)


Hogwarts Pupil Registry

__________________________________ ____ _____ _____ ______ Student Name Sex Height Weight Year

________________________ - _________ _______ _______ _______ Hogwarts House House Points Hair Color Eye Color Skin Color

__________________________________ _______________ - _________ Wand [Length, Wood, Core, Flexibility] Familiar Name Familiar Type

__________________________________ ____________ - ____________ City and Country Patronus Boggart

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Based on the extraordinary fantasy novels by JK Rowling


Character Creation 2-11 Getting Started 2 Aptitudes & Skills 3-6 Wands 7 Characteristics 8-9 School Supplies 10 Familiars & Brooms 11 How to Play 12-15

Using Skills 12 Using Spells 13 Quidditch 14 Advancement & Achievements 15

Credits 16



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Aptitudes & Skills

Character Creation


Character Creation

Getting Started

Hogwarts Houses




Hufflepuff Athletics



Athletics Skills




Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, one of the most renowned instituations for magical learning in the world! To begin what is sure to be a fantastic adventure, fill out a character sheet with the help of your Headmaster (Game Narrator).

A great first step is deciding as a group which house the Players will be sorted into. Choose to be housed as a group for ease of play or separately for a challange.

Members of Gryffindor are courageous and bold. Gryffindors will receive a +1 bonus to any action involving bravery or daring. Members of this House will be rewarded for accomplishing feats of heroism.

Members of Hufflepuff are loyal and hard working. Hufflepuffs gain a +1 bonus to any action where they show their loyalty or determination. Members of this House will be rewarded for succeeding through perseverance or fair play.

The Athletics Aptitude represents a character’s physical prowess. The skills attributed to Athletics are Combat (Physical Fighting), General Athletics (climbing, running and flying on a broom) and one’s ability to play Quidditch.

Skills reveal a character’s versatility. Each Aptitude score represents the number of points players can designate to their related skills. A wizard with an Athletics Aptitude Score of +3 would then have 3 points to assign to their Combat, General Athletics and Quidditch skills.

For example, Morgan sets herKnowledge Aptitude Score to +4.She may then divide-up those 4points between Library Use,Observation, Quidditch and Magical Subjects.

The Knowledge Aptitude reflects a character’s ability to absorb and reference information. The skills attributed to Knowledge are Library Use, Observation, knowledge of Quidditch and the majority of magical subjects from Astronomy to Muggle Studies.

The Intrigue Aptitude reveals a character’s abilities in the social arena. The skills attributed to Intrigue are Allure, Bluff, Eavesdrop & Gossip, Ingratiate, Prank and Sneak.

Athletics skills deal with strength, speed, coordination and overall physical fitness. They are divided into two main skills (Combat and General Athletics), with a third category reserved for Quidditch.

The Magic Aptitude directly affects a character’s spell-casting ability. It is the only Aptitude that cannot be raised with AP. The Magic Aptitude score directly reflects the characters level of education (+1 per year).

The schools of magic attributed to the Magic Aptitude are Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Potions and Transfiguration.

Physical conflict should be uncommon but sometimes a wand just won’t cut it. A general Combat roll is made when engaging in physical combat and then modified by bonuses or penalties associated with specific actions.

Brawl - Fight without using Magic Dodge - Avoid being Hit Throw - Toss or lob an Object Trip - Unbalance and topple a Foe

Members of Slytherin are cunning and ambitious. Slytherins gain a +1 bonus whenever they do something sneaky and duplicitous. Members of this House will be rewarded for getting ahead using treachery or cunning.

Students are sorted into one of four houses, each bearing the last name of its founder: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin

In Broomstix and Kauldronz each student is defined by four Aptitudes: Athletics, Knowledge, Intrigue and Magic. New Player Characters recieve 5 Aptitude Points (AP) to create their character. Athletics, Knowledge and Intrigue start at 0 while Magic starts at +1. Players may take a negative (-1) in any one Aptitude to recieve an extra AP.

Once the score is set for each Aptitude, the Player may then designate that number of points to their related skills. See the Skills section on the next page for more information.

Members of Ravenclaw are wise and honorable. Ravenclaws will receive a +1 bonus whenever displaying wisdom or honor. Members of this House will be rewarded for accomplishing goals through wise decision-making.

“Oh, you may not think I’m pretty,But don’t judge on what you see,I’ll eat myself if you can findA smarter hat than me.”— The Sorting Hat

“I solemnly swear I am up to no good.”— Marauders Map Secret Password“It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than

our abilities.” — Albus Dumbledore

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Aptitudes & Skills

Character Creation


Character Creation

Aptitudes & Skills

General Athletics Knowledge Skills

Magical Subjects

History of Magic

Intrigue Skills

Ancient Runes

Muggle Studies


Eavesdrop & Gossip



Care of Magical Creatures


Library Use




Physical activities such as climbing, running and swimming as well as flying on creatures and brooms are attributed to the General Athletics.

Balance - Move across narrow Surfaces Climb - Move across vertical Surfaces Fly - Movement through Air Run - Speed and Stamina Swim - Movement through Water

Knowledge skills deal with facts, figures, names and dates. Most Knowledges can be found in a properly-equipped library. When researching Muggle Studies in a library, take note that a Wizard library will have much less available than a Muggle library. Similarly, a Muggle Library will have almost no useful information about the world of Magic.

This skill represents a character’s understanding of the ‘soft-magic’ subjects taught at Hogwarts.

History of Magic delves into both ancient and modern magical history, famous figures and note worthy events.

Intrigue skills deal with subterfuge, deception, stealth and persuasion - skills in which members of House Slytherin excel.

The study of ancient scripts, sigils and hieroglyphs.

Class taken by wizarding folk to study non-magical people.

Using your personal magnetism and charm to convince others to do what you want.

Eavesdrop measures your ability to spy on others without them noticing while gossip is used primarily when spreading information, passing notes, using codes or innuendo and separating fact from rumor.

The ancient study of the magical properties of numbers.

The study of the heavens and celestial bodies.

A hands-on class where students learn about the habits of magical creatures and how to care for them.

Herbology is the study of magical plants and fungi, including how to care for them and use their magical properties. Some magical plants form important ingredients in potions, others have magical effects on their own.

This skill represents a character’s ability to research and retain information using a library.

This skill represents a character’s observation skills and measures their levels of perception.

This skill directly relates to a character’s knowledge concerning the game of Quidditch, its history as well as game strategies and tactics.

History - Known Teams and Matches Strategy & Tactics - Known Tactics

Quidditch skills gage your ability to play this popular magical sport. These are broken down into the four categories listed below. The rules of the game and how these skills are used will be outlined later in this guide.

Defense - Ability to play Defensively Maneuvar - Ability to perform Tricks Offense - Ability to play Offensively Survey - Ability to locate the Snitch

“Although people rarely died playing Quidditch, referees had been known to vanish and turn up months later in the Sahara Desert.” — Quidditch Through the Ages

“There she was, just walking by... you know how I like it when they walk...” — Ronald Weasley

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<6 <7

Character Creation

Aptitudes & Skills Wands

Character Creation





Magic Skills



Wand Core

Wand Length & Flexibility

Wand Wood

Defense Against the Dark Arts

Also known as “brown-nosing,” this is the art of flattery and sucking up to adults and older kids.


This skill reflects your ability to pull off pranks and practical jokes successfully without getting caught.

The study of various potions and elixers as well as how to brew them.Known recipes are added to thelist of brews.

The ability to move silently and stealthily so as to not be noticed.

Magic skills include the ability to cast various kinds of spells, brew potions, use divination to foresee the future and defensive techniques against the Dark Arts.

The magical art of foretelling the future through the use of various magical objects and methods. The following are examples of Divination: Tea Leaf Reading, Crystal Ball Gazing, Palm Reading, Rune Casting and Tarot. Not all are convinced that Divination is a legitimate magical practice.

Charms are a type of magic concerned with enchanting or conjuring an object. Charm spells are in some ways the opposite of Curses: many Charms seem to have an inherently positive tone while Curses have an inherently negative one.

At the heart of every wand is the core material. It is the core material that gives the wand its personality and magical qualities. The wand core gives a bonus and penalty to the specific types of Magic that reflect the core’s nature.

Dragon Heart-String: Transfiguration +1, Charms -1

Pheonix Tail-Feather: Curse/Counter +1, Transfiguration -1

Unicorn Hair: Charms +1, Curse/Counter -1

Wands measure between 8” and 16” in increments of .25”. Wand flexibility ranges from rigid to swishy and reflect the owner’s nature. The more flexible the wand, the more adaptable it’s owner and vice versa.

Crafted from a variety of trees, the wood of a wand defines its characteristics. The wood gives a bonus to specific Aptitude Scores.

Ash Intrigue +1 Elm Knowledge +1 Fir Magic +1 Holly Magic +1 Hornbeam Athletics +1 Mahogany Athletics +1 Oak Athletics +1 Rosewood Magic +1 Vine Knowledge +1 Walnut Knowledge +1 Willow Intrigue +1 Yew Intrigue +1

Magic lessons that teach students how to defend themselves against evil creatures and the workings of Dark Wizards and Witches.

Curse/Counter - Hexes, Jinxes & Counter-SpellsDueling - Duels between Wizards and Witches

TransfigurationTransfiguration is magic which changes one object into another. It is possible to change inanimate objects into animate ones and vice versa. Some Transfiguration spells alter only a part of something, such as changing a person’s ears from normal into rabbit ears.

Wands are essential tools for all witches and wizards. The four main attributes of a wand are the core material, wood, length and flexibility. These attributes reflect the witch or wizard and each wand is unique. Choose the perfect wand for your character from the options outlined below.

“I must warn you at the outset that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you.” — Sybill Trelawney

“The wand chooses the wizard... it’s not always clear why.” — Garrick Ollivander

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Character Creation


Character Creation



Know - It - All

Bookworm *Magical Upbringing

Born to Fly


*Muggle - BornClass Clown


*Giant's Blood *Parsel Mouth

*Goblin's Blood


Prestigious Family


Teacher's Pet


Hand - Me - Downs

HeirloomContinue to develop your character by selecting two Characteristics. One characteristic must be one of the following: Giant’s Blood, Goblin’s Blood, Magical Upbringing or Muggle-Born. Some characteristics have prerequisits or restrictions.

Assume the form of an animal at will. Requires a Magic Aptitude Score of +3 or higher. Playing anAnimagus must be cleared with the Headmaster.

You’re quite studious and not above letting others know it. +2 bonus to any one Magical Subject or +1 to any two subjects.

Being a book-lover, you’re at home in a library.+2 bonus to Library Use. You were raised in a

magical family. +1 bonus to Care of Magical Creatures and History of Magic.You’re a naturally gifted flyer. +2 bonus to Fly.

You can magically alter your physical features at will. +1 bonus to Bluff and Prank.

You’re quite the charmer. +1 bonus to Allure and Ingratiate.

You were raised in a non-magical family and are familiar with Muggle society and technology.+2 bonus to Muggle Studies.

You’re quite a prankster.+2 bonus to Prank.

You see creatures andbeings that may or maynot actually exist.

You walk softly and move silently which comes in handy for sneaking snacks from the kitchens.+2 bonus to Sneak.

You have giants blood in your family. +2 bonus to Brawl and Throw, +1 bonus to General Athletics, -1 penalty to Dodge and Trip, -2 penalty to Sneak. As giants blood is very rare, it must be cleared with the Headmaster.

You have the rare ability to communicate with serpents. Must be cleared with Headmaster.

You have goblins blood in your family. +1 bonus to Charms, Dodge and Trip, +2 bonus to Sneak, -2 penalty to Brawl and Throw. As goblins blood is rare, it must be cleared with the Headmaster.

You’re naturally gifted with a particular type of magic. +1 bonus to any one Magic Skill.

You have a famous family or relative.

You are quite good at gathering and sharing information. +2 bonus to Eavesdrop & Gossip.

You know the value of being on the good side of your professors. +2 bonus to Ingratiate.

You come from a rich family. Double starting wealth.

You’re quite lucky to have older siblings. No cost for startingschool supplies.

You’ve inherited an enchanted item from your family. Work with your Headmaster to define the properties of your magicalheirloom.

“They’re not meant ter live together, giants ... they can’t help themselves, they half kill each other every few weeks.”— Rubeus Hagrid

“Mistletoe... It’s often infested with nargles.” — Luna Lovegood

“Fame is a fickle friend Harry. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that.” — Gilderoy Lockhart

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Familiars & Brooms

Character Creation


Character Creation

School Supplies

Wizard Money

Uniform & Clothing

Additional Equipment


First - Year Textbooks

Aside from their wand, there are other essential items a student needs to be successful atHogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. All mandatory school supplies can be purchased from the various shops in Diagon Alley.

Currency in the wizarding Britain consists of three different coins. In decreasing order of value, they are: Galleon, Sickle and Knut.

Every student must purchase two sets of robes; one for normal use, one for formal occassions. Pointed black hats are also worn as part of the school uniform. Dragonhide gloves are also required for laboratory work. A sturdy winter cloak is also necessary for those cold walks outside.

In addition to bringing quills, ink and parchment students are also expected to bring the following items:

1 Cauldron (Pewter, Size 2) 1 Set Glass or Crystal Phials 1 Telescope 1 Set of Brass Scales

Every student is required to purchase a number of textbooks to coincide with their courses. Used textbooks cost about half as much as new books and usually come with their own annotations and pre-underlined passages. Unfortunately, they’re not quite as sturdy as new books and may feature such unpleasant “features” as ripped-out pages or blacked-out sentences.

There are a variety ofadditional booksavailable for purchasein Diagon Alley.

The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1A Beginner’s Guide to TransfigurationA History of MagicMagical TheoryOne Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi Magical Drafts and PotionsFantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemThe Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

First-Year students begin with 150g (300g for Wealthy Characters). The standard set of schoolequipment costs approximately 75g.

A personal broomstick is necessary for flying instruction and also for playing Quidditch. Some broomsticks are built for endurance or for comfort. The most expensive ones are built for speed and agility. First-Year students are not permitted to bring their own brooms.

(In Order of Quality)

Bluebottle Fly -2, Maneuvar -2 Silver Arrow Fly -1. Maneuvar -1 Shooting Star Maneuvar -1 Nimbus 2000 Cleansweep 5 Maneuvar +1 Cleansweep 7 Fly +1 Comet 260 Fly +1, Maneuvar +1 Nimbus 2001 Fly +1, Maneuvar +2 Firebolt Fly +2, Maneuvar +2

A black leather case containing Fleetwood’s High Finish Handle Polish, tail-twig clippers, compass, and a Do-it-Yourself Broomcare Handbook.

Other kinds of pets may be allowed depending on the Headmaster. Work with your Headmaster to create your ideal familiar.

Familiars are not a requirement.


Broomstick Servicing Kit

Types of Brooms

Familiars or Pets

All students are permitted to bring a familiar with them to the school. Accepted familiars are toads, rats, cats and owls. Owls are the most expensive but come in handy when the student needs to deliver a message. Students without owl familiars of their own may use public post-owls for mailing documents. Cats are greatcompanions while Ratsand Toads are perfect forTranfiguration practice.

Some familiars possess unique magical properties while others are exceptionally mundane. All familiars, magical or otherwise, grant a bonus to the owner when casting specific types of spells.

9-11g Cat DADA +12-4g Rat Transfiguration +15-9g Toad Potions +1

10-15g Owl Charms +1

“Irish International side’s just put in an order for seven of these beauties! And they’re favouirites for the World Cup!” — Quality Quidditch Supplies Proprieter

“Gringotts, the wizard bank! Ain’t no safer place. Not one. Except perhaps Hogwarts.” — Rubeus Hagrid

Galleons (g) £4.93Sickles (s) 17s = 1gKnuts (k) 29k = 1s

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<12 <13

How to Play

Using Skills Using Spells

How to Play

To use a skill, roll a d20 and add the associated Skill Score as well as any bonuses or penalties that apply. Consult the following table to determine the outcome of the dice roll.

Casting with an unfamiliar wand is done at -2. Casting with a broken wand is done at -4 and will result in a mishap if the result is 5 or lower. Casting without a wand is nearly impossible but may be attempted at a -10 to the roll.

A duel is a confrontation between two or more wizards or witches. The combatants attempt to disarm, injure, or kill each other in order to force submission, and thus a winner is decided. Opponents are only permitted to use magical means of combat.

Each combatant attempts to cast a spell on the other by reciting the spell and rolling a d20. If both are successful, the spells collide and fizzle out. If only one succeeds, their spell hits.

To get a jump on their opponent, a Player can choose to cast their spell in haste at a -3 penalty. If they succeed, their spell hits first unless their opponent also succeeds in casting a hasty spell or counter-spell in which case standard rules apply.

Rather than casting offensively, a combatant can attempt to counter an incoming spell. If the spell being countered is known by the defender, their attempt to counter is granted a +1 bonus (+2 if Mastered). Performing a counter-spell is the same as casting a spell except if the roll result is higher than the roll for the incoming spell, it is successfully deflected and the defender then has the upperhand.

When a combatant has the upperhand, their opponent can only cast defensively until they gain the upperhand or combat is resolved.

When a spell is cast as a ‘Success’ or better the Player may fill in one of the ‘Master’ boxes associated with that spell. Once all five ‘Master’ boxes have been filled in the casting of that spell is done with a +4 bonus. Spells successfully cast while in class are considered practice and do not count toward mastery.

Even if the result is not a Success, SOMETHING should happen. Bumbling Successes should be somewhat comical, Flops should be disappointing (but not stop the action outright) and Bludges should provide for VERY interesting complications. Of course, one Brilliant Success should make up for all the bad die rolls.

For example: James, a third-year, is late to class. He runs to the classroom and decides to sneak in to avoid loosing points for Gryfinndor. James rolls a d20 and adds his Sneak Skill Score (+2) for a total of 5, a Flop! Halfway to his desk, James trips on his shoelaces and falls on his face with a loud thump. The other students laugh and James is scolded by the professor but no house points are lost. Most likely to save him from further embarassment.

If the character is being directly opposed by someone or something, then the opposing skill score becomes a negative modifier to the character’s die roll.

For example: Thomas is being chased by a troll. To out-run the troll, Thomas rolls, adds his General Athletics (+3) and his bonus to run (+2) for a total of 14. He then adds the troll’s modifier (-4) for a final result of 10. Thomas manages to escape with little more than a nasty leg cramp.

Combat is performed like any other skill. Roll a d20, add the Combat Skill Score and any applicable bonuses or penalties as well as the opposing modifier score to learn the results of your actions. If injured, actions may suffer additional penalties until the character has recovered or is healed.

Players should be warned prior to engaging their character in behavior that may result in potentially fatal injuries or magical afflictions.

The follow skills are Opposed Skills: Combat, General Athletics, Quidditch, Observation, Bluff and Sneak.

Usually, actions are resolved in order of the skill involved. However, if you need to perform your action first you can take a -3 penalty on your roll.

In order to brew a potion, the Player must have first learned the recipe and added it to their list of brews. Once the ingredients are collected, the Player rolls and adds their Potions Skill Score and any associated bonuses or penalties. If the potion is brewed as a ‘Success’ or better, the Player may fill in a ‘Master’ box associated with that brew. Once all ‘Master’ boxes have been filled in, the brewing of that potion is done with a +2 bonus. Potions brewed in class are considered practice and do not count toward mastery.

In order to cast a spell, the Player must have first learned the spell and added it to their spells list. When casting a spell, the Player says the name of the spell and then rolls a d20, adding the Magic Aptitude Score and any bonuses or penalties that apply.

For example: Lilly, a first-year student, is attempting to transfigure her rat Whitechin into a goblet. She has learned how to perform this spell in her Transfiguration class and has added it to her spells list. Lilly says ‘Vera Verto!’ and rolls a d20 with a result of 4. Lilly then adds her Magic Aptitude Score of +1 which brings her result to 5, a Flop. Poor Whitechin.

However, Lilly’s wand is made from Holly with a Dragon Heart-String core which gives her an additional +2 bonus. Also, casting spells with her rat grants her an additional +1 bonus to spells of this type. These modifiers bring Lilly’s result up to a 8, a Bumbling Success. It may have fur but it’s a cup!

>0 Bludge Couldn’t have done worse!1-5 Flop Failed, could’ve been worse.

6-10 Bumbling Success Succeed in spite of yourself.11-19 Success You did it!20< Brilliant Success Success beyond expectations!

Opposed Skills

Combat and Injury

Hasty Manuevers

Brewing and Mastering Potions

Unfamiliar or Broken Wands


Casting Defensively

Mastering Spells

“Wizard’s duel. Wands only – no contact.” — Draco Malfoy

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<14 <15

How to Play

Quidditch Advancement & Achievements

How to Play

Prereq(s): 4th Year or Older, 300 House Points

Authority to deduct house points from students of their own house who breakrules. Access to castle after curfew and some restricted areas.

+1 Knowledge, Library Use, Observation, +1 all Magical Subjects, +1 Eavesdrop & Gossip, Ingratiate

Throughout the game Players may earn House Points (HP) by acomplishing various tasks or performing above and beyond expectation. Those House Points may then be used to purchase re-wards and claim achievements. A word of caution to rule breakers; House Points may be taken away as easily as they are given, tread with care.

Each year the Player’s Magic aptitude score in-creases by +1. They also recieve an additional point to increase one of their remaining three aptitudes.

Players may also spend their collected House Points to gain additional aptitude points.

150 House Points = +1 to any Aptitude

Quidditch is a wizarding sport played on broomsticks. It is the most popular game among wizards and witches, and, according to Rubeus Hagrid, the equivalent to Muggles’ passion for football.

The game is played by two teams of seven people (three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper, and one Seeker) and involves four balls (a Quaffle, two Bludgers, and a Golden Snitch).

Prereq(s): 4th Year or Older, 2 Team Victories or 2 Caught Snitches, 50 House Points

Run trails and practices. Choose team members.Access to some restricted areas.

+1 Athletics, Quidditch, Defense, Maneuver, Offense, Survey, History, Strategy & Tactics. +2 Fly

Prereq(s): 6th Year, 500 House Points

Authority over Prefects and other students. Access to castle after curfew and most areas as well as a trophy and badge of achievement.

+1 to all Aptitude Scores

House Points can also be used to claim various titles known as achievements. All achievements have prerequisits that must be satisfied prior to claiming an achievement. Each achievement is unique and grants bonuses to specific skills.

Achievements may only be purchased at the end of each school year.

The Keeper guards the goal posts, while the three Chasers score goals with the Quaffle by tossing it into one of the opposing team’s three goal posts. The two Beaters keep the Bludgers away from their team and hit the Bludgers towards the opposing team, and the Seeker catches the Golden Snitch to end the game.

Each position grants associated bonuses: Beater & Keeper (Defense & Maneuver+1) Chaser (Offense & Maneuver +1) Seeker (Survey & Maneuver +1)

Prior to a match or during a time-out, the team Captain may make a Knowledge Quidditch check, adding their Strategy & Tactics bonus, to gain a +1 to all checks made for 5 rounds after planning. This is only granted if the check is a Success or Brilliant Success.

During play, skills checks are made by rolling a d20 and adding the Quidditch skill score and any bonuses or penalties. Each round every player can perform an action. Keepers are only required to act when attempting to block an incoming shot.

In order to catch the Snitch the Seeker must roll a Brilliant Success. If the Seeker first rolls Success or higher to Survey for the Snitch they are granted a +1 bonus to capture the Snitch that round.

If attacked by a Bludger, the Seeker must roll a Fly skill check to avoid the assault or loose their chance to snatch the Snitch that round. If attacked by both Bludgers and unable to avoid being hit, the Seeker is ‘out’ for the next round of play.

Reaching 250 points or capturing the Snitch will end the match.

Final standings in the competition for the House Cup are based on the total amount of points won over all matches played, rather than the number of victories.

Beaters keep the Bludgers away from their team’s Chasers and Seeker. Unless blocked, both Bludgers will get to attack the Chasers and Seeker. To block a Bludger, a Beater rolls and adds their Defense bonus. If the result is a Bumbling Success, one Bludger is deflected toward the other team. A Success deflects both Bludgers while a Brilliant Success sends both Bludgers in the direction of the other team’s Seeker.

Chasers must roll at least a Bumbling Success to attempt to score with the Quaffle. A Chaser may attempt a Maneuver check to recieve a +1 bonus to score that round. If attempts to score or perform a Maneuver fail, the control of the Quaffle is lost. A successful score earns that team 10 points.

The Keeper needs to match or exceed an opposing Chaser’s skill check to block a shot, adding their Defense bonus. Alternatively the Keeper may attempt to perform a Maneuver to block a shot but cannot add their Defense bonus.

Prereq(s): 3rd Year, 5 Wizard’s Chess Wins, 75 HP+1 bonus to Chess, Observation and Puzzles

Prereq(s): 4th Year, 5 Mastered Brews, 250 HP+3 bonus to Potions

Prereq(s): 4th Year, 10 Dueling Wins, 250 HP+1 bonus to Curse/Counter, DADA, Dueling

Prereq(s): 3rd Year, 3 Choir Solos, 125 HP+1 bonus to Allure, Charms, Magical Subjects


Quidditch Captain

Head Boy / Head Girl


Player Positions

Scoring Points

Strategy & Flow

Chess Master

Brew Master

Dueling Club Captain

Frog Choir Lead

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Broomstix Rule-Set and Guide

Created by Jared A. Sorensen & Bobby Jennings

Broomstix and Kauldronz Player Primer

Created by Craig A. Stephens

Chapter Illustrations

Mary GrandPré

Based on the Harry Potter Novels

Created by J. K. Rowling

The Broomstix and Kauldronz Player Primer is a non-profit labor of love for private use only and is not intended for sales of any kind. It is in no way affiliated with, sponsored or approve,

by J. K. Rowling, Bloomsbury, Scholastic Press, Warner Bros. or any of their respective affiliates or licensees. The content included in this free fan-made digital booklet is for the private use of the viewer and should not be sold, rented or used for any commercial enterprise in any way, shape or form. We make no claim to any characters, names, terms, concepts, images or logos that are trademarked, copyrighted or otherwise protected by federal, state, international or other intellectual property law. This guide and its content is free for all to share and enjoy.

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