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Hi I’m Andra and I’m excited to introduce my degree project to you

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What jumpstarted the idea behind my degree project was our visual advocacy class last semester.

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We got the wonderful opportunity to work with the Historic Manhiem Park Association, and proposed our solutions to problems we had identified within the Manhiem community.

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I had such a great experience working with my team, the Manheim residents and their community leaders, that I wanted to create something that can help bring more designers and non-profits together to encourage more collaboration between the two

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How can a digital experience be used to help non-profits find and work with creatives to make their ideas a reality?

So my degree question is ^ I chose to ask this question because I felt that designers can do so much to help improve our communities and that there is a huge gap between the people who want to get involved but don’t know how, and the people who are already involved. So I thought I could use design to help fill that gap and get the people who want to help, connected with their interests/passions.

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through my research, I found that there is a ton of information on design for social good and how to work with non-profits >

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but there isn’t a place that actually facilitates the connection process from beginning to end.

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Designers -in their 20s wanting to help and make a difference -in their mid career who are looking to change their career direction


Non-Profits -needing visual representation -needing design thinking

I found my audiences to be ^

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What needed to be addressed

And during my research, I found that there were a lot of areas that needed to be addressed for example,>

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There isn't a space that facilitates the connection between non-profits and designers.

^at least not online. There are a lot of non-profits out there who are trying to help solve important issues——-and a lot of designers who are passionate about those same issues. But if they don’t know about each other——- how can they meet and work together and create great creative solutions?

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Education is very important

Education is another big issue Designers know all about different thought processes, tools, methods, have different skill sets, and can provide much more than just a poster and a logo. These skills can help find the root of a problem which, when is addressed, can help solves more smaller problems along the way. When organizations are informed about what designers can provide, it can open up more job opportunity for designers and create more meaningful solutions.

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Starting up your own organization to do work for non-profits takes up a huge amount of time and costs a lot of money.

As a designer, to start up your own organization to do work for non-profits takes up a huge amount of time and money and it isn’t recommended. So in order to address this issue, my site acts as an “office space” for designers and non-profits who cant commit to starting up their own shop.

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Why a website?

One of my learning objects that i set for my self was to learn how to create a system that could adapt to the design and non-profit community’s needs and I felt that a website would be a great way to address it since it is really flexible medium.

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So all of that leeds to my degree Project which I named BIVIO which in latin translates to “the meeting”

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What I learned

Origianally when I started this project, my website didn’t even have a project management system a part of it. it was meant purely for people to meet and connect. But the more I kept learning about the needs of the users, I had to go back and make a management system which seemed really intimidating at the time, but now I’m glad that I did it. Because of this project I learned a lot about how to encourage two separate audiences to communicate and work with each other, while leaving myself out of the equation. Normally I use design to communicate with and for other people, so trying to set up a system that can help other people work and understand each other was a challenge.

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A few features that I set up to help keep projects organized are a calendar that will help you keep track of important dates such as meetings, conference calls and when parts of the projects are due

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Notes: where you can keep track of your ideas, plans, and things you just don’t want to forget And To Do Lists: where you can set goals and tasks to check off as you go. All of these features have the option to be shared with other members of your team so you can stay better connected.

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keeping everything organized and stored in one place, makes it easier for everyone on the team to keep track of where everything is and the progress thats being made.

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For the show I plan to have the video be shown on screen and for my portfolio I’ll have some In context Images along side the video.

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Thanks !

And that’s Bivio! Thanks!

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