Download - Bishop Solomon Mukunjo Is Doing Better · Uganda Epiaka Eildad and st Runner-Up Ochole Racheal present Pastors Reginald & Deborah with the "Key of Oneness", at the Miss Tourism Uganda

Page 1: Bishop Solomon Mukunjo Is Doing Better · Uganda Epiaka Eildad and st Runner-Up Ochole Racheal present Pastors Reginald & Deborah with the "Key of Oneness", at the Miss Tourism Uganda


~ Volume 3 Issue 11 ~

Bishop Solomon Mukunjo Is Doing


Back in May of 2016, Bishop Solomon Mukonjo, Pastor

of Church of God, in Kamwokya, Uganda, was injured in

a vehicle accident that left him with a broken left arm,

five broken ribs and a punctured lung. He spent sever-

al months in the hospital in intensive care. Thanks to

God for watching over him, the doctors and therapists

that have been working with him and the love of World

Outreach Worship Center, Newport News, Virginia and

other Church of God Ministries, Bishop Solomon and

his wife Mary Gorette are smiling today because their

daughter Lydia is getting married. Bishop conveys his

heart felt thanks to all those that prayed and helped

during his time of need. Bishop is still receiving thera-

py on a weekly basis and is recovering slowly. His

duties as Pastor have been limited so his Associate

Pastors and other church leaders have taken over

those responsibilities; he still has the occasion to be

used by the Holy Spirit from time to time. We shall

continue to keep him in our prayers.

Pastor Santana Is Back in Africa

Pastor Al Santana, COG Hispanic Ministry, Reginald

Freeman and Henry Wynn were in attendance at

the wedding of Bishop Solomon Mukonjo’s daugh-

ter Lydia. Pastor Santana (Asst. Pastor for Mercy

Church, New Jersey), is here in Uganda to facilitate

the efforts at the five new Sudanese Refugee Camps,

making way for schools to be built. He congratulat-

ed Henry Wynn for being the Liaison for Church of

God Hispanic Ministries Northern Region under

Pastor Christian Sanchez. God bless them all as they

do the work in the Sudanese Refugee Camps.

Hope For the Future

Elvis Wilson Lubowa and his wife, are Founders of Garden of Hope Ministries International

in Kampala, Uganda. Their mission is to: Assist those in need within our communities by

connecting with people in acts of love to provide a feeling of support and empower-

ment. Uplift us to connect with stories of inspiration that serve to enhance our common

quality of life. Engage Ugandans in social innovation by demonstrating that simple “acts of

love” are significant.

ACTNIM and GOH shall be partnering to provide services for the community in the near

future. God has a plan for our ministries. Hallelujah!

Page 2: Bishop Solomon Mukunjo Is Doing Better · Uganda Epiaka Eildad and st Runner-Up Ochole Racheal present Pastors Reginald & Deborah with the "Key of Oneness", at the Miss Tourism Uganda




Bigsam Katabaro, station manager at UBC-TV and host of a weekly program “Soul Touch” on Magic Gos-

pel Television, set the stage for a rare visit with Pastors Reginald & Deborah Freeman (not pictured),

Founders of A Cross the Nations International Ministries (ACTNIM) Care Bear Home in Wayboja, Uganda.

This was a great opportunity for Gospel Artists of Uganda to come and share their thoughts and feelings

about the industry as well as talk about focusing more on the purpose of gospel music and the industry

as a whole. Artists like Prince Elijah, Ivan, Phefe and Patricia did interviews with the UBC crew, a few

promoters were part of the process, Bridget and Elvis.

Making Plans for the Future

On the campus of International University of East Africa, where the

students are busy with their daily routines, Haneem Atizoyo, Dean of

Students and Alice Barlow, Miss IUEA spend time with Dr. Deborah

Freeman and two of ACTNIM's Educational Scholarship Recipients.

Ruth Mugobansonga (left), and Gloria Mugobansonga (next) are

considering attending the university. Gloria who would like to be-

come a lawyer is eligible to attend this next coming fall semester.

Ruth is interested in accounting and shall enroll in 2018. Congratula-

tions to both of them.

Learning to Succeed

Coming To America

Plans are underway for the “Bridging The Gap” Conference in August 2017, that will be held in Newport News, Virginia.

The Honorable Dr. Maria Mutagamba, Director of Miss Tourism Uganda, Miss Tourism Uganda Epiaka Eildad and 1st Runner-Up Ochole Racheal present Pastors Reginald & Deborah with the "Key of Oneness", at the Miss Tourism Uganda Office in Gamba Plaza in Kampala, Uganda. Dr. Mutagamba and her queens shall attend the conference and convey the importance of Bridging the Gap and the reuniting of God’s people.

Page 3: Bishop Solomon Mukunjo Is Doing Better · Uganda Epiaka Eildad and st Runner-Up Ochole Racheal present Pastors Reginald & Deborah with the "Key of Oneness", at the Miss Tourism Uganda


Ms. Laubach

Nazea Award


Jayden Laubach

Nazea Award

B Team

Coach Carlos

Nazea Award

A Team


The Staff

B Team

A Team

Page 4: Bishop Solomon Mukunjo Is Doing Better · Uganda Epiaka Eildad and st Runner-Up Ochole Racheal present Pastors Reginald & Deborah with the "Key of Oneness", at the Miss Tourism Uganda



Leading With A Kingdom Mindset

by Minister Sasha E. Lindsey

In today’s society, people are fascinated by the perceived glitz and glamor of titles and positions. From politics to entertainment, people base their whole purpose

on the degrees they receive, the amount of money in their bank accounts, the neighborhood where they live and even the amount of likes they receive on Face-

book. As a little girl, I thought I needed carnal credentials to be considered valuable to God: an education, a high-powered position within an organization, and

connections to all the “Who’s Who” in church and society. My Christian life was tainted by an erroneous worldly view of what it meant to be a vessel in the King-

dom. I treated God’s plan for my life like I did my education and my career. I was always in reckless pursuit of more knowledge, more wisdom, more anointing,

and more money…more, more, more. I attached my worth to the Kingdom to prophetic confirmations from well-known Church figures, my ability to quote scrip-

tures off the cuff, being ordained in a mega church, and using the word to obtain wealth and status. I spent years reading every spiritual book I could get. I was

not kingdom purpose driven, but church validation obsessed. It wasn’t enough that God had on many occasions confirmed His word in my life in tangible ways. I

craved the pastor’s and the congregation’s approval.

I spent my early years as a Christian trying to measure up to legalistic and materialistic standards and I lost sight of what was most important—impacting the

world for good and for God. I lost sight of my passion for building up the Kingdom one soul at a time through love, compassion, giving and sacrifice. My un-

quenchable thirst for recognition left me disillusioned and ultimately discouraged as I tried to follow in the footsteps of the leaders around me. One by one, the

majority of my role models ended up falling prey to either corruption or compromise. Some distorted the truth for personal gain, while others walked away from

their calling when their carnal mindset failed to deliver on its promise. I witnessed some of the most prominent spiritual leaders of my generation fade away into

obscurity taking their legacy along with them. The death of my senior pastor, followed by suicide attempts by his wife was my spiritual reality check. I witnessed

the congregation dwindle from more than three thousand to a few hundred members. I began to question everything I learned about ministry and leadership. I

embarked on a long journey full of life lessons that would teach me how to live and lead with a Kingdom mindset. I left behind everything I knew and loved for

the Excellency of Christ.

I learned the value and cost of having my identity as a leader deeply-rooted in the image of Jesus. God used the mistakes of my leaders to teach me and shape my

character. He was also preparing me to develop leaders in ministry and the workplace. My failure as a leader would become the inspiration and foundation for

teaching other leaders how to lead with a Kingdom mindset. My life became an open book that would inspire them to have the courage to change as well.

To be a Christ-like leader, we must be intentional about finding opportunities to follow. Submitting is a necessary reminder that as leaders, we are always serv-

ants first. Are you called to lead? When it comes to leading with a Kingdom mindset, we all have to take the “Christ-Like” assessment. Effective leaders are those

who understand that the test is a life-long process which we fully engage in daily. Leadership is not a destination; it is a continuous journey of learning, serving

and growing. It is a departure from an immature worldly attitude to a mature spiritual perspective. When was the last time you did a spiritual check-up? If it has

been a while, I encourage you start right now and make the exchange:

Immorality for Integrity

Proverbs 2:20-21

Hebrews 13:18

Pride for Humility

Ephesians 4:2

Proverbs 11:2

Insecurity for Faith

James 1:5-8

Hebrews 11:6

Greed for Generosity

1Timothy 6:10

Proverbs 11:24-25

Worldly ambition for contentment

Proverbs 14:12

Philippians 4:11-12

Establish new Kingdom-minded goals that will help you grow in your walk with

the Lord and as a servant leader. As you mature, your ability to encourage and

influence others will develop. Take the focus off of you and be intentional about

serving diligently within your community of influence. As your mindset chang-

es, God will open more doors for you.

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Coming To Virginia

As part of the “Bridging The Gap,” initiative we are moving

forward in the kingdom and have very high expectations for

the future. Bigsam Katabaro has come to Virginia and staying

at the ACTNIM Headquarters in Smithfield, Virginia. More to


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Our mission is to serve as a reliable Christian based

organization on a global scale; giving individuals the

knowledge and ability to become self-sustaining in

all areas of their lives. By providing information and

resources, we will transform whole communities.

A Cross The Nations International Ministries

P.O. Box745

Smithfield, Virginia 23430

(757) 810-1920 Pastor Deborah Freeman

(757) 508-5052 Pastor Reginald Freeman

Care Bear Home

Wayboja, Uganda

(718) 312-8676 Skype Telephone Number

256776335452 Local Ugandan Number

Email address: [email protected]



Since the time the first African was brought

to America, the stories and history have been

almost forgotten. In today's society people,

in America, are asking questions about their

origins as well as historical facts. "Bridging

The Gap", is an initiative that will do just

that. Through Tourism and Education this

can be achieved. Believers on both continents

have a strong desire to reach out and better

know their brothers and sisters that have

been long removed from each other. With

the help of churches, local communities, and

government officials this initiative will be-

come a reality. Pray with us, and encourage

others to support our efforts, to bringing

God's People together as one.

“But ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is

come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both

in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria, and

unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts 1:8