Download - BIRTHS Coram News Items - NYS Historic · Mr. and Mrs. Herman Abinette of 144 Division Avenue, West


Suffolk Religion-Menta l Health Unit Forms

OFFICERS of Suffolk County branch of Aca-dem> of Religion and Mental Heal th are pic-tured. Thev arc, from left to r ight , Oscar Pelz-man . M.D.. psychiatrist of Patchogue. t reasurer:S e v m o u r Helpern . clinical psychologist. Central

Isli p State Hospital , vice president ; GeorgeVlavianos . M.D., Kings Park State Hospital ,president; and Rabbi Dr. Maurice Kirshen-baum , founder of Menta l Heal th Rehabi l i ta t ionFund , Inc.. secretary general.

The Suffo lk County Branch ofthe Academy of Rel i g ion and MJen-tal Hea l th was recen tly organized.

Its off icers are : George Vlavi-anos , M.D. , Kings Park StateHospi ta l , pr esident; Seymour Hal-pern , c l inical psychologist , Cen-tral I s l ip State Hospital , vice pre-sident ; Rabbi Dr. Maur ice Kir sh-enbaum , founder of Menta l Heal thR e h a b i l i t a t i o n Fund , Inc., secret-ary general ; and Oscar Pelzman ,M.D. , psychiatr ist of Patchogue ,t reasurer.

The purpose of the branch isfor education and research forthose seeking to unders tand the re-la t ionship between religions andmenta l health , and to provide op-portuni t ies for the shar ing of in-format ion among the professionsengaged in religion and mentalheal th , according to Dr. Vlavian-os.

"The branch will play its partto in form and educate the peopleregarding the m u t u a l l y comp le-mentary aspects of rel igion andpsychia t ry in the menta l heal thof people ," he said.

"Real iz ing tha t it is most, im-portant not onl y to be active inthe educational , but also in the

I practical aspects id' mental heal th ,th is branch wil l adopt as itsspecial project the p lann ing fora menta l heal th residence center'ha l f -way house ' to hel p in thetotal rehabi l i ta t i on of patientsdischarged from menta l hospitals "he concluded.

Such a program was founded byDr. Kirshenbaum , former chaplainof the Kings Park State Hosp i-tal. The Suffolk County Branchof the Academy of Religion and

.Mental Health will work coopera-tively wi th the Mental Health Re-habi l i ta t ion Fund , Inc., and invitesthe cooperation of all who are in-terested to fur ther the realizationof this program.



Mr. and M>rs. James Reese of488 South Ocean Avenue . Patch-ogue. a daugh te r on May 19.

.Air. and Mrs. James Copelandof 29 Morn ing Drive , Centereach ,a daughter on May 19.

Mr. and Mrs. Mort imer Policas-tro of 808 Taylor Avenue , EastPatchogue. a daughter on May 20.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Walsh of29 Swain Court , Lake Ronkon-koma , a daughter on May 20

Mr. and Mrs. James Hazard of74 (Jrove Avenue , Patchogue , ason on May 20.

Mr. and Mrs. Erling Holm ofEastport Manor Road , Manorvil le ,a son on May 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Ncholas Dono of95 East Masem Square , East Pat-chogue , a son on May 21.

Mr. and Mis. Ha io ld Smith of127 Falcon Avenue , Medford , ason on May 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam Nelson of4 Lido Boulevard , Lake Ronkon-koma , a son on May 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Abinetteof 144 Division Avenue , West Say-ville , a son on May 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Minar diof 85 South Dunto n Avenue , EastPatchogue , a son on May 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam ' Brock of114 Hi lary Street , West Sayville ,a daughter on May 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Pickford Robinsonof Paquatuck Terrace , East Mori-ches , a son on May 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Signo-rille of 481 Bay Avenue , Patch-ogue . a daughter on May 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ruquetof 82 Clinton Avenue , North Pat-chogue , a daughter on May 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Davis ofSouth Ocean Avenue , Center Mori-ches , a son on May 22.

Mr . and Mrs. Donald Patanjo of260 Old Stump Road , Brookhaven ,a daughter on May 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Crandall Sanna ofCandido Avenue , Shirley, a son onMav 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raynorof 14 Chichester Avenue , CenterMoriches , a son on May 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Deni-mark of 147 Stanley Drive , Cen-tereach , a daughter on May 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Backes of94 Hedges Avenue, East Patch-ogue , a son on May 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Leeds of136 Thames Street, Port JeffersonStation , a son on May 23.

Mr. and Mrs. James Scenna of826 Hawkins Avenue, Lake Ron-konkoma , a son on May 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Salvitti of22 East Third Street, Patchogue,a daughter on May 23.


Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Daigle,Jr ., of Riverhead , a son on May15.

Mr. and Mrs. John Toucey, IV,of Middle Island , a daughter onMay 16.

Mr. and Mrs. George H. Cad-well, Jr., of East Patchogue, adaughter, on May 16.

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kruel ofRiverhead , a son on May 16.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brambleyof Eastport, a son on May 18.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spano ofRiverhead , a son on May 18.

Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Novick ,Jr., of Westhampton Beach, adaughter on May 20.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hitt ofRiverhead , a son on May 30.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Apreaof Mlanorvile, a son on May 19.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shaw ofWesthampton Beach , a daughter onMay 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Edison Brown ofRiverhead , a daughter on May 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wold , Jr.,of .Riverhead , a son on May 24.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Overton ,Sr., of Westhampton , a son onMay 25.


Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Grooten-dorst , West Sayville, a girl , May18; Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L.Maasch , Jr., Sayville , a boy, May19; Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Mav,Lake Ronkonkoma , a girl , May 20;Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Acke-r-mann , Sayville , a boy, May 21; Mr .and Mrs. Gilbert D. Bishop, Say-ville , a girl , May 22; Mr. and Mrs.William R. Barthelme, Bayport , aboy, May 23; Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam M. Sheridan , Oakdale , a boy,May 23; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph All.Oakdale , a girl , May 24; Mr . andMrs. Frank R. DiGioia , West Say-ville, a girl, May 24.

CoramNews ItemsMrs. (,' loria Hoelzer . SI'.lden 2-5363

Recent guests of Mr. and MrsChai les He in , Jr., of Pine Roanwere Mrs. E. Ackerson of St.! ames; Mrs. Kate Calihvel'.,Robert and Loretta Faron of u-51uePo in t ; Charles Hein , Sr., andWi l l i am Wittschack of Port Jef-ferson ; Miss Kay Mil ler of Mid-dle Island and Jud y Christ ofCoram.

Mr. and Mrs. Herschell Sher-wood of Four th Street spent. Sat-urday in Iloboken , N. ,] ., wherethey visited and were luncheonguests of Mr. and Mrs . C. Guzzi.Later in the day they visited theirson and daughter-in-law , Mr. andMrs. Warren Sherwood , and chil-dren , Thomas , John , Regina , Kath-leen , Bill y and Mary, also ofHoboken.

Saturday guests of Mr. andMrs. Frank Marz of Fourthstreet were Mr. and Mrs. JohnReese and chi ldren , John andK enneth , of Maspeth.

The Coram C o m m u n i t y Clubheld its annua l Memorial Dayservices in Coram at 2 p.m. , May30. Par t ic ipat ing in the serviceswere the Coram Band , Girl Scoutsand Boy Scouts , Ladies ' Auxi l ia ryof the Coram Fire Departmentand the men of the Coram FireDepartment. The ceremonies start-ed with The Pledge of Allegianceto the flag lead by Charles Kose-lius. The invocation was given bythe Rev. Wil l iam Govern of St.Frances Cabrini R. C. Church ,Coram. Guest speaker was J.Foley of Blue Point. Floralwreaths were p laced by Mrs.Gloria Hoelzer for the Ladies 'Auxi l iary , Chief Thomas Lyonfor the Fire Department , andFrank Pommer for the CommunityClub. Benediction was given bythe Rev. David Hurley of theTrinity Methodist Church ofCoram. Taps were played byAr thur Rast of Holtsville , directorof the Coram Band.

The Central Brookhaven Repub-lican Club will hold its monthlymeeting June 12 at the CoramCommuni t y Club . Election andinstallation of officers will be held.Sheriff Charles Dominy will be theinstalling officer. Everyone iswelcome to attend.

The Coram Community Clubwill hold its card party at 1 p.m.June 13.

On Friday night Mr. and Mrs.Charles Peterson , Jr., of Route112 attended the annual sportsdinner of the C. W. Post College.The dinner was held at PatriciaMurphy 's in Manhasset. Theirson . Charles , was honored with anathletic award.

Saturday Mrs. Fannie Hill ofMt. Sinai road celebrated herbirthday with her family.

The North Shore Aquanots SkinDiving Club held its meetingSunday afternoon at the home ofMiss Penny Christiansen of Millroad.

Mrs. Marianne Lyon of Mt.Sinai road is recuperating atMather hospital after an opera-tion.

The Coram 4-H Club met re-cently at the home of Mrs. JuliaMorris. The girls modeled clothesMay 25 at the Stony Brook school ,where they were j udged by 4-Hleaders and the girls were givenribbons. Rosemary Hoffmann mod .eled shorts. Marie Mazzoni , shorts,Evelyn Baile , blouse, Terry Christ ,skirt , Jo-Anne Christ , blouse , andLeni Elwood a tunic. Marie ElainaMazzoni was moderator.

CHURCH NEWSThe 1961 session of the New

York East Conference of Churcheswas held at the Valley StreamMethodist Church , May 24 to 28.Those attending from Coram werePastor David Hurley and Mrs.Hurley, Mrs. Gesche Lyon , a Laydelegate, Mrs. Will iam Haspel , Jr.,alternate Lay delegate , RobertStill and Mrs . Agnes Hungerford.Mrs. Lyon gave a report to thecongregation Sunday morning. TheNaomi Circle will meet June 12at the home of Mrs. George Ed-wards. The All Church picnic willbe held Sunday at WestmeadowBeach right after church. PastorHurley has been appointed by Bi-shop Wicke to his fourth year inCoram , Pastor and Mrs. Hurleyhave recentl y moved into the newparsonage on Mt. Sinai Road.Everyone is welcome to come andvisit them. Announcement of OpenHouse will be made later. A rum-mage sale will be held June 17at the old firehouse Route 112.Please call Mrs. Frank ¦ Hagen ,SE 2-3217, or Mrs. Mary H'ahn

SE 2-3375 before bringing rum-mage. Plans are underway for achurch bazaar to be held Jul y 1on the church grounds. An Inter-national food supper is planned.Mesdames Jeanne Lyon and ArleneMinarich are co-chairmen.

St. Frances Cabrini R. C. ChurchSunday masses are at 7, 8, 10:30a. m. and 12:15 p. m., benedictionfollows the 10:30 a. m. mass.Weekday mass dail y at 8 a. m.Bap tisms are Sunday by appoint-ment.

Disunity CalledMajor Block toPotato Support

WASHINGTON — The Depart-ment of Agr icul ture in an answerto Rep. Otis C. Pike 's May 15 in-quiry about a possible federal sup-port program for potatoes haslaid the responsibility for estab-lishing such a program squarelywith the growers themselves.

Pointing to a period of requiredsupports for potatoes between1943 and 1951, the department be-lieves this program failed because"grower interest was oriented to-ward government support pricesrather than the level of productionneeded to supply the markets andreturn adequate prices to gro-wers"

The department's attitude is con-tained in their current Om/nibusBill which expresses the opinionthat any support program will beon firmer grounds if it resultsfrom, the growers' interest in help-ing themselves

"Although the Bill will providethem (the potato farmers) with

the opportunit y to develop inn '1"unan imi ty , there is the poss ibi l i tyfor the immediate f ut u r e thatthese differences wi l l continue tobe too great to result in a progra mon which they can agree ," the • - ><> .riculture department spoke. ,concluded.

Centereach &Lake Grove

Mrs. VAhf l Smith. ROnk. 9-8752

Darice Schneider celebra 'ed herthird bir thday with a par ty onSaturday. Her guests were Rickeyand SueAnn MoDodi t t and Mrs.IWJcDedilt , of Centereach , ScottDavis and his mother , Mrs. Davisof Port J e f f e rson, Sharon andTimoth y Evans and the i r mot hei - ,Mrs. Evans of Setauket. WayneTobin and his mother , Mrs. JackTobin ol' Centereach.

Mr. and Mrs . Percy Overtonwore supper guests Memorial dayof Mr. and Mrs. Howard Overtonof Bay Shore.

A stork shower was given May28 for Mrs . Salvatore ^ unzia 'hwife of Capt. Salvatore Nunz ia th .stationed at Pieat inny ArsenalDover , N. J. The shower was heldat the home of her mother , M/rsE. A. Varnev. 220 i " as * won IBoulevard , Centereach. Hostesses,were Mrs. L. C. Kiehn of CenterMoriches , and Mrs. Stanley John-son of Centereach. Guests wereM'\?sdames Robert Phi l l ip of Hieks-ville , Joseph Cassese , Bay Shore ,( Je r r y Levine C'-nte- i -u- ie > s.Christine Camjpbell and the Mis-ses Ruth Brush , R u t h Cussino ofSmithtown , Mesdames EdmundBodkin , John Dawson , StanleyJohnson , John Lukenchook , EdnaTetreault , Mrs. Nunzia th ' s grand-mother of Centereach. The roomwas decorated in yellow and whiteinc lud in g " the flower- 1 t h e <-: i I < <- -mdthe candies. A bassinet covered inyellow and white organd y heldmany lovel y gifts.

The Advance is on sale at John 'sMeat Market , Steve's GeneralStore, D a w n Stationery, ScottCandy Store, Reylek Candy Store,Village Chemists and Village .Sta-tionery in Centereach.—Adv.

The Secret Pals met at thehome of Miss Jeanne Bingay ofMedford. At tending from herewere Mesdames Albert Reynolds,George Kennedy, George Bingay.Alma Wendel , of Centereach andMesdames Julius Hahn and PercyPeters of Stony Brook.

Otto Lubrich , Jr., son of Mr.and Mrs. Otto Lubrich. Sr. o 1Elliot Avenue , celebrated his thirdbirthday June 2. His guests wereMrs. Walter Jensen and son . Jef-frey of Smithtown; Mrs. SidneyWilliams and son , Jeffrey, Mrs.Walter Sauve and daughter , Pat ,and son , Michael , Mrs. Al Fridlundand sons , Kenny and Paul , andOtto 's sisters, Robin and Melodic.

Robin Burr celebrated her birth-day Saturday with a party. Herguests were Joanne Ang evine Bar-bara McCuen of Lake Grove; Peg-gy Schwamb, Peggy, Doris , Wayneand Caroline McCleary, Linda ,Patricia , Jimmy and Susan Koch ,Douglas Wesley and Gary Hal-lock , St. Jam»es; Mrs. Wesley Hal-lock , Mrs. Guy Castro, LakeGrove. Evening visitors were Mr.and Mrs. Ray Burr , Jr., Cente-reach ; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamil-ton of Kings Park. The decorationswere pink and white. Robin re-ceived many lovely gifts

The Sleepy Timers held theirins ta l la t ion d inner at the ElksHotel in Port Jefferson. John Al-len , t h e club' s firs ' presid ent , wasthe installing officer. The newpresident is Charles Varidy, Jr.,Gerald Fries, vice president; Wes-ley Hallock , secretary ; all of Cen-tereach. Bruce Hamilton of KingsPark is treasurer. Members of thebowling team receiving trophiesat the dinner were Ray Burr , Sr.,high average, and Ray Burr , Jr.,high game. The ladies were guests.


The Centereach C o m m u n tyChurch holds Sunday school at10 a. m., worship at 11:15 a. m.and Westminster Fellowship at6:30 p. m., Sunday.

The C e n t e r e a c h MennoniteChurch holds worship at 10 a. m.Sunday School at 10:45 a. m., gos-pel service at 7:45 p. m

St. Andrew's Reformed Episco-pal Church has Sunday school at10 a. m., morning prayer and ser-vice at 11 a. m., evening prayerand sermon at 8 p m; SundayEvening prayer is held at 8 p m.Wednesday.

Our Savior Lutheran Churchholds Sunday school at 9 a. m.,worship at 8 a. m. and 10:30 a. m.

A Walther League Outing toWildwood State Park will be heldSunday, starting from the churchat 2 p. m. Thursday at 8 p. the Sunday School Teachers'Meeting. Saturday there will bep picnic at Mill Neck. The Ladies 'Guild strawberry festival will befrom 6 to 8 p. m. June 17.

The Assumption of the BlessedVirgin Marv R. C Church holdsmasses at 8. 9, 10:30 and 11:30a. m. and 12 p. m. Sunday. Adaily miass is held at 8 a m.

In the Congregational Churchof New Village there will be aSunday School Teachers meetingMonday night. June 14 WomensMissionary Society will meet forbusiness and devotions in Hiemorning and in the afternoon theladies will do White Cross work.Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m.Sunday.

Friday evening several fromhere are planning to attend theHi-B. A. graduation banquet heldat the Moderne Room in the Bel-mont Plaza Hotel , New YorkCity , sponsored bv the Hi ghSchool Evangelism Fellowship.

Saturday the Colonist group ofPioneer Girl s are having an en-campment from 10 a. m. until 4n. m. at Sunken Meadow StatePark. Mrs. Celia Brownworth isthe leader of the group.

A groun of Church peonle arepanning to attend the wedding ofMiss MaryAnn DeLena and Ron-ald Dixon at 3 p. m. this Satur-

day in the Stony Brook BoysSchool chapel.

June 12 the Women 's Mission-ary Society will meet at the StonyBrook Boys School.

Welcomed into church member-ship Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.William Haining and daughters,Carol and Janet , Mrs. Anna Bar-czik , Thor Fridlund , Richard Riley,Mil-, and Mrs. Carl Abele , Mr. andM)rs. Clinton Redden, Mrs. Doro-thy Smith and Mrs. Helen Ma-sin

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j !

! See Us For Advice on That IHome Improvement Loan

We have the information to help youmake proper arrangements


The National Bank ofLake Ronkonkoma

! MEMBER : F.D.I C. and Federal Reserve Bank \I a


Hawkins Ave., L. Ronkonkoma JUniper 8-8400 j !

Works l eserves the right to re-ject anv and all bids.Dated June 8, 1961

H. F. BISHOPCommissioner of Public WorksCounty of SuffolkYap hank , New York

Town of BrookhavenLegal Notices


TOWN OF BROOKHAVENPuisuant to the provisions of

Article XV, Section 1501 of theBuilding Zone Ordinance for theTown of Brookhaven , notice ishereby given that the Board ofZoning Appeals will hold a pub-lic hearing at the Board Room ,Town Hall , Patchogue, N. Y. onThursday, June 15," 1961 at 2:00p. m. to consider the following:

7. Anthony Wivchar , KromerAve., Rivernead , N. Y. Location:Brookhaven Mai or Road , 1801.26ft. S/O South River Road , or 500 'ft. S/O Long Island LightingR.O.W., Calverton, N. Y. Appli-cant requests renewal of per-mission for rifle range.

8. Benny Borrusso , 51-74 Cod-wise Place, Elmhurst, N. Y.Location: E / S Weeks Ave.,approx. 1600 ft. N/O South St.,Manorville , N. Y. App licant re-quests renewal of permit #31241 erroneously issued byBuilding Dept. on Aug. 14, 1954for the erection of a dwelling andattached garage now partiallycompleted and requiring a vari-ance under Town Law 280a.

9. Pauline . Lanni , Box 442,Mastic Beach , N. Y. Location :iN/E corner of Mastic Road &Pineway Ave., Mastic Acres,N. Y. Applicant requests per-mission for the erection of achain l ink fence.

Cases will be heard in theorder in which they are adver-tised after completion of otherbusiness.

Matters undisposed of at theclosing of the hearing will beheld over unt i l the next r egularmeeting of the Board.

Joseph S. CorbettChairman

Daniel BerkeSecretary

Here eomts the bride! Thestrains of the wedding marchwill begin auspiciously when youaccept the cheerfully given serv-ice of The Advance in your selec-tion of wedding invitations. Prin-ted , raised printing or engraving.—Adv.

NEW CENTEREACH .III—Peter Curcio, presi-dent of Board of Education , Middle CountrySchool District I I , Centereach. turns fir st shovelof ground to s t a r t construction of new ju niorhi gh school in Centereach. Pictured from left tor ight , are Wil l iam Greenfield , local representa-

t ive for Architect Louis Jal lade : Mr. Curcio , Dr.George Hi l lman , member of Board of Educa-tion ; Ward I. Fiedler, supervis ing pr inc ipa l . Mid-dle Count ry School Dis t r ic t , and Michael Pun-li l lo . general contractor .

—Ph oto by Ilanley

NOTICE OF ACCREDITATION from New YorkState Board .)f Regents has been received byCentral School District No. 11 (Centereach-Sel-

den) for New! k i d High School in Selden , pic-tured above , effective September 1, 1960.

Five Brookhaven justices of theCourt of Special Sessions, are at-tending the Fifth Annual Region-al Traffic Court Conference nowbeing held on the campus of Ford-ham University, New York City.

They are : Leon E. Giuffroda ,Milton A. LaGattuta, Erling A.Larsen, William T. Rogers andAnthony Salvatore

Approximately 75 judges, attor-neys, prosecutors, and police offi-cers from the Eastern UnitedStates and Canada are attending.At the five-day meeting, whichends tomorrow, they will be givendetailed descriptions of currenttechniques for detecting and cor-recting traffic violations.

The conference is presented bythe American Bar Association 'sTraffic Court Program and th eTraffi c Institute of NorthwesternUniversity, in cooperation with theFordham University School ofLaw.

Relationships between trafficproblems and the courts , legalpoints involved in such offenses,and civil and criminal responsibil-ity in accident cases are amongthe topics discussed at the confer-ence.

Town JusticesIn Traffic TalkAt Fordham U,

By W. L. Gordon

WORDS OFTEN MISUSEDAn ALIEN is a forei gn-born

resident , who is not a citizen. AFOREIGNER is one who belongsto another nation. A STRANGER

is merely one who is unknown orwithout acquaintances in a givenplace.

Do not say, "The number hasfive aughts." Say, "has fiveNOUGHTS."

Avoid the use of OCCURloosely in t he sense of "appear ,present it -elf , etc. " Say, "Manyfresh sp r ings are to bo found (no!'occur ' ) nea r t h e town. " " of trees grow (no t 'occur ')here ."

Do not say, "Af te r l i f t i n g upthe package , he re turned backhome ." Omi t "up " and "back. "

When AYE i - pronounced tor 1 ' " •"- • " <• •>« . M . al-


Lesson in English


S U P R E M E COURT :SUFFOLK COUNTYI X T V. R X A T 1 O N A L ASSO-C | \ T I ' S. a copar tnersh i p. P la in -t i f f , a g a i n s t Sta t ion Rea l t y Co.Inc.. ol al .. Defendan ts .

In pui -nance of a judgment olto o e l o ^ i r o and sale made and e i-f i rod in t h e ahovo-ent it led ac t i on ,da ted t h e 17th day of May. 1961.and en te red t h e 2 1 t h day of M a y ,1901 , I. t he undersigned , the Re-fe ree in sai l j u d g m e n t nani ' - d wi l l•- i l l at pub l i c auct ion to the hi ghe - i b id . l< r on t in f ron t steps of t h eTowi H a l l . .South Oeea i Avenue ,Patcho gue . Suffolk County . NewV>rk , on the 20th day of Jul y1961. at 10:00 o'clock in the fore-noon , t he premises directe d bysaid judgment to be sold and de-scribed in said judgment as fol-low s:

"ALL tha t certain plot , piece orparcel of land w i t h the building sand improvements thereon erect-ed s i t u a t e , l y ing and being inthe Town of Brookhaven . Countvof Suffolk and State of N-wYork, known and desi gnated on ac r ain map e n t i t l e d "Map ofPort Jefferson Hei ghts , SectionF." and filed in the office id' theCI 'M -k of Suffolk County on Jul y21. 1907. as Map No . 207. as andby lot numbers 321 throu gh 351i n c l u s i v e ; 128 through 160 inc lu-s i v e ; 165 t h r o u g h 197 inclu s ive;and 5" 16 t h r o u g h 5S6 inclusive. "

H a t e d : J u n e 1st, 1961 .J O H N J. H A R T . JR.. ESQ.Ke lo io e .LEWIS J. SOLOMONA t t o r n e y for P l a i n t i f fS A M U E L K R O L A N D . ESQ.of Counsel:..'! Nor th Park AvenueRockvi l le Centre , New York

P U B L I C N O I R EP u r - u a n t t o the Public Service

Law . the und ersigned hereb yg ive s no t i ce tha t i t has issuedand f i l ed w i t h the Public ServiceC o i i imi - ion. an a m e n d e n t to itsGa- R a t e Schedule P. S C. No. 4 ,cons is t in g o\' First Revised LeafN o . 17. e f f e c t i v e Sep tember _ 1.1961 . to i cv i se Rule 3 I to provi dea u n i f o r m budget period commenc-in g September 1 and endin g June30 . w i t h J u l y and August adjust-ing month - * .

Ful l de t a i l s of such change maybe secured from the off icers oft h e Company and may be exam-ined in t h e scliedu ' e of rates onf i l e in the offices of the CompanyII , t h e Publ ic Service Commiss ion .

LONG I S L AN DL I G H T I N G C O M P A N YJohn J. Tuohy, President .

Da ted : June 5. 1961


COUNTYThe Eq u i t a b l e Lif e Assurance

Society of the U n i t e d States ,P l a i n t i f f , against Mar ty Ganii ,L i l l i a n Gann . et al.. D efendants . iI n d e x No . 0J-.255. In pursuance ofa j u d g m e n t of forec l o sure and ,sale , dated May 29 , 1961 , 1, the Iunder s igne d , th e Referee in saidj u d gm e n t named , wi l l sell at pub-lic a u c t i o n , at the fron t steps ofth • C o u n t y Court House, in theTown of Riverhea d. County ofS u f f o l k . Sta t" of New York , onthe 21 - t day of Ju ly . 1961 , atl l C b i i o'clock in the fo ' enoon oftha t day, the premises describedby said jud gment to be sold, andthe re in described as fol lows: Allt ha t cer ta in lot , p iece or parcel ofland with the bui ld i ngs and im-p iovement s thereon s i tuate , l y ingand bein g at Lake Grove , Town ofBrookhaven , County of Suffolkand S ta te of New York , knownand d e s i gn a t e d as Plot Nos. 10,11 and 12 on Map of Washburn ,Se -t ion 2. f i led in the Off ice oft h e Clei k of Suffolk County onOctob 'i- 15 . 1958. as Map cr 1657.Da ted : J u n e 1. 196,1. L-onardWexb-i . iw,., Rofeiee. GR1FFING ,SMITH. T A S K E R and LUND-B E R G . At to rney s for P laint i f fs .20!) We st Main Street . Riverhead ,New York.


NEW YORKDEPARTM ENT OF PUBLICW O R K S , 1APHANK , N. Y.Separate sealed proposals will

be l eceived until 11:00 a. m.,P reva i l i n g Time , on June 2!) ,1961 , at the Office of H. F.Bishop , Commissioner of PublicWorks. Yap hank , New Y'ork , atwhich t ime they will be publiclyopened and read for the:CONTRACT NO. 1 —



ELECTRICALwhich work consists of the reno-va t ion and alteration of:THE MARSHALL & STUDENT



Plans and specifications may beobtained and examined at theoffice of the Commissioner ofPub lic Works , Yaphank , NewYork.

The deposit for a set of plans ,specifications and proposal formsfor each contract is $40.00.Checks shall be made payable tothe County of Suffolk. A refundin ful l wil l be made to BIDDERSfor return of ONE set of plansand specincations in good con-di t ion wi th in thir ty (30) days ofaward or rejection of Bids . Re-fund for all other sets in goodcondi t ion , s imi lar period will be50' '< of deposit.

Each bidder must deposit withhis bid , security in an amountnot less than 10 f/r of the basebid in the form , subject to thecondit ions provided in the In-structions to Bidders.

A ttention of the bidders isparticularl y called to the re-quirements as to m i n i m u m wagerates to be paid under the con-tract , as well as other provisionsset for th in the Instructions toBidders under General Conditionsand Special Conditions.

The Commissioner of Public