Download - BIOL226Lec08 Thyroid Parathyroid Glands

  • 7/31/2019 BIOL226Lec08 Thyroid Parathyroid Glands


  • 7/31/2019 BIOL226Lec08 Thyroid Parathyroid Glands


    I. Introduction/General InformationA. Thyroid

    1. Endocrine glanda. Lobes are cone shaped

    b. Apex extends to oblique line

    of thyroid cartilage

    2. Highly vascular

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    3. Anterior & lateral tolarynx, trachea

    4. Lobes connected byan isthmus

    5. Pyramidal lobe maybe present

    6. Normally notpalpable

    Thyroid, General Information, continued

  • 7/31/2019 BIOL226Lec08 Thyroid Parathyroid Glands


    The Thyroid Gland

    Located in theanterior region of

    the neck This gland has an

    accessory(pyramidal) lobe

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    Thyroid Gland, Anterior and Posterior Views

    Thyroid Gland: anterior view (left); and posterior view (right)

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    Thyroid, General Information, continued

    8. Isthmus crosses trachealcartilages 2-4

    9. Base located ~4-5th tracheal cartilage

    10. Thyroxin function: regulates basicmetabolism in all cells

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    Thyroid, General Information, continued

    B. Parathyroid glands

    1. Usually four two on each side(2-8 is normal)

    2. Lie on the posterior surface of thyroid

    3. May be embedded within thyroid gland4. Regulate calcium/phosphate levels5. Required for life

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    Parathyroid Glands (Post. view of thyroid)

    Parathyroid Glands are located on the posterior aspectof the thyroid; sometimes the tissue is embeddedwithin thyroid tissue.

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    II. Detailed Anatomy

    A. Thyroid

    1. Largest endocrine gland in adult2. Normally extends from ~ C-5

    through ~ T-1

    3. Highly vascular

    4. Weights ~20 - 30 grams

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    Thyroid, Detailed Anatomy, continued

    5. Pyramidal lobe

    a. present in ~ 33% of population.

    b. Extends upward from isthmus

    c. anterior to thyroid cartilage

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    Thyroid, Detailed Anatomy, continued

    d. Embryologic remnant ofthyroglossal duct

    e. formerly connected cecum of

    tongue to thyroid diverticulumf. Site of developing gland

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    Pyramidal Lobe of the Thyroid Gland

    Pyramidal Lobe

    Thyroid Gland, Anterior View

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    Thyroid, Detailed Anatomy, continued

    c. Lobes:

    1. Attached to cricoid cartilageby ligaments

    2. Medial surface adapted tolarynx and trachea

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    Thyroid, Detailed Anatomy, cont

    3. Lobes related posteriorly to the

    esophagus4. Posterolateral surface

    a. related to carotid sheath

    b. overlaps carotid artery

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  • 7/31/2019 BIOL226Lec08 Thyroid Parathyroid Glands


    Thyroid gland vascular, continued

    6. Highly vascular gland supplied by four large arteriesa. R & L inferior thyroid artery

    b. R & L superior thyroid artery

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    Thyroid gland vascular, continued

    7. Drained by R & L superior,

    middle and inferior thyroid veinsa. Veins arise from plexus

    b. on anterior surface of glandc. Extend over anterior surface

    of trachea


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    Thyroid gland, continued

    d. Lymph vessels

    1. In interlobular connectivetissue between lobes

    2. Connect with network in wall ofgland

    3. terminate in thoracic andright lymphatic ducts

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    Thyroid gland, continued

    8. Muscular landmarks

    a. Sternocleidomastoidmuscles lie laterally

    b. Longus colli (prevertebral)muscles lie posteriorly

    c. Strap muscles lie


    Strap Muscles

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  • 7/31/2019 BIOL226Lec08 Thyroid Parathyroid Glands


    Detailed Anatomy, continued

    9. Treatment considerations

    a. Superior thyroid artery is

    accompanied by superiorlaryngeal nerve

    b. Inferior thyroid artery is

    accompanied by recurrentlaryngeal nerve

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    Detailed Anatomy, continued

    c. Damaging nerves

    results in partial or totalparalysis of larynx

    d. Bordered byneurovascular

    structures contained incarotid sheath

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    Thyroid gland, continued

    11. Pretracheal fascia:a. surrounds thyroid

    b. Extends from hyoid bone tofibrous pericardium

    c. Encloses trachea, larynx,pharynx, thyroid

    d. Parathyroids and venousplexus lie between layers

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    Pretracheal fascia, continued

    d. Fascia more dense anteriorly1. Thyroid enlargement often

    occurs posteriorly2. May compress trachea,

    esophagus3. 1st symptom may be

    hoarseness, difficultyswallowing

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    Parathyroid Gland, Detailed Anatomy

    B. Parathyroid glands

    1. Yellow-brown2. ovoid or lentiform structures

    3. weigh ~ 50 mg each

    4. Measure 3-10 mm x 2-6 mm x 1-4 mm

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    Parathyroid Glands, cont.

    5. Lie between posteromedialthyroid lobes and carotid sheath

    6. Close proximity to:

    a. Tracheoesophageal groove

    b. longus colli muscles

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    Parathyroid Glands, continued

    7. Position of superior glands is more


    8. Aberrant glands may lie betweentrachea and thyroid

    9. Blood, lymphatic and nerve supply:same as for thyroid

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  • 7/31/2019 BIOL226Lec08 Thyroid Parathyroid Glands


    Pathology, cont

    3. Branchial cleft cysts

    a. More specific than patternfor other neoplasms

    b. Are usually more cephalic

    4. Only 20% of thyroid masses aresimple cysts

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    Pathology, cont

    C. Structures of Carotid Sheath

    1. Jugular vein, carotid artery2. Delineate lateral aspect of thyroid3. Jugular vein lateral to carotid artery

    a. vein has greater diameterb. Is distensible on valsalva


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    Transverse Section of Thyroid Gland

    Internal Jugular Vein

    Thyroid Gland, Left Lobe



    Common Carotid Artery

    Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

    Brachial Plexus

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    Gray-Scale anatomy, continued

    D. Thyroid is more homogeneous and

    echogenic than surrounding muscle1. Sternocleidomastoid (lateral)2. Longus colli (posterior)

    E. US is less helpful w/ complex massesor diffuse parenchymal disorders

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    Gray-Scale Anatomy, continued

    F. Parathyroids are difficult to see

    1. Size and location are variable

    2. Usually:

    a. moderately echogenic

    b. well-circumscribedc. capsule aroundd. anterior to longus collie. medial to common carotid a.

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    Parathyroids, continued

    3. Longus Colli (prevertebral) Muscles

    a. Attachments:

    1. O = cervical vertebrae

    2. I = cervical vertebrae

    b. Action: twists, bends neck

    c. Lie posterior

  • 7/31/2019 BIOL226Lec08 Thyroid Parathyroid Glands


    IV. Thyroid Diseases

    A. Metastasis from thyroid cancer

    1. May invade local structuresa. tracheab. esophagusc. carotid arteryd. jugular vein

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    Thyroid Diseases, cont

    2. Innervation may be involved

    a. Voice, speech changes

    b. Horners Syndrome of eye

    1. droopy eye

    2. dryness3. small pupil

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    Thyroid Diseases, continued

    B. Cystic Masses

    1. Colloid cyst:

    a. Contains thyroglobulin

    b. May have hemorrhagic center

    c. May be aspirated

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    Thyroid Follicles showing Colloid

    Thyroid Follicleswith colloidcontaining Thyroidhormones

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    Thyroid Diseases, continued

    2. Branchial cleft cyst

    a. Usually more cephalic

    b. Non-closure of a branchial


    c. lie laterally

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    Thyroid Diseases, continued

    3. Thyroglossal Duct Cyst

    a. Lies @ midline

    b. Represents non-closure ofthryoglossal duct

    c. Congenital anomaly:

    1. retention of tract

    2. between thyroid and

    foramen cecum

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    Thyroglossal Duct Cyst, Thyroid Disease, continued

    d. Usually surrounded by hyoidbone

    e. More frequently diagnosed in

    pediatric age groupsf. may be asymptomatic

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    Thyroid, continued

    g. Incidence in patients undergoingthyroid surgery:

    1. 4% have this cyst

    2. 28% of those with the cystare > 50 years old

    h. Symptoms: painless swelling atmidline of neck

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    Thyroid, continued

    i. Treatment:

    1. excision of cyst & central

    hyoid bone

    2. < 1% accompanied bycancer

    j. Account for ~ 70% ofcongenital cysts of neck

    k. may appear at any location

    along duct

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    Thyroid Diseases, continued

    C. Complex/Solid Masses (Neoplasm)

    1. Adenoma

    a. Well-encapsulated

    b. Usually solitary

    c. Homogeneous

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    Thyroid Diseases, Adenomas, continued

    c. May be complex, with

    1. sonolucent halo

    2. echogenic center

    d. 50% of thyroid cancers are

    papillary adenocarcinomas2. Complex solid masses show

    increased malignancy

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    Adenoma of the Thyroid Gland

    Note atrophy of the leftlobe with the tumor

    protruding from it Right lobe may

    hypertrohy tocompensate for loss of

    function in L. lobe

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    Thyroid, continued

    3. Goiter

    a. Enlargement of thyroid gland

    b. due to insufficient iodine

    c. Gland appears nodular with

    irregular outline

    d. Grossly enlarged

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    Goiter, continued

    e. Nodules have variableechogenicity

    f. Treatable with iodine in diet

    g. More common inland, andbefore iodized salt

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    Types of Goiters

    Simple Goiter (L) and Nodular (Toxic) Goiter (R)

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    D. Parathyroid Diseases1. Benign adenoma

    a. Relatively common

    b. usually results inhyperparathyroidism

    2. Cancers are rare

    3. Surgical excision gives > 90%cure rate

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    Parathyroid Diseases

    Pathogenesis ofHyperparathyroidism

    PTH increases bloodcalcium levels

    Acts on bone,kidneys, smallintestines

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    Long-term Effects on the Skeletal System
