Download - Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

Page 1: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

BioinformaticsKick Ass Cool Stuff

Page 2: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,


Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology)

"The mathematical, statistical and computing methods that aim to solve biological problems using DNA and amino acid sequences and related information.”

Central Dogma: DNA -----> RNA -----> protein

Page 3: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,
Page 4: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

? What is a genome ?

Total amount of the DNA found within one complete set of chromosomes

M. Cummings, 2000

? How much DNA is in the human

genome ?

3 billion base pairs of DNA

Page 5: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

?Size of the Human Genome?

GenBank has over 30 billion bases and is doubling every year

How do we access and analyze the data?

?What are the challenges?

10 sets of encyclopedias, 32 volumes each, but only 4 letters: ATGC

Page 6: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

Background Info on the HGP

Begun in 1990

15 year project

Page 7: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

Background Info on the HGP

Federal and private funding

Multinational project

DOE and NIH at an estimated cost of $3 billion.

Page 8: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

Purposes of HGP

Determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA,

Identify all the 100,000 genes in human DNA,

Page 9: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

M. Cummings, 2000

M. Cummings, 2000

Page 10: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

Mapped Human Diseases

M. Cummings, 2000

Chromosome 4 Chromosome 17 Huntington diseaseHuntington disease Breast cancer (BRCA1)Breast cancer (BRCA1)

Chromosome 5 Chromosome 19 Familial polyposisFamilial polyposis Myotonic dystrophyMyotonic dystrophy

Chromosome 7 Chromosome 21 Cystic fibrosisCystic fibrosis Amyotrophic lat. sclerosisAmyotrophic lat. sclerosis

Chromosome 13 X Chromosome RetinoblastomaRetinoblastoma Duchene Musc. dystrophyDuchene Musc. dystrophy

Fragile-X syndromeFragile-X syndrome

Chromosome 13 Polycystic kidney diseasePolycystic kidney disease

Page 11: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

Benefits from HGP: Molecular Medicine

Earlier detection of genetic predispositions to disease

Gene therapy

Improved diagnosis of disease

Page 12: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

Disease Identification: Microarray Technology

Hartl and Jones, 2000

Page 13: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

Benefits of HGP: Microbial Genomics

New energy sources (biofuels)

Environmental monitoring to detect pollutants

Protection from biological and chemical warfare

Toxic waste cleanup

Page 14: Bioinformatics Kick Ass Cool Stuff. Bioinformatics Def.: where the rubber meets the road (i.e., where computer science meets biology) "The mathematical,

Benefits of HGP:DNA Forensics (Identification)

Establish paternity and other family relationships

Identify crime and catastrophe victims

Exonerate persons wrongly accused of crimes

Identify potential suspects whose DNA may match evidence left at crime scenes

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Livestock Breeding (MARC)


Other benefits of HGP