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Chief Strategy Officer @tech2learn

John Randall Dennis

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1 Enterprises are drowning in a deluge of data. 2 C-suite decision makers struggle to quantify their data quality. 3 They lack confidence in high-stakes decisions based on their own data. 4 C-level execs are anxious about ferocious data growth. 5 Many oblivious to the coming “tsunami”.

Big Data and High-Stakes Decisions

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Forces Driving the Big Data Tsunami

Mobile Web Use Growth

• Gartner Research: By 2013 more web access via

mobile than from computers.

• Forrester: 2012 the year of “mobile ascendency”

mobile surpassing PC and mainframe markets.

• IDC: Worldwide IT spending will grow 6.9% in

2012, driven by mobile devices and networks,

social media, and Big Data analytics.

Context-Aware Computing

• Context-aware is now positioned where search

engines were in the 90’s.

• Marketers and consumers benefit first, but potential

of context-aware computing is far reaching.

• Extended implications for process improvement,

immediate expertise sharing, and knowledge


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1 Makes information transparent and usable at much higher frequency 2 Creation and storage of transactional data in digital form acquires more accurate and detailed performance information - exposing variability and boosting performance. 3 Clearer, narrower customer segmentation - providing customized products or services. 4 Sophisticated analytics to improve high-stakes decision-making. 5 Big data can be used to improve the development of the next generation of products. Source: McKinsey Global Institute “Big data: The next frontier…”

Big Data Offers Big Benefits

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Sectors Most Impacted

• Retail specialty stores: increasing sales and operating margin

• Healthcare: improving efficiency/cost controls, quality of care with evidence-based

medicine processes, moving toward life quality healthcare

• Manufacturing: improved efficiencies and better product roadmapping

• Education: aligning data to provide reliable intelligence for high-stakes decisions

• Personal location services

• Finance and insurance

All types of enterprises will eventually be influenced by the surging wave of data.

Those reliant on mobile devices for the customer experience, as well as sectors

demanding more data driven decision-making, will be impacted most:

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There are three clearly attainable steps to prepare to harness the power of the tsunami.

These steps are simple, but not easy.

They’re not free. But they are all essential.

Don’t drown or swim. Prepare to ride!

1 Assess the quality of your existing data. 2 Implement incremental corrections. 3 Lead your organization into a position prepared to surf.

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Gartner’s Data Quality Maturity Model is still relevant. Yet most organizations’ relevant data is scattered over a number of departments, vendors and third parties. Each silo is probably at a different level of maturity and exhibit different levels of inaccuracy. Don’t be afraid to map and assess each silo, each process and identify each information asset’s accuracy. Don’t be ashamed to face the findings. Only a few organizations have mature data quality initiatives.

1 Assess

Resources: “Gartner’s Data Quality Maturity Model” Andreas Bitterer Gartner Research “Diagnosing an Effective Data Quality Initiative” Daniel Teachey

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Map a matrix of your silos with the revenue/cost savings each could provide if improved. Budget the cost of improving the data quality of each. Sort the list with the most expensive data improvement at the top. Then start at the bottom: the cheapest improvement that will have the largest impact. Improve the data quality. Celebrate the improvements with your team. Apply the increased revenue or cost savings toward improving the next.

2 Implement Incremental Change

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You can lead your organization into a position to surf the tsunami. Inspire. Focus on the thrill of surfing! When people in your organization realize your point in identifying weaknesses in processes and inaccuracies in data isn’t to shame, but to enjoy the thrill of surfing, they’ll want to be a part of it. Persevere. The larger your organization and the more pulverized your data, the slower this process will be. This will take time and discipline. Celebrate. Monitor and celebrate progress. What’s a major victory? When any silo attains Level 4 or Level 5, put it on a pedestal. Give props, salute, and publicly applaud the people who help you get there every stage of the way. You can do this!

3 Lead

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Action Items

1 Gartner’s Data Model Maturity Model: If you’ve got it, dust it off and read it again. If not, you can order it at 2 Team with people in your organization who recognize the tsunami is coming. Build a consensus that now is the time to plan, prepare, act! (You shouldn’t try this alone.) 3 Review the state of every data silo in your organization – the additional revenue each could bring in if optimized, the expenses each would save if improved, the cost of optimizing/improving each. 4 Identify easiest victories. Crush them. It will inspire your team, and probably provide you clear RIO justification for investing in the next battles. 5 Build a recurring schedule of meetings to keep moving the ball downfield. Onward!

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RANDA Solutions | Chief Strategy Officer @tech2learn

John Randall Dennis