Download - Big Data Done Right by Successful Organizations

  • Big Data Done Right by Successful Organizations

  • Amazon

    Amazon has obtained a patent to ship us goods before we have even made a decision to buy them, purely based on their predictive big data analytics

    the first retailer that used extensively algorithms to provide recommendations to customers Anticipatory Shipping some retailers already use predictive analytics to ensure the right items are

    in stock, based on past buying patterns, social media analytics and weather predictions. Amazon is taking it to a personal level, predicting items each user might buy using item-to-item collaborative filtering on many data points (eg: what users have bought before, what they have in their virtual shopping card or wish list, the items they have rated and reviewed, as well as what other similar users have bought)

    One Click Buy feature Predictive big data analytics

  • Mastercard

    They sell data to retailers, banks and governments on spending patterns found in the payments it processes

    MasterCard handles payments for 2 billion cardholders and tens of millions of merchants. It uses that information to generate real-time data on consumer trends, available more quickly that regular government statistics. "Retailers are fantastic at using the data they have available about how people shop in their store, how their inventory turns over, but what they don't know is what happens outside their store," she said. "The data we've got is ubiquitous across the whole market. We can help retailers see what they need to do to capture more sales. Ann Cairns, Head of MasterCard's business outside North America in Reuters interview

  • Walmart

    Our ability to pull data together is unmatched Walmart CEO Bill Simon

    Walmarts attempt to use data to predict customer behavior date back to at least 2004 WalmartLabs (2011) The Social Genome project - aims to increase the efficiency of advertising on social

    networks by guessing what products people are likely to want to buy, based on their conversations with friends.

    Shoppycat service suggests gifts that people might like to buy for their friends, based on their interests and Likes, and they also experiment with crowd-sourcing new products with Get On The Shelf.

    Polaris - their own search engine - uses sophisticated semantic analysis to work out what a customer wants based on their search terms.

    Smart lightbulbs containing Apples iBeacon technology to prepare to monitor shoppers in their stores

    Walmart made a move from the experiential 10 node Hadoop cluster to a 250 node Hadoop cluster. They combined 10 different websites into a single one. Their analysis now covers millions of products and 100s of millions customers from different sources. The analytics systems at Walmart analyse close to 100 million keywords on daily basis to optimize the bidding of each keyword.

  • eHarmony Dating Site

    Personalized matches and search results for millions of subscribers to

    improve the chances of relationship success

  • Cerner Healthcare Company

    Detect potentially fatal infections Cerner has built an enterprise data hub to create a more comprehensive view of any patient, condition or trends for over 1 million patients. Among other things, it is helping determine the likelihood that a patient has the potentially fatal bloodstream infection with a much greater accuracy than what was previously possible.

  • Nippon Paint

    Domain: One of the largest paint manufacturers in the world

    Nippon Paint uses SAP HANA to understand consumer behaviors, optimize its supply chain and improve its marketing campaigns.

    They can quickly transform massive data from iColor website into valuable market insight for business actions. They built an analytics platform to capture consumer behaviors (eg: preferences on colors, design styles and designers, by demographic segments and geographic regions). They can quickly identify popular designers and decoration companies, allowing sales and marketing team to proactively build connections with them and to promote Nippon paint products. They can identify, on regional level, popular 3rd party portals which lead web visits to Nippons iColor website enabling them to place advertisements and push banners at the right portal to achieve maximum exposure. The first hand information on color trends and customer requirements on product features helps the R & D team to develop quality products to response to the market unique demands.

  • Caesars Luxurious Hotels and Casinos

    Big Data is even more important than a gaming license Joshua Kanter, VP of Total Rewards

    Caesar collects massive amounts of data and uses it to cultivate customer loyalty and surprise guests with gifts after, for example, a bad day at the casino. Their data-driven reward program has more than 45 million members, which are tracked from the moment they book until the moment they leave the hotel or casino. Due to the data-drive strategy, Caesars has been able to trace 58 percent of all costs spent to the customers in the company in 2004 to 85 percent today. Caesar tries to determine each guests profile. Cameras record action in the casinos and the choices the gamblers make while playing and combines this data with booking data, travel arrangements, dining, gaming and enjoying other activities at the companys properties. All this information is stored, analyzed and used to increase customer satisfaction.

  • Big Data Applied in Retail/eCommerce

    Anticipate demand based on customers online activity, their

    geographical location, period of the year, weather, etc

    Recommendations, advertisements or real time offers based on

    advanced customer segmentation and shopping patterns

    Smarter shopping experience and smarter merchandising

    Predictive analytics that enable you to optimize pricing, inventory

    levels, check your competition pricing, improve your customer

    service, increase customer satisfaction and your margins

  • Big Data Applied in Digital Publishing

    Use social media behavior patterns as production line

    Relevant content delivered to the appropriate customer segment at

    the right time

    Personalized content delivered in real time

    Measure the effectiveness of your digital strategies and determine

    the most effective methods to deliver content to your targets

    Transform big data into actionable insights

  • Big Data Applied in Telecom

    Products and services tailored based on customer behavior

    Network infrastructure optimization

    ARPU and up sell maximization by offering the right products based

    on customer behavior, context and service availability

    Reaction time improvements in case of incidents

    Detailed insights and maps showing the distribution and dynamics

    of revenue and churn versus the network type, quality or coverage

    Upsell 4G

    Telecom product recommendation

    Users Location Profiling

    Network Quality vs. Revenue and


  • Big Data Applied in Healthcare

    Real-time analysis based on web search and social media or

    messaging contexts

    Improved efficiency by integrating health care data and using them

    in the most optimum way

    Customer care improvement based on better collaboration,

    customer knowledge and prevention strategies

  • Big Data Applied in Distribution

    Detailed customer information such as shopping patterns based on

    web logs

    Inventory improvement based on social media analysis

    Loads integrity, transit times

    Fuel consumption and route optimization

  • Big Data Applied in Financial Services

    Contextual strategies and predictive analytics based on social

    media or messaging contexts

    Contextual targeting - the right customer, at the right time and

    through the right channel based on cross channel data

    Fraud detection based on analysis of historical data

    Operational efficiency by consolidating data from different systems

    and multiple sources

    Real-time alerting and reporting

  • Euro IT Group Big Data Quick Wins with Hadoop


    Understanding Benefits

    of Implementing

    Big Data with Hadoop

    Immediate Business Results

    Generate new insights Enabling short term business

    benefits Measurable results

    Test Hadoop Technologies Complement traditional BI / DWH

    infrastructure with innovative solutions.

    Expertise and Know How

    Approaching big data in small steps

  • Euro IT Group Triple Expertise

  • Domain Specialists

    Big Data Professionals

    Ensures results are matching expectations.

    Peers with operator marketing team.

    Integrates multiple data sources Develops or customize real-time

    and batch processing big data jobs.

    Complex statistical data analysis requested by the marketing specialist.

    Big Data Specialized Delivery Team

    Data Scientist

    Software Engineers

    Marketing Specialist

  • Technologies We Master

    JAVA: Apache Tomcat, JBoss AS, Jetty, IBM WebShere, Oracle, Application Server, WebLogic, Windows Server

    IIS, Nginx, NetWeaver)

    PHP: CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Zend, Yii, Kohana, Wordpress, Joomla,

    Drupal, MODX, Magento, Prestashop, IPBoard, Smarty

    ASP.NET, Visual Basic, ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC, Remoting, Reflection,

    ADO.NET, Entity Framework


    ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight

    MOBILE: Android, IOS, Windows 8, iPhone SDK,

    Android SDK, JQuery Mobile, Flash Lite, J2ME,

    Symbian, XMPP, SMS, WAP

    BIG DATA: Hadoop, Hadoop Map reduce, Spark, Storm, Mahout,

    Apache Pig, Apache Hive, Elastic Search, Cassandra, Apache HBase

    CLOUD: Amazon web services, Amazon EC2,

    Windows Azure

  • Technologies We Master


    Web Services: Apache CXF, Axis, SOAP, WSDL, JAXB, JAX-WS

    Web technologies: XHTML, HTML5, XML, XSL, XSL-FO,XSLT, CSS, XPath, XQuery, SAX, DOM, StAX, Xerces, Flash, Flex

    Content Management Systems: Stellent

    Messaging Middleware: ActiveMQ, IBM MQ Series, Fiorano, MQSonic, TIBCO rendezvous

    WEB: HTML5, XML, XHTML, XSLT, DHTML, CSS, XSLT, Javascript, jQuery,


    BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE: Pentaho BI, crystal

    Reports, Microsoft BI

    Microsoft Visual Studio, Windows API, ActiveX, XCode, wxWidgets,

    STL, WinDDK, Qt Framework, Microsoft CRM

    AJAX & JAVASCRIPT: JQuery, YUI, ExtJS, JSON,MooTools,

    Prototype JS, Dojo, YUI, Scriptacoulous, ASP.NET Ajax

    control Toolkit, etc.

  • Want to talk to one of our data scientists?

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