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  • 8/9/2019 Bible Standard October 1877


    No. 1." The Wages of Sin is Death; but the gift of God is Eternal Life throuqh. Jesus Christ our Lord."

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    Issued monthly by "The Bible Standard Publication Society," 24, Mint Lane, Lincoln.EDITED BYGeo. A. BROWN, Pastor of Mint Lane Baptist Church, Lincoln.

    THE BIBLE STANDARDs devoted to the exposition of Biblical Truth, especially the doctrine of Conditional Immortality, the Iiteral Resurrection ofthe Dead, the Final Destruction of the Wicked, the Signs of the Times, the Second Coming of Christ, and His Personal Reign on earth.


    --0--To OUR READERS.

    It is a custom when any new enterprise is started tomake some few remarks with reference to it. We aclmow-ledge the propriety of this usage, and shall therefore say afew words of comment on the" Bible Standardt" No oneacquainted with the existing aspects of the world, can haveany doubt, that we have fallen upon very startling andcritical times. All society, everywhere, with its politics, itsphilosophy, and its religion, is in a perturbed condition, indi-cating revolutions and occurrences which no mere humanforesight can at all comprehend. The stream of earthlythings is overflowing its old banks, and spreading out inevery direction, in wild, disordered, ungovernable, and over-whelming volumne. Old systems and modes of thought andbelief, which have stood for ages, are everywhere totteringupon their thrones, and many of them reeling as for theirfinal fall. Symptoms of a mysterious metamorphose meetus on every hand, causing some of earth's most far-sightedmen, in church and state to tremble with amazement anddoubt. What these approaching changes are to be is differ-ently given, according to the different points of observationwhich men occupy. But that changes are certainly coming,all admit. We purpose through the" Bible Standard" toopen the book of .God, and go with you to its unerring andinspiriting pages, to ascertain what the Lord hath madeknown concerning many of the perplexing questions ofthe day. In the first place the" Bible Standard" will bedevoted to the exposition of the great prophetic truths whichpoint to the glorious advent of our Lord and Saviour JesusChrist, we shall also endeavour to point the Child of God tothe "signs of the times" which indicate the nearness ofthat event, and also warn the sinner to flee to Him whoalone can shelter him from the impending judgments thatare coming upon the earth.

    Further, it is but stating a well-known fact to say, thatthere is much trouble felt amongst all thoughtful men aboutthe prospects of our race, as to their future and eternalcondition. It will also be admitted that any publication,founded' on the Bible, giving real relief from this generaltrouble, even if it did not fully remove it, would be doinga work of great importance-seen to be so by all sympatheticminds ; such a work we purpose entering into through thepages of the" Bible Standard." And we feel that our effortswill be blessed by"Him who is the Author of all good.

    Ages have rolled -away without much being done toremove the grevious burden, though unceasing efforts havebeen made to effect it. Endless suffering for the greatmajority of those who have lived, is yet taught by the bulkof christendom; and gloom and uncertainty have depressedthe heathen.

    The most substantial relief we think has arisen fromthe doctrine that man by nature is mortal, and that all whoare not converted, or renewed by God's spirit in this life,will cease to exist at the judgment, and in this way miseryand sin will come to an end. Within thirty years this viewhas been embraced by perhaps 100,000 of professingChristians in the different denominations in England andAmerica! and some 800 ministers, are proclaiming thedoctrine. To those great relief has come! but they formonly a fraction. in christendom-so small ths] many knownot that they exist. Though few and scattered, and almostuniversally persecuted by all religious sects for their belief,yet they- feel and believe themselves to be the most happyclass of Christians in the Christian world. They feel settledby a full re-examination of the Scriptures, that endless miseryis not taught there! and so rejoice in the prospect of livingfor ever (through faith and obedience in the Lord JesusChrist), in a universe where woe and sin will not be known,after Christ comes to "destroy the last enemy." Andbelieving also that the second coming of Christ draws near,adds to the joyful prospect before them.

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    2 THE BIBLE STANDARD.We can answer for ourselves, for having believed in and

    preached the doctrine of Conditional Immortality, for thelast 10 years our hearts have repeatedly thanked the God ofall Truth for our having escaped the slavery of the dogmaof Eternal Torment.

    Our heart's desire is, that we may be used through themedium of the" Bible Standard" in disseminating Truth,for truly it ws said by one of old, " who follows truth carrieshis star in his brain'," We purpose to keep close" to thelaw and the testimony." We will follow no guides but theinspired writers. . And we ask our readers to test carefully bythe word of God all that we may present to them. The Biblewe regard as the best key to the solution of present difficul-ties, it is the best bulwark against prevailing errors-" Aninward taste and relish of the things of .God is an excellentpreservative to keep us settled in these most unsettledtimes."

    In the themes which form the subject of this paper theDivinity of the Bible is taken for granted, and the argumentswhich are advanced are founded thereon. To those onlywho admit its Divinity, are these arguments primarilyaddressed, as they alone may be expected to allow themtheir due weight and influence. May the blessing of Godthrough our Lord Jesus Christ bless both the writers andreaders of the I'Bible Standard."

    SIGNS OF THE NEARING ADVENT OF CHRIST.THE night cometh! Nor does it seem far off. It neverappeared so nigh. The shadows are lengthening out, andfalling with ominous gloom upon the valleys of' earth. Thedimness of twilight is beginning to make itself felt. Itis settling down drearily upon our cities, and on our soli-tudes; upon the towers of our strength, and the palaces ofour pomp; nor can the noisy rush of eager multitudeshurrying to and fro for gain or pleasure, wholly stifle theutterance of fear and awe. Men cannot help foreboding evil,for who can tell them what may be in the womb of darkness?The night-birds are already on the wing, flirting around us,and reminding us of the descending night.. Yet it is written also, ",The day is at hand!" The night,though dark will be brief, and will be soon"succeeded by aglorious day. But still of that day the night will be theforerunner. And this world's night is surely near.

    The signs of Christ's second advent that have been givenus by the Lord and His apostles are both notable andnumerous. And it is very evident that those have beenselected which were the most expressive and least ambiguous.They are chosen as being the most prominent and explicitthat could be given. It cannot be thought that the leaststriking have been announced and the most striking con- .

    cealed. If so, then is it not very remarkable that the mill en-. niurn of a thousand years (Rev. xx.) is never mentioned as asign at all? Had this been to take place before the SecondAdvent; how has it never been alluded to as one of the signs?It would have been by far the most distinct and visible. Noone could overlook or mistake it. Yet nowhere by prophetsor apostles, or by the Lord Himself, is it noted as a sign.How can this be accounted for, save upon the ground that itwas to take place after, not before, the advent? If this beadmitted, all is plain; if it be denied, then let those whodeny it account for the fact that, among the many signs othe advent, the millennium is never mentioned as one. Howthe most palpable of them all could be omitted seems to meto require an explanation. On the post-rnillennial system,the omission seems to me inexplicable. For thus our Lordwould be made to profess to .tell us the signs of His appear-ing, and yet to conceal the most notable of them all.


    But this is not all. The signs which are given are incon-sistent with the idea of a millennium before the secondadvent. Who that reads the Lord's prophecy in Matt. xxiv,which begins with the destruction of Jerusalem and endswith His second appearing in the clouds of heaven, does notfeel that the whole drift of it was to show the church thatthey were to expect sorrow, not joy, tribulation, not triumph,up to the time when He should return? These signs weresuccessive crests ofthe billows on which she was to be tossedtill He, with His own voice and presence, should rebuke andcalm the ocean. The simple omission then of the millenniumas a sign is a fact on which we ought to lay much stress;but the omission of it in circumstances which preclude thepossibility of its being a thing reserved or merely unspoken,furnishes a strong argument in proof of a pre-millennialadvent.

    Let me now note some of the signs which, in the presentday, seem most remarkable as forerunners of the Lord'sappearing. And though of some of these it might be saidthat they have been found in former days, yet others ofthem, as we shall see, are peculiar to our own.

    1. Wars and rumours of wars, earthquakes, pestilences,and famines in divers places (Matt. xxiv. 6. 7). I need notenter minutely into the proof of the existence of these. Thepublic journals bear witness to it. For a while, it seemedalmost as if the world were at rest, as if its storms hadspent themselves. But now all seems changed. Every daybrings new indications of disquietude and convulsion. Fewnations seem willing to draw the sword, yet every nation hasher hand upon the hilt; with some it is already gleaming inthe air, and with others it is reddened with blood. Over thewhole earth is heard" the long, low, distant murmur of dreadsound." And is not this the prelude to the last universalwar? (Ezek. xxxviii; Zech. xiv; Dan, i. 40-55, xii. 1; Rev.

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    THE BIBLE STANDARD. 3xiii. 7, xvi. 12-16, xvii. 8-14, xix, 11-14.) Is it not a signof the near approach of Him who, when earth's madness andambition are at their height-when the summoned nationsare gathered at Armageddon, girt for battle and slaughter-himself appears for their discomfiture and ruin? Then, butnot till then, wars shall cease, and the weapons of warperish. Then the true Solomon shall begin His reign,hushing the tumults of the nations, and introducing thelong-expected Sabbath of this weary" work-a-day world."(R ev. xix. 20.)

    2. The restlessness of the world. This sign is in partconnected with the preceding, yet may be. viewed separately.The state of the world is at present very ominous. Distressof nations with perplexity-men's hearts failing them forfear, and for looking after those things that are coming onthe earth, "and then shall they see the Son of man comingin a cloud" (Lulce xxi. 27,) is God's picture of the state ofman as the final crisis draws on. This seems our attitudeat this moment. The earth, and the things that are comingon it, attract the attention of all serious thinkers. There issomething in the state of the world so unsettled, sop regnantwith uncertain evil, that every eye is moving to and fro inexpectation of strange issues, as if to catch the first signof their approach. The form and color of the clouds forbodespeedy change, and threaten tempest to the nations. Thetime for listlessness and apathy is gone. Some thirty yearsago, when the skies were bright, and men could promisethemselves days of sunshine, it was safe enough to fold thehands and take our ease. But all is over. No doubt, afterthe excitement of recent wars and revolutions, men wouldprefer repose. But the onward swell of the waters staysnot for an hour. There is among the nations a spirit ofrestlessness, anarchy, and insubordination, a passionate loveof change, a headlong rush to overturn every establishedsystem, too furious and united to be ultimately withstood.Many call it but a passing tumult, the frenzy of an hour;but they who understand it know how deep is the springout of which it flows. The storm, long gathering, butresisted by the barriers which ancient wisdom had erectedforthe stability of kingdoms, is concentrating and condensingits strength in these venerable recesses, which n~ay for awhile refuse to yield to the explosive force, but which, over-strained at length, give Wf1yto the accumulated pressure;then will the kingdoms of the earth be shivered; throne andtemple overturned; wall and fortress laid inruins. Such isthe night which is to precede the long-looked-for day whennot only Israel but the whole earth shall arise and put onthe garments of beauty, fit and meet for the personal pre-sence of their glorious King.-Rev. Dr. Horatius Bonar,

    THEdoctrine of the immortality of the soul, and the name,are alike unknown to the entire Bible.-Dr. Olshausen.

    ON THE INTERMEDIATE STATE OF THE DEAD.Job xiv. 10, 14, pubs this question" Man giveth up the Ghostand where is he"? But who shall answer Job's question?The Bible must answer it; from no other source eau wederive certain information on this subject. It cannot surelybe said, the Bible is silent on the state of Man after death,for most Christians speak of this with great confidence, andappeal to it in proof of their opinions. We shall examine-What saith the Scriptures on this question; guarding on theone hand, against being wise above what is written; and onthe other, overlooking things revealed which belong to usand to our children.

    It is universally allowe cl, that the whole of man ieexpressed in Scripture by the terms body, soul, and spirit.That man's body, after death, returns to dust, and is in-sensible to either pain or pleasure-visible positive factsdemonstrate. The only question which remains for our in-vestigation, then, is-has man an immortal soul, or spiritwhich survives death, and does it enjoy happiness or suffermisery in la disembodied state between death and the resur-rection? That it does is very generally believed by~hristiansof all sects, and 'whether this is a Soriptural doctrine 01' notwe wish to ascertain.

    How, then, does the Bible answer Job's question, "Mangiveth up the Ghost and where is he?" When Abrahamgave up the Ghost where was he? It is answered Gen. ~V.15, "thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace, thou shalt beburied in a good old age." Again when Moses gave up theGhost, i.e., or spirit, where was he ? It is answered, Deut,xxxi. 16, "behold thou shalt sleep with thy fathers". Thereader, by consulting the following texts, will see the samething said of David, 1 Kings i. 21, and ii. 10, compare Actsix. 36. Of Solomon 1 Kings xi. 43 2; Chron, ix. 31. Of Asa1 Kings xv. 24; 2 Chron, xvi. 13. Of J ehosaphat 1 Kings xxii.50; 2 OMan. xxi. 1. or Azariah 2 Kings xv. 7. Of Jotham2 Kings xv. 38; 2 Chron, xxvii. 9. Of Abijah 2 Chron, xiv, 1.Of Uzziah 2 Chron, xxvi. 23. Of Hezekiah 2 Chron. xxxii. 33.Of Rehoboam 1 Kings xiv. 31; 2 Chron, xii. 16. And of Josiah2 Kings xxii. 20. If it is objected-all these were good. men,let the reader then consult the following texts, where the samething is said of the very worst characters. Thus it is said ofJeroboam, "that he slept with his fathers," 1Kings xiv. 20;2 Kings xiv. 29. Of Abijarn, 1 Kings xv. 8. Of Baasha, 1Kings xvi. 6. Of Omri, 1Kings xvi, 28. Of Ahab, :l Kiugsxxii. 40. Of Joram, 2 Kings viii. 24. Of Jehu, 2 Kings x. _35.Of Jehoahaz, 2 Kings xiii. 9. Of Joash, 2 Kings xiii. 13.Of Manasseh, 2 Kings xxi, 18; 2 OMan. xxxiii. 20. It is veryobvious from all these texts, that persons, whether pious orprofane, are said" to sleep with their fathers." In the marginof some of them, it is "to lie down with their fathers." J acob,Gen. xlvii. 30, desired to lie with his fathers. In chap. xliz.

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    4 THE BIBLE STANDARD.29, 33, his death is called being" gathered unto his people."And, speaking of the wicked, (Ps. xlix. 19.) it is said, "heshall go to the generation of his fathers." When personsare said to go to their fathers (Gen. xv. 15,) and to go downto their children who were dead, (Gen. xxxvii. 35,) nothingmore seems to be meant than that they had gone to Sheol orHades, where all the dead are represented as in one vastcongregation. This is said of whole generations, as well as ofindividuals, Judges ii. 10, which confirms the views advanced,that dying in Scripture is called falling asleep, and beingdead. Asleep is beyond all controversy. See Ps. lxxvi. 13 ;Job iii. 13, and vii. 21 ; Ps. xiii. B; Mau, xxvii. 52; John ii.11, 13; Acts vii. 6, and xiii. 36; 1 Cor. xv. 6, 18, 20, 51; 1Thess. iv. 13, 15, and v. 10; 2 Peter iii. 4; Jel'. li. 39; 1 COl'.xi. 30.) This sleep is said to be e , in the dust" (Job. viii. 21,Dan. xii. 2.) It is represented as a place of quietness andrest to all, poor or rich, the oppressor and the oppressed.See (Job iii. 13, 20, and xvii. 16; Isai Ivii, 2; Rev. xiv. 13.)Job calls this resting-place in the dust "the land ofdarknessand the shadow of death; a land of darkness as darkness it-

    - self," .... ('Chap. x. 20 22, Job xvii. 13; 1 Sam, ii. 9; Ps. cvii.10, 14.) where similiar statements are made.

    It is the same to all, whatever character they sustainedwhile in this world. It is also represented as a place ofsilence (Ps. iii. 17, xciv. 17 and cxv. 17.) It is called" theland of forqetfulness," ( Ps. lxxxviii. 12,) where the personsare in a state of forgetfulness, as well as forgotten by theliving, (Ps. xxxi, 12.) Moreover it is often described as astate of corruption and destruction see, Job. xxvi. 6, xxviii.2t Ps. vxxxviii. 11, xvi. 10, Job. iv. 18, 20, Ps. xlix. 9.2\ Acts xiii. 36.)

    It cannot be doubted that Job's question-" Man givethup the Ghost and where is he," is spoken ofall men withoutexception, and in our day is answered thus-" All m,enwhenthey give up the Ghost, go immediately to heaven or hell, tobe happy or miserable forever." The Catholics have purga-tory as a third place, to which they send some at death.But do the Scriptures speak of three places, or even of two,to which men go at death? Solomon says, (Eccl. xii. 5,)" Man goeth to his long home." and Job calls it "the house ap-pointedfor all the living" ( Chap. xxx. 23.) Solomon expresslydeclares (Eccl. iii. 20,)-" All go unto olleplace; all are of thedust, and all return to dust again." We are aware that it maybe objected-these texts only describe the state of men'sbodies after death, but have no relation to their '

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    THE BIBLE STANDARD. 5ill the heavens be no more, they shall not wake nor beaised out of their sleep." Here, he intimates his hope of aresurrection from the dead; but that he had no knowledgeof the soul's existence in a disembodied state, is apparentfrom verse 13, "0 that thou wouldst hide me in the grave,that thou wouldst keep me secret, until thy wrath be past,that thou wouldst appoint me a set time and remember me,"see also verses 14-15, Job's answer is in unison with all theabove texts, nor is any thing said in any other part of thebook, which would lead us to believe that he had animmortal soul which would exist in a disembodied state. Inthe book of Job a future life is entirely predicated on theresurrection from the dead. On the whole of the abovetexts, I shall now submit the following questions andremarks, for candid consideration. Is it any honour to thesacred writers, to make them gravely and repeatedly tell us,that a dead carcase does not praise God; that it does notgive thanks to God? ann if at death man's soul goes toheaven or hell, how could they in truth say that" the deadknow not anything!" And that at death" the thoughts of menperish?" Are souls in heaven and hell destitute of all know-ledge and thought? If so, how can they be either happy ormiserable? Supposing a man in the present expressed him-self as Job, Hezekiah, and others did in view of their death,wouldhe not be counted a denier of the faith, and worse thanan infidel? Such would do well to consider, how those goodmen spoke as they did, yet died in peace. Dic1they not fallasleep with a hope and peace of minc1 as much superior tosome death-bed scenes praisec1 among us, as the composureof a rational man is to the ravings of a maniac? But I askagain, supposing the sacred writers had intended to teach usthat the whole, man ceases to exist at death, what betterlanguage could they hqve used? The texts are many, plain,and uttered without a single word of qualification, as if menhad immortal souls which survive death. Does not their lan-guage justify the views I have advanced? And if I have mis-taken their meaning, how are we to reconcile them with thedoctrine of the immortality of the soul? But if my views becorrect, it is certain Job's question is fully and repeatedlyanswered in the above passages. " IN e frankly admit, that ifit can be proved that man has an immortal soul which goesto heaven or hell at death, they ought to be understood asmerely referring to his body, but if this can not be done,prejudice herself will allow, the doctrine of disembodiedspirits is without foundation in the Bible.

    If the Scripture writers do not inform us that men haveimmo?talsouls, and where they, go at death, it is fair to con-clude that they had no such lmowledge to communicate.-B.

    ( To be continued.)

    CHRISTIANITYreats man not as immortal, but as a candi-date for immortality.-Rev. Dr. Parker,


    IN the seventeenth century, the Baptist Churches of Englandwere nearly, if not all, believers in the Gospel of God. In1660 they found it necessary to present to Charles n. theirconfession of Faith, which was signed by forty persons andapproved by twenty thousand more. The following is their22nd article, extracted from Crosby's History of the Baptists,vol. 2. p. 85:-

    "We, believe that the same Lord Jesus, who showedHimself alive after His passion by, many infallible proofs(Acts, i. 3), and was taken up into heaven (Luke, xxiv. 51),shall so come in like manner as He was seen to go intoheaven (Acts, i. 9-11);

    '" And when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, we alsoshall appeal' with Him in glory.' (Col. iii. 4.) 'For thekingdom is His, and He is the governor among the nations'(Ps. xxii, 28.), 'and king over all the earth.' (Zech. xiv. 9.)'and we shall reign with Him on the earth,' (R e v . v. 10.)'The kingdom of this world ( which men so mightily striveafter her~ to enjoy) shall become the kingdoms of our Lordand His Christ.' (R e v . xi. 15.) 'For all is yours' (ye thatovercome this world), 'for ye are Christ's, and Christ isGoel's (1 COl'. iii. 22, 23.) 'For unto the saints shall be giventhe kingdom, and the greatness of the kingdom, under thewhole heaven,' (Van. vii. 27.) Though, alas! now manymen be scarce content that the saints should have so "muchas a being among them; but when Christ shall appeal', thenshall be their day-then shall be given unto them powerover the nations, to rule them with a rod of iron. (R e v . ii.26,27.) Then shall they receive a crown of life, which noman shall take from them, nor they by any means turned 01'overturned from; for the oppressor shall be broken in pieces'( Ps. lxxii. 4.), and their vain rejoicings be turned intomourning and lamentations, as it is written (Job, xx. 5-7.)

    " We believe that there will be an order in the resurrection;Christ is the first-fruits, and then next, or an er, they thatare Christ's at His coming; then, or afterward, cometh theend. Concerning the kingdom and reign of our Lord JesusChrist; as we do believe that He is now in heaven at HisFather's right hand, so we do believe that at the timeappointed of the Father, He shall come again in power andgreat glory: and that at, or after His coming- the secondtime. He will not only raise the dead, anc1 judge andrestore the world, but will also take to himself His Kingdom,and will, according to the Scriptures, reign on the throne-ofhis father David, on Mount Zion, in Jerusalem, for ever.

    " " I N e believe that the kingdom of our Lord will be auniversal kingdom, and that in this kingdom the Lord JesusChrist Himself will be alone, visible, supreme Lord and Kingof the whole earth. /

    '~We believe that as this kingdom will be universal, so it

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    6 THE BIBLE STANDARD.will be also an everlasting kingdom that shall have no end,nor can be shaken; in which kingdom the saints andfaithful in Christ Jesus sh:111receive the end of their faith,even the salvation of their souls; where the Lord is theyshall be also."

    " We believe that the New Jerusalem that shall comedown from God out of heaven, when the tabernacle of Godshall be with men, and He will dwell among them, will bethe metropolitan city of this kingdom, and will be theglorious place of residence of both Christ and His saints forever, and will be on Mount Zion the holy hill of David,where His throne was." 'Ihey also expressed their deter-mination to abide by these doctrines in such language asthis: " We are not only resolved to suff~r persecution to theloss of our goods, but also life itself, rather than decline fromthe same."

    We commend this to the attention of our Baptist friendsof the present day, who have left the good old paths in whichtheir fathers' walked. Wisdom bids them return,


    "WHAT advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? Let us eatand drink, for to morrow we die."-l Cor. xv. 32. What

    . advantageth it me? What benefit shall I have? Why shouldI risk my life in this manner?

    Let us eat and drink. These words are taken fromIsa. xxii. 13. In their original application they refer tothe Jews when besieged by Sennacherib and the army of theAssyrians. The prophet says, that instead of weeping andfasting, and humiliation, as became them in such circum-stances, they had given themselves up to feasting and revelry,and that their language was, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;" that is,there is no use in offeringresistance or in calling upon God. VVe must die, and _wemay as well enjoy life as long as it lasts, and give ourselvesup to unrestrained indulgences. Paul does not quote thesewords as having any original reference to the subject of thereshrection, but as language appropriately expressing theidea, that if there is no future state; if no resurrection ofthe dead; if no happy result of toils and sufferings in thefuture world, it is vain and foolish to subject ourselves totrials and privations here. We should rather make the mostof this life-enjoy all the comfort we can, and make pleasureour chief good, rather than look for happiness in a futurestate. This seems to be the language of the great mass ofthe world,etc.

    To-morrow. Very soon. We have no security of life.and death is so near that it may be said we must die to-morrow. We die. We must die. The idea here is "Wemust die, without the prospect of living again, unless thedoctrine of the resurrection be true.-Albert Barnes.

    IMMORTALITY..Andrew Carmichael has well said:"It cannot be too often repeated: if there be an immortal

    soul, there is no resurrection; and if there be any resurrec-tion, there is no immortal soul."

    Dr. Muller Rays:"The Christian faith 111 immortality is indissolubly

    connected with the promise of a future resurrection of thedead."

    Adam Clarke says:"The doctrine of the resurrection appears to have been

    thought of much more consequence among the primitiveChristians than it is now. There is not a doctrine in theGospel on which more stress is laid; and there is notdoctrine in the present system of preaching which is tre atedwith more neglect."

    These words are eminently true; and it is proper for us toinquire into the cause of this marked change. We have seenthat Christ, and the apostles make the resurrection the mostprominent doctrine of the New Testament. One eminentauthor declares, that not less than one verse in every thirtyin the New Testament has reference to this doctrine. Whythen is it treated with such neglect in the popular pulpits othe present day? Is it because modern preachers are wiserthan Paul and Peter and John, or is it because they neglectto preach the Gospel, "teaching for doctrines the command-ments of men ?"

    The New Testament teaches that man is mortal, and thateternal life is a "gift of God through Jesus Christ our Lord."Modern theology teaches that man is immortal, and that aa consequence he has eternal life in himself: The NewTestament does n~t teach the immortality of. the soul; bumodern theology cleclares that" the immortality of the souis a fundamental doctrine of revealed religion."

    The New Testament teaches the resurrection of dead men.modern theology; of dead bodies. Th-ese marked contrastsexhibit the reason why the doctrine of the resurrection itreated with such neglect in the present system of preachingOf the primitive faithful, it is written-" These all, havingobtained a good report through faith, received not thepromise; God having provided some better thing for usthat they without us should not be made perfect" (Heb. xi39, 40). The time is fast approaching when this promiseshall be fulfilled. Then shaH the patriarchs honour their-- - - - - - - -Redeemer; then shall Job, with all the pure in heart, seGod; then shall David awake and be satisfied; then shalIsaiah give the shout of victory over death and hades; thenshall Daniel awake to everlasting life; then shall Paul, withall those who love the appearing of Christ, receive the gift oeternal life. This is the doctrine of the Bible-The Doctrineof Immortality.-J. H. Whitmore.

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    The Latin soientia, or science, from scio, "to know,"enotes the study and knowledge of all facts and truths

    wable, whether gathered by the senses from the realmsNature, or whether existing in the spheres of heavenlyngs where man's sight is set aside and only faith finds

    ooting. Hence there is such a thing as the science of faith,r to believe in divine things is to " know" on the)nclisput-ble word of another or his seconcl, and whatever is known,s demonstrable, is scientific. Were mankind never toow anything save what we can see or experience, howited would be our knowledge. For our knowledge of

    eography, geology, history, and all human sciences is inew instances primarily obtained, but is mainly derived

    m others, who themselves, receive statements' at secondnd third hand. If we should disregard all second handvidence, the existence of a Caesar or a Buonaparte, or a

    ington would be a mattel: of dispute. Historic doubtselative to thousands of accepted statements were then justi-iable. All science, even its first principles as well as itsacts, rests upon faith; faith in philosophers, in travellers, inservers, in experimentalists. Science itself is but a childyesterday ; and geology, one of the youngest, yet the

    oisiest of the sciences, is now scarcely two hundred yearsld; while faith is as old as Adam, Abel, and Noah. Theommon sense of mankind declares that as regards a millionf things the race lives, not by science, but by faith; notwhat each one for himself can demonstrate, but by what

    he believes has been demonstrated to or by others. Manya professional chemist could not analyze one tenth of theine hundred and forty-two substances treated in Turn~r's

    Chemistry; many a man pretending to be a geologist neverexamined one millionth part of the crust of the earth,-SirDavid Brewster affirms that "not one fiftieth part of thewhole" dry land is yet geologically explored, while thegeology of the vast ocean bed is almost totally unknown.So with other sciences.

    But limited as is his knowledge, the sceptical geologist isready to fling Moses to the winds for the sake of his pet,crude theories. Others give us most of the facts we know,-we. build on them. Others calculate, experiment andprove-we believe them. We are compelled to. It is in athousand cases the only knowledge we possess. And yetinfidels tell us that "modern man demands substantialproofs for all kinds of knowledge, and rejects that which ismerely a matter of Faith." Merely! As if to receiveHumboIt's statement of a fact were wisdom, but ~toreceive with equal assurance Paul's statement of a fact isonly nonsense. Alas, this science "falsely so called"though senseless in its" oppositions" to God's truth, hascome to be very fashionable.

    Positive of what others teach concerning the deep places

    of the earth,-the distance and nature of the stars, theremote past ages, and the essential essence of things, menwho get their evidence just in the same way as Christians gettheirs, viz., on the testimony of others, will senselesslyrej ect evidence pertaining to matters of revelation andreligion; while at the same moment they assert the truthof a million of other things theoretical and less thoroughlyaccredited. These men, while denying the miracles of Scrip-ture, as did Paine and Parker, cannot fathom the acceptedmysteries that are piled thick all about their feet; thoughthey never think of disputing them. They will cavil at themysteries that underlie the whole system of the atonementby Jesus the Saviour, but cannot with all their wisdom tellhow the blood circulates, how the grass grows, how thewind blows, how atoms came, the last division of anatom, how pain exists, how thought is evolved; and thesefoolish wise men evermore stammer and hesitate whenquestioned concerning the secrets of their existence. Asksuch a man if he believes in unseen winds and pains, andhe will tell you "Yes." Ask him if he believes in theunseen -Christ, and the reply is "No." How pitiful isscepticism, which only believes in all unbelief, and believingnot the truth is" condemned." How grand is faith,--thatwith Job and Saul enables its possessor to say of etern alrealities, " I know." Give me this faith.-D. T. Taflor,

    THE GROWTH OF A BESETTING SIN.Its growth is not always the same. Sometimes the de-

    Yeloprnent is gradual and insensible, as avarice, for instance.A young man's character is fair; only those who know himbest discern a germ of selfishness. He prospers in life andriches increase. 'I'he germ vegetates and grows until wesee its consumation in the hard face, the cold eye, the rigidclutch of fingers that can never grasp enough. The growthis sometimes rapid, impetuous, gaining in a few days a fear-ful maturity, just as the seed, dormant for ages in thecerecloths of a mummy, bursts into life when air andmoisture are supplied. Young men, country-bred, have toldme how they went to a city to enter a counting-house orattend lectures. A single step over a wicked threshold wasas a spark upon tinder, and in the conflagration that.followed all self-control was consumed. What, my reader,has been the growth of your besetting sin? Can you traceits progress from a seemingly harmless serpent, with whichyou trifled, to a dragon that suffocates you in its folds?Can you remember how you nursed and fondled it, and withyour own hand nourished it into greatness? How does theinveteracy of habit intensify y-iur calamity! Or can YOuremember how once it was pent up and restrained until,like the fisherman in the Arabian fable, in a thoughtlessmoment you violated some seal graven with a sacred name,and in a moment this" Genii" of the besetting sin issuedforth in a form and substance and grasped you with super-human violence? Alas! you must fight it out now; no spell that can restore it back to its prison.-BishopLeay.

  • 8/9/2019 Bible Standard October 1877



    HOWEVER our friends may be disappointed in us, 01'however we ourselves may have wrongly estimated ourpowers, our abilities, and our infirmities; however we mayhave failed in our endeavours, violated our promises, andbroken our good resolutions, one thing is certain, the LordJesus Christ is not disappointed in us. When He undertookour salvation it was with the most perfect knowledge of allthe characteristics of our nature. He knew us far better thanwe know ourselves. He knew our frailty, our weakness,our changeableness, our lack of honesty, and steadfastness,and truthfulness. He knew the things which no one elseknew, and which we ourselves would not have believed if aman had declared them to us; and yet, knowing in advanceall that we might do or fail to do, He received us into Hisfamily, He took us to be His children.

    Since that time how strange our experiences have been;what deceitfulness we have found in our own hearts; whatcorruption has lurked within us; what frailty has beenmanifested in our lives! Often we have been ready to give.up the struggle in despair; often we have felt the flesh lust-ing against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh, until

    . we could not do what we would. And in these conflicts wehave many times been almost ready to despond, we havelost patience and confidence, we have abandoned ourselvesto discouragement, and have dreamed that the Lord hadabandoned us to ruin. "Ye were mistaken, He who bought uswith His blood was not deceived in the purchase that Hemade. He who called us by His grace, knew ,our wholenature in all its length and breadth; He who invited us tocome to Him and promised that we should .not be turnedaway, has seen nothing in our unfaithfulness, folly, or sin,which has suprised Him in the least. He knew the task Heundertook when He began to train us for the eternal life, Heknew the responsibility that was upon Him when, havingbeen made perfect by sufferings, He sought to bring us withHis many sons to the glory which is to be revealed; and sowhen we are discouraged, He is of good cheer; when we des-pond, He strengthens us with immortal hope; when we areready to sink down in despair, He stands by us with unfailingpatience, with unfaltering love. We are disappointed inourselves; our friends are disappointed in us; the world,it may be, has gloried in our downfall, and rejoiced overour failure; but He, looking with an omniscient eye upon itall, still holds us up, and strengthens us and bids us goforward, He receives us when all others cast us off, and Hehath said" I will never leave you 01' forsake you.':

    Be joyful, oh, sorrowing, troubled, tempted one, in the full,ness of His eternal life ; Let no fear disturb your confidence.Let no temptation seem strange to you, since He has pro-vided for every possible need, and will not suffer you to faintnor fall, but will strengthen you in every hour of trial, anduphold you with the right hand ofHis righteousness.-H.L.H.


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    NOTICE.We purpose (D.V.) delivering a series of discourses ongreat Prophetic Subjects of Scripture, relating toSigns of our Times and the speedy Coming of our Loand Saviour Jesus Christ, in the Mint Lane BaptChapel, commencing SUNDAYEVENING,OCTOBER7'-..... All are invited. Please come early to secure a seat.GEO. A. BROWN, PastoPrinted by CHARLES AKRILL, Silver Street, Lincoln; and p

    lished by "THE' BIBLE STANDARD PUBLICATlONSOCIETY," at their Office, No. 24, Mint Lane, Lincoln.