Download - Beyond Youtube: Tips for Sharing Online Video


Beyond Youtube:

Tips for Sharing
Online Video

Presented by Dan Monceaux

2011 Danimations Pty. Ltd.

Tips for Sharing Online Video

Make your video is easy to find (SEO)

Create verbose, keyword-heavy titles

Write a detailed description of each video
(150 words or so)

Tag with relevant words, synonyms and even spelling variations

There are two basic ways to share video online.

Share a link


Embed a player

Tips for Sharing Online Video

Tips for Sharing Online Video

Tips for Sharing Online Video

Embedding requires...

Ability to paste HTML code into
a webpage


A site which
recognises video
links instantly

Tips for Sharing Online Video

Post to social networking sites

Don't 'flood' with too many posts

Re-post to relevant groups, organisations & influencers

Respond to comments

Thank people for sharing

Tips for Sharing Online Video

Add to social bookmarking websites

Sign-up for accounts on major sites

Find an add-on for your browser(for example, AddThis for Firefox)

Tips for Sharing Online Video

Attach to a media release

Include a link or

Embed a player in the media release try

Use social networks, bookmarking, email lists, direct email to influencers etc.

Tips for Sharing Online Video

Youtube is a social network too

Subscribe to producers of similar content

Find relevant playlists & submit your video

Comment on content
which relates to yours

Build relationships
and backlinks

Tips for Sharing Online Video

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