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Better Health Care For Injured Veterans

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Better Healthcare For Injured Veterans


Page 3: Better Healthcare For Injured Veterans

Better Healthcare For Injured Veterans

• Veterans who have served in a theatre of combat deserve

the best treatment and healthcare that can possibly be made

available to them if they are severely injured.

• Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as the VA has made

significant errors in its healthcare system resulting in delays,

cancelled appointments and surgeries, which has led veterans

to serious waiting and concern and even in some cases

extreme illness and death.

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Campaign Goals

• The goal of this campaign is to educate, inform and increase

school wide, state wide and hopefully nation wide awareness about

the grave and severe mistakes and errors that VA has made in its

healthcare system as well as the injuries and deaths it has caused

towards veterans.

• The system is plagued with problems that are well documented

and occur often despite the intense scrutiny the VA has already

undergone for the past several years.

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VA Procedures

• At the core of the VA are medical centers, clinics and

rehabilitation centers.

• Each facility is supposed to have a well trained care

management team who is responsible for making sure that

veterans receive patient centered integrated healthcare.

• Severely injured or ill veterans are supposed to provided

with case manager who are skilled specialists in identifying

and accessing resources within their health case system as

well as the local community to help veterans recover from

their injuries and readjust to civilian life.

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Problems With The VA

• Major flaws and errors in software systems.

• Lack of adequate training.

• Major delays for surgeries resulting in death.

• Failure of resources.

• Failure of responsibility and proactivity.

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Problems With The VA

• In 2010, CNN learned of the deaths of up to nineteen

veterans, due to delayed colonoscopy or endoscopy



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• Reliability of waiting times.

• Ensuring consistent execution of its scheduling policies.

• Routinely monitor scheduling needs and problems and

staffing resources.

• Greatly improve telephone access for clinical care.

• Improvement of procedures for hiring proactive employees.

• Proper and adequate training and staff.

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• “In 2007, an audit by the department's inspector general

revealed that Veterans Health Administration facilities did not

always adhere to the organization's scheduling policies and

procedures. Unexplained differences between the desired

dates shown in the scheduling software and the desired dates

shown in the related medical records also caused the

inspector general to conclude that the VHA's reported

waiting times were unreliable.”

• The monetary budget for 2015 from President Obama was

$163.9 billion dollars! Money is not the problem!

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Public Awareness

• The first step in accomplishing the mission to help injured

veterans is to create informed people and aware the public

• Social media will be one of the primary ways to educate

members of the public about the situation.

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Better Health Care For Injured Veterans

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• Credibility for the success of the campaign is a must. People

will be unwilling to volunteer, support and make donations

on an unreliable campaign. Creating a respectable, and

successful campaign is the ultimate goal. The campaign will

provide statistics that will outline the basis of problem and

give solutions for that specific problem. Donations and

volunteering will be suggested but not forced upon the


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• The mission and purpose of the campaign will be clear and

ever present. We will back up our research, data and

information with clear, concise and reputable sources at all

times and we will not be afraid to offer evidence that

supports our cause. Before offering evidence or material to

audiences we will confirm our sources so as not to corrupt

the campaign itself.

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• The VA continues to have problems where care and attention

to injured veterans is concerned. There are major problems

and flaws in the system which all need to be addressed and

dealt with so that injured veterans can receive the full

attention and assistance that they need. It is wrong to deny

them of the proper health care procedures when they have

sacrificed their time and lives for our country. Most people

are in support of our veterans and wouldn’t hesitate to

volunteer or spread the word about the problems that are

effecting the VA’s health care service.

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