Download - Better Communicator 4


Dr. Prabath Karunanayake

MBBS, MBA in HRM, PGDipPsych, PGDipOH&SDirector HR, China Harbour Engineering Company

Lead Consultant, Prabath Karunanayake Assocaites

30th June 2015

Be a

Better Communicatorat Work



Overcoming your fear of

Public Speaking






What is a phobia?

a persistent fear of an object or situation,

typically disproportional to the

actual danger, often being

recognized as irrational,

in which the sufferer commits to great

lengths in avoiding.

Glosso-phobiathe fear of public

speaking or of speaking in general

Confront your fears The audience hates me

My PowerPoint will crash

I have nothing interesting to say, and the audience will be bored by my presentation I’ll forget everything that I

wanted to say I’ll run out of time or I’ll finish way too early

People can’t understand me because I talk too quickly or too softly when I’m nervous I will do something embarrassing

Resist making a speech that you don’t want to make

Select an appropriate topic Research the topic from different sources Organize your information in a simple

pattern that the audience can easily recognize

Create a speech outline Write the speech Apply gestures, staging, and vocal variety

Re-create the speech setting Capture internal feelings and stop to take

notes Experiment with different voices,

gestures, or staging Time the speech allowing time for pauses

and delays due to audience response Solicit feedback from others Use all that you learn to edit your speech

and make it better

Get physicalHAKINI MUDRABoosts the brain,

improves concentration, activates memory,

generates ideasBREATHINGDeep breathingCalming sighKapala-bathi pranayama

WARM-UP THE SYSTEMTake a brief walk outsideDo some stretching exercisesClench the fists and release

Warm up