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Best Practices and Cultural Differences in Global Customer Reference Management!

By: Boulder Logic &

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*  Many different mentalities & languages *  Be aware of the multiple time zones

*  Variety of business needs (e. g. Emerging Markets)

*  NEVER assume that everyone speaks English! ! 2/21/13!2!

Around the globe!

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*  Formal greeting!

*  Incentives: Enjoy networking opportunities, event and business lunches or dinners

*  SMB customers open to become reference (appreciate the visibility!)

*  Austria: *  Prefer to speak in German, but are open to speak English *  Very important to use academic or royal title in greeting (e. g. Dr., Magistrat, etc.)

*  Germany: *  Prefer to speak in German, but are open to speaking English *  Don´t overuse them as reference, be careful of spending their time wisely! *  Careful with German tax law in regards to incentives or presents!

*  Switzerland: *  Pay attention: German, Italian or French speaking (depending on region)


DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland)

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*  Mainly prefer to conduct reference activities in local language (not always fluent in English!)

*  Allow more lead-time for your reference requests

*  France, Spain and Portugal are open to act as reference for prospects in French-speaking Canada, Latin-America and South-America

*  Italy and France: Prefer to act as reference for press activities

*  Spain and Portugal: Great references for site visits

*  Gift and rewards: *  Southern-Europeans mainly enjoy spending valuable time together at a lunch or dinner (make lots

of time available!)


Southern-Europe (Italy, Spain, France, Portugal)

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*  Very open, direct and straight-forward mentalities!

*  Always willing to conduct reference activities and also travel for event speaking engagements

*  Most customers within Scandinavia and Benelux are English speaking and can speak at least 1-2 other languages (e. g. German or French – besides local language!)

*  Gift and rewards: *  Enjoy networking events and business dinners *  Access to execs and peers *  Event invitations


Scandinavia and Benelux

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*  Emerging Market, high potential to grow *  High demand for references due to lots of competition

*  The most important facts:

*  Request references very early in the sales cycle (mainly site visits) *  Very protective of customer information (especially Russia)

*  Set-up CRP processes and educate your sales

*  Preferred reference locations: Own region, Western-Europe, USA

*  For site visits and event speaking engagements: *  Do not forget to check visa requirements and allow enough lead-time! *



Eastern-Europe & Middle-East

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*  Eastern-Europe (mainly Russia): *  Prefer to speak in local language *  Heavily channel partner and distributor focused – involve them! *  Sales cycle tend to take a long time!

*  Middle-East *  Most customers are speaking English *  Recommended to have a male dealing with the customer ( sign of respect of

their religious beliefs!)

*  Caution: Customers in Middle-East often request their trip to be covered by the vendor (for event speaking engagements)


Eastern-Europe & Middle-East (continued)

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*  Emerging Market *  Request references very early in the sales cycle

*  Prefer to speak to references from Western-Europe or the US

*  Often request a site visit

*  Most customer contacts speak English – depending on country

*  JAPAN: *  Very important to understand customs *  Prefer to speak in local language *  Ensure to bring a gift along



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*  Very open-minded mentality *  Open to act as reference for all sorts of activities

*  Most of African customers are English speaking

*  Important to know: during business dinner do NOT speak about business (considered rude)!

*  Bring local gift when visiting a customer!

*  Gift and rewards: *  Enjoy every sort of present or lunches & dinners


Africa (mainly South-Africa)

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*  Emerging Market

*  Very open-minded mentality

*  Prefer to speak to references in other Latin-American countries OR references within Spain, Portugal and the US

*  On average, not often requesting references



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*  Make it easy for the customer to communicate with your global CRP team in local language!

*  Keep the various time zones into consideration when scheduling a reference activity

*  Make yourself aware of the rules and regulations within the various countries concerning receiving incentives. In some countries, it might has a negative impact on taxes for some of the customer companies


Other important information

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About Boulder Logic!

Strategic !Guidance!

Customer Recruitment!

Content Development!

Program Development !

Enterprise software (SaaS)

for customer references

Full range of spec

ialized services

Boulder Logic integrated with!

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Evolving Global Program!

Don’t over commit



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Central Nomination Queue !

Global queue with individual ownership !

•  Allowing anyone to suggest candidates for the program

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Access Controls !

Admin Role 1

Role 2

Role 3

Role 4

Role 5

•  Use record and field level control

•  Apply conditional display rules

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Intuitive Taxonomy!


•  Reduce the values to a very clearly

defined list and fight to keep it clean

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Automate Updates !


Use an integrated wizard to select recipients, fields

and records to collect data updates!

Email based confirmation current information is correct, or to collect updates into the Db.!

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Cross Regional Requests!


Escalation focused on requestor region

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Dynamic Microsite Templates !


Self service publication of personalized

customer evidence micro site!

Personal URL tracking shows visitors to specific pieces of

evidence !

Templates localize automatically by

recipients regional settings!

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Usage Thresholds!


Logical groupings of activity types!

Over AND Under!Usage thresholds!

Automatic status changes based on


Default settings can be overridden for

each reference and contact!

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Proper Character Support!

ö ! o ! Ö

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For more information

