Download - BERItA SU · this year! 1 CAMP LEGACY 2 SU Peninsular Malaysia held our inaugural Camp Legacy last November 25-29! We had 67 students from 6 states across semenanjung come to learn

Page 1: BERItA SU · this year! 1 CAMP LEGACY 2 SU Peninsular Malaysia held our inaugural Camp Legacy last November 25-29! We had 67 students from 6 states across semenanjung come to learn


D’Nous Academy

SU REGION - PERAK2019 Highlights

CHILDREN’S CORNERFind the Way, Dig the Truth,

Discover the LifeSJAG Sports Camp








Photo by Tom Winnen from Pexels

Reaching the NEXT Generation with God’s Word


Page 2: BERItA SU · this year! 1 CAMP LEGACY 2 SU Peninsular Malaysia held our inaugural Camp Legacy last November 25-29! We had 67 students from 6 states across semenanjung come to learn

sowed into the lives of these students as well. To you readers, we hope you will continue to partner us in prayer and other ways as we look to expand Camp Legacy in depth and number this year!




SU Peninsular Malaysia held our inaugural Camp Legacy last November 25-29! We had 67 students from 6 states across semenanjung come to learn and experience life together. The camp theme was ‘One’, based on Philippians 1:27b - “stand firm in the one spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.”

We are very thankful to Francis Dunn as our theme speaker while our own Marianne, Timothy, Joel Wong and also long-time SU volunteer, Nigel Rode served as plenary session speakers. The students also had opportunities to learn from 9 workshops and, as always, other highlights included outdoor games and our family-themed fun night!

We give God the glory for the continual testimonies we have received since the camp. We want to specially thank all the camp officers who

The early part of 2019 Edwin Khoo (the regional staff) explored new grounds with stakeholders (churches and individuals) for partnership within the region, to raise awareness and promote SU materials and expertise to the region.

Pioneering project with Gunung Rapat Chinese Methodist ChurchSU conducted our Chinese Bible Engagement Seminar with the church youth group in March. We were delighted that the response was good and was invited to conduct a subsequent BE series “Life to the Max” in October/November period.

Children Ministry Training – 1 JuneA team of speakers partnering with SU (Jeyanthi, Ponraj and Shobana) conducted the training to a full-house of 90 participants from Ipoh and neighbouring towns. We are thankful that we could bring such training to our region so that more parents, Sunday school teachers, can benefit from such equipping ministry.

Ipoh Interschool CF High PraiseWorking together with the SMK ACS CF team, Edwin as advisor, organized this High Praise event on 12 July. Approximately 90 youths from about 10 Kinta schools CF came for the evangelistic gathering. SU follow-up material, ‘First Steps’ was provided for those who responded to the altar call.


D’NA 2019 was smaller with 9 students coming back for their second or third year, in the three-

D ’ N O U S ACADEMY 2019

year curriculum of the Academy. No first year students were admitted as we began the transition to a new curriculum structure this year.

Nevertheless, the students were dynamic and responsive, eager to learn and participate in any way, as they spent ten days learning about the Bible and other modules pertaining to Christian thinking. The small number also forged bonds that are still strong even until today, each of them keeping each other accountable in their walk with God. We look forward for the new batch of d’NA students this year, and see how God can bring up the next generation of Christian thinkers.

Ministry around the RegionIt was a fruitful and busy year end for Edwin, involved in visitations, camps and speaking engagements. An exploratory visit was made to Westlake International School Kampar for future ministry. He visited Teluk Intan for the BB-GB Award Day and explored new work with local church leaders there.

Edwin was the camp speaker for Cornerstone Sanctuary Youth Camp in November. Praise the Lord for the many lives who responded to the salvation call and made the commitment to follow Jesus as disciples.

We are thankful for the various ministries and partnerships we were able to establish. We are delighted that many lives were impacted and joyful that the Lord’s presence was with us as we served Him.

Chapel service at WMSII

Learning time

Group photo

Edwin teaching

Cornerstone Sanctuary Youth Camp






Page 3: BERItA SU · this year! 1 CAMP LEGACY 2 SU Peninsular Malaysia held our inaugural Camp Legacy last November 25-29! We had 67 students from 6 states across semenanjung come to learn






I had a really unforgettable and enjoyable time in camp. It was really interesting and amazing to see people from different countries blending together so well despite a language barrier. The camp activities were really wholesome and fun and it really bonded all of us very deeply. I would definitely go for the next ISC if I could.- Nariko Jia Ern

A total of 82 campers and 30 officers from 12 countries came together for the 8th edition of the International Students Camp held at SUFES Campsite, Tapah from 26 December 2019 to 1 January 2020.

Based on the theme “Raising the Next Gen Leaders”, all campers were taught and encouraged from the Scriptures on the importance of leadership – to be leaders of their generation in their own countries. There were also fun times – and some challenging ones! – through cultural workshops, movie night, caving at Gua Tempurung and stream trotting. The camp ended with some personal reflection, followed by an international night where all the respective countries showcased their national costumes with food and performances as they counted down to the new year.

Truly, ISC presented us with a glimpse of what heaven is like, where peoples from different nations come together to serve and worship the one true God. Though the camp has come to an end, we can be assured that we will see each other once again, either here on earth or in heaven. May God continue to be praised!


Throughout the camp, we experienced God through different ways and most importantly, although we were from different nations, we are one in Christ!- Ernest Kok Fang Juin

‘‘ISC8 was a fun and exciting camp. It was the first international camp that I’ve been to, it was mind blowing to see how different people from different countries worship God and that at the end of the day we are all one family in Christ. ISC8 taught me to accept one another and to love one another as I love myself. Since camp I have been able to accept different cultures more openly. It was a great camp!!!

- Samuel Ng

‘‘This is my first camp where I “went alone but never felt lonely”. A good relationship with one another despite the diversity and reminded again of God’s love in the camp!

- Deborah Peter

Camp was an unforgettable experience: having no phone signal in the middle of a jungle; kindled new friendships; learned about amazing cultures; but above all I encountered God in a wholly different way, personally and also with new friends who speak different languages but love God all the same.

- John Leong

Bible teaching on leadership

Group morning devotions

Stream trotting

Communion service at camp

Group photo



Page 4: BERItA SU · this year! 1 CAMP LEGACY 2 SU Peninsular Malaysia held our inaugural Camp Legacy last November 25-29! We had 67 students from 6 states across semenanjung come to learn



These catchy phrases were based on John 14:6, “I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through me”. The camp lessons were wrapped around this verse.


Pada 2018 Kem pertama Berjalin dengan Firman di Sabah dimulakan di Kota Marudu dengan 46 peserta terdiri daripada golongan daripada remaja dan orang dewasa. Selepas itu, 4 lagi kem diadakan pada 2019, juga beberapa seminar termasuklah seminar kepada pelatih.

Pertemuan dan perkongsian kepada beberapa pemimpin gereja telah memulakan perjalanan pelayanan ini. Pada mulanya, hanya seminar sahaja menjadi tumpuan tetapi melihat kepada keperluan latihan yang lebih daripada setakat apa yang dapat dilaksanakan semasa seminar, saya tergerak untuk mengadakan Kem Berjalin dengan Firman dengan memilih pembelajaran Surat Kolose sebagai inti sepanjang kem. Daripada apa yang saya dapat perhatikan, impak selepas kem ini lebih besar kerana mereka lebih mengerti bagaimana berjalin dengan Firman lebih mendalam. Juga di sepanjang kem beberapa aktiviti dijalankan untuk para peserta memikirkan kondisi hati dan posisi mereka di dalam Kristus. Setiap kali selepas kem-kem ini, saya akan membuat beberapa

2019年11月23日至24日,SU与Subang Jaya Assembly of God(SJAG)教会一同联手举办了一项为期两日的儿童运动营,地点位于Collective KL教会室内的球场。这次的营会大约有40位年龄由6至12岁的营员,10位教会主日学老师及8位SU教练所组成。营会里,营员们参与了3种不同类型的球类,那就是足球(Football),飞盘(Frisbee)和楚克球 (Tchoukball)。SU教练各自以有趣的方式来教导和训练营员们,让他们学习并掌握好每一样球类的玩法和技巧。每天午餐过后,营员们都会在大组时光聚集在一起来认识耶稣,之后再分为小组来阅读,钻研圣经故事和背经文。这次的运动营主题是《耶稣是世界的光》,经文是约翰福音8章12节。


pengubahsuaian dalam pembelajaran mengikut keperluan yang diperhatikan sepanjang kem selepas dijalankan beberapa kali. Dan saya percaya Tuhanlah yang meletakkan semua buah fikiran ini di dalam hati dan fikiran saya.

Banyak kesaksian yang saya terima mendorong, memberkati dan menguatkan hati saya untuk meneruskan pelayanan ini, kerana saya melihat keperluannya di Sabah terutamanya kepada generasi sekarang bahkan kepada para orang dewasa juga. Sehingga hari ini, kebanyakan pelayanan ini bergerak di Utara dan Barat Sabah.

97% daripada para remaja menyatakan kesukaran mereka untuk memahami Firman Tuhan. Bagi mereka, kandungan Firman hanyalah cerita yang berulang-ulang dan meningkatkan kebosanan untuk membaca Firman atau Alkitab. Setelah mengikuti Seminar atau/dan Kem ini, mereka dapat dibantu untuk mendalami dan melihat Firman Tuhan dari sudut pandang yang berbeza dan menerima pemahaman yang segar daripada Tuhan sendiri. Harapan saya ia-lah agar lebih ramai pemimpin gereja yang dapat memahami dan menyambut visi pelayanan ini bersama-sama. Sememangnya Firman Tuhan adalah dasar kepada hubungan yang intim bersama-Nya.




110 children ages 7-12 years came for a 2-day Camp at Gereja Grace Batu Pahat in November last year. They had team building activities and games, and worked together with their group leaders to achieve their goals as they learnt how Jesus has prepared the way for them to trust and follow Him, that He is the reflective truth of God and He cares for every aspect of their lives through believing and following Him.

We are grateful for SU volunteers who came to help at this camp in partnership with Gereja Grace Batu Pahat.

Fun time

Lesson time

Kids engaged in small group time

SU Coach, Edwin teaching Tchoukball

Testimonies from participants Practising the 5 steps

BE in 5 steps














Page 5: BERItA SU · this year! 1 CAMP LEGACY 2 SU Peninsular Malaysia held our inaugural Camp Legacy last November 25-29! We had 67 students from 6 states across semenanjung come to learn

D A T E S C A M P S / E V E N T S A G E G R O U P L O C A T I O N

16-19 March 2020 SU Kedah Camp Youth Harvest Haven, Gopeng

28 March 2020 CAP Games Youth Sports Planet Subang Grand

17 Apr - 14 May 2020 National Bible Knowledge

Postal Quiz

Youth Various

23-26 May 2020 SUPA Camp Children SUFES Campsite, Tapah

31 July - 2 Aug 2020 Me & My Daddy Camp Father & Child SUFES Campsite, Tapah


Published by Scripture Union in Semenanjung Malaysia, 386, Jalan 5/59, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.


SU KEDAH CAMPThis camp caters to students from the northern region. As in all SU camps, expect to have good fun and interaction, as well as learning from the Bible on the Christian’s life with Jesus Christ.

SUPA CAMPThe fun-filled teaching and activities in this camp aim to help children (8-12 years) know the Bible and follow Jesus.



Printed byPrintmate Sdn. Bhd.16 Jalan Industri PBP7,Taman Industri Pusat Puchong,47100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

ME AND MY DADDY CAMPAn adventure-filled time for Christian dads to play, relax and communicate with their child. It is also a time to engage with Scripture and the things of God together. Experience the joy of creating lasting and significant memories with your child.

We are grateful to the Lord that at the operational level we ended with a surplus of RM75,750. Many thanks to all who have supported SUPM.The Lord has impressed on us to embark on a 10-year roadmap to reach many more lives with God’s Word throughout Malaysia.Please prayerfully consider supporting us in any way you can. If you decide to give a donation, you can send a cheque to:

Scripture Union, 386 Jalan 5/59,

46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor,

payable to ‘The Scripture Union in Semenanjung Malaysia’

Or bank in to HSBC Bank: 302-035670-001 / Maybank: 5141-6964-1884

Please email payment details to [email protected] or call 03-7782 9592. Thank you.