Download - bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Page 1: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

2016h e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x

T h e G o o d L i v i n G M a G a z i n e s

bergen | central JerseY | monmouth | morris & essex

Page 2: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri

eDitorial overview

WelcomeThe health & life magazines, now in their 16th year, are the Garden State’s

preeminent health and lifestyle publications. No rival matches our reader-friendly

presentation of the latest “news you can use” on healthy, sustainable and enjoyable living.

our interactive editorial content—“Readers’ choice” awards, “cover Girl” and “cutest

Baby” contests and more—spurs ever-growing reader interest and participation, and we

give merchants and businesses appropriate credible recognition. our annual “Best of”

issues showcase readers’ favorite local products, services and hangouts, and they’re

an irresistible “look-up” for the curious. New this year, “An Affair to Remember” will guide

readers in planning and executing a bash they’ll talk about for years.

health & life is a source of counsel and inspiration on fashion, home design, cooking, dining out and beauty—and in every issue our escapes department takes readers on a delightful armchair journey to an exciting destination. We cover good health in its broadest definition, which means that we combine medical and wellness articles featuring the latest expertise—often quoting local practitioners and experts—with lively lifestyle pieces aimed at making the most of the good life in our much-blessed area. And we show readers how to make planet-friendly choices too.

Wainscot media’s health & life magazines—along with our websites and social media initiatives and our growing roster of special events—help readers lead healthy, fulfilling lives that take full advantage of what’s available in the communities we serve. In so doing, we attract an audience of the kind advertisers covet: active, affluent, educated consumers who care about the community and about living as fully as they can, and who are eager to hear what’s new.

We hope you’ll decide that being a part of health & life makes sense for you.

rita guarna , edIToR IN [email protected]

Page 3: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri

eDitorial departments

IN eVeRY ISSUelocal Buzz: our guide to new ideas, tips, trends and things we love in Morris and essex counties.

HealtH & Beauty: we give you an up-to-date mind, body and spirit guide to help you maintain peak health and wellness and look and feel your best. we present the latest medical news plus easy and fun ways to stay fit—and keep you out of the doctor’s waiting room.

FasHion: a showcase of the trends from the runway that are making headlines, plus where to shop for them locally.

Jewelry: we present classic materials and gems crafted in striking new ways.

at HoMe: The latest and greatest in inspiring design, featuring products for the home —inside and out—from decorative furnishings and accessories to appliances, tile, pavers, pools and more

Power FooD: discover the surprising history and health benefits of a particular food and where to buy, try or grow it—plus recipes

tastes: Top local restaurant reviews, stories on sustainable and organic foods, healthy recipes and more

wine & sPirits: seasonal refreshments with a healthy twist and recipes

GatHerinGs: Photos from recent charity and social events in the community

Be tHere: Local must-attend community events, sports competitions, fundraisers, theater productions, and more

wHere to eat: Fine, casual, family-friendly and farm-to-table dining in Morris and essex counties.

escaPes: an insider review of a new, must-visit destination, including spas, yoga retreats, quiet romantic inns, landmark mansions, quaint villages and more

win it: Gives readers the opportunity to win amazing prizes from jewelry to spa packages and more

Page 4: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri


new Jersey is one of the wealthiest states, and HealtH & liFe reaches many of the towns with the highest per-capita income in it. we deliver to a highly targeted audience of more than 805,000 active, affluent people who want to spend their time and money in their local communities.

reaDersHiPDemographics highly engageD anD responsive favorite magazine topics

hiGhLy enGaGed & resPonsive

FavoriTe MaGazine ToPics

d ie t / e ating r igh t

f itne s s

fo od a nd r e c ipe s

h ome improve me n ts

lo ca l d in ing

lo ca l e ve n ts

Wome n’s he a lth

93%spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average

91%saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in purchasing decisions

67% purchased products or services featured or advertised in the magazine

3.5 readers per copY

805,000 total audience

planning to buY in the next six months:

• cLoThinG • hoMe iMProveMenT iTeMs • LocaL TraveL • FiTness ProGraMs • sPa services

source: in-book MaGazine survey oF readers, ocTober 2011.

13%male 87%

female 66% married

84% over age 45 92%

oWn home

$200,000 median annual household income

$750,000 median income-producing assets

Page 5: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri

Morr i s | es se x He altH & liFe is mailed to the most affluent households in Morris and essex counties. these are consumers with the most buying power, giving you the best potential for growing your business.

with our qualified circulation, your ad campaign is guaranteed to reach 60,000 homes. with a public distribution component to saturate the market and total pass-along readership of 3.5 readers per circulated copy, there are 210,000 readers of each issue and of your ad.

circulationtotal circUlation 230,000


Morris | essex60,000


central Jersey60,000

eDition circulation

Bergen 50,000

Morris | essex 60,000

Monmouth 60,000

central Jersey 60,000

total 230,000

HealtH & liFeBy tHe nuMBers

Page 6: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri

aDvertisinG specifications

MaGazine triM size: 8.375˝ x 10.875˝saFety: For full-page ads, safety is 0.25˝ from trim on all sides and 0.5˝ from inside gutter.PrintinG anD BinDinG Process: web offset; perfect-bound.PaPer stock: 8 pt. gloss coated cover; 45# gloss coated text.Material requireMents: Health & Life accepts digital files only including crop marks. all digital files must be accompanied by one set of high-quality color proofs.DiGital requireMents: • acceptable file format: single page PdF/X-1a—PdF version 1.3 (acrobat 4); composite

cyMk; high-quality JPeG or lossless zip compression; resolution for color and grayscale images is 300 dpi; resolution for monochrome images is 1200 dpi; and fonts are embedded and subsetted 100% as well as other characteristics. Trapping is the responsibility of the file provider. any non-process colors are included in the file will be converted to cMyk. conversion process may compromise the integrity of the file and waives our color guarantee.

• density: Total density should not exceed 300%• marks: all marks (trim, bleed) should be included and must be located outside of live or

bleed areas.

GeneraL inForMaTioncoPy restrictions: Publisher reserves the right, at its absolute discretion and at any time, to reject advertising materials. advertisements that simulate editorial content must be clearly labeled advertisement.coPy resPonsiBility: advertisers are solely responsible for the content of their advertisements placed and printed. Publisher accepts no responsibility for typographical errors.Position Guarantees: Position is guaranteed for covers only.suBMittinG Final aD Materials: space contracts, insertion orders, camera-ready copy and proofs should be addressed to:

advertising department, Health & Life110 summit avenue, Montvale, nJ 07645 | 201.746.7806e-mail: [email protected]

FTP upload instructions available upon request.

sPace non-BleeD saFe area BleeD triM BleeD art

two Page spread 16.25 x 10.375 16.75 x 10.875 16.75 x 10.875 17.00 x 11.125

Full Page 7.625 x 10.375 7.625 x 10.375 8.375 x 10.875 8.625 x 11.125

2/3 Page vertical 4.77 x 10.375 4.515 x 10.375 5.015 x 10.875 5.265 x 11.125

1/2 Page Horizontal 7.625 x 5 7.625 x 4.75 8.375 x 5.25 8.625 x 5.5

1/2 Page vertical 3.625 x 10.375 3.375 x 10.375 3.875 x 10.875 4.125 x 11.125

1/3 Page vertical 2.473 x 10.375 2.473 x 10.375 2.975 x 10.875 3.225 x 11.125

1/3 Page square 4.77 x 5 NA NA NA

1/4 Page 3.625 x 5 NA NA NA

Ad sizes (w x h) / inches

two Page spread








Full Page2-3


Page 7: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri

color: all rates are for four color.

MultiPle PuBlications: advertisements placed in multiple Health & life publications may earn a 5% combination discount.

BleeD: no charge for bleed. bleed available for full pages only.

inserts: rates on request.

ProDuction cHarGes: For advertisements requiring design, color separations, reverses, strip-ins, typesetting or artwork, a $200 charge will be billed to the advertiser at non commissionable rates.

cancellation: cancellations accepted with written notice if received 30 days prior to issue closing. cancellations received less than 30 days prior to publication will be billed at the full rate.

late cHarGe: advertisers will be charged $50 for advertising materials received after the materials due date.

coMMissions and biLLinG PoLicies

aGency coMMission: recognized advertising agencies will qualify for a 15% agency commission on gross billings.

PayMent terMs: in the event any invoice is not paid within 30 days, all invoices outstanding and unpaid charges shall become due and payable immediately, and the agency commission will be negated as unearned. Payments received 30 days after publication will be assessed a 1.5% monthly finance charge. any account referred to

collection shall be liable for the higher of 25% of the amount referred to a collection agency or 33.3% of the amount referred to an attorney. The advertiser and the agency assume joint and several liability and hereby acknowledge receipt of the publisher’s rates and schedules, especially as they relate to frequency discounts and agency commissions.

PrePayMent Discount: advertisers who pay for their insertions at least 10 days prior to publication will qualify for a 3% prepayment discount (cannot be combined with any other discount).

sHort rates: in the event that advertiser or agency breaches a volume or frequency contract, any rate discount will be nullified and advertiser and agency will be charged the difference between the rates charged and the rates applicable for the volume or space actually used, in accordance with applicable rate schedules. in such event, advertiser and agency must reimburse publisher for the short rate within 10 days of publisher’s invoice. advertiser will thereafter pay for advertising at the open rate or at the newly determined rate(s) as applicable.

rate cHanGes: Publisher reserves the right to revise advertising rates by providing 60 days advance notice.

creDit: each ad must be secured with a credit card. There are two payment options: auto payment or pay by check within 30 days. if no payment is received after 45 days the card on file will be charged. Please refer to the wainscot advertising contract for further terms and pre-payment discounts.

rate cardFrequency 6x: FeB/MarcH, aPril/May, June/July, auG/sePt, oct/nov, Dec/Jan.

aD sPaces

spread half-page

full-page one-third

two-thirds Quarter-page

PreMiuM Positions

inside front cover inside back cover

opposite table of contents back cover

Page 8: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri

s o c i a l m e d i a

Get your own outsourced online content generation and social media marketing team. Start writing and posting consistently on your blog, facebook and Twitter pages.

vide o

s e o

b a n n e r a d s

DiGital opportunitiessocial meDia viDeo seo Banner aDs

Banner ads are available in two locations on all health & life websites: “leaderboard” and “ImU”. Your ad will be displayed on every page of the website.

create professionally shot and edited videos to use on your website, blog and social media accounts. feature your business, staff or clients.

don’t just optimize your website. optimize your entire web presence! Bigfish, Seo for local Ponds, is engineered to help you dominate local search results.

leaDerBoarD: 728x90 Px


unit300x250 Px

Page 9: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri

custoM puBLications

wainscot Media has complete editorial, design and production capabilities to help you craft the custom program that speaks directly to your target audience and captures the spirit of your business. your stories told your way, delivered precisely to the people you need to reach—that’s the power of custom publishing.

seLecT your sTraTeGies• Generate sales leads

• build brand awareness

• create brand preference

• educate prospects

• acquire new customers

• retain existing customers

• Position yourself as an industry expert

• educate your sales force

choose your ForMaT• Magazine

• supplement

• advertorial

• event

• newsletter

NonstopBy Gulfstream

Sir Michael KadoorieHong Kong’s Aviation Visionary

PlaneAdvantageUltimate Training forGulfstream Pilots

Snow PoloLands in China

Monterey SquareExploring Old Savannah

Denting the Sound Barrier The Amazing Physics of the New G650

issue 1 2011


By G












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w P


O in



| Ex











1 2011

Fall/Winter 2013

raise the bargorgeouscrystals for cocktails

first-runfashionn classics with a twistn pattern mixing n luxe layers ... and more

all the buzz

on the new halls

plusmuscle cars

reduxwines of

vinhos barbeitoskiing

chamonixhome design by

solís betancourt

Page 10: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri

wHere to FinD us

H i G H - i M Pa c t

retail locationsMorris i essex HealtH & liFe is delivered to key hot spots in towns throughout Morris and essex

counties for added exposure.

To view the complete list of locations where Morris i essex HealtH & liFe can be seen, visit

Morris i essex HealtH & liFe is also prominently displayed at many Morris and essex county community events such as The best of Morris i essex.

c o M M u n i t y



• boonton

• chatham

• denville

• east hanover

• florham parK

• mendham

• montville

• morris plains

• morristoWn

• parisppanY

• pompton plains

• toWaco

• Wharton

• WhippanY


• bloomfield

• caldWell

• cedar grove

• clifton

• fairfield

• livingston

• mapleWood

• montclair

• short hills

• roseland

• short hills

• upper


• verona

• West caldWell

• West orange

Page 11: bergen central JerseY monmouth morris & essex...Women’s health 93% spend more than 15 minutes reading an issue on average 91% saY the magazine is moderatelY or verY influential in

Mark DowDen PubLisher 201.782.5730 [email protected] e a lt h a n d l i f e m a g s . c o m / m o r r i s - e s s e x


subJecT To chanGe | r151027ri

contact information


Morris | essex & BerGen

m a r K d o W d e n

President/[email protected]

MonMoutH & central Jersey

s h a e m a r c u s

senior vice President/[email protected]

MarkeTinG & diGiTaL services

n i g e l e d e l s h a i n

director of digital Media & [email protected]

ProducTion & circuLaTion

c h r i s t i n e h a m e l

vice President/director of Production & [email protected]

J a c Q u e lY n n f i s c h e r

Manager of advertising [email protected]