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Below is an essay on "Answer 2" from Anti Essays, your source for research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Case 37 Baker Adhesives1. How profitable is the original sale to Novo once the exchange-rate changes are acknowledged? How might the exchange-rate risk, which affected the value of the order, have been managed? In the original order, Nova was billed BRL 104,338.30 for their purchase. After the exchange of currency from BRL to U.S. dollars, Baker was estimated to receive $48,371.24 (104,338.30 * .4636). This means that Baker brought in $55,967.06 less from their deal with Nova than was expected. Since the exchange-rate risk was not managed, Baker brought in significantly less than was estimated from their deal with Nova and after subtracting their total cost from what they brought in, Baker only made a $3,871.20 profit on the deal when they expected to make a $59,383.30 profit. To manage the exchange-rate risk of their deal with Nova, Baker could have hedged in the forward market or hedge in the money market. In order to hedge in the forward market, Baker would have to strike a deal with the bank where the bank would provide Baker with a guaranteed exchange rate for the future exchange of currencies (forward rate). These contracts specified a date, an amount to be exchanged, and a rate. Any bank fee would be built into the rate. By securing a forward rate for the date of a foreign-currency-denominated cash flow, Baker could eliminate any risk due to currency fluctuation. For Baker, this meant that the anticipated future inflow of real from the sale to Nova could be converted at a rate that would be known today. Hedging in the money markets on the other hand, would allow Baker to make any currency exchanges at the known current spot rate. To do this, Baker would need to convert future expected cash flows into current cash flows. This was done on the money market by borrowing today in a foreign currency against an expected future inflow or making a deposit today in a foreign account so as to be able to meet a future outflow.